• Yes

    Votes: 69 82.1%
  • No

    Votes: 15 17.9%

  • Total voters
REDZULU2003;360292 said:
The truth is this ... they are closet gays that want DLDs cock inside their shit hole and than rammed inside and down the throat as he cums and than snowball it to one another as they prepare for the PIECE DE RESISTANCE and to choke to death on dlds cock ...... they seem so into it and always looking at his pix, they even know the fucking pixel patterns across his dick for CHRISTS SAKE!!!!! how fucked is that!!! Make a dildo you sad depraved wankers and stick it deep inside your shitters and die while your at it!

Serious thought, persist with this and I will ban your ass for being a trouble maker as this topic has been beaten to death and its not fair to come into dlds home [These forums] and literally keep pissing all across his carpet when he's aready explained why he wont film a video.

Get a life, wonder why you dont gain? or your gains are pretty pathetic to say the least? your a pathetic streak of piss which has tested my patience to its limit and anytime soon you will be banned.

Doesn't need to be any of that: the guy's just jealous.

And jealousy, my friend, is the root of all evil! :p
longstretch;360250 said:
This post isn't about Penis Enlargement working or not. It has nothing to do with 1,000s of other posters. It has to do with the question of whether DLD's pic was photo shopped or not.

That's rigth. But since DLD and the rest can't deny the evidence of those obviously faked they rather say we are detractors of Penis Enlargement.

And that's not true. Penis Enlargement WORKS. I know based on my own experience.

But the measurement pics of DLD are photoshopped ones, as it was shown.

And his 10.5 inches claimed are plain bullshit.

stevie7inch;360187 said:
You know what? I've been thinking about this potential fraud all day.
I haven't gained, except for the slightest of temporary girth gainage, which could be a number of things. I just got a blister from improperly, overzealously using the Static Stretcher.
Point being: if there's anyone who should be skeptical, angrily so, it's me.

Penis Enlargement works, if done in a regular basis. But Penis Enlargement won't give you a 10.5" dick as DLD claims to be, because there isn't a single man with a real 10" dick.
Some people pointed to this "3 HANDER" video as the video proof of DLD's dick being 10.5" long as he claims with his photoshopped pics.


First of all: how long a true 3 hander dick is?.

According to medical studies on hand size....


Average hand width on adult males: 8.45 cms (3.32").

Average hand width on adult females: 7.48 cms (2.94").

So according to that "3 hander" video, it seems that DLD's dick length is:
3.32" (DLD hand width) + 2.94" (girl's hand width) + 3.32" (DLD hand width) = 9.58" that's close to those 10.5" claimed by DLD with his faked pics.

But there is a trick in that video. The trick is in the way DLD hold his dick.
As the video show, the finger and thumb of DLD are touching his pubic bone. The green arrow in the pic point that.

This way he is holding his dick with the whole fist of the upper hand and JUST THE FINGER AND THUMB of his lower hand around the base of the dick. The rest of the fingers of the lower hand are over his scrotum pressing hard against his balls. This way he leaves enough space between both hands for placing the tiny hand of a girl, as that image show.

I will use pics from another guy who also claims an exaggerated and over inflated dick size: __________ (who claims to be 14" in his videos).
Here you can see two pictures of __________'s dick.

In the first pic he his holding his dick with his whole fists around it (with the 5 fingers of each hand wrapped AROUND THE SHAFT). As you can see there is a separation between his thumb and his pubic bone.

In the second pic __________ is holding his dick using the whole fist of the upper hand and JUST THE THUMB AND INDEX finger around the base of the dick. So THERE IS NO SEPARATION between his thumb and his pubic bone. His thumb and index finger are touching the pubic bone.

This is the same way DLD holds his dick in his "3 hander" video:

This way both __________ and DLD create the illusion that their dicks are so large that there is room for the width of a girl's hand between their both hands.

This can be easily done with anybody with a dick about 8" long (like mine). Holding my dick using my whole fists (first pic) and pressing hand against my ballsac/pubic bone (second pic)...... et VOILA!!! an instant "3 hander" dick.

__________'s dick is a two hander dick.

__________'s dick length is 3.32" (hand) + 3.32" (hand) + 1.37" (approximate length of glans in adult males) = around 8".

This can be seen in the following pic where the girl hold it at the base using her whole fist. Each green arrow represents the width of her hand. There is room for just two hands along the entire shaft.

...and also is visible in all his videos (each arrow represents the width of his hand).


And in these pics posted __________'s dick is totally hard.

The veins are marked and visible over his shaft. This means his shaft is fully engorged with blood. This mean maximum erection.

... and his dick is totally rigid and pointing straigth because it is fully hard.

So we can see that when __________ and the girl hold his dick, the whole shaft is covered just leaving out the glans. Once again, this show that __________'s dick is a two hander dick.

So DLD want us to believe that his dick is a 3 hander one using that tricky hand positioning....

...while the whole shaft of __________'s dick is fully held using TWO hands.

In other words, LDL want us to believe that his dick is 3 hands long...

... that is: about one hand width (3.32") longer than __________'s dick (the biggest dick in �naked people movies�)

...just because he claims to be 10.5" long using those faked pics made cloning and repeating portions of his dick along the shaft to make it reach the 10.5" mark on the ruler

... just like this black guy in the pic has digitally enlarged his dick also using Photoshop....

MAXAMEYES;360288 said:
Guys, believe, or not, that's subjective. Results, however, are objective and cannot be argued with.

This is true. Penis Enlargement really works if done on a regular basis. It takes time but it gives results. I know it by myself. After years of doing Penis Enlargement on a daily basis I've developed a big dick. And it look as big as __________'s one (the self-proclaimed biggest dick in �naked people movies�).

10" dicks only exist in those faked pics as the ones from DDL. The biggest real dicks (including the biggest in �naked people movies� __________, __________) are around 8".

the_squid;360303 said:
Doesn't need to be any of that: the guy's just jealous.

And jealousy, my friend, is the root of all evil! :p

It's not just one guy. There are many guys (some of them in this thread) who have noticed the measurement pics of DLD are faked ones.
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How bout you and all the DLD haters start your own forum. Why would you come to his forum to talk down on him.
I think you are missing the point of it all. If DLD is or is not faking it or not. May he sold out or not. He has still enlightened you and others to a whole new world that can better our lives. It is like forever hating bill clinton cause he showed his dick to a government clerk. We all know the story but we dont care anymore if he did it or not. Even if DLD is faking it he will always be a hero to us all
is it me or does the pic of dld's cock where he has two hands on it and the chick has one, why does she only have three fingers and a thumb????????????
rfj;360304 said:
...because there isn't a single man with a real 10" dick.


10" dicks only exist in those faked pics as the ones from DDL. The biggest real dicks (including the biggest in �naked people movies� __________, __________) are around 8".

No offense, but I think you truly want to convince yourself of that :)

The longest human penises on record are 13.5"+. One was measured by Dr. Robert Dickenson and the other (almost 14") by Dr. David Reuben (“Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex”).

The Guinness Book of World Records also includes an entry for a man that enlarged his penis from 6.29 to 10.62 inches.
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How can someone look at my dick for that long? I really wonder how much time has been put into studying my dick...amazing.
rfj, why not post some pix of your dick with accurate measurements? your claiming this and that, so step up to the mark.

Regarding hand size .. are you serious that dld has AVERAGE sized hands? your takeing it into account that every male & female in the shots is dead on average from those studies, doesnt happen buddy.
REDZULU2003;360346 said:
rfj, why not post some pix of your dick with accurate measurements? your claiming this and that, so step up to the mark.

Regarding hand size .. are you serious that dld has AVERAGE sized hands? your takeing it into account that every male & female in the shots is dead on average from those studies, doesnt happen buddy.

I'll post an accurate measurement of my dick the same day __________ measures accurately his dick on a video.

No, I don't know if DLD hands are small, average or big. But estimations should be done using the average stated by studies.

Also, I could answer you saying: maybe __________'s hands are very small and that's the reason why his dick looks so large..... would you believe it?. Maybe DLD and his girl have huge hands. Maybe __________ and the girl at his video have both huge hands (strange enough for a guy who isn't tall and a girl who is tiny and petite). Maybe all of them have average or small hands, maybe my hands are huge, average or small.... Just imagine what you want to.

As I said I've gained from Penis Enlargement and my dick is or at least look as big as the biggest dick seen (or so they say) in �naked people movies�. For me that's more than enough. It took several years of daily Penis Enlargement to achieve this size.

And part of my gains came from the exercises explained at your Clamping Guide. So thank you.
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rfj;360349 said:
I'll post an accurate measurement of my dick the same day __________ measures accurately his dick on a video.
Don't hide behind __________'s Dick ... Man-up and prove what you're claiming. (LOL)

Myself, DLD picture's are all Photo-shopped, the �other forum� Digital Forensics Department proved that.

Every time this topic emerges I ponder for a brief moment and wonder a few different things. Why would an individual spend numerous hours trying to disprove DLD's claims. What are the number of hours one individual loses in the study of DLD's Penis to prove these ancient photos are fraudulent. Why is one so obsessed with another man's penis.

This type of behavior seem abnormal to me. Maybe that's why I can't relate to all of it.
Can you imagine having guys like this is real life? Running up on you when taking a piss with a video camera and a ruler...CREEPY
Oh, the latest pictures from Jen grabbing my penis...it was not hard:) Just so you can imagine HOW MUCH BIGGER it becomes when erect.
Here is, boys and girls just a little info about the line of reasoning used by poor, poor obsessive rjf...or rfj..or whatever the hell it is he goes by:
On the Rico Strong thread I'll bet you've all seen he cites a study which I refuted. The boy hasn't even read his own source of information; simply plucked out one single measurement which suits his purposes.
(Purposes I have yet to fathom)

How do I know he hasn't read his source? For one, because I have; and when I asked him directly about the post mortem condition of the corpses used in this forensic study his only response is that it didn't matter.
However, the fact of the matter is; there were no corpses at all.

The study was not of forensic techniques, simply a study to try and support them.

The second point, and most important in revealing this poor, pathetic soul for the shrieking, strident little man he is, is this:

The measurement of "hand breadth" which he treats as some archetypal, absolute Holy Grail of ultimate enlightenment is based on a meager sample size of 125- that's one hundred and twenty five- medical students on the island of Mauritius.

That's right, a figure he would have us believe to be indicative of the entire world's male population is based on only 125 subjects.
Now the male population here on good old Mother Earth is roughly 3,000,000,000 men. That's three billion. Most likely somewhat more, but we'll go with that for arguments sake; few hundred million either way won't make much statistical difference.

So, using my humble math skills and my handy-dandy Windows XP calculator I find that his sample group represents .00000416% of the population.

That's four point one six billionths of the total male population of the entire planet.

Statistically- absolutely worthless, which, coincidentally, is what I've found his arguments and position to be.
Don't even get me started on his mere presence here on MOS.

So the question I gotta ask is this: If the one and only "fact" you use to support your entire argument is a totally worthless piece of shit, how equally worthless is the entire rest of that argument which stems from it?

I gotta say DLD is far more patient and tolerant than I ever would have been of this little shit fly buzzing around his crotch...I'da swatted his ass long ago.
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doublelongdaddy;360369 said:
Oh, the latest pictures from Jen grabbing my penis...it was not hard:) Just so you can imagine HOW MUCH BIGGER it becomes when erect.

+1....Why in the hell are you guys adding fuel to this guys fire....I just don't understand why a dude would spend hours configuring a post about another's dudes cock...I mean this is worse than ever....Real MOS members leave this shit alone and don't respond to this fool...he states he has gained size but still questions DLD...let me relax before I get carried away...Ignore this fool y'all!!!!>:(
crazyed27;360380 said:
+1....Why in the hell are you guys adding fuel to this guys fire....I just don't understand why a dude would spend hours configuring a post about another's dudes cock...I mean this is worse than ever....Real MOS members leave this shit alone and don't respond to this fool...he states he has gained size but still questions DLD...let me relax before I get carried away...Ignore this fool y'all!!!!>:(

The Pit Bull is barkin' now !!
Dude, I thought I was doin' good, self-control-wise, when I didn't call him a shrimp-dicked, taint nibbling, little ass-licker.
But I coulda.
MAXAMEYES;360383 said:
The Pit Bull is barkin' now !!
Dude, I thought I was doin' good, self-control-wise, when I didn't call him a shrimp-dicked, taint nibbling, little ass-licker.
But I coulda.

You were doing good just wait until I kill this pint of vodka and read his post....Maybe I should log off...Word!!!! LMAO
doublelongdaddy;360359 said:
Can you imagine having guys like this is real life? Running up on you when taking a piss with a video camera and a ruler...CREEPY

I did in fact have a dude peep his head over the stall while I was taking a piss one day at a known gay mall ( I was shpping with my girl and had to piss..true I was bulging)...I asked "what the fuck are you doing" and he ran!!!!! I never saw him again that day though I did look for him! >:(
rfj.....You have way too much time on your hands brother man....spend that time on smashing these hoes!!!!!
crazyed27;360395 said:
I did in fact have a dude peep his head over the stall while I was taking a piss one day at a known gay mall ( I was shpping with my girl and had to piss..true I was bulging)...I asked "what the fuck are you doing" and he ran!!!!! I never saw him again that day though I did look for him! >:(

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