I used a massage gun on my dick ?


Aug 25, 2024
I used a massage gun on my dick and I wana know if this can help the tissue and the cells to recover or help make my dick longer or is it even a good thing to do thanks guys (:
I used a massage gun on my dick and I wana know if this can help the tissue and the cells to recover or help make my dick longer or is it even a good thing to do thanks guys (:
My honest suggestion, don't. If you try to achieve oscillating effects similar to low intensity shockwave therapy (LIST) devices to optimize tissue breakdown, I hate to bare the burdens of bad news but it will destroy your tissues, nerves, and blood vessels more than it helps. If you look and research all the data on the massage gun specs, the specific localized energy for impacts should not last more than 20 seconds per location, without an overlap of radial impact zones, even at the lowest settings. The impacts mean for more dense muscle tissues and not soft tissues of the penis.
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