My Family Found Out I Promoted Penis Enlargement


Active member
Sep 16, 2009
They found everything. My videos promoting my own site and this one. I like Penis Enlargement, because I believe it changed my life for me and other men out there. They called me a disgrace to myself and was disgusted by everything I do. The pictures and everything. My goal was to promote Penis Enlargement to a lot of people and including the world, so every man could gain the confidence. Now I feel my confidence is low. I feel that my goal and dreams will be ruined. They somehow seen my website through a family member. Penis Enlargement is health for every man out there. I wrote down my definite chief aim and look at it daily--even if times I'm negative just to bring light to my situation. Right now, I hate myself for bringing light to Penis Enlargement.
Don't hate yourself! I still remember how passionate you were in the "Will Penis Enlargement ever become mainstream" thread. Penis Enlargement needs to be presented to the world, because there are people with wrong beliefs (just like your family), which were influenced by the prejudiced society. There is too much prejudice! Everyone should understand that Penis Enlargement is like bodybuilding- you are training and developing yourself to become a better person (body improvements and confidence boost). You should never be ashamed of trying to help the world and finally open their eyes! You have no reason to be ashamed! It's just that your family is the part of the society that views everything with the prejudice of the whole society. I want to say so much, but it will just be the above said in different words! They are just too narrow minded to see the truth, unlike you. Never be ashamed of yourself when you are giving to the world something that the world really needs to accept! :)
It's okay, and you've got to understand it from their perspective even if they don't understand your own.

You've accepted that Penis Enlargement is real, and your natural human ability to be helpful to others kicks in and wants to spread the message. You're comfortable with your own self.

The family is shocked and the natural reaction is to become defensive (and offensive at the same time.) about it. "Oh, because of him I'm going to be known as the person with the family member who has a large member and talks about it on the internet"

It's like being in school, where one kid discovers something miniscule about a student and blows it out of proportion in front of the other students just to embarrass/shame the student to make themselves feel better about themselves.

They just don't understand, and as an adult you're allowed to make your own choices. If helping others by demonstrating something natural about our bodies is disgraceful to them, that's their problem, not yours.
keepingitbig, no one can defeat you except you. Don't let them take your dream away. Get them out of your head, stand-up, step-up, man-up, and fight for what you want. Penis Enlargement isn't a crime, you didn't do anything wrong. If anything, they are wrong because they probably didn't even try to understand what Penis Enlargement is about. Shoving their opinion down your throat by calling you a disgrace and disgusting. People like to condemn things they don't understand and label it bad, wrong, disgusting, evil, and other negative words. At the moment it's not a good feeling for you, don't let them get you down from it. Keep doing what enhances your life and is right for you, nevermind the discouraging words from the close-minded. It's just a bad experience and you'll work through it, coming out the other end a much better person from it. Now, get back to working on your dream.
I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence.
Frederick Douglass

I advise staying true to your purpose.
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They may think, hey, your into gay �naked people movies�, because, basically, its guys that going to view your pics ?
This may confuse them a lot!
You can NEVER go wrong by being yourself and living your truth. They are shocked because they didn't know this side of you and they equate Penis Enlargement with some sexual perversion, which it is not. In time, they will grow to accept what you do. Stay true to who you are and you're truth. That is the key to happiness and peace in life.
Breast enlargement is accepted ... why not Penis Enlargement .... Think of it that way and you will see how foolish and biased people are.
I'm alright. The only people that are actually improving in this family is me and my cousin. Everytime I mention I'm doing something good in my life, they always mention," You need to go to church." Well, to tell you the truth, church hasn't done anything to any other of my family members. My cousins, sister and everyone went to church, but my sister has a deadbeat boyfriend & children out of wedlock. But when I do something wrong, which is super rare, I'm always the bad one. Never will you see me be some type of stereotype, or talk like an idiot. Just not my thing. Penis Enlargement is just like boybuilding as someone else said. One of the guys at my gym has seen the video and the site & said there's nothing wrong about it. Man I hate belief systems. They just fck up your mind, man.
keepingitbig;550646 said:
I'm alright. The only people that are actually improving in this family is me and my cousin. Everytime I mention I'm doing something good in my life, they always mention," You need to go to church." Well, to tell you the truth, church hasn't done anything to any other of my family members. My cousins, sister and everyone went to church, but my sister has a deadbeat boyfriend & children out of wedlock. But when I do something wrong, which is super rare, I'm always the bad one. Never will you see me be some type of stereotype, or talk like an idiot. Just not my thing. Penis Enlargement is just like boybuilding as someone else said. One of the guys at my gym has seen the video and the site & said there's nothing wrong about it. Man I hate belief systems. They just fck up your mind, man.

You don't need anyone's approval (even your family's). What you do, do it because you love it or because you want to do. Don't let anyone discourage you! But it's not necessary not to let people discourage you, because they CAN"T! NO ONE CAN! Keep goin' fella and know that there is a legion of brothers behind you! All the best, Zam :)
Yeah man. Sounds like a life lesson. Thats cool that a family member saw it though.. Was it a guy? He's probably in the same boat we all were before we started, and who better to show him the ropes than another family member! Anyways, I feel you in the aspect that Im the black sheep of the family but its cool. If they truly are your family, then they will stick by you and be cool. If not then remember you got a family here at MOS.
Appreciate that my dudes and houseofr00bes. I always tell guys to come to MOS. Mos is where it's at. Yes, I am considered the black sheep of the family. I like it that way. :D
Youa re pretty brave for putting it out there. personally I wouldnt want my friends and family to know, except for specific ones that I can trust with the info.
Imagine my life as the Penis Enlargement Poster Child!
Just saw this thread and had to comment.

"Disgrace to yourself?" Disgrace, as a man, would be just suBathmateissively accepting whatever life tosses you when you want more, and know you can get more.

There's this weird paradox, at least as I see it, where so much importance is placed, culturally, on the penis and how big it is, while at the same time the whole issue is regarded as a source of humor and, beneath that, something "disgraceful." For example, in movies and books its not uncommon for totally unlikable characters to have small dicks (even by rumor or implication) as a way of undermining or laughing at them, while heroes and likeable characters who are underdogs in every other respect invariably have big ones when the subject comes up.

As men, we're expected to be "tough," which in practical terms means just having a big dick because that's what "real men" have. If we don't, then we deserve to be the butt of people's jokes, and if we don't like that and get caught trying to do something about, it's like trying to change your "caste," as if you're some fundamentally inferior person who's just pretending (and most likely falling for some "internet scam.")

But in my view, there are two kinds of men: those that just accept this sense of inferiority that society tries to push on us as "the way things are," and those that say "Fuck you, I'm a man and my life is what I make it." I think most if not all of our brothers here are the second kind; I know I am and it sounds like you are, too. So be FUCKING PROUD of what you're doing, because real men aren't born, they're made.

And that was true even before we knew about Penis Enlargement :)
Every man should want to better themselves, like redthorn said.
Zambrodom3;550647 said:
You don't need anyone's approval
You do need one person's approval. Your own.
If you can't believe in yourself, nobody will. Just don't let this phase you and you'll be fine.
Appreciate that DLD and others. Really good gang here. I think it's apart of our pro-feminist society. Anything that improves the male in any level is seen as weak, or if it pertains to this situation, It is seen as disgusting. Crazy how life works. I'm still promoting Penis Enlargement and will be doing so--guerrilla style in my area soon.
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