Weird Fuckin Dude IMed Me



Yeah, I was on AIM today and I was talkin to some friends and working on my site... the usual, when someone IMs me under the screenname GBXellosGB. He said someone told him to IM me saying "zack is hot, can i steal him from you." I juss don't know how he got my screenname and it freaked me out, so from now on I guess I'm gonna take my AIM contact info off this profile. Security reasons from now on, sorry guys. If you wanna contact me, email me. This guy said his friend and him were from irc... and I have no clue what that is either... umm yeah so juss thought I'd let people know that.

<3 Sam
How do you know that the person was a guy?

Fucked up person it must be anyway, delete that mofo!
Oh I did. I blocked him too. But I dunno... it might have been a guy it might not have been a guy, ofcourse they werent going to give me any specifics. They're like, "yeah my name is Josh Pearson, LMAO, I have 6 kids and 3 wives, LMAO" I'm like wow this guy is so fucked up. So I blocked him after that and took my s/n and my website off my profile. I don't like having to do that so ppl on here can talk to me if they wanted to but I have gotten some real weird people IMing me so I guess it was time anyways.
I hate it when people IM you just to be stupid and immature. I had a 'person' IM me one time and act like they knew my friend Trey...just a bunch of stupid stuff. I ended up playing along and messin' with 'her' head, because I'm good at mind-games...but damn, it was annoying.
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