My Family Found Out I Promoted Penis Enlargement

That sounds like a loop-hole for everyone to continue to sin anytime against God and they'll be forgiven.

Once you believe Christ died and was resurrected you are saved. Every sin you will ever commit happened after our savior died for those sins. Study the books of John and Hebrew's.

If our future sins are not forgiven, then two things must happen: 1) when we sin in the future, we revert to an unforgiven state, meaning we lose our salvation and must be saved again, and 2) Christ must die again to cover the sins we’ve committed since His last death. Neither of these scenarios is biblical. We are kept by God, and thus our salvation is secure (John 10:28–30); and Christ died “once for all” (Hebrews 10:10; cf. Hebrews 7:25).
Once you believe Christ died and was resurrected you are saved. Every sin you will ever commit happened after our savior died for those sins. Study the books of John and Hebrew's.

If our future sins are not forgiven, then two things must happen: 1) when we sin in the future, we revert to an unforgiven state, meaning we lose our salvation and must be saved again, and 2) Christ must die again to cover the sins we’ve committed since His last death. Neither of these scenarios is biblical. We are kept by God, and thus our salvation is secure (John 10:28–30); and Christ died “once for all” (Hebrews 10:10; cf. Hebrews 7:25).
I'm finishing up Revelation right now. I'll have to go back and study those two books again.... thanks
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This is what I told a friend too. All our sins are forgiven even the ones yet to be committed. But won't this type of mindset makes one commit more sins?

This is not an excuse to sin it is a place of trust in Jesus and that with the Holy Spirit we have confidence in our salvation. The gift is freedom from our sins and the understanding the Father loves the sinner who trusts in His Son. Embrace the freedom of salvation.
I'm finishing up Revelation right now. I'll have to go back and study those two books again.... thanks

My favorite books are those of Saint Paul. But I also love John and Revelations.
This is what I told a friend too. All our sins are forgiven even the ones yet to be committed. But won't this type of mindset makes one commit more sins?

That's not like that. As Our Lord said, the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven and a sin within that unforgivable sin is impenitence (the determination to not repent and keep sinning).

The requirements for one's sins being forgiven are either Baptism (Trinitarian formula) or 1. examination of conscience, 2. heart pain, 3. purpose of amendment, 4. confess all sins in the same confession with a validly ordinated priest (St. John 20:23-25) and 5. to fulfill the penance imposed.
So many people, me included, say it is the greatest relief the've ever experienced.

If there's no priest at the moment of one's death one can perform an act of perfect contrition but one shall never expect to do that since one could die at the least expected moment.
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