Good comfort and pulling force, with SIZEGENETICS?

did i not say about 1,000x i cant do the srt because my hands cant do the squeezing. tell me the alternative just using devices. if you did it, that does not mean others can. i want squirt inducer to tell me when he has done it. i am not trying to disput your accomplishment. i do remember reading your claim that you are the mostv knowledgeable obseesed person ever on the penis. So, you may be the exception. 1) How does anyone know how hard they are supposed to pull or squeeze-any device is consistent in pressure? Do you know? 2) How do we know that your hands cant pressure 50x more stregth that Me or SI? WE cant. 3)There are to many variables-What if someone is doing it slightly different and that might cause it not to work? What if SI starts doing it 1” from where you started it. Or maybe you remeber you did it for 30 secs but maybe 4 or 5x you drank coffee or did meth(if you never did-disregard that), either way-those days you did it 500x more and that may have been what did it for you?
I will give you an example that is as close as I can get to this. Stretching your legs into a full side split. Now, this is extremely difficult and takes many years. In martial arts training. You are pushed far beyond your extreme and some quit and some go thru it. My teacher would actually come up behind me and push down on me until it hurt like a mother. I got down very close. A few years later I quit training and got into drugs. There were sometimes that I took meth and would go into a streching fit and stretch for 4 or 5 hours pushing myself so far beyond the training that I shocked myself. All of the sudden months later I could go all the way down and even further.
So, those few x i went obseessively insane most likely caused the full split. How do we know that a few times doing your PE training that youndidnt getv a rush of adrtenaline(you dont need to do meth to get super psyched up and push yourself to the extreme) and gon way beyond normal. You might not even know.
Anyway, SRT may or may not be the best. Hand work may or may not work for everybody. It worked for you but might not for me. I have no idea what you actually did just some vague words and simple videos. I would have to see what you did every day, know how strong your hand is compared to mine… With the size Dr or silistretcher. It is the exact same tension all the time. Even with the devices I dont know exactly how many hours are needed or exactly what tension. That is why I am going to the maximum tension and building up the amount of hours I can tolerate until I get to 6 hours, I can only do 3 hours at this time after 3 months every day.

**** Let me REPEAT this again-I CANT DO THE SRT PROGRAM OR ANY JELQUING-My wrists have CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME-THey cant squeeze anything for to long. IF you have an alternative to SRT that uses only devices or machines then tell me what it IS. NO HAND SQUEEZING.

You can do SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory using only equipment. Skip the SSJ and Increase pumping by 5 minutes. You can use the PowerAssist using your feet and rope.
#2 Weights before pumping or weights after pumping?

Always length before girth
For Dld I have read all your stuff-a long time ago so it is not fresh in my bmemory I remeber something about Pyramid weights and backwards pyramid weights because you have dyslexia. (If you have a problem reading all the bullshit I write In apologize-it is a bad habit and everybody hates it-but Ib dont seem to be able to stop-because I never vfeel like I am fully explaining myself-Sorry)
There was nothing clarified about this program or hanging in general.
1-How do you do it?
2-How much weight for a begginner, how long to do it and How?
3-What is just a plain old hanging routine compared to your system?

The directions are in the hanging forum. You can start with 5 pounds and work your way up. A plain old hanging routine is fine also 3 sets of 20 minutes.
You dont have to answer these soon or at all. I actually dont excpect you to respond at all. I never do buut you do anyway. Thanks
I remeber I saw a system you created for people who were over weight and were doing this and it was like an experiment of yours. I cant find it anymore where is it located at? You said in there to doeither vweights or aerobic before bed I dont remeber which 1?
2) also why right before bed
3) I need something to do for a few months because I just had a full knee replacement surgery and it sounded reasonable. In a year or so I will start serious training at a gym
4-You can just point out where to find it

It was lost in the hack that has happened but not to worry you can do everything you need with what you have. A full Srt routine would include 4 sets of 5 minutes pumping and simply hanging 20 minutes fir four sets. This will be plenty
Where do I get caps that dont break?

Our store by silicone only lasts for so long.
You can just point out where to find any of the answers to these questions
1) Ball stretching-1-How to do it? 2-With what? 3-Does it work? 4-I have seen 2 measurements for it-where do you measure? 5-How long do you do it for ?
Do not worry about this now. Concentrate on the basics I laid out
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