Problems with the "NEW" forum..


Active member
Sep 4, 2003
I have noticed a few odd things since this last update. Maybe it's just me. I used to be able to click on someone's name in order to send them a PM and now I can't. Anyone else having problems?

No the pm works for me. I don't like that I have to click post reply instead of the box being at the bottom of the threads.
I'm having issues with clicking on someoneas username, it doesnt always work.
yaa there are quite a few changes but the kinks so to speak will be worked out soon. Vbullition updated some shit and the forum is also kinda basic because DLD has no internet connection so he is using his phone (Treo 650) and the more basic the forum the faster he can connect and respond so every thing will be better soon please bear with the situation for the time being and it will all fix it's self soon.

and again please note that spell check dose not function properly it says there is nothing misspelled but it is incorrect, again that will be fixed ASASP
Why is there no edit button after you post a message?

I don't know if MOS ever had it on the forums, but it would be nice if it was added.
there is one it might be one of the problems just continue to look for it in the future.

now looking at my post i have the option to do so i will talk to admin and see if it is only for certin members or if it is for everybody
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