case study extremely big problem. HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE....

somehow ive ended here after battling this injury for al most 6 months. im in my 40's . i had jelqed off and on and pumped for a month or 2. nothing serious. felt better, and hung better it seemed. no real serious gains expected. just wanted better bloodflow and quality.

one day, i jelqed a bit harder than i had been, but no pain, and jsut for a minute. next day i pumped and accidentally went more than i wanted. no pain. immediately released and red along the base of the shaft. within the day it was gone. several days later i woke up with a shrunken unit and slight numbess on the shaft. had all hard flaccid symptoms.

was scared, so continued making my self have sex,. after a month or so, it seemed it was subsiding. i still woke up in the morning with a chub. but everything shrank to nothing during the day.then it started seeming like if we had sex more than once a week, it would traumatize everything and destroy my libido and size again.

very sensitive glans with burning /cooling feeling. shrunk all day. no erections. no night erections. then it would come back a week later with her, and we'd have sex again. eventually i figured out we had to quit for awhile. 6 months later, here i am. we just went a month of nothing. i still walk around all day shrunk to nothing. we had sex 2 days ago and it was great, but now it seems to be overly sensitive again. only time i hang normally , is if i lay down in bed awhile. but soon after i get up, its all gone again.

sensitivity/nerve damage, seems likely, but not sure. nothing feels like me down there unless im hard. it doesnt seem like i did anything too hard/painful to cause this, but i obviously did. not sure if this will heal ever, but i cant take any more panic attacks and anxiety. its hard to make it to bedtime every day. its the only relief i get.

it feels like i have half what i did on a normal day now, with no arousal. ive also noticed a constant pressure moreso while shrunken, in my rectum /perenium area,that tightens when i flex my penis. i get decent morning/night erections sometimes, and sometimes not as much. but im sure my anxiety day to day is effecting that . i cannot masturbate to get hard since the 2nd month of this, due to it irritating the nerves it seems on the head. actual sex doesnt irritate it as much, but it still does.

i always have the numbness/sensitivity issue to some degree, but its super bad when its shriveled up and burns. im just not sure the nerves will heal, and i dont know what to do now. im mentally exhausted and depressed. i can barely force myself to work or do anything that involves moving. it lets me know every step of every day what ive lost.
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yeah. i know when you hear me say that, it doesnt sound rough at all. lol. let me tell you, it is . id give up sex entirely just to be able to feel something...anything all day long. its ungodly hard to understand how it feels as if nothing is there, yet when i touch it with a hand i can feel the touch, or showerhead. although it may be a tad underreporting. and to kegel and not feel a thing is super unsettling.

as far as ring goes. im not exactly sure.wouldnt blood get stopped from entering as much as it would exiting?
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Wrapping the entire penis from base to head using uncle jims wrap may bring some warmth helping with healing.
well . i did get a tad of help from cialis this morning/last night it seems.although the erection i woke up to wasnt exactly real hard. ill take it though. once i got up and going i felt kinda average for the morning at work. I seemed to feel things, although im still missing some. it just feels soft when i check it with my hand. it was decent size for awhile, but i believe the unnatural weird lack of feelings with over sensitivity is what keeps shrinking at times. cause it started slightly hurting and red inflamed glans again around lunch time. i dont want to believe it, but nerves are definitely upset from moving around in my clothes all morning ,so i have it wrapped up again. im confused where to turn now. i want to beleive it will heal, but not sure what to do or not do. dont know if theres even any option at this point other than wait. but if there is, waiting would be bad. ugh. and im thrilled with waiting if it would help. just no way to know. some moments it all feels like it could actually improve one day. then hours later, it feels the total opposite. im so confused, cause i still feel around the entire glans. especially in bed. and especially if i have any arousal . i feel towels really well. so its not like its totally numb. but can feel that way in clothes from lack of sensation i guess. whic is weird, cause i feel pretty ok if i jack off. other than the after effects.
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When your penis is loaded with nitric oxide, blood flows into the penis. This is very normal as the expanded penis gives you comforts and eats up the remaining free testosterone.

Why not use natural supplements like we've discussed before. Never hurt to try. L-Citrulline is a good start. If you can handle the sourness, ) l-citrulline malate is a better choice as it can absorb much quicker for functions. I spit my doses up with 2.5g in the morning during my cycling, and 2.5g later in the evening. Sometimes, I boosted with another 2g in mid day if I need to get my blood pumping. It's not meant for athletic performance boost, but just to get my blood flowing to the right place to deliver my bioavailable materials. The benefits is the constant boosts of nitric oxide in my blood stream to keep my penis nice and plump. Just give it a try for a few months to see if this works.

L-citrulline works well with micro nutrients and mega vitamins. D3 and Omega 3 is a great interactive benefits. I currently working on doing a gut health study with my colleagues to further boost the supplements absorption rate and maximize penile health gains and fat losses. Look up the home brew version of nongju, or high probiotic fermented rice wine. Most of our diets lack probiotics, and the so called probiotic supplements lack live cultures. This is loaded at 500k live cultures in 2 tablespoons. The alcohol also assists with natural sugar balance loading and intestinal cleansing.
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i think you misunderstood me. i was talking about trying to conquer this nerve inflammation. its my whole issue, and what has at least partially caused all the shrinkage. at least at first. if i could get my nerves to settle down for good, id have something to work with. this is a stupid problem to have with no way to get out.
It may be nerve inflammation, or maybe nerve misfiring. We don't know that yet. This is why we need to test the unconventional method of keep your penis plump with supplements like l-citrulline.
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i see . either way i think sex has gave me false hope with feeling this whole time. i feel like it may have just overstimulated it which falsely made it feel good for a few days. and now its just gotten worse and is just worthless. cialis gave me a hard erection while sleeping last night. thats all i got though. zero anything at other times. and when its gone it just feels like a ghost town again. the feeling during the day is so wrong. i just dont feel enough to matter. whether its misfiring or inflammation, ive exhausted all other alleys of causes. andnothing can fix this one except the man upstairs i fear. theres just no other explanation than dead nerves. it seems they are causing most of the shrinking. it takes on whole different state. and sometimes i get it out and its not shrunk. i dont know that fully till i see it, cause my sensitivity is so wrong. i have to wear a sock half the time just so i can get rid of the feeling. let me tell you. its the worst thing ever all day long. i cant understand how it started so mild, and even seemed to improve,then now this. i used to get some quality feelings in the daytime. i just dont now. and my feeling is so unsexual and awful.there are zero impulses if im out walking around. it feels too horrible to even have a sexual thought,and theres zero connection to my penis .yet somehow , someway, i can still wake up and have sex sometimes.and even feel the sensations. seems like every couple weeks is all i can do though. cause it really jacks with my feeling afterwards. and i now jack off never. cant handle it and no desire to.this is just how its destined to end up i reckon.God has this now, cause ive done and prayed all i can.
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and i had sex yesterday morning. seemed great till last night. and today its driving me up a wall. my nerves are entirely screwed up. sensitive glans.burning. weird sensations, and just dead feeling. im finished. this stupid jelqing crap has made me physically/mentally ill. im seriously about to need disability to deal with this. i can hardly make it through a day like this anymore,let alone work
This might have already been ruled out by the doctors, but did you get a full evaluation from the urologists as well? I didn't get a summary on the visit(s).

Since you didn't say anything about a reddish appearance in and around the glans, we can rule out balanitis, fungal infection, and UTI. You didn't mention about a burning sensation near the tip of the urethra, so I'm ruling out prostatitis and kidney stone lodgement near the end of the urethra. But it could still be suspects. Since the discussion didn't offer insights to the xray or MRI scan along the entire penile shaft and the glans, and radiologist(s) didn't report abnormal growth, we can partially rule out penile cancer near glans.

But at the same time, my colleagues kept on pestering me about possible dermatitis, or acute genito-pelvic dysesthesia. In their patients' cases, the irritating symptoms are resulted from not just penile nerve damages, but also down to the pelvic regions. This can be caused by damages to the pelvic floor, or nerves connected to the lumbar areas loated around the S2 to S3 along the vertebrae column. Back injuries in the past can suddenly takes turn for the worst, and the manifestation of phantom pains everywhere, including the penis, is from tears, kinks, or unseen damages in this nerve bundle. Specifically the pudendal nerve that goes to the very tip of the glans.

This is why we don't if the clamping or prior back injury may have caused a sudden nerve tear/kink on the pudendal nerve. The dorsal nerve branches along the entire penile shaft is link to this pudendal nerve that literally sits at the top of the penis as you look down at it. It travels roughly 1cm below the skin layer along the top of the penis. For some, it slides slightly to the left or right of the penis. Kinking it or tearing it at the base of the penis or at the lumbar region can cause that odd dysesthesia issue at the glans.

So, have to suffer any back injuries in the past?
I think you should demand every test possible from urologist to really pin this down.
This might have already been ruled out by the doctors, but did you get a full evaluation from the urologists as well? I didn't get a summary on the visit(s).

Since you didn't say anything about a reddish appearance in and around the glans, we can rule out balanitis, fungal infection, and UTI. You didn't mention about a burning sensation near the tip of the urethra, so I'm ruling out prostatitis and kidney stone lodgement near the end of the urethra. But it could still be suspects. Since the discussion didn't offer insights to the xray or MRI scan along the entire penile shaft and the glans, and radiologist(s) didn't report abnormal growth, we can partially rule out penile cancer near glans.

But at the same time, my colleagues kept on pestering me about possible dermatitis, or acute genito-pelvic dysesthesia. In their patients' cases, the irritating symptoms are resulted from not just penile nerve damages, but also down to the pelvic regions. This can be caused by damages to the pelvic floor, or nerves connected to the lumbar areas loated around the S2 to S3 along the vertebrae column. Back injuries in the past can suddenly takes turn for the worst, and the manifestation of phantom pains everywhere, including the penis, is from tears, kinks, or unseen damages in this nerve bundle. Specifically the pudendal nerve that goes to the very tip of the glans.

This is why we don't if the clamping or prior back injury may have caused a sudden nerve tear/kink on the pudendal nerve. The dorsal nerve branches along the entire penile shaft is link to this pudendal nerve that literally sits at the top of the penis as you look down at it. It travels roughly 1cm below the skin layer along the top of the penis. For some, it slides slightly to the left or right of the penis. Kinking it or tearing it at the base of the penis or at the lumbar region can cause that odd dysesthesia issue at the glans.

So, have to suffer any back injuries in the past?
no back injuries. this is simply satan messing my head up enough to make me think i needed to do this to myself. i never dreamed in my life one could squeeze them self hard enough to cause such damage in a couple minutes. especially with zero blood vessel damage or anything.

urologist looked me over as much as i expected. all they keep being concerned with is checking mybladder for some reason . and i could literally be a urologist. their only plan is to shove me off to other doctors which will also do the same thing. they dont know anything. cause this only happens to stupid people i guess. it just seems so gone now. feels like a foreign object all hours of the day. only time it feels somewhat like old times is like last night when i woke up to pee with an erection. only reason i did, was it may just be the last time i do. i cant remember the last time it happened. the only thing consistent is the crap anti penis dead nerve feelings all day. and the weird pressure sensation through my junk when i kegel after ive sat down awhile only. and usually night erections. glans always feels with touch, just all weird. i just want to raise my kids. its very rough to see that through now. my nerves feel horrible. there was a time 3 months ago i was feeling really decent. i had that energy again. it just kinda started feeling more burny /foreign the last month or 2. it seemed to start after some red light for some reason. i dont know. ive chased this ghost for so long, and im growing weary . i cant feel human ever. i can only block out the creepy feelins for so long. only hope has got me this far.
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ok. this has screwed up my life so completely, i am determined to try to win. everything seems to have done what its done, and prettty much stays like im gonna describe. my plump penis has left the area completely it seems at all hours of the day. only time i get any size or flow is after nocturnal erections which vary in strength. and feeling. sometimes, i feel them fine. other times, i wake up and just have the sense of it, and have to touch it to find out. if i decide to rub it at that point, it feels totally great. it doesnt make me want to cum soon and feels awesome.
now, if i wake up early, or whenever, im usually completely limp. smallest ive ever felt. at times im even aroused. although zero flow. so, if i then decide to rub it, it gets weird. ill start getting hard. before i can get hard though, ill have to cum. i have to stop several times. throughout that, i feel cum building up deep inside , and it actually almost hurts. after that, i have to just carefully touch it here and there to fully get hard, although its useless cause its ready to explode . at that point it just looks red, and labored. then ill go to work, an ill start feeling stronger kegel restricition pains in my rear. this explains why if i wake up at night an have sex, it works so much better.
so , most of the day now, i stay pretty shrunk. sometimes its cause i cant feel anything. others its both. it is sensitive at glans although numb. if i stay out of my head, i dont seem to get as much pain. when i sit down, ive noticed is when i get this tight deep rectum feeling when i kegel. if i have to poop also, its rather painful at times. i also get this restricted pain up through my penis when i kegel. which i swear messes with feeling at times. and flow/arousal. when ive had good erection at night i dont seem to feel any of it.
weirder part, is that at any time, i can make an erection /have sex if i wanted to. i just try not to , cause it makes it feel so bad/dead afterwards. i cant ever get an arousal during the day period unless my wife is around. this tightness/constricting in my insides, just feels connected with the lack of connection/kegel in my penis. its ripped my heart and mind apart.
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We've all been thinking out of the box on this one. Oddly enough, clues were everywhere in the statements from post to post. It pertains to night time mainly. We're pulling everything out of our archival info, and a few contacted specialists to tease their brains. The funny thing is, they all said the exact same time. "Night time", "Rest phases", "Blood flow", "Accumulative hormonal levels"..These things kept on coming back and slapped us in the back of our heads.

We kept hitting the same strange ends, such as noctural sleep cycles that influences the production of the free testosterone. What is the sleep cycle? 4, 5, 6, 7 hours? Constant sleep cycle? Disruptive sleep cycle? Influence of disrupted cycles that cause rise and fall of cortisol?

We also consulted the specialists on the disruption of the gonads in producing testosterone during day time, when it's at its lowest. There were disturbing items on the check lists that I've posted before, such as untraced cancer and hypogonadism, but also inflammation near the gonads/testicles for non-cancerous cases, borderline diabetes, lymphoma issues, and even rare cases of latten genetic factors that flare up like bombs. A few cases in India and China recorded that there were chemicals/triggers causing gonadotoxicity such as x-ray, shellfishes, and even carcinogenic materials. We live in a crazy world with more than a million ways to mess us up.

PE may be a suspected culprit, but it's not the main culprit. It's something else. It may be a string of something else. This is why all specialists are encouraging their patients to monitor te LH, FSH, testosterone, and SHGB levels constantly.
pe caused this plain and simple. i had sex after i posted this. well. i got myself hard first just to see what it felt like. it felt great. although it was like watching a transformer grow in slow motion. then i just feel ready to cum, and my glans just looks redder than i rememer it. i had sex for a few minutes, then finally got off. rest of thenight i just do nt really feel a whole lot again. glans feels either nothing or irritation. depending on what its touching . i just cant get over how good i can feel during a sex act, yet feel like i dont even have a penis all other times. i sleep at least 8 hrs every day. its all i enjoy these days. it feels so much like it will heal, yet it just never seems to get there. sitting is most comfortable. walking or working is a train wreck. other thing is, ive had this so long , i cant remember what normal feels like any more. i do know this aint it . at all. i used to have a fat flaccid penis at random times of the day. i have zero differences in my junk all day now. it looks like its been deprived of oxygen when i get it out, unless i manually arouse it.

everything i read on jelqing has these same symptoms and nothing ever seems to fix anything. would have helped reading that ahead of time, and id still have a good life doing none of this. id love to change this outcome. i just cant seem to get there. and its killing me in the process
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You can pin it on unsafe practices of PE if you want. But hyper focus on one reason may blind-sight you to other reasons. This has been proven over and over and over again in the medical world. We think one thing is the main thing that medically caused us to not function properly, but we end up discovering something else. It happened to my entire family, my extended families, workers, friends, and the list of victims keeps going. I have extensive knowledge, yet, things still got me clueless at first until hindsighta in the latter days reveal the truth.

The keypoint is, don't stay hyper focus on the symptoms and not see the causes.
i get it. but i also know i was fine till i did this crap. days later, im done. and the pain/feelings feel directly related to it as well. im pretty confused why people defend this stuff SO much though. like cancer/ really? lol. definitely not that. i mean, now it makes perfect sense how i got hurt. i wish there were more cases show up that were most likely deleted across the net, so that i wouldnt have to die this slow death . for some reason though, i never got to see them, and experimented very poorly. id give anything to have not come across this.
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