As HG indicated, it will leave a scar-like tissue on the glans. Here's my experience for leaving and popping.
Leaving it: the blister will go away in 5 to 10 days. During that time, the blister looks like it stays there. In reality, what's pooling is merely that, pooling. The tissue below is healing. Eventually, that upper tissue will flatten and the liquid will disband, and the blister tissue will peel off, exposing the healed tissue below. No possible point of open infection.
Popping it: if you're healthy, there will not be any possible path of infection. Remember that our penis is trapping moisture and bacteria loves to thrive there even when you're washing twice a day. Popping will remove the blister, exposing the damaged tissue to air, and reinforce healing even faster by a few days. However, you're open for possible infection and require to use bacitricin on a daily basis, twice a day. At the same time, the exposed wound as the blister skin now pealed in a couple days may cause you to also bleed. Yes, bleed. This is part of the healing process as the blood provides plasma for both protection and healing. Using IR and NIR+ will accelerate the healing even more by two days. But when using red light therapy, don't add on any ointment. Wash up with warm water and soap, use the light, then add on the ointment. Total healing time is between 3 to 7 days compared to leaving it alone and using the light, which takes 5 to 10 days.
Mix method: I have a mix method to control blisters. Using a sewing needle (28 gauge), or any 24 to 26 gauge medical needle, you can punch a very tiny hole to allow the fluid to escape, BUT, do not over puncture to go directly in into the glans too deeply. Puncture the blister sideway, gently, and very shallow. Once the fluid escape, the remaining plasma in the fluid will help to seal up the hole. Use bacitracin ointment to protect that blister area for the next few days. The tissue will start healing, while the blistered upper skin remains intact to protect the wounded site. Skin will peal off in 3 to 4 days, and the healing area will already be ready for the pealing within that time. Saving a day or two off the total healing process.
Overall, don't be impatient. Just allow the body to heal naturally.