How to wrap the penis in an elongated state


Staff member
Super Moderator
Feb 25, 2013
Despite making so much gains with the length master and wrapping with the ace bandage, I've been wrapping wrongly. I normally stretch out my penis and start wrapping from right under the glans to the base. I've come to find out that this way of wrapping is very wrong because you will not be able to get enough base penis to wrap which translate to a smaller wrapped penis.

When you want to wrap the penis with a bandage, stretch out the penis and start wrapping from the extreme base. make sure you wrap the extreme base in two rotations before moving to mid shaft and right under the glans. When you wrap from the base, you will notice that you will have a longer flaccid wrapped penis compared to when you start the wrap from right under the glans.

I just figured this out today. I feel so stupid despite all my knowledge with wrapping and the length master. I've decided to share this here for everyone to read and learn.
Literally just tried this and the difference is insane, wrapping from the bottom almost pulls and keeps the ligaments out and maintains the stretch. awesome stuff.
Literally just tried this and the difference is insane, wrapping from the bottom almost pulls and keeps the ligaments out and maintains the stretch. awesome stuff.

Yes brother and the glans is forced out unlike wrapping from beneath the glans. When you wrap beneath the glans, the glans will turtle but when you wrap from the base, the glans will be forced out.
That is the proper way to wrap
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