Oh, So YOU wanna be a �naked people movies� Star do ya?? READ THIS!



I've had guys ask me things like "hey still I see you have....'and future �naked people movies� Star" under your screen name. Do you really wanna be in �naked people movies�?". I'm sure we've all or, most of us have at one point thought how "great" it would be to be a �naked people movies� star. Always getting to bang hot chicks all the time...great money etc, etc. Well I thought I needed to post this for you guys as a wake up call. This is the real story of what it's like and, the likelyhood of getting into �naked people movies� as a man. Oh but youre thinking "But Still...I'm a good looking guy...and, I'm gonna be the next John Holmes..." Read on! This is from an established guy in the 'biz'. Name is Dave Cummings. He's an old fart who bangs young hotties. LOL, hope I can still "reel it in" when I'm his age when I get there. He's old but, he knows the business very well. So, here's the article.

"Because I literally receive hundreds of letters/emails each month asking the same question, and because I don’t want to hurriedly answer the question and risk not being thorough, I’ve written up this response (which is also posted at the Link Removed web site) --- this is the same question almost ALL of us get asked most often---to save time, many of the famous starlets often use a “Frequently Asked Questions” page on their sites---I think you’ll find their answers and mine to be quite consistent.

The problem here is for me to be candid without hurting anyone’s feelings---there’s no easy way to tell guys that the chances of them getting even a try-out is remote (actually, there’s no such thing as a “try-out”, or an audition). It has nothing to do with the new guy, but rather results from the informal system that’s evolved over time based mostly on past experiences Directors had with new �naked people movies� studs. Certainly, the new guy who wants to get into performing undoubtedly is a true stud with the ladies and/or his significant other and/or in a group situation like a swinging encounter. The problem occurs when similar guys in the past were recommended by someone (usually from within the Industry itself, and often by a girl with first-hand knowledge) only to have “performance anxiety” and freeze up in front of the cameras, lights, and (sometimes inpatient) crew/Director/Producer, other actors and actresses, make-up persons, on-lookers, catering people, magazine photographers, location owner and his “gawking” friends, company owners/staff, Industry media, etc. Such losses of production time and filming momentum are very cost prohibitive. Resultantly, Producers and Directors usually will not accept new guys, no matter who recommends them or what their “credentials” are. I guess that’s the reason you see the same guys over and over again--as observed by many “insiders”, there must be a good reason why viewers repeatedly see only the same 30-40 “A-List” guys (new guys are absolutely certain that they will not “freeze”, but unfortunately most of them do). If hundreds of “potential applicants” seriously contact me monthly, can you imagine how many thousands are literally contacting the girls, other actors, studios, magazines, etc,? Yet, I see only 4-5 new guys a year coming into the business, and even some of them get “cut from the roster” the first time they don’t perform up to par---It doesn’t matter if they just ran a marathon, are taking decongestants/antihistamines for a sinus blockage, or unavoidably got only a few hours sleep the previous night---it’s an unforgiving business decision not to use the guy ever again (and, believe me, the word gets out within the Industry with the speed of lightning). There’s a lot of pressure on the guy---he can’t fake an erection or a cum shot, nor can he hide climaxing before the Director tells him to cum; likewise, he has to have a solid erection whenever the camera is rolling, and for as long as it takes to film the hard core portion of the scene (normally one-two hours) and despite constant stopping and going for such things as changing camera batteries and/or film, relocating the lightning and/or camera angle, shifting back and forth to soft core mode (for cable TV), “potty”/make-up/cigarette/water/etc breaks, and on and on!!!

OK, so is there any way to get a shot? Well, about the only way I know is to find a SUPenis EnlargementR-beautiful girl who will let you (exclusively) ride her coat tails into the Adult Film Industry. Keep in mind that there are hundreds and hundreds of absolutely beautiful girls who seek a shot at becoming a �naked people movies� starlet every year, almost all of whom will work with any (already-proven) performer the Producer/Director wants to hire; your “coat tail” girl, therefore, must be so much more beautiful than the other 600+ girls in the Industry that the Director will want to cast her so much that he/she will agree to her demand that only YOU can work with her on film (not too many girls will agree to help you if it means that they might lose THEIR chance to get a shot; after all, it means that a Director must take a production cost chance on your ‘coat tail” girl and you, one he doesn’t have to take on the many other girls who will work with any one of the star studs of the Director’s choosing)---it helps if you have a decent camcorder tape of the two of you in front of a crowd of 10-50 people to “prove” that you can perform in front of lots of people. Then, once you’ve performed successfully on a number of sets, let it be known that you’re available for gangbangs and other bookings. Do well and you’ll join the ranks of the few! But, don’t expect to make a lot of money! Guys get paid “peanuts” to perform (yes, the girls make good money, but keep in mind that most viewers look at the girl and could care less about the guy---we guys are merely “props”).

FUNCTIONALITY is the key. Penis size, looks, muscles, and acting ability mean almost nothing for a guy. What matters is the ability to get an almost-instant erection, maintain it, control it, and cum only when told to (and then do it quickly without wasting the time of the production folks). Be prepared to have perfect personal hygiene, get HIV Tests every month, and to sit around on sets, sometimes for hours, waiting for your scene to (finally) be filmed!

Well, the above is the real story---it’s not sugar coated or anything, but IS factual! It might sound somewhat negative, but I have to be candid and realistic in answering the question. Keep in mind that you’re not alone---millions of other men want to do the same thing (and probably believe with absolute certainty that THEY are that one and only new guy out there who can indeed be the next big name stud)."

Good Luck!
You know whats fucked up, some people would kill to have certain jobs but few of them really know what it entails. This is a case where the fantasy is allot better than the reality.
I agree with DLD on that one. I think I'd rather just get paid 6 figures to have hot girls come over my house and let me sleep with them. This would all be done without any actors, directors, cameras, etc. Maybe about 6 girls a day, at mere 100 dollars a pop. That'd be a pretty sweet job. Oh, I guess that'd make me a manwhore though. Yeah well, somebody has got to do it. :)

So yes, if anyone knows of a way for me to get said job, let me know. The hardest part would be rounding up all of the girls. Well that and making somebody pay me money to sleep with them all. Somehow I don't see anybody being very willing to do that, even if it means that hot girls get to sleep with me!!!

So yes, I think I got caught up in my own personal fantasy there. Time to head back to reality.
Originally posted by dyslexic_smile
I agree with DLD on that one. I think I'd rather just get paid 6 figures to have hot girls come over my house and let me sleep with them. This would all be done without any actors, directors, cameras, etc. Maybe about 6 girls a day, at mere 100 dollars a pop. That'd be a pretty sweet job. Oh, I guess that'd make me a manwhore though. Yeah well, somebody has got to do it. :)

So yes, if anyone knows of a way for me to get said job, let me know. The hardest part would be rounding up all of the girls. Well that and making somebody pay me money to sleep with them all. Somehow I don't see anybody being very willing to do that, even if it means that hot girls get to sleep with me!!!

So yes, I think I got caught up in my own personal fantasy there. Time to head back to reality.

I can hook ya up man. You will probably have to lower your standards on women and on what you consider "decent" though. Probably have to assume a sort of Duece Biggalow persona as well. Let me know when you and your "man-gina" are ready? ;) I'll be your pimp.
Well, SWM that sounds like a pretty good deal. I mean, my ideals of a decent girl have plummeted over the years anyways, so basically, I will sleep with anything that has two legs and is female. Okay, well not anything, she at least has to be a human I suppose. So yeah, where was I? Oh right, the manwhore job sounds right up my alley. I mean, sleeping with several girls to ensure my financial security would definitely be of interest.

Although I guess I'd prefer if the girls you sent over didn't have Tourette's or weighed 500 pounds or were 8 feet tall or had one leg. I guess you can't demand when you are a manwhore though. Just gotta take the good with the bad.

But yeah, I just thought back to the whole �naked people movies� movie bit. I think if I were to star in one, it'd have to be just like a real-life Orgazmo kinda movie. You know, like a combination of Batman and �naked people movies�. So yes, an action-adventure �naked people movies�!!! That'd be great.
Originally posted by stillwantmore
I can hook ya up man. You will probably have to lower your standards on women and on what you consider "decent" though. Probably have to assume a sort of Duece Biggalow persona as well. Let me know when you and your "man-gina" are ready? ;) I'll be your pimp.

�naked people movies� sounds the perfect job for many guys, but it would turn sex into a "job" and less pleasure.
What I see today is that ANYONE can get into �naked people movies�. I see white and black guys who are small busting into the business. I remember one guy named,"ACE." A guy who was a comedian to �naked people movies�-star. His dick isn't even big as the big boys of �naked people movies�. Shoot, I wouldn't mind doing a couple of scenes, but they're usually in Miami and I live one state up from Florida. Wouldn't mind being a male stripper either to get enough bucks in.
You can make appointments with a few different companies and spend the day in Miami applying. You will need a current AIDS test and ID of age. It is good to have a photo shoot done showing your body and penis size and a resume so they can get in touch with you. Men usually make anywhere from $100 - $300 per scene.
I made a �naked people movies� once and it was one of the funnest things I have ever done. I wish I would have made more when I had the chance but I got married and settled down.
My brother and I worked together at a Male Revue when we lived on the East Coast.
We made more money there on a friday and saturday night than most male �naked people movies� stars make shooting 10 scenes.

Bachelorette parties, divorce parties, birthday parties... all trouble waiting to happen.
I'm looking at living in America in the future. I'd be quite interested to give one of these places a go. I'd wanna reach my goals in penis size and pack on a lean muscle first though.
johngunguy;413269 said:
My brother and I worked together at a Male Revue when we lived on the East Coast.
We made more money there on a friday and saturday night than most male �naked people movies� stars make shooting 10 scenes.

Bachelorette parties, divorce parties, birthday parties... all trouble waiting to happen.

I always wanted to do that, because there's a male revue here where I live in downtown. I am in pretty good shape, just need a bit muscle that's all. Just don't know how to get into doing that stuff.
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