Welcome to MOS, wghp365


Jun 3, 2003
Welcome to the Brotherhood, @wghp365, I am @DLD. I encourage you to get involved and start making gains by reading through these two important threads, The Newbie Routine and the SRT Routine. The goal is to create a routine, If you need help in writing a routine let me know.

Once you decide upon a routine, start a Routine and Process Log stating all your beginning measurements, your goals, your routine and any other information. This is what we encourage new members to do.

How big are you now and how big do you wanna get? We’re here to help make it happen. If you need help with anything, just ask.
Thanks for the welcome. This sounds like a good forum to be in. I've been trying to get better information on routines but it's very sparse. I have been using the Bathmate Hydromax Xtreme 7 for a month now. I am looking to gain an inch in length and an inch in girth. So far I have been using the BM during the week and taking off for the weekends. I use it for 2 reps of 8 min. with massage in between. I usually get a bit of fluid retention around the glans which usually goes away by the evening as well as some skin sensitivity. Have ordered the silisleeve set to help with this. For information below are my measurements as of one month:
Flacid: Length: 5 inches
Circumference: 4.5 inches
Length: 5.75 inches
Circumference: 5 inches
Width: 1.6 inches

Week 4
Length: 5 inches
Circumference: 4.5 inches / base 4.74 in
Width: 1.4 inches
Length: 5.75 inches
Circumference: 5.5 inches / base 6.0
Width: 1.6 inches

After 4 weeks I thought I should see a little more improvement. Any tips or routine suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
What is your exact routine and I mean every part of it? I would like to see what you’re doing right now then when I can do for you is write a routine that will change things for the better.
Great Thank you DLD,
Mon-Fri: Mornings I stretch in a hot shower, then apply my Hydromax Xtreme (HX) for 5-8 minutes on max, remove and massage/stretch for a couple of minutes, then reapply the HX on max for 5 min., Remove and stretch and massage for 5 min.
During my sessions I will pull on the HX straight out, then to the left, right, up, then down. I can feel a good stretch.
Afterwards I get quite a bit of fluid retention and a bulge on the under right forward side of my penis just behind the glans. Also the penis gets very sensitive to the touch. I then apply Aquaphor Healing Ointment or Hydrocortisone cream to my penis.
I massage my penis during the day and the fluid retention usually goes away. But, I get a lot of turtleing.
Sat-Sun: Rest
I have purchase a set of Silipro 2 Sleeves to help with the turtleing process and hopefully use with my HX pump
Also, I have purchased a Quick Extender Pro Deluxe Standard Edition that will not be delivered for another couple of weeks.
Having ordered it and finding your site, I really would like something that can be worn under my slacks during work. I don't have time to spend hours stretching my penis. I have a very busy schedule and I fit this all in when I can. So, Any help you can assist me with would be greatly appreciated.
I think that's about it.
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Great Thank you DLD,
Mon-Fri: Mornings I stretch in a hot shower, then apply my Hydromax Xtreme (HX) for 5-8 minutes on max, remove and massage/stretch for a couple of minutes, then reapply the HX on max for 5 min., Remove and stretch and massage for 5 min.
During my sessions I will pull on the HX straight out, then to the left, right, up, then down. I can feel a good stretch.
Afterwards I get quite a bit of fluid retention and a bulge on the under right forward side of my penis just behind the glans. Also the penis gets very sensitive to the touch. I then apply Aquaphor Healing Ointment or Hydrocortisone cream to my penis.
I massage my penis during the day and the fluid retention usually goes away. But, I get a lot of turtleing.
Sat-Sun: Rest
I have purchase a set of Silipro 2 Sleeves to help with the turtleing process and hopefully use with my HX pump
Also, I have purchased a Quick Extender Pro Deluxe Standard Edition that will not be delivered for another couple of weeks.
Having ordered it and finding your site, I really would like something that can be worn under my slacks during work. I don't have time to spend hours stretching my penis. I have a very busy schedule and I fit this all in when I can. So, Any help you can assist me with would be greatly appreciated.
I think that's about it.

Send this to my email please at guru.dld@gmail.com. It’s easier for me to work out a routine this way so when I’m finished you can post it in a progress thread.
Ok, sir. Check your email. If you didn’t get it please let me know. Thank you.
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Ok, sir. Check your email. If you didn’t get it please let me know. Thank you.

Off to my emails now so you should hear from me tonight or tomorrow morning
DLD, I finally got me LENGTHMASTER in the mail yesterday. How do I add this to my routine? How often do I use it and do I start with the Newbie Bundle Stretches? Can't wait to start the routine.
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DLD, I finally got me LM in the mail yesterday. How do I add this to my routine? How often do I use it and do I start with the Newbie Bundle Stretches? Can't wait to start the routine.

Send me an email and I will rewrite the routine to include the LENGTHMASTER. Send your email to guru.DLD@gmail.com.
No problem my brother
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