Helpful Tips/Advice With Women and Relationships Thread Feel Free To Contribute!



I actually started this as a reply in another thread in a different forum, but then thought I should start a totally new topic. Feel free to contribute. This is my first post in this thread.

I've been the jealous, insecure type before, and it's not a good way to be. It's not good for you long term mentally either. You will push more women away from you being the insecure, jealous/posessive type. Some women may like this type of guy, but most dont. They dont want to feel like they need to be careful with everything they do or say around other people. Nobody wants to feel that way. I'm sure you would frown on a woman for being that way with you. Sometimes checking out the 'self help' area of your local bookstore can help. However it doesnt work for everyone. Sometimes a person just needs to learn how to be as a person from living life. Some people learn, and adapt their personality and change for the better (survival of the fittest ring a bell?), and many do not.

I have a 'problem' some guys would love to have I'm sure. It took me a long time to realize this for myself, but I am in fact a good looking man. I had to embrace this concept before I realized it for myself. Not to say that you cannot be attractive to women without actually being a 'good looking' guy. The only thing a lot of these male celebrities have on me as far as so called 'looks' is usually a better hair stylist, more money, and the fact that the media has hyped them up as "the sexiest man on TV", the year, or whatever. That actor guy ...the 40 something year old that plays the "plumber" on the now popular show "Desperate Housewives" comes to my mind, as he is in fact a VERY average looking guy.
Back to my "problem". Since I have embraced the fact that I find myself attractive...and so do many members of BOTH sexes, I have become a lot more confident and outgoing. I know this because I have gone to gay clubs with friends (male and female) and I usually get hit on several times. This doesnt bug me because I'm very secure with who I am, I in fact find it very flattering, and a boost to my ego because it only re-enforces the fact that I know that I am an attractive guy.
I have no issues with talking to women that I find attractive when I choose to. I no longer have sweaty palms, or a fear of what 'she might say'. I get along with both sexes, but I PREFER women as friends. Most of the phone numbers in my cell phone address book belong to female friends. I can have friendships with women which are nothing more than friendships. On the other hand, it can be a very good thing to have a large pool of friends of the opposite sex, because if I become single I can dig into this 'pool' and have someone new to talk to and potentially develop a new relationship with.

The key being not to turn yourself into a "man whore" and have several short lived sexual relationships with every other one of your female friends. You do that, and you will very quickly sabotage yourself and any potential for a friendship or dating relationship with any of the women in that pool. You will in fact most likely need to start all over again with your pool of friends.

I used to let women get to me as well. In other words, it would tear me apart and mess with my head sometimes for months when I would break up with a girl. I'd throw the pity parties where nobody but myself was invited, I'd call the girls and cry, and look like a big weenie. I finally came to realize however, just like with my understanding that I am attractive to many women out there, that this does me no good. I do not need a woman in my life to be happy. It is fun to have a girlfriend, but I dont need one to survive. Having a large pool of female friends also helps me in this area. I've always got someone to talk to who can be a 'shoulder' to cry on, or someone who can say "ya know, I know so and so who just broke up with her boyfriend, lets all go out on such and such night and maybe you two will hit it off". Having a lot of female friends can do so much for a guy. Word of mouth goes a LONG way. If youre known as the cool, confident, sweet guy that anyone can rely never have anything to worry about. Women talk, and when they think highly of a guy they let their girlfriends, and their girlfriends' girlfriends know about him.
AMEN. I was the exact same way for years as well. It wasn't until less than a year ago that I finally built up confidence.

And about the part where you say realizing you look good and boosting your confidence, that is very true and I believe that's what helped me.
To keep things real and simple,I'm not gonna give you any tricks,techniques,tactics,solutions,potions,styles to get women,no I'm just gonna give you this real simple advice,which you have to understand,absorb and make it your very essence(lol @ your very essence). But here it is:

Approach women from a position of power.

The only thing you need when dealing with women is power and you'll get them. No need to worry about your looks,shoes,scent,blablabla since you have the power. If you have power,you get what you want. If you have power,you won't care if the woman leaves you,'cause you got ten other bitches waiting for the chance to satisfy you.

Comming at y'all from a position of
"The key being not to turn yourself into a "man whore" and have several short lived sexual relationships with every other one of your female friends."

Yes. Definitely. I've lost too many female friends through that.

At the moment I don't have any female friends really. Most of them have moved away. I'm really looking to try and get a new pool of female friends, but have no idea where to try and meet any. Clubs and bars are no good - if you approach women in one of these places they automatically assume you are hitting on them. Any suggestions?
Go where the women go.

Go to Dances where there isn't any drinking. Go to Yoga Classes, go to Movement classes. If you like to cook take a cooking class. The key here is to go where the women are in a nice, non-threating environment where you can talk, touch and smell them up close.

Best way to have power over women is to believe she is always on probabtion with you. If she messes up you withdraw. If she is a good girl you will stick around. Never try to meet her expectations. She must meet yours.
If she doesn't, she is history.
If you keep this type of attitude when dealing with a woman she will see it and act accordingly. Either she will eliminate herself or she will behaive.

I feel like that whole power over women tactic is bullshit. The frame that you are using calling it power is really control. It is a positive frame to come from a place of power, but wanting to control the way a woman acts or her behaivor is bullshit. Yes I agree if the female does not cut the standerd you have chosen then you should let her down easy, and look else where. And how can you just say come from a place of power. That is such total bullshit, what if I was a kid 16 or 18 and was really looking for some help toward changing my life. I would try this coming from a place of power shit and look like a fucking asshole jerk muthafucka. So explain what coming from a place of power means or is. Its beliving you are the value, and the value giver. You are a leader. You are dominant and assertive. You are a non needy person. You know you look good. You know you are sexy. You are not inferior of superior to anyone male or female. These are the belifes you can use to come from a positive mind frame that you are in a place of power. And also drop the frame that these women are bitches. Fuck rap I listen to rap hella much I was rappin earlyer, but when it comes to meeting and aproaching women women are women. They are not bitches and if you look at them as such then thats the reality you have created for yourself. If you really belive in yourself and go out with the frame of first having fun and allowing others to join you in your positive reality your success with women will sky rocket, and you will then find what relationship you want with a woman or women.
Coming from a place of power isn't about control. In fact if your trying to control a woman or anybody for that matter you might as well give up b/c its not going to happen. Coming from a place of power means like Kassit said not worrying about your looks, clothing, scent, social circle, etc. It means bringing your confident side to the ball game. The goal is to not only feign confidence but possess it so you know what kind of man you are, what kind of woman you are looking for, and to know you can go after them without emptying your life's savings, or looking like a fashion model. To know you have the "power" to get women. Basically what you said
longstretch;326967 said:
Coming from a place of power isn't about control. In fact if your trying to control a woman or anybody for that matter you might as well give up b/c its not going to happen. Coming from a place of power means like Kassit said not worrying about your looks, clothing, scent, social circle, etc. It means bringing your confident side to the ball game. The goal is to not only feign confidence but possess it so you know what kind of man you are, what kind of woman you are looking for, and to know you can go after them without emptying your life's savings, or looking like a fashion model. To know you have the "power" to get women. Basically what you said
Right knowing yourself, and loving who you are without being a try hard. But at the same time I wanted to just give a clear mind frame to some of the guys looking for advice on meeting women and having relationships with them. I like what the guy from innergame mag says love everyone. Thats why I love you guys and I hope the best for us all. Every last one of us has a dream, and we enjoy sex and want to have the relationships with women that we desire. And really great fucking sex!
Yeah exactly. Its amazing I've only been in seduction for 6 months but many different people call the same thing different names. I think thats a powerful frame. When you love who you are, love everyone around you, and realize that no matter how big or small we are all human. Everybodies poop still stinks. Everybodies poop stinks. haha

If you project confidence in your smile and love in your eyes you are headed in the right path. Dr. Paul says it in David DeAngelo's Deep Inner Game on how he projects his sexual intentions with his eyes and how he concentrates on projecting that like lasers darting from his eyes. Also the power of going there first from RSD. If you want to bring a friend up from the dumps you first have to go to the place you want him or her. You have to feel happy before you can make them feel better.
longstretch;327004 said:
Yeah exactly. Its amazing I've only been in seduction for 6 months but many different people call the same thing different names. I think thats a powerful frame. When you love who you are, love everyone around you, and realize that no matter how big or small we are all human. Everybodies poop still stinks. Everybodies poop stinks. haha

If you project confidence in your smile and love in your eyes you are headed in the right path. Dr. Paul says it in David DeAngelo's Deep Inner Game on how he projects his sexual intentions with his eyes and how he concentrates on projecting that like lasers darting from his eyes. Also the power of going there first from RSD. If you want to bring a friend up from the dumps you first have to go to the place you want him or her. You have to feel happy before you can make them feel better.
That is really positive. I am glad to know we have real genuine people on this site cool:cool:.
Okay seriously guys. Confidence is sexy. If by a position of power you mean confidence then you are dead on. I don't want a guy who is insecure or needy, they tend to be controlling and sometimes abusive. I also don't want a guy who is arrogant, I will never fall in line for arrogance. What works for me is a guy who is confident and secure in himself. Who won't freak out at the bar if another guy looks at me a second too long because he knows I am going home with him. I want a guy who can meet me halfway. I don't want complete control because I lack the respect for him to make it work, I also don't want a guy who thinks he owns me. Hope this sheds some light on what attracts a woman.
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