How often to change routines?

The Next Big Thing

Active member
Nov 4, 2019
How often should one change a routine? For example, Ive been doing the newbie stretching routine for the past 3 months almost. I have been just adding sets and intensity but all the exercises stayed the same. I was wondering what is the best approach, to stay with the same thing and just keep progressing interms of sets, reps, time, intensity or should you change the exercises after some time?
Agree carry on until growth stops, I've just done same with switching from manual exercises to hanging
I would just keep doing what you're doing until you stop seeing growth. If you start to plateau, switch it up and start incorporating other things into your routine.
Another vote for this one. Measure frequently enough to know if you've plateaued and then adjust accordingly. If you are making great gains, the adage stands "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
Always stick with the routine for it please 90 days and if after 90 days you’re not seeing growth you need to change things up.
If I am measuring once per month, how do I recognize that I am not gaining anymore and I hit a plateau? Should I consider one measurement (after one month) which does not show gains as a sign that I should change something? Or should I keep going lets say for another month and if I dont gain anything even after that, then do some changes?
How do you guys go about that? I sometimes struggle finding this line between patience and letting things settle versus recognizing things dont work and doing something different.
I have added more in after 1 month of no gains so like adding new stretches to my manual work.

After 2nd month of no gains I've introduced something totally new to the routine
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If I am measuring once per month, how do I recognize that I am not gaining anymore and I hit a plateau? Should I consider one measurement (after one month) which does not show gains as a sign that I should change something? Or should I keep going lets say for another month and if I dont gain anything even after that, then do some changes?
How do you guys go about that? I sometimes struggle finding this line between patience and letting things settle versus recognizing things dont work and doing something different.

you can tell by casual measurements and what I mean by that is check your girth after your work out and be sure that you see expansion. Once a week check your flaccid stretch bone press length and that will tell you if your length routine is working. And measure once every 90 days for official measurements.
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