The dumbest answers of PE-ers


Active member
Nov 9, 2018
Drop your dumbest reaction ever heard below

"So you haven't gained in 5 months with your extender?"

Pe-er: "No"

"And for how long did you wear it a day?"

Pe-er: "uhh.. 1,5 hours a day"

If I am fat will my penis also get fat? ;)
I didn't gain for a whole year that's weird I only did 2 days on 5 days off
Even if I weren't a newbie, I don't think I could top these. (Read: I HOPE I couldn't top these!) :D
“You mean I don’t include the sack in the measurement?” ?
"You visit PE forums? Look man I've tried the Internet pills for 3 inches in 2 weeks but nothing! And cream for 2 inches in 1 week also nothing, that PE thing is bullsh*t man!"
Darwin said that if you wait long enough then a species will get what they want and change the body appearance. Well if i stare at it a whole day should I gain?
Darwin said that if you wait long enough then a species will get what they want and change the body appearance. Well if i stare at it a whole day should I gain?

Maybe it’s been long enough now that Darwin has turn back into an ape lol. Evolution should be called EvilLution! We did not come from no monkey we came from a beautiful God! So you’d be better off praying to Jesus for a bigger penis than to rely on some hack like Darwin.?
Hahaha i did a new thread new scientific thread. You gonna have phd. folks debating us in this forum hahhahah
Hahaha i did a new thread new scientific thread. You gonna have phd. folks debating us in this forum hahhahah

Indeed! I got my popcorn ? out, waiting for the sparks ⚡️ ?
Darwin said that if you wait long enough then a species will get what they want and change the body appearance. Well if i stare at it a whole day should I gain
This. This right here. This is where all of your confusion comes from. "If you wait long enough then a species will get what they want and change the body appearance" is NOT the theory of evolution. You've been playing too much Pokemon. Even if that were the theory, it wouldn't mean that you, a single human, could stare at your dick and will it to be bigger within your own lifetime. It would mean that over millions of years our species would develop bigger dicks. Which, by the way, is exactly what our species has done.

I mention this here because you brought it up here. Refer to your Darwin thread for the full discussion.
This. This right here. This is where all of your confusion comes from. "If you wait long enough then a species will get what they want and change the body appearance" is NOT the theory of evolution. You've been playing too much Pokemon. Even if that were the theory, it wouldn't mean that you, a single human, could stare at your dick and will it to be bigger within your own lifetime. It would mean that over millions of years our species would develop bigger dicks. Which, by the way, is exactly what our species has done.

I mention this here because you brought it up here. Refer to your Darwin thread for the full discussion.

You dont see a little sarcasm in the post?

The other thread is were I DON'T USE sarcams because where discussing it further.

So why did you came here at the "joke thread" to discus this.

I've posted quotes and findings of professors and so on, and you only action is to go to find sarcasm (two days prior to our discussion) because that is more simple to refute?

Should I go through all your posts and pick the sarcasm out en refute that with scientific evidence?
Then it's me who's stupid not you, and so it is you now who is stupid

And it's not true THAT MAN HAD EVOLVED BIGGER PENISES because 4inch is enough for offspring so there can't be extinction because of a small penis. So its a 100% adapted length and biologically sufficient length.

We see men with four time more length, thus we never see a group with three times bigger eye or toes or three times bigger heart or bladder or intestines and so one.
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You dont see a little sarcasm in the post?
To be perfectly honest with you, your understanding of the theory of evolution is so far off I'm not sure whether or not you've been trolling me this entire time. I'm taking you seriously right now, and spending A LOT of time talking about it with you so that you will have a more complete worldview.

It would be tragic if you, say, became seriously ill and then refused treatment with anything but first generation penicillin because you don't believe in the theory of evolution anyway. The infection would not respond, and you would die. I don't want that for you.

So why did you came here at the "joke thread" to discus this.
"Clown nose on, clown nose off."

You brought it up here in the "joke" thread. My post literally begins with a quote of what you wrote here in this thread. I replied and said we should keep talking about it in your "PE debunks darwinism" thread. It seems you agree with me about that, (although you continued arguing about it here for some reason). Let's continue the discussion in your Darwin thread.

Then it's me who's stupid not you, and so it is you now who is stupid
I haven't said you're stupid, and I hope you aren't feeling insecure. That would make any discussion with you very difficult.

EDIT: I've got a post coming down the pipeline for you in your Darwin thread now. ;) If anyone visits this "dumbest answers" thread and is curious, they should go there.
Needs much more popcorn! ? This is gonna be a fun ride!D3A51FC9-739A-4BE6-A048-32EEB31A7A57.jpeg
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