Does Having a bigger dick make you more attractive?... I think so? Here's my reasoning...

Another question guys - we've all been talking about size in terms of length making a guy more attractive. Without a doubt it does!

But what about girth? Recently there's been a lot of talk in the media about how girth matters more. In one study, women reported girth being more important than length for one night stands.

Can the combination of short length but massive girth be considered big? It's not as visually noticeable as length, but in terms of volume it can be absolutely huge.

You could classify the extremes of sizes like this:

short + thin
short + thick
long + thin
long + thick

It's possible that by volume short + thick = long + thin in terms of volume. If you put various numbers into dick volume calculators you'll see pretty quickly that girth drastically increases the actual total mass of dick you have, more so than length.

My verdict is that, at average length, girth doesn't look physically impressive - it might even make a cock look shorter than it really is. But it is likely to feel pretty damn good. Deep penetration might not be possible, but it will feel mighty good towards the entrance of her pussy if she's getting really stretched out.

Kinda close to home for me so I've spent some time musing over this.

Edit: Here's an interesting study - Penis size: Survey of female perceptions of sexual satisfaction

Here are some of the big (no pun intended ;))insights. The bold is mine:

Of the 50 females surveyed, 45 reported that width felt better, with only 5 reporting length felt better (chi square = 32.00, df = 1, p < .001). No females reported that they could not tell any difference. Some did report that sex in a relationship was better than sex without commitment.


It is not obvious why a wide penis would be preferred to a long penis, but speculation would suggest the following. Penis width may be important due to a penis thick at the base providing greater clitoral stimulation as the male thrusts into the female during sexual intercourse. That is, a wide penis would seem to offer a greater degree of contact with the outer part of the vagina, including the clitoral area. If this is correct, then Masters and Johnson are wrong about penis size being unrelated, physiologically, to female sexual satisfaction. Masters, Johnson, and Kolodny [3] do not totally rule out penis size being relevant, but they suggest that it is likely of minor importance for female sexual satisfaction (see especially pages 509-510 in Masters, Johnson, and Kolodny [3]). Another possibility is that a wider penis provides the woman with a greater feeling of fullness, which is psychologically, and perhaps physiologically, satisfying.


Women reported that penis width was more important for their sexual satisfaction than penis length. The results were statistically significant. Penis width needs to be given more consideration, and taken into account when one discusses penis size. Also, it may be that Masters and Johnson [1,2,3] were wrong about penis size having little or no physiological effect on women's sexual satisfaction. However, the current data cannot provide a final answer, since they are based on self reports of women surveyed about penis length vs. width, and their sexual satisfaction. The results reflect either a psychological preference or a true physiological reality, but we cannot say which, with the present method that was employed.
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Another question guys - we've all been talking about size in terms of length making a guy more attractive. Without a doubt it does!

But what about girth? Recently there's been a lot of talk in the media about how girth matters more. In one study, women reported girth being more important than length for one night stands.

Can the combination of short length but massive girth be considered big? It's not as visually noticeable as length, but in terms of volume it can be absolutely huge.

My verdict is that, at average length, girth doesn't look physically impressive - it might even make a cock look shorter than it really is. But it is likely to feel pretty damn good. Deep penetration might not be possible, but it will feel mighty good towards the entrance of her pussy if she's getting really stretched out.

Kinda close to home for me so I've spent some time musing over this.
Visual stimulation is one thing, physical stimulation is another. I'd say visually the "beer can" flaccid penis might be less appealing, but when they're feeling it inside them it would drive them up the walls more than a longer penis. Forget about anal or blowjobs, though LOL
Oh, and I also believe a thicker, shorter dick creates a fuller bulge than a longer, thinner one.
i disagree, completely with the ''in our heads''... it's not, and frankly i'm beginning to think we have a bunch of male feminist philosophy teachers running a PE site. Like i said, i have personal experience, i have numerous forum write-ups of women talking about how it attracts them, and there are literally videos on youtube of women talking about checking for the bulge and how it raises the man's appeal... seriously don't get whats so hard to understand about this...

Size Does Matter: Women Find Large Penises More Attractive - "We've found that penis size did influence a man's sex appeal, and it was just as important as height, which is a well-known factor in male attractiveness."

Penis Psychology Expert Explains What Makes Big Dick Energy a Real Thing - i just threw this one in because i think it's a good read on the psychological effects having a big dick can make a man more confident, and men who were born packing tend to be more confident in overall situations, even though they may have never realized this.

Great links ?

I have good memories of women checking my bulge out, the last time I recall was a few years back when two young women looked at it as they walked by with me having a good hang, I heard them speak how thick it was and giggle.

I would like if I said it didn't turn me on, I loved it when I caught a lass looking, or knew it was happening.

Nowadays I don't date, times will change, so, I often go out wearing pants hiding the bulge.

It gives you a confidence boost that's for sure, guess it makes us feel sexy right? And that is I guess what translates as attractive to her.

It's also in no way dirty or slutty for women to do this. Men treat women like meat for years, after all she's just looking, but in the right environment, like a bat it can lead to intense sex afterwards.

I knew a lass who had her eye on my cock all night back ten years ago at a club, she told me when we hooked up in the park outside the club, and that she wanted it. I ended up shagging her bent over the fence with her thong around her ankles as the train went past behind me. Gave her a good stuffing ?

So, sure it has an effect, but I still think it depends on the situation, environment as to her own motives i.e sex, curious, a giggle.
Another question guys - we've all been talking about size in terms of length making a guy more attractive. Without a doubt it does!

But what about girth? Recently there's been a lot of talk in the media about how girth matters more. In one study, women reported girth being more important than length for one night stands.

(cwl) and here we go! Exactly what I've thought a few weeks ago.
So they prefer girth over length when banging, but for physical looks and also being flaccid they prefer are more balanced dick with length before girth :confused:
Insert all kind of 'wtf' & 'what' gifs here, but for the discussion I'm so fair and will just use one.

I think the best solution for that would be a long + thick dick, but nothing near like the look of a cola can.
So they can't say anything anymore and will just live a happy life sucking the Lollipop till the end of their days.

For the physical looks it just shouldn't be the same dimensions (5x5, 6x6, 7x6, 8x8, 9x9,...) because from the physical appearance that looks unattractive in general.
For beauty there's something like a 'golden ratio'. It's used for lots of things and their appearance, even people in ancient egypt & greek used it and the 'Vitruvian Man' of Leonardo da Vinci is based on it. I don't know so much about it but it's said that the factor is ~ 1.62 (1.1618...)
As said, I don't even know if that's also working for dicks, but they're using it for everything. Also I don't know if it's right how I'm using it now and this is just based for they beauty of looks in general from science, everybody has another preference.

Girth x 1.62 = Optimum Length (based on golden ratio)
Length / 1.62 = Optimum Girth (based on golden ratio)

5" Girth x 1.62 = 8.1" Optimum Length (based on golden ratio)
6" Girth x 1.62 =9.72" Optimum Length (based on golden ratio)
7" Girth x 1.62 = 11.34" Optimum Length (based on golden ratio)

Sounds a little bit weird first, but if we're looking with a general view on such a dick, it really could make sense as it looks 'good' then.
With 'good' I mean it looks good like a normal object, for nearly all of us it would look very thin in correlation, especially if we take NBPEL here.
If we take BPEL here, it actually could make more sense, but most people still would say it looks 'thin' in correlation of it's length.

For me it's more factor 1.4 - 1.5 which makes it look good, but that's my personal opinion, so it would be 7x5, 8.4x6, 9,8x7
Other people maybe love to look at 7x7, 7x6 or 8x8, 8x7 - factor 1 - 1.2, but from physical looks it doesn't look very attractive in general (my opinion).

Visual stimulation is one thing, physical stimulation is another. I'd say visually the "beer can" flaccid penis might be less appealing, but when they're feeling it inside them it would drive them up the walls more than a longer penis. Forget about anal or blowjobs, though LOL
Oh, and I also believe a thicker, shorter dick creates a fuller bulge than a longer, thinner one.

Coming to talk about bulges now...
In my experience bulges are mostly created by the girth of a cock! So you can throw away everything I've said above about the 'golden ratio' as that won't give you a big bulge and we can focus on girth here now LOL
2) How attractive is a big bulge from a flaccid penis under pants to you?

..Major turn on,
Directly quoted it from a thread, in which the wife of @bandit2010 answered questions :)
If we're taking in now all stories of RedZulu of bulges - for most women a (big) bulge is a turn on (and eyecatcher too).

In my opinion noticeable bulges are created, starting at 4.5"-5"+ flaccid girth cocks, maybe more 5"+.
As you don't want that they just would see a round bulge in your pants, you should also bring some length with you.
If I'm wearing a mummy/wrap I'd say starting around 5"-5.5" you can really see it under all kind of pants LOL in combination with 5"+ girth - yes, definitely.

Well, as I'm testing lots of things - yes, I've once made a fat mummy/wrap and went into the city center.
With my current size, the mummy length was around 6.25" length and I'd say maybe 5.5" girth as it really was a thick mummy/wrap (cwl)
You can test it your own! People are watching man LOL men too, but girls/women looked for 1-2 seconds and then they looked away, after a few seconds they directly stared at it again! Now I can really feel how girls with big boobs feel...
If you have 'big balls' do this experiment while wearing jogging pants. If you have the biggest balls ever, do it while doing sports and wearing tight leggingsLMAO

We could do an own case study for this, everybody here could participate as we all can easily do mummies/wraps.
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(cwl) and here we go! Exactly what I've thought a few weeks ago.
So they prefer girth over length when banging, but for physical looks and also being flaccid they prefer are more balanced dick with length before girth :confused:
Insert all kind of 'wtf' & 'what' gifs here, but for the discussion I'm so fair and will just use one.

I think the best solution for that would be a long + thick dick, but nothing near like the look of a cola can.
So they can't say anything anymore and will just live a happy life sucking the Lollipop till the end of their days.

For the physical looks it just shouldn't be the same dimensions (5x5, 6x6, 7x6, 8x8, 9x9,...) because from the physical appearance that looks unattractive in general.
For beauty there's something like a 'golden ratio'. It's used for lots of things and their appearance, even people in ancient egypt & greek used it and the 'Vitruvian Man' of Leonardo da Vinci is based on it. I don't know so much about it but it's said that the factor is ~ 1.62 (1.1618...)
As said, I don't even know if that's also working for dicks, but they're using it for everything. Also I don't know if it's right how I'm using it now and this is just based for they beauty of looks in general from science, everybody has another preference.

Girth x 1.62 = Optimum Length (based on golden ratio)
Length / 1.62 = Optimum Girth (based on golden ratio)

5" Girth x 1.62 = 8.1" Optimum Length (based on golden ratio)
6" Girth x 1.62 =9.72" Optimum Length (based on golden ratio)
7" Girth x 1.62 = 11.34" Optimum Length (based on golden ratio)

Sounds a little bit weird first, but if we're looking with a general view on such a dick, it really could make sense as it looks 'good' then.
With 'good' I mean it looks good like a normal object, for nearly all of us it would look very thin in correlation, especially if we take NBPEL here.
If we take BPEL here, it actually could make more sense, but most people still would say it looks 'thin' in correlation of it's length.

For me it's more factor 1.4 - 1.5 which makes it look good, but that's my personal opinion, so it would be 7x5, 8.4x6, 9,8x7
Other people maybe love to look at 7x7, 7x6 or 8x8, 8x7 - factor 1 - 1.2, but from physical looks it doesn't look very attractive in general (my opinion).

Coming to talk about bulges now...
In my experience bulges are mostly created by the girth of a cock! So you can throw away everything I've said above about the 'golden ratio' as that won't give you a big bulge and we can focus on girth here now LOL

Directly quoted it from a thread, in which the wife of @bandit2010 answered questions :)
If we're taking in now all stories of RedZulu of bulges - for most women a (big) bulge is a turn on (and eyecatcher too).

In my opinion noticeable bulges are created, starting at 4.5"-5"+ flaccid girth cocks, maybe more 5"+.
As you don't want that they just would see a round bulge in your pants, you should also bring some length with you.
If I'm wearing a mummy/wrap I'd say starting around 5"-5.5" you can really see it under all kind of pants LOL in combination with 5"+ girth - yes, definitely.

Well, as I'm testing lots of things - yes, I've once made a fat mummy/wrap and went into the city center.
With my current size, the mummy length was around 6.25" length and I'd say maybe 5.5" girth as it really was a thick mummy/wrap (cwl)
You can test it your own! People are watching man LOL men too, but girls/women looked for 1-2 seconds and then they looked away, after a few seconds they directly stared at it again! Now I can really feel how girls with big boobs feel...
If you have 'big balls' do this experiment while wearing jogging pants. If you have the biggest balls ever, do it while doing sports and wearing tight leggingsLMAO

We could do an own case study for this, everybody here could participate as we all can easily do mummies/wraps.

I can relate very the bulge issue. I always wrap with the ace bandage after my LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging session. Most people in my place knows about my bulge. I catch both male and female staring and at first I wasn't comfortable. But now I don't care.
Women are very curious. Some of the bulge watchers are simply due to not being able to miss it, and it's large. Personal experience, and although females look and like, I still believe it's down to more variables to the real reason.

Example. I'm walking the dog in the park, got a big hang going on. I walk by a female, she looks at bulge, away back at it, away.

That to me doesn't mean she loves big xock or bulge watching. It tells me she noticed, hard to miss, my bulge as she passed.

Some women will even find this pervy if you're too blatent and in the UK you can be arrested for public indecency, it's INTENT with regards to potential sex crime and the environment.

Example, a guy with a huge bulge decides to linger around the town centre in the same spot for quite a time.

His bulge is blatent. That behavior to me raises a red flag, that the guy has potential problems, maybe a predator.

It would look odd. Try to understand, take into account time and a place. What would you think, obvious pervert here, if a guy was stood outside a school for ages with a bulge or boner looking at kids? Exactly, it's abnormal. And some men who go around wanting to bulge off ? are also IMHO sexual deviants, which is why you gotta be careful if you insist doing it ... Time and place, think environment, are these women going to like it or will you cause distress, don't be selfish.

Okay, another example. I'm in a club, girl sees bulge, she looks away, back at it, away again. Now she's looking at your face smiling, whatever, it's a place you expect people to flirt, act like that respectfully.

I've had women look at my bulge in the train, and I knew they were curious, some were offended. I recall a gorgeous blonde sat opposite me, I had a big bulge, caught her, she gave me a filthy look and said I was disgusting before getting up moving seats.

I took it on the chin. It can look offensive, after all sometimes it can appear fake, so they may assume that.

I've even seen other men's bulges, not because I wanted cock or find it sexy but due to where my eye moved to as I glanced somewhere. At times I have seen large bulges and caught my eye that's all, sure that happened with some women, they're not all looking at you through the eyes of sexual lenses, or the world as a sexual playground, but time and a place, you get women who love looking, touching, fucking.

It's environment, the timing of it all.
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So yeah women can find bulge watching a turn on depending upon the variables of environment, and time.

Another time and place she may not be in the mood.

just my thoughts, experience.
Having a bigger penis is going to give every man a boost in confidence and as you grow your confidence will grow with you.
So yeah women can find bulge watching a turn on depending upon the variables of environment, and time.

Another time and place she may not be in the mood.

just my thoughts, experience.
Sometimes I do dress in such a way as to enhance my bulge a bit more. That's usually when I go out for a run wearing running tights. But I know that, even if I take several laps around the same park and pass the same women more than once, in my opinion no one can accuse me of bulging off, since I am, in fact, working out and wearing work-out clothes.
Honestly, I prefer to approach the bulge subject more from the mindset of "fuck it, if I have it, no one has the right to demand that I hide it".
It would be like asking a busty woman to purposefully wear chest flattening clothes. I believe no one has the right to ask that. It's not her fault if she's top heavy. Why would she have to minimize the size of her body just because someone gets offended by it? It's just easier if the ones who get offended simply chose no look away.
Now, I know all of us here in the forum are to blame for having larger bulges, since we've worked for it. (xd) But still,though I'm not saying one should go to the bank wearing white basketball mesh shorts while going commando and sporting a semi, I also think that... well, I'm not going to say "if you got, flaunt it", but I am going to say "if you got it, there's no need to hide it".
I know there are grey areas to this, but it's just my opinion. :)
Women are very curious. Some of the bulge watchers are simply due to not being able to miss it, and it's large. Personal experience, and although females look and like, I still believe it's down to more variables to the real reason.

Example. I'm walking the dog in the park, got a big hang going on. I walk by a female, she looks at bulge, away back at it, away.

That to me doesn't mean she loves big xock or bulge watching. It tells me she noticed, hard to miss, my bulge as she passed.

Some women will even find this pervy if you're too blatent and in the UK you can be arrested for public indecency, it's INTENT with regards to potential sex crime and the environment.

Example, a guy with a huge bulge decides to linger around the town centre in the same spot for quite a time.

His bulge is blatent. That behavior to me raises a red flag, that the guy has potential problems, maybe a predator.

It would look odd. Try to understand, take into account time and a place. What would you think, obvious pervert here, if a guy was stood outside a school for ages with a bulge or boner looking at kids? Exactly, it's abnormal. And some men who go around wanting to bulge off ? are also IMHO sexual deviants, which is why you gotta be careful if you insist doing it ... Time and place, think environment, are these women going to like it or will you cause distress, don't be selfish.

Okay, another example. I'm in a club, girl sees bulge, she looks away, back at it, away again. Now she's looking at your face smiling, whatever, it's a place you expect people to flirt, act like that respectfully.

I've had women look at my bulge in the train, and I knew they were curious, some were offended. I recall a gorgeous blonde sat opposite me, I had a big bulge, caught her, she gave me a filthy look and said I was disgusting before getting up moving seats.

I took it on the chin. It can look offensive, after all sometimes it can appear fake, so they may assume that.

I've even seen other men's bulges, not because I wanted cock or find it sexy but due to where my eye moved to as I glanced somewhere. At times I have seen large bulges and caught my eye that's all, sure that happened with some women, they're not all looking at you through the eyes of sexual lenses, or the world as a sexual playground, but time and a place, you get women who love looking, touching, fucking.

It's environment, the timing of it all.
Sure thats true, but im not talking about stuffinga dildo down my, or keeping a semi, and if guys in �naked people movies� can manage to have normal interactions on the bus, im sure well be fine. Hahaha i know your ecperiemces come from a lot of attention seeking, you loved showimg off the bulge.
And the experiment f26 is doing amd all the videos of GIANT bulges is just to prove women absolutely look. I never said having a giant obvious attentiom seeking bulge would make you automatically attractive to women.
My point was, if you have a bulge and a women who would think your somewhat attractive seen it, it would definitely up your attraction. Now obviously beimg a lewd moron with your cock on diaplay basically begging for women to look is a completely different thing. Lets not get the two confused.
Sure thats true, but im not talking about stuffinga dildo down my, or keeping a semi, and if guys in �naked people movies� can manage to have normal interactions on the bus, im sure well be fine. Hahaha i know your ecperiemces come from a lot of attention seeking, you loved showimg off the bulge.
And the experiment f26 is doing amd all the videos of GIANT bulges is just to prove women absolutely look. I never said having a giant obvious attentiom seeking bulge would make you automatically attractive to women.
My point was, if you have a bulge and a women who would think your somewhat attractive seen it, it would definitely up your attraction. Now obviously beimg a lewd moron with your cock on diaplay basically begging for women to look is a completely different thing. Lets not get the two confused.

@jekyllnhyde360 Exactly how it is! There's really no way anybody wants to sexually harass other people @REDZULU2003.
We're not talking about stuffing XXL dildos in our pants, nor about wrapping it up until 11x8 or so (even if it doesn't work lengthwise anyways because of too small BPFSL) LOL I don't think why people always try to push it to the extreme when we're talking about things with normal logical sense LOL

For most it would already be a big change, at least for some of us growers, if we see the difference between having no bulge at all, and having 6x5/7x5 flaccid or so with a normal bulge. Maybe some people just want to check it out once and do 8x6/9x7 and see the reactions as motivation boost or how it would feel having such a extremly large flaccid size, but it think that's the maximum people would do here.
I honestly do think people of this forum are that smart that they are not stuffing huge XXL dildos (12/13x9) in their pants and doing this commando and walking in front of nursery schools, schools or following specific girls for a few minutes... (fail)

@savageblue exactly bro! Women are wearing hotpants, miniskirts, no bras, push-up bras, tight tops, belly free tops and everything to make their physical appearnce more sexual, even if their boobs are more noticeable than a bulge, because 1) it's closer to the eyes and 2) it's definitely bigger from volume than a flaccid dick! If that what I've said about an ace-wrap/mummy in my thread would be so bad, man, you could also bash every single girl/woman on the planet who ever walked around with a push-up bra! And I can tell you, nearly all of the women did it, even when they have C cups and some even with D cups.
So I really won't say anything against normal bulges, especially if nearly nobody of us men are wearing fcking tight legging pants 1) in public 2) very rarely during sports, if you're not a professional marathon runner or professional cyclist.
Most of us just wear jeans, chinos, suits trousers/suit pants & joggers.
And as most men are attracted to noticeable boobs, why shouldn't women not be attracted to bulges? Maybe they don't even have to be attracted to it, but it may give them a smile or giggle. So it's a win-win.
Yes, there also maybe women who are disgusted by it, but normally those are the ones you mostly don't want to get in contact with anyways (cwl) and if they are disgusted by a normal bulge which happens when you have a bigger flaccid dick, then some of those women who reacted like this with bigger and noticeable boobs should re-think about hiding their boobs also.

Next thing: Girls/Women in leggings. Well, if often happens that you can spot camel toes, girls also know that there's very less chance of never getting one while still wearing leggings that fit and look nice. It's nature man, who cares? We're all adults and know that they have a vagina under their leggings/pants/skirt anyways. They all also know we're having dick under our pants. So I really don't see any problem in it if you're not pushing things to the extreme.

Yes in the thread they went a little overboard and pushed it to the extreme, but just to get lots of reactions in a very short amount of time and to push the reactions to the extreme as you saw.
And still, lots of people had been smiling/giggling and maybe it made their day, even if some knew it was fake LOL But as creator I don't think you want to walk around 10 days with a mid/large size bulge for getting some reactions, so they prefered doing it 1/2 day or 1 day while going XXL :)
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