
Yep, I too smoke occasionally. ( Sometimes daily for a week or so. )
I do bodybuilding and Penis Enlargement and I haven't noticed anything like in that article.
Maybe it's if you have week self esteem or mind, or if you really fuck up your head oversmoking, you'll bound to have some bad mental problems.
( I can tell from experience, I know some guys who have been some time in the looney bin because of smoking ganja for years and drinking. )
It's like with alcohol. TOO MUCH IS TOO MUCH I think.
For me it's mentally just good and relaxing when I smoke. Just keep using it so that it won't start using you. Stop it if you start feeling bad mentally.
Ps. And I have noticed when used occasionally it tends to raise my libido afterwards instead.. LMAO
I love sex on weed.It doesn't effect my libido,but I don't do it everday.
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