letting Friends in On PE


Dec 9, 2012
us guys are pretty close. Were between 18-19. One of us is twenty now. I've mentioned to one of the guys my gain from " Penis Enlargement".He said"just dont go ham you may have a Heart attack when you reach past 12" . he doesnt know what Penis Enlargement means and i think i should let the guys in on it... How do i do this...
holy_heXor;523613 said:
invite him to this forum... he'll get heart attck when he know the truth,..

That is the best way, he will be able to see for himself. It is really a new age now and helping your fellow Brothers out with Penis Enlargement is completely cool.
I've shared the words of PE with a few people. I even gifted my LengthMaster to someone in my country back in 2022.

The problem with many people is that, they are not willing to put in the work to make all of the needed gains.
Yep. Most people give up around the 3rd month or 6th month. They expect phenomenal growth through comparison of the top 2% growers. It's like a kid expecting to be come the next superstar simply by dreaming and not putting on the blood, sweat, and tears in their efforts.
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