Yes it can be dealt with. Traction is just one method to attack the issue. It's not a one stop shop to deal with it completely. Traction simply straight out the tissues for the tissues to correct around the plague. It requires to break the plague site down and reform the tissues to grow correctly. Peyronie's is not fully defined as just having a plague or scar formation to cause the malform/curvature of the penis. It also an issue with tissues not growing in an equal formation, causing a growth similar to a banana, or up to a banana's curvature, in any direction. I have roughly around 20 degree curvature myself, and now, it's as straight as an arrow.
PE routines do just that; break or soften down the tissues around and at the plague site, or even old scar tissues, and using various tools like pumps, stretchers, traction devices, red and sound/shockwave therapy, you can force the tissues ro heal back according to your needs. Fortunately and unfortunately, your penis will also give along with the PE routines.