New member new routine - progress thread


New member here, been PEing very consistently for 4 years, tried many routines, and devices but have not gained for quite sometime. After joining here, reading up, and discussing with the resident OGs, I started the following workout. Shooting for 5 days a week

Rice bag warm up

4 sets of 30 seconds of Bundles
Straight up to Center
Straight up to the Left
Straight up to the Right
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to Left
Straight Down to Right
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to Left
Straight Out to Right
Behind the Cheeks to Center
Behind the Cheeks to Left
Behind the Cheeks to Right

Extender for a few hours at low tension

Passive sleeve when I can’t extend


(5min slow squash jelq +5min vac)X3

Double Ring for a few minutes as a cool down

When I started this a few weeks ago I was at 6.75 BPEL and 4.96 MEG

Current progress

Sets of bundled stretches all 12 directions Traction device time in hrsTraction device tension in kgPassive sleeve time in hrs5/5/35/5/3 vac in HgRings in hrs
Oct 28, 202444.51.21Complete3-50.75
Oct 29, 202444.51.22 Complete4-50.5
Oct 30, 202445.51.2 -1.61Complete4-50.5
Oct 31, 202444.51.2-1.61.5Complete50.25
Nov 1, 2024451.62Complete50.1
Nov 4, 202444.51.62 Complete50.1
Nov 5, 202444.51.6-1.82Complete50.1
Nov 6, 2024441.6 -1.84Complete50.1
Nov 7, 202444.251.61.5 Complete50
Nov 8, 202444.251.6 -1.82 Complete50.1
Nov 11, 202443.751.6-1.81.5 Complete50.1
Nov 12, 202444.51.6 -1.81.5 Complete50.1
Nov 13, 202444.51.81Complete5-60.1
Nov 14, 202441.11.85Complete5-60.1
Nov 18, 202444.51.81.5Complete5-60.1
Nov 19, 202444.31.8-2.21.5Complete5-60

EQ has been good and not really had any issues. The workout is challenging.

Will provide updates every few weeks and measure in a few weeks as well. Let me know if you see any issues
Well done with the log layout. Not sure if you copy and paste or you create the table, but wow. That's a very well thoughtful layout and recording.

Since you have quite a bit of time under your belt for PE consistently, let's adjust something for your benefits based on time of use for the extender and traction force, but a few modification to the bundling of the routine. However, inter switch between your current routine with a modified routine each day. This is to test your effectiveness of the various stretches:

Length: (stay the course until you are comfortable to go higher towards 15 minutes)
4 sets of 30 seconds of Bundles
Straight up to Center
Straight up to the Left (completely rotate the penis to the right side while pulling left)
Straight up to the Right (completely rotate the penis the left side while pulling right, same amount of pull force, and same amount of rotational angle)
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to Left (completely rotate the penis to the right side while pulling left)
Straight Down to Right (completely rotate the penis the left side while pulling right, same amount of pull force, and same amount of rotational angle)
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to Left
Straight Out to Right (completely rotate the penis the left side while pulling right, same amount of pull force, and same amount of rotational angle)
Behind the Cheeks to Center
Behind the Cheeks to Left (completely rotate the penis to the right side while pulling left)
Behind the Cheeks to Right (completely rotate the penis the left side while pulling right, same amount of pull force, and same amount of rotational angle)

When you have free time, one more set of 90 seconds:
Straight Down to Center, but put slightly toward the back between the cheeks (completely rotate the penis to the right side while pulling left)
Straight Down to Center, but put slightly toward the back between the cheeks (completely rotate the penis the left side while pulling right, same amount of pull force, and same amount of rotational angle)
Straight Down to Center, but put slightly toward the back between the cheeks without rotation.

For the traction device tension, first 30 minutes, go up to 2kg if possible. Reduce to 1.6kg for 15 minutes. Remain at 1.1kg for the rest of the time.
Thanks for your response!

For the bundled length modification, I’m not sure I follow the changes. Currently I alternate each full set between a full 360* bundle counterclockwise and a full 360* bundle clockwise. So by the end I’ve done 2 full sets in all directions with a clockwise bundle and 2 full sets in all directions with a counterclockwise bundle. I’m not fully understanding what you are saying to do differently? Sorry

For this:

stay the course until you are comfortable to go higher towards 15 minutes)

What do you mean by the 15 minutes? Each set takes about 6 minutes after competing all directions at 30 seconds. Total time is then 24 minutes not counting break in between. Where does the 15 minutes come in?

For the extender change I currently extend for 45 minutes at a time before I take a quick break. Are you saying to start with higher tension then work my way down for each 45 minute set or do you mean for total time for the day(30 minutes max at 2.2 then less from there for the rest of the day)? In other words it sounds like I may be doing too much tension since I’m currently between 1.8-2.2Kg for the entire time in the tensioner.
Thanks for your response!

For the bundled length modification, I’m not sure I follow the changes. Currently I alternate each full set between a full 360* bundle counterclockwise and a full 360* bundle clockwise. So by the end I’ve done 2 full sets in all directions with a clockwise bundle and 2 full sets in all directions with a counterclockwise bundle. I’m not fully understanding what you are saying to do differently? Sorry
Got it. You indicated "bundles" and not "bundled". "Bundles" is combo of exercises in a routine. I got a bit confused there. If you added rotation to the exercises, excellent.

But do add that one extra one at the end for downwards. Why? The final set is more of an ending to keep the tissues lined up. It can be outwrads if you want.

For this:

stay the course until you are comfortable to go higher towards 15 minutes)

What do you mean by the 15 minutes? Each set takes about 6 minutes after competing all directions at 30 seconds. Total time is then 24 minutes not counting break in between. Where does the 15 minutes come in?

4 sets of 30 seconds of Bundles

I missed this one. You got 6 minutes x 4 = 24 minutes. I misinterpreted as 4 sets of 30 seconds = 120 seconds in a rapid bundling of exercises, something like a rotary cranks. So, it's 4 sets of 30 seconds per exercise, in the selected bundled routines. Noted.

For the extender change I currently extend for 45 minutes at a time before I take a quick break. Are you saying to start with higher tension then work my way down for each 45 minute set or do you mean for total time for the day(30 minutes max at 2.2 then less from there for the rest of the day)? In other words it sounds like I may be doing too much tension since I’m currently between 1.8-2.2Kg for the entire time in the tensioner.
If you're doing a 45 minutes per repetition, start high, and progressively reduce to 1.1kg. Don't remain static at 1.2kg or at 1.8kg. Trick the penis to prevent it from developing long duration of static micro traumas. When the penis sense too long of a micro trauma adding up, it will force itself to turtle and shrink to preserve itself from further harm.
Great thank you. Sorry the way I worded things was not clear. I will make that change for the extender. I will add that extra set of bundled streches as well
No worries brother. As long as we can understand you clearly, we all benefit as we have clarity.
This is so important to getting data from all brothers. These posts help us to help you.
Quick progress update below.

I did have some slight discomfort on the right side of my base a week ago but took a little break and then eased back into the bundles and all good now. Otherwise been going good. Have not measured yet. I do think my girth is bigger for sure but length I can’t really tell visually.

Sets of bundled stretches all 12 directions Finisher bundled stretches down 3 directionsTraction device time in hrsTraction device tension in kgPassive sleeve time in hrs5/5/35/5/3 vac in HgRings in hrs
Oct 28, 202444.51.21Complete3-50.75
Oct 29, 202444.51.22 Complete4-50.5
Oct 30, 202445.51.2 -1.61Complete4-50.5
Oct 31, 202444.51.2-1.61.5Complete50.25
Nov 1, 2024451.62Complete50.1
Nov 4, 202444.51.62 Complete50.1
Nov 5, 202444.51.6-1.82Complete50.1
Nov 6, 2024441.6 -1.84Complete50.1
Nov 7, 202444.251.61.5 Complete50
Nov 8, 202444.251.6 -1.82 Complete50.1
Nov 11, 202443.751.6-1.81.5 Complete50.1
Nov 12, 202444.51.6 -1.81.5 Complete50.1
Nov 13, 202444.51.81Complete5-60.1
Nov 14, 202441.11.85Complete5-60.1
Nov 18, 202444.51.81.5Complete5-60.1
Nov 19, 202444.31.8-2.21.5Complete5-60
Nov 20, 202444.51.6-2.21Complete5-60.1
Nov 21, 20244Complete 4.12.2-1.21.5Complete5-60.1
Nov 22, 20244Complete 3.752.2-1.21Complete5-60.1
Nov 25, 20244Complete 2.252.2-1.23.5Complete5-60.1
Nov 26, 20244Complete 2.252.4-1.23.5Complete5-60.1
Nov 27, 20244Complete 2.252.4-1.43Complete5-60.1
Nov 28, 20244Complete --8--0
Nov 29, 20244Complete --4--0
Dec 2, 20244Complete 4.52.4-1.41Complete5-60.1
Dec 3, 20244Complete 42.6-1.41.5Complete5-60.1
Dec 4, 20244Complete 32.6-1.40Complete5/60.1
Dec 5, 20244Complete 3.752.6-1.41.5Complete5-60.1
Dec 6, 20244Complete 43.3-1.42Complete5.60.1
Dec 9, 20244Complete 3.753.3-1.42Complete5-60.1
Dec 10, 20244Complete 33.3-1.44Complete5-60.1
Dec 12, 20242-1.53.3-1.46---
Dec 13, 20244,No down stretch -2.253.3-1.4-Complete5-60.1
Dec 16, 20244,No down stretch -2.253.3-1.44Complete5-60.1
Dec 17, 20244,No down stretch -43.3-1.432/3 Complete 5-6-
Dec 18, 20244-4.53.3-1.40.5Complete5.5-6.50.1
Very nice log setup. Keep going. Make sure to do sampling notes on the feeling of fatigueness along the entire penile shaft, and if you do feel fatigue/achy feeling below the base of the penis, note that too. That is an indicator the body is yield to growth needs.
Great log! Be sure to include how your feeling body and mind. This is very important to us helping you
Very nice log setup. Keep going. Make sure to do sampling notes on the feeling of fatigueness along the entire penile shaft, and if you do feel fatigue/achy feeling below the base of the penis, note that too. That is an indicator the body is yield to growth needs.
So far I have felt none of this other that the slight strain I mentioned which is now gone
So far I have felt none of this other that the slight strain I mentioned which is now gone
Sounds like you've reached past fatigues and into strain level. Your body adopted and adapted to higher pain threshold. So do be careful.
Hey guys, i am at about 2.5 months on this new workout. I measured 5 days ago and had no gain in length or girth since starting the workout. Do I need to change anything or keep going? Reminder that I have been doing PE very consistently for the last 4 years (various workouts and devices used) and I am a hard gainer.

Sets of bundled stretches all 12 directions Finisher bundled stretches down 3 directionsTraction device time in hrsTraction device tension in kgPassive sleeve time in hrs5/5/35/5/3 vac in HgRings in hrsNotes
Oct 28, 202444.51.21Complete3-50.75
Oct 29, 202444.51.22 Complete4-50.5
Oct 30, 202445.51.2 -1.61Complete4-50.5
Oct 31, 202444.51.2-1.61.5Complete50.25
Nov 1, 2024451.62Complete50.1
Nov 4, 202444.51.62 Complete50.1
Nov 5, 202444.51.6-1.82Complete50.1
Nov 6, 2024441.6 -1.84Complete50.1
Nov 7, 202444.251.61.5 Complete50
Nov 8, 202444.251.6 -1.82 Complete50.1
Nov 11, 202443.751.6-1.81.5 Complete50.1
Nov 12, 202444.51.6 -1.81.5 Complete50.1
Nov 13, 202444.51.81Complete5-60.1
Nov 14, 202441.11.85Complete5-60.1
Nov 18, 202444.51.81.5Complete5-60.1
Nov 19, 202444.31.8-2.21.5Complete5-60
Nov 20, 202444.51.6-2.21Complete5-60.1
Nov 21, 20244Complete 4.12.2-1.21.5Complete5-60.1
Nov 22, 20244Complete 3.752.2-1.21Complete5-60.1
Nov 25, 20244Complete 2.252.2-1.23.5Complete5-60.1
Nov 26, 20244Complete 2.252.4-1.23.5Complete5-60.1
Nov 27, 20244Complete 2.252.4-1.43Complete5-60.1
Nov 28, 20244Complete --8--0
Nov 29, 20244Complete --4--0
Dec 2, 20244Complete 4.52.4-1.41Complete5-60.1
Dec 3, 20244Complete 42.6-1.41.5Complete5-60.1
Dec 4, 20244Complete 32.6-1.40Complete5/60.1
Dec 5, 20244Complete 3.752.6-1.41.5Complete5-60.1
Dec 6, 20244Complete 43.3-1.42Complete5.60.1
Dec 9, 20244Complete 3.753.3-1.42Complete5-60.1
Dec 10, 20244Complete 33.3-1.44Complete5-60.1
Dec 12, 20242-1.53.3-1.46---Slight discomfort right side of base when pulling down. Took break yesterday and easing back into
Dec 13, 20244,No down stretch -2.253.3-1.4-Complete5-60.1Discomfort better than yesterday
Dec 16, 20244,No down stretch -2.253.3-1.44Complete5-60.1Discomfort better than yesterday
Dec 17, 20244,No down stretch -43.3-1.432/3 Complete 5-6-Discomfort better than yesterday
Dec 18, 20244-4.53.3-1.40.5Complete5.5-6.50.1Discomfort gone
Dec 19, 20244Complete 33.6-22.5Complete5.5-6.50.1No issues
Dec 20, 20244Complete 33.6-21.5---No time
Dec 24, 20244Complete 0.753.6-25Complete5.5-6.50.1Started 1.25 rotation on bundled
Dec 26, 20244Complete --6---No time
Dec 27, 20244Complete -2Complete5.5-6.5-No time
Dec 30, 20244Complete 2.252.6-1.42---No time
Dec 31, 20244Complete 0.753.6-23.5Complete5.5-6.50.1No issues
Jan 2, 20254Complete 33.6-23Complete5.5-6.50.1Started 1.35-1.4 rotation on bundled stretch
Jan 3, 20254Complete 23.6-23Complete5.5-6.50.1No issues
Jan 6, 20254Complete 33.6-22Complete5.5-6.50.1No issues
Jan 7, 20254Complete 2.253.6-24---Started 1.4-1.5x rotation on bundled stretch. No time for girth
Jan 8, 20254-2.253.6-24Complete5.5-6.50.1No issues
Jan 9, 20254Complete 1.53.8-2.43Complete5.5-70.1Increased tension on extender, slightly increased vac pressure
Jan 10, 20254Complete 1.53.8-2.44Complete5.5-70.1No issues
Jan 13, 20254Complete 3.253.8-2.44Complete5.5-7-Measured and no gain
Jan 14, 20254-3.753.8-2.41.5---Was sick so didn’t complete full workout
Jan 15, 20254-2.253.8-2.41.5Complete5.5-70.1No issues
Jan 16, 20254Complete 2.253.8-2.43Complete5.5-7-No issues low on time
Jan 17, 20254Complete 2.253.8-2.43Complete5.5-70.1No issues
Jan 20, 20254Complete 2.53.8-2.42Complete5.5-70.11.5-1.75x rotation on bundled stretch
What I see is a routine that needs to be more in line with SRT. You are inconsistently doing every thing in SRT so I think it is time to go full SRT. I do see the pattern of what you are doing now and its all good just the need to be more organized to fit into the SRT routine. Also in your chart you do not mention growth, are you gaining?
thanks I have measured once since starting and after 2.5 months there was no gain in length or girth. What do I need to change?
thanks I have measured once since starting and after 2.5 months there was no gain in length or girth. What do I need to change?
Most likely intensity. Are you currently doing the SRT program? If not you should as this will bring the fastest gains. At least read through it to get ideas. Maybe pick what you like and dislike and make a routine that we can review. Some people just need more intensity than others.
Most likely intensity. Are you currently doing the SRT program? If not you should as this will bring the fastest gains. At least read through it to get ideas. Maybe pick what you like and dislike and make a routine that we can review. Some people just need more intensity than others.
Well I thought I was lol! Is my workout not based on SRT? I read through it to come up with this workout but maybe I missed something? I have been very consistent 5 days a week except around Christmas and have put in a lot of time. I must be missing something key.
Well I thought I was lol! Is my workout not based on SRT? I read through it to come up with this workout but maybe I missed something? I have been very consistent 5 days a week except around Christmas and have put in a lot of time. I must be missing something key.
It's no so much that your program as SRT it's the fact that you are not doing all the sets as written in SRT.
It's no so much that your program as SRT it's the fact that you are not doing all the sets as written in SRT.
Thanks. My current routine is this:
5 days a week no weekends (cannot pe on weekends)

warm up with heat

Perform 4 sets of bundled stretches (each set is a 30 second bundled stretch in every direction(12)

Perform a finisher set of bundled stretches (3 reps btc) as prescribed by oldandlively above in this thread.

Spend anywhere from 3-5 hours (time dependent) in an extender at 45 minute intervals at varying tension (currently start at 3.4kg and go down to 2ish kg)

Spend anywhere from 1-2 hours in a passive sleeve when not in extender

Late afternoon perform the 5/5/3 for girth. Vac ranges from 5.5-7hg.

Wear a double cock ring for about 6-10 minutes.

Usually have sex before bed.

I have been doing this for 2.5 months but no gains other than strong EQ. I have read about SRT on this forum which is where I came up with this workout but it sounds like I am missing something key now. Please link to me what I need to read or share what I need to change. Would really appreciate it.
Thank you. I read that at least 10 times. Here is my new proposed workout based on that

Workout is Monday-Friday with no workout on weekends.

Starting in Morning
-Warm up with heat
-Do 6 minutes of low grip manual stretches (expressive stretching)

-Bundled stretch with cranks at the end:
4 sets of 30 seconds of Bundles stretches
Straight up to Center
Straight up to the Left
Straight up to the Right
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to Left
Straight Down to Right
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to Left
Straight Out to Right
Behind the Cheeks to Center
Behind the Cheeks to Left
Behind the Cheeks to Right
Rotaries: 25 Cranks

-5-10 minutes of erect stretching (M/W/F) only

-Spend 3-4 hours in traction device. Taking breaks every 45 minutes and lightly increasing tension after each break

-wear a passive silicone sleeve/wrap for another 3-4 hours or when I can’t wear traction device

-Begin girth work (mid afternoon)
5/5/3 routine (I am using a kaplain pump)

-Wear a cock ring for 6-10 minutes after


My questions:

Thoughts on the workout?

Should I wear a passive sleeve even after my girth workout up until bed/sex? I am afraid to wear anything while sleeping.

How much vac pressure should I be using? Right now I’m at 5.5-7hg

How much tension should I be using in traction? What is considered medium? My device does it by kg

Should the erect stretches be immediately flowing the bundled stretch like I have it? It may be hard to hold an erection or get one after doing the bundled stretch. How many seconds per report does it matter?

For the low grip manual stretch, I assume I just grip right next to the base and pull out? How many seconds per rep?

Is it ok to fully rest on weekends?
Thank you. I read that at least 10 times. Here is my new proposed workout based on that

Workout is Monday-Friday with no workout on weekends.

Starting in Morning
-Warm up with heat
-Do 6 minutes of low grip manual stretches (expressive stretching)

-Bundled stretch with cranks at the end:
4 sets of 30 seconds of Bundles stretches
Straight up to Center
Straight up to the Left
Straight up to the Right
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to Left
Straight Down to Right
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to Left
Straight Out to Right
Behind the Cheeks to Center
Behind the Cheeks to Left
Behind the Cheeks to Right
Rotaries: 25 Cranks

-5-10 minutes of erect stretching (M/W/F) only

-Spend 3-4 hours in traction device. Taking breaks every 45 minutes and lightly increasing tension after each break

-wear a passive silicone sleeve/wrap for another 3-4 hours or when I can’t wear traction device

-Begin girth work (mid afternoon)
5/5/3 routine (I am using a kaplain pump)

-Wear a cock ring for 6-10 minutes after


Excellent workout! I see you are following SRT and that is awesome!
My questions:

Thoughts on the workout?

Should I wear a passive sleeve even after my girth workout up until bed/sex? I am afraid to wear anything while sleeping.

After girth wear a cock ring to hold bloodflow. The sleeve should be used after length.
How much vac pressure should I be using? Right now I’m at 5.5-7hg

That is a good place. Most would say 5hg is fine but that does not mean 7hg is bad it only means it is more intense. If you can go 7hg without issue go ahead.
How much tension should I be using in traction? What is considered medium? My device does it by kg

What device are you referring to?
Should the erect stretches be immediately flowing the bundled stretch like I have it? It may be hard to hold an erection or get one after doing the bundled stretch. How many seconds per report does it matter?

Do them before bundles as bundles can wear out your penis making it hard to get an erection.
For the low grip manual stretch, I assume I just grip right next to the base and pull out? How many seconds per rep?
Make sure you bring up enough skin to give yourself room and be closer to the base.
Is it ok to fully rest on weekends?

Of course. 5 on 1 off is a great routine.
Thanks DLD. To answer your question I have the total man extender. Am I using too much force with that? I had been doing anywhere from 2kg up to 3.5 after doing bundled stretches.
That sounds just fine.
First day of revised workout complete

This routine is 5 days a week unless otherwise notedLength: erect stretch in minutes (M/W/F or 3 days a week only)Length: low grip manual stretch in minutesLength: Bundled stretch 4 setsLength: rotary cranks Length: Extender in hoursLength: Extender tension range in kgLength: Passive sleeve in hoursGirth: 5/5/3Girth: vac hg usedGirth: cock ring in hours
Jan 28, 202555CompleteForgot31.6-2.53Complete5.5-70.1

The erect stretches and low grip manual stretches are certainly a different feeling than the typical stretches. Hopefully this nets some length increases finally!


The erect stretches don’t really feel like they are doing anything. Am I supposed to grip right behind the glands?

For the low grip manual stretches, should I stretch out my penis and then take the low grip, or with penis in normal hang should I i just roll some skin down to give stretch room and then take the low grip?

On the cock ding after girth I had only been wearing for about .1 hours (6 minutes) and keeping my penis fully erect. It seems SRT wants it on longer. Is it safe to wear a cock ring for hours at a time?
First day of revised workout complete

This routine is 5 days a week unless otherwise notedLength: erect stretch in minutes (M/W/F or 3 days a week only)Length: low grip manual stretch in minutesLength: Bundled stretch 4 setsLength: rotary cranks Length: Extender in hoursLength: Extender tension range in kgLength: Passive sleeve in hoursGirth: 5/5/3Girth: vac hg usedGirth: cock ring in hours
Jan 28, 202555CompleteForgot31.6-2.53Complete5.5-70.1

The erect stretches and low grip manual stretches are certainly a different feeling than the typical stretches. Hopefully this nets some length increases finally!

I love this workout but I would add one thing, the 5x5x3 this is where you pump for 5 minutes and then do the SSJ for five minutes. This will bring incredible girth expansion. To up those stretches you should consider the LengthMaster as this will greatly intensify the stretching portion.


The erect stretches don’t really feel like they are doing anything. Am I supposed to grip right behind the glands?

Yes you grip right under the head and stretch straight out for 5 minutes. They may not seem like they are doing when in fact what they do is help reach full potential of erect size.

For the low grip manual stretches, should I stretch out my penis and then take the low grip, or with penis in normal hang should I i just roll some skin down to give stretch room and then take the low grip?

Bringing skin down is very smart as you want that room for stretching.

On the cock ding after girth I had only been wearing for about .1 hours (6 minutes) and keeping my penis fully erect. It seems SRT wants it on longer. Is it safe to wear a cock ring for hours at a time?
YES you can go for an hour as the longer you keep blood in the penis the quicker girth will cement itself.
First day of revised workout complete

This routine is 5 days a week unless otherwise notedLength: erect stretch in minutes (M/W/F or 3 days a week only)Length: low grip manual stretch in minutesLength: Bundled stretch 4 setsLength: rotary cranks Length: Extender in hoursLength: Extender tension range in kgLength: Passive sleeve in hoursGirth: 5/5/3Girth: vac hg usedGirth: cock ring in hours
Jan 28, 202555CompleteForgot31.6-2.53Complete5.5-70.1

Loving the layout. I'm trying to find an automatic template deployment looking something like this as well. I may have to make my own, but it's crazy time consuming. Only one guy doing programming here at the moment.

The erect stretches and low grip manual stretches are certainly a different feeling than the typical stretches. Hopefully this nets some length increases finally!
Keep at it. Looks like you found something that your penis is responding to. Try to hold one OK grip below the base of the glans and one OK grip where you been doing "low grip at, and stretch. This allows a better fulcrum pull. On top of that, rotate your penis 90 degrees before the pull. You'll understand why when you do it.


The erect stretches don’t really feel like they are doing anything. Am I supposed to grip right behind the glands?
Just like I said above, hold behind the glans, or at the base of the glans, and one in a different position along the shaft that produces the most tension pull for your needs. You might need to use a Theraband or similar traction wrap at the base of the glans for that extra traction needs.

For the low grip manual stretches, should I stretch out my penis and then take the low grip, or with penis in normal hang should I i just roll some skin down to give stretch room and then take the low grip?
At this point, it's how comfortable and how well you can grip dictates how you need to grab your penis. Some have a baseball bat penis, and what you describe can be one quite easily. Some have banana shape, and it makes life much easier to grab anywhere. But the foreskin can also be the negative point as your strong grips means nothing if the skin causes you to slide.

On the cock ding after girth I had only been wearing for about .1 hours (6 minutes) and keeping my penis fully erect. It seems SRT wants it on longer. Is it safe to wear a cock ring for hours at a time?
This is your call. SRT calls for an average 40 minutes of cock ring wear time with restrictive blood movement, where the blood can still flow in and out at a slower pace. In 40 minutes, the blood slowing down in the penis provides the cellular migration of resources to deposit at the locations where it's needed the most. Dr. Hink said something else, while biochemical, urological, and medical publications discussed about ponding/pooling of blood flow benefits the ATP/ADP processes to optimize up to 90% of bioavailable resource deliveries. Of course, everyone can research that on their own.

If you want to wear it long for flaccid restrictive reason to make the penis engorged and be larger longer, there's no harm to it.
I love this workout but I would add one thing, the 5x5x3 this is where you pump for 5 minutes and then do the SSJ for five minutes. This will bring incredible girth expansion. To up those stretches you should consider the LengthMaster as this will greatly intensify the stretching portion.

Yes you grip right under the head and stretch straight out for 5 minutes. They may not seem like they are doing when in fact what they do is help reach full potential of erect size.

Bringing skin down is very smart as you want that room for stretching.

YES you can go for an hour as the longer you keep blood in the penis the quicker girth will cement itself.
Thanks and yes I am already doing the 5/5/3. You may need to scroll over on the chart but yes that is my main girth workout
Loving the layout. I'm trying to find an automatic template deployment looking something like this as well. I may have to make my own, but it's crazy time consuming. Only one guy doing programming here at the moment.

Keep at it. Looks like you found something that your penis is responding to. Try to hold one OK grip below the base of the glans and one OK grip where you been doing "low grip at, and stretch. This allows a better fulcrum pull. On top of that, rotate your penis 90 degrees before the pull. You'll understand why when you do it.

Just like I said above, hold behind the glans, or at the base of the glans, and one in a different position along the shaft that produces the most tension pull for your needs. You might need to use a Theraband or similar traction wrap at the base of the glans for that extra traction needs.

At this point, it's how comfortable and how well you can grip dictates how you need to grab your penis. Some have a baseball bat penis, and what you describe can be one quite easily. Some have banana shape, and it makes life much easier to grab anywhere. But the foreskin can also be the negative point as your strong grips means nothing if the skin causes you to slide.

This is your call. SRT calls for an average 40 minutes of cock ring wear time with restrictive blood movement, where the blood can still flow in and out at a slower pace. In 40 minutes, the blood slowing down in the penis provides the cellular migration of resources to deposit at the locations where it's needed the most. Dr. Hink said something else, while biochemical, urological, and medical publications discussed about ponding/pooling of blood flow benefits the ATP/ADP processes to optimize up to 90% of bioavailable resource deliveries. Of course, everyone can research that on their own.

If you want to wear it long for flaccid restrictive reason to make the penis engorged and be larger longer, there's no harm to it.
Quick update. I am about 11 days since restarting my workout with a new workout. Now at full SRT. Quick summary of this thread: been doing PE for 4 years straight with various devices, and manuals. Only gained about .75 length and .25 girth in that time frame. Came here, started new workout very loosely based on SRT 2.5 months ago with no gain. Now 2 weeks ago started another new workout at full SRT.

When should I measure? I don’t want to measure too early. Any glaring issues below or do I just keep pressing forward at this pace?

This routine is 5 days a week unless otherwise noted

Length: erect stretch in minutes (M/W/F or 3 days a week only)

Length: low grip manual stretch in minutes

Length: Bundled stretch 4 sets

Length: rotary cranks

Length: Extender in hours

Length: Extender tension range in kg

Length: Passive sleeve in hours

Girth: 5/5/3

Girth: vac hg used

Girth: cock ring in minutes


Jan 28, 2025











First day of revised workout, no issues

Jan 29, 2025











Jan 30, 2025











Jan 31, 2025











Was short on time

Feb 3, 2025











Feb 4, 2025











Feb 5, 2025











Short on time

Feb 6, 2025











Feb 7, 2025











Feb 10, 2025

No time










Feb 11, 2025











Hm. Hard gainer for the 4 years. This is my suggestion only, but if you're a hard gainer, monitor your gains every 3 months rather than every 6 months. You have to switch up the routines if there's no gain as a hard gainer.

I saw your other posts as well, and I'm proposing mod change to your regiment if you are willing in the next 3 months. We're breaking some disciplines and some limits. Because you are using hand-expressive traction loading, we have to break the tissues one way or the other.

Forget all normal stretches. Time to stress the tunica out on all stretches. Any exercise you perform, bundled it up with maximum twists (bundled).

In the Extender, this is going to sound bizarre but also twist. Divide up the time when possible. 3 hours of the extender, 1.5 hours twisted in one direction, 1.5 hours twisted in the other direction. If it's comfortable, start at the high traction range of 2.8kg, or even shift it up to 3kg if possible. In other words, MAX IT OUT for 30 minutes, wear at the lower end for 60 minutes. Make sure to do the same when you reverse the twist rotation.

When you are in a sleeve, make sure the sleeve is create a higher traction load, around 1.1kg if possible.

For pumping, if you see your tissues are adapting to pressure at 7inHg, time to increase every slowly towards 7.5inHg and 8inHg for high pressure, and low pressure starts at 5.5inHg.
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Yes. Previously after 3 months or so of no gains I would switch it up. Still hard gainer. This workout is for sure the most hours per day I have ever done.

I will make your suggested changes. I do know like after the bundled stretches my penis seems pretty exhausted (as in limp noodle) before i move to the traction device so it seems like im working it.
Yes. Previously after 3 months or so of no gains I would switch it up. Still hard gainer. This workout is for sure the most hours per day I have ever done.

I will make your suggested changes. I do know like after the bundled stretches my penis seems pretty exhausted (as in limp noodle) before i move to the traction device so it seems like im working it.
Good to hear! Hard gainers need to put more effort into their routines and be willing to make changes when necessary.
Yes. Previously after 3 months or so of no gains I would switch it up. Still hard gainer. This workout is for sure the most hours per day I have ever done.

I will make your suggested changes. I do know like after the bundled stretches my penis seems pretty exhausted (as in limp noodle) before i move to the traction device so it seems like im working it.
Just a suggestion on the limp noodle metaphor, it's actually a fatigue zone that you want to reach, but also stay slightly below it. If you feel limp, offer the penis at least 60 minutes of tender loving care. An example is C-jelq massage, and if you know how prostate massage. Most men don't know that by stimulating the prostate during the penile stresses, there's a trigger to create an adaptogen to reinvigorate the penis. It's like hitting the fire alarm to send emergency responses to the penis. Keep the penis warm with either warm oil massage, or just with warm thermal bag or warm rice bag. Blood will continuously flow into the penis from the response triggered from the prostate massage, or just keeping the penis warm after the intense penile workout. But, within that 60 minutes, you want to keep the penis as flaccid and elongated as much as you can. This is where cellular repairs to increase cell sizes comes into play. Cell regeneration will fill in the gaps where other cells failed to repair themselves. Your extender will be the game changer from that point on.
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when I wear the cock ring after the 5x5x3 part of the workout, am I supposed to do anything to try and stay engorged? By the time I take the ring off an 45min to an hour later my penis is pretty limp and it doesn’t seem the ring is holding much in at that point.
when I wear the cock ring after the 5x5x3 part of the workout, am I supposed to do anything to try and stay engorged? By the time I take the ring off an 45min to an hour later my penis is pretty limp and it doesn’t seem the ring is holding much in at that point.
No. The way you're doing this is correct. 45 minutes are huge and will primarily help you heal in an extended state but also accomplish faster growth
when I wear the cock ring after the 5x5x3 part of the workout, am I supposed to do anything to try and stay engorged? By the time I take the ring off an 45min to an hour later my penis is pretty limp and it doesn’t seem the ring is holding much in at that point.
As DLD said, it's meant to be for flaccid state only. Limp is flaccid. If you can constantly keep it in an engorged but limp, it's even better. It's about keeping as much blood in the penis in a relaxed state as much as possible for healing within that 45 to 60 minutes. Most PE specialists, be in the medical field or sexology, will be torn between the method of approach. Dr. Hink said not to do it. But if you talk to 10 other urologists and medical doctors, or PE practitioners with medical knowledge, their opinions will scatter in a different direction than Dr. Hink.

Ultimately, it's your decision brother. We can only offer the info for you to test and adjust the restrictive tension on for your blood volume in your relaxed flaccid penis state, while still having a blood volume close to when it's erected as possible. The warning is the same, do not allow that same volume of blood to remain in the penis past 5 minutes as a safety precaution, at most 10 minutes, before you squeeze it completely out and add new volume of blood back in.
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Oh so you are saying for that 45-60 minutes I should be removing and re adding the ring every 5-10 minutes? I’ve jus been leaving it on the whole time.
Oh so you are saying for that 45-60 minutes I should be removing and re adding the ring every 5-10 minutes? I’ve jus been leaving it on the whole time.
You can leave the ring on all that time if you like. As long as it doesn't create discomforts. However, the key is to squeeze the blood out. Use both hand, grab your penis, and squeeze it like you're choking it. That will force any old blood out of the penis and ready for a light erection to bring in new fresh blood. Never let the old blood sit inside the penis for too long. Old blood means dead blood cells. Dead blood cells means possible blood clots!! Blood clots means deep vein thrombosis. Deep vein thrombosis means possible death. See the effects?
You can leave the ring on all that time if you like. As long as it doesn't create discomforts. However, the key is to squeeze the blood out. Use both hand, grab your penis, and squeeze it like you're choking it. That will force any old blood out of the penis and ready for a light erection to bring in new fresh blood. Never let the old blood sit inside the penis for too long. Old blood means dead blood cells. Dead blood cells means possible blood clots!! Blood clots means deep vein thrombosis. Deep vein thrombosis means possible death. See the effects?
And thrombosis will mean weeks of healing.
Got it. So after I squeeze it out I do need to try and get light erection and repeat every 5-10 min (squeeze, light erection) until my total time is up
Got it. So after I squeeze it out I do need to try and get light erection and repeat every 5-10 min (squeeze, light erection) until my total time is up
That's right. Better safe than sorry. We all need to make adjustments as we go to perfect the routine.
Thank you!

Another question. I know I just started full SRT 2-3 weeks ago, but my previous workout (further up in this thread) also had the 5/5/3 for girth. All in all I have done the 5/5/3 for girth for almost 4 months,typically 5 days a week. Now I wasn’t doing the cock ring for 45 minutes until recently with grill SRT , but I would have thought I would have gained some girth anyway. I measured my girth today and have gained none. Should I still wait another 2 months to see how it goes with full SRT (will be at 3 months full SRT), or should I modify the girth workout now? I did do 5/5/4 today instead of 5/5/3 just to try it.
Another question. I know I just started full SRT 2-3 weeks ago, but my previous workout (further up in this thread) also had the 5/5/3 for girth. All in all I have done the 5/5/3 for girth for almost 4 months,typically 5 days a week. Now I wasn’t doing the cock ring for 45 minutes until recently with grill SRT , but I would have thought I would have gained some girth anyway. I measured my girth today and have gained none. Should I still wait another 2 months to see how it goes with full SRT (will be at 3 months full SRT), or should I modify the girth workout now? I did do 5/5/4 today instead of 5/5/3 just to try it.

Keep going for another 2 months. Our brother @kriskros can testify that he had been doing this for a long time, and for the life of him, measured, measured, measured but no gains. A break later, and BOOM, sudden gains. What you don't see doesn't mean you're not gaining. Just follow the step processes and keep going. If you have to switch up the routines, switch it up. Don't stop. Don't worry. Keep going.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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