Kong, how'd the move go?


Apr 19, 2004
Did you get into the new location and have the grand re-opening yet? If so how is business there?

Hope all went well and that you have a great increase in sales there.
Doing good. Made the move pretty fast. Had a few guys helping me with trucks and trailers. We re-opened Tuesday, but we are still trying to sort everything out and get it back on the sales floor. I have about $75,000 in inventory, so there is quite a bit of stuff to get out. I had to reset all the racks because the shape of the building here is different than at the old place. All we have left to do is finish up the reset and put up our big sign. We have a 16 ft light up sign that has to be put up on the side of the building. The frame weighs about 300 lbs without the panels, and we have to anchor it into brick, so it is going to be a job and a half!

Things are going good sales-wise, too! We are already back to our previous sales level from before the move, and I expect to double that, with all the traffic here and our increased visibility. Let's just say, I am cautiously optimistic.

Our DSL will be hooked up in about a week (I hope) so I should be able to be more active on the forum then. Dial up is just so SLOOOOOOOOOOOOW after having high speed for so long.

Thanks for asking, bud. It's nice to know someone cares!
Hey it's not like I don't care I didn't Know about the move
:s got video cams at the new place? ?:(
LT ;)
whats the name of your store, and where is it located? :D I might take a trip to say wuts up sometime, and play some video games with you
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