This is so awesome. The Deepest Meditative State instantly

I have been listening to it on the Commuter Rail on the way home; I’m the last stop, so no worry about missing any. I sometimes get this weird sensation that I’m opening my eyes, and I’m looking at the back of my eye-lids, then I see a bright golden light and it morphs into different things, trippy as hell. My wife has comments more then once about my domineer when I get home, not so stressed, and visibly aggravated
I got the track, I think it's pretty good, but a little pricey. It does not change throughout, as far as I can tell, it seems to be just the same sound as on the youtube video, but played for 33 min. I think it's pretty effective though. I only really used it once, I woke up and couldn't fall back to sleep, so I decided to give it a go. I put it on my phone so I can listen to it any time, I just plugged in some good headphones and I don't remember falling asleep after that, so it must have worked:)

doublelongdaddy;373900 said:
I think Primo was in "Deep concentration" during his making of the entire group home album. That Group Home LP, beatwise, was meditative gold. that sound along with what Pete did on some of the Mecca&SB/Mainingredient tracks has always been my meditation sound.
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