9/11--Inside Job?

9/11--Inside Job?

  • The government did it.

    Votes: 10 22.2%
  • Osama Bin Laden planned it.

    Votes: 17 37.8%
  • The government did it, but for good reasons.

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • The government did not do it, but did gain.

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • The government let it happen

    Votes: 12 26.7%
  • Bush planned it.

    Votes: 3 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
NSB503 said:
Ha. How many more conspiracy theories need to be debunked?

You know why people think that 9/11 was a government conspiracy? It's pretty simple: because they hate President Bush--of course they don't necessarily hate America, the American people, ect. but they all see Bush as the devil.

Perhaps you could explain a convincing argument to me with enough hyperlinked articles that the WTC and the Pentagon were bombed, hit with a missile, or whatever the newest fab theory is. How then do you handle all of the people who actually live in Manhattan, Pentagon City (the area of DC/Maryland near the Pentagon) and saw what happened with their own eyes?

I've already posted about the very things you point out on other threads. There are numerous individuals: civiliains, military and ex-military, firefighters, members of law enforcement, physicists, and even select but noteworthy members of the mainstream media that have strongly gone against the so called "arab terrorists" theory. Out of every group I just mentioned there are many first hand witnesses that were there on site that fateful day. They have spoke up, and then been told to shut up. Reputations have been smeared, pensions threatened, and lives have been taken.

Just because you don't hear something on C.N.N. doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I have gone on many times here in the past about my misgivings with the U.S. government from my own personal experience. I've seen a lot of shit and had not only my career but my life threatened because I wouldn't just roll over and play along with the rest of the team.

Do you have any idea how many books are out there authored by ex-special forces/military/government insiders that detail the sin of the U.S. government and the role of Special Forces complicity in this? The are a ton, and guess what? Every single one of them has paid the price in one way or another, often times with their lives. I will have to look it up but there is one major case that just closed involving an ex-army Special Forces operator who is also a decorated Vietnam veteran. He went after everybody. The C.IA., the Pentagon, the Army. He named names and dates and held nothing back. Of course the our government denied everything and did their best to discredit him. They failed and he won in court. That's the kind of shit I would like to see on C.N.N. but I'm not going to hold my breath.

Don't take this personal but according to your username info you're only eighteen. It's supremely insulting when you have the naive questioning and berating those who know better. Do some research and I mean a true fucking effort. I'm not going to point you in the right direction because that's my whole point. Hardly anyone takes the intiative anymore. They are just too damn lazy to get off their ass and get involved. They just spout off their opinion regardless of whether or not they have any real creditability to do so. The truth is in plain sight you just have to have the balls to see it.

In all these situaions there are two major weapons that are used to perpetuate these on going sins and they are very effective ones. Ignorance and fear. Out of sight out mind. For those who actually wake up and see the world for what it is that's when the threats and attacks come in. Some of us fold, some of us don't. Some of us are killed because we refuse to suBathmateit to this evil. As my ancestors used to say, "Today is a good day to die." They can try to take whatever they want from me but they will never have my soul.
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NSB503 said:
Ha. How many more conspiracy theories need to be debunked?

You know why people think that 9/11 was a government conspiracy? It's pretty simple: because they hate President Bush--of course they don't necessarily hate America, the American people, ect. but they all see Bush as the devil.

Perhaps you could explain a convincing argument to me with enough hyperlinked articles that the WTC and the Pentagon were bombed, hit with a missile, or whatever the newest fab theory is. How then do you handle all of the people who actually live in Manhattan, Pentagon City (the area of DC/Maryland near the Pentagon) and saw what happened with their own eyes?
If a jetliner hit the Pentagon, then why don't they just rlease the footage they have of it happening? What would the problem be there? There are just as many people who didn't see a plane hit the Pentagon as you say who did. Where was all the jet wreckage? Don't try to spill that BS about it all burned up either. Furthermore, why would a terrorist hit the Pentagon when the White House is hop-skip away? Would've had a lot more impact.
Nobody is denying that jets were flown into the WTC's but some think that there may have been more to them coming down than that. If you believe it's as simple as a few crazy Arabs getting together and the only people who hate otherwise are those who hate Bush, you have a wide-angle set of blinders on. I don't hate Bush, but I know he's just an idiot puppet, and my eyes and mind are open.
VikingPenis said:
9/11 was a terrible event and I was wondering what people think about this.

The past few months I have been studying this subject a ton. Books, Videos, documentaries, photographs, you name it i have looked at it to look for evidence or a different theory.

Here is a good website: just watch the video it is good.


Keep up the effort VP. The shit never ends, trust me it just gets deeper and deeper. I highly recommend "The Lincoln Cover Up". That will give you a peek at how truly evil and sick these fucks are. The book will show that it doesn't matter what you prove, these fucks are networked like nobody's business and they clearly operate outside of the law. There are no laws, not to these scum. The only way for us to take our country back is open revolt and it has to be on a major scale across the board. Personally I don't have faith in the American people to ever do this. I pray that I will be proven wrong.
Eh, a lot of people are really convinced by that 'faked lunar landing' conspiracy stuff too.

Nobody knows for sure on any of this, so I have trouble taking it seriously when people say they know for sure that it's some evil, massive, world-wise conspiracy. You're pretty much choosing to believe that based on some limited evidence presented in a certain way.

I think the fact is, it's a lot more exciting for people to believe that there's some sort of evil shadow government and horrible plan for world-domination. The fact that it was a normal terrorist attack just isn't as exciting. It's the same reason people believe in UFOs, crazy religions, whatever, just anything to make their lives seem a little less mundane.

Whoever said this has everything to do with Bush being the president is also right on. This really wouldn't be so trumped up if Gore had been in office. And I'm saying this as a 100% Democrat.

A handful of people have come out and said some things seem fishy - to me that's a bit different than cut and dry evidence that our own government was complicit in murdering thousands of its own citizens for some unidentified nefarious purposes.

The fact is, most people in government, even at the highest levels, are pretty normal people and just public servants. They generally just do their jobs and I have a hard time believing that thousands of individuals (and don't think there would need to be any less to pull of this 9/11 conspiracy business, probably more like tens of thousands) are just keeping quiet.

Anyway, it's always possible that it's a conspiracy, but don't let some crackpot internet videos and shit like that make your mind up for you.

Interestingly, the following is taken from a pro-conspiracy site, it just claims that msot of what people take as evidence of a 9/11 cover-up is internet bullshit and totally irrational. The passage refers to the frequent claim that a jet didn't actually hit the pentagon:

"The eyewitnesses who had a good view of the event are unified in their reporting -- they saw a large, twin engine jet. Some had better views than others, some saw the crash, some had the final moment obscured from their vantage point. Some were stuck in traffic on nearby roads, others were outside. Some were military officials, others include cab drivers, ordinary commuters and even a Unitarian minister (a cross section of people normally found in northern Virginia during rush hour). Some hoaxers claim that the eyewitnesses are not reliable, and the "physical evidence" should be used instead -- except the physical evidence shows that Flight 77 definitely hit the Pentagon.

Hundreds (if not more) people saw the plane, and hundreds more participated in the cleanup and saw plane debris and bodies of the passengers. It is ridiculous to think that everyone in the vicinity (including the rush hour traffic) was somehow an agent or dupe of the "inside job" conspirators -- that would have expanded the needed size of the conspiracy to absurd levels, and the insinuation has helped ensure that the eyewitnesses, their families, friends, co-workers, etc. think that 9/11 skeptics are rude, insulting and generally making up nonsense. Cui bono? Who benefits?"
As I research it more and more, I see more about how there was evidence of a plane hitting the Pentagon, but I haven't seen any convincing photos yet. The skeptics only post the ones that show hear nothing. I'd like to see some that provide proof one way or the other. If they weren't trying to hide anything, why not release the tape of the jet's impact? Why not release what's on the black bow? Even if a plane hit it , there is still something shady going on.
The problem with most of these conspiracy theorists, IMO, is that they focus too much on a massive inside job. I don't think there was much of an inside job at all. I doubt very many people in our government knew what was going to happen, but al-Qaeda likely gets financially and strategically propped up by Illuminati powers that be. I really doubt that President Bush had any idea what was going to happen the morning of 9/11, but I have little doubt that, as he sat there looking shell-shocked, he knew exactly who ultimately pulled it off and there was nothing could be done about it.

Too often when you listen to the conspiracy theorists, you'd think Arab terrorists never even actually hijacked the plane, despite seeing Mohammed Atta on the camera walking through security. Then there is the voice of a clearly middle-eastern man communicating with the air tower in Cleveland. The calls to loved ones stating that Arab men had hijacked the planes. But to listen to most conspiracy theorists, you'd think these men were passengers just by coincidence and that CIA agents themselves pulled this off. It gets ridiculous.

I think the "powers that be" planned it and had various people in position to help ensure its success and that the "powers that be" are far more powerful that any individual government on the planet and that it ends there...till next time.
One of the biggest problems I have with the official story is that there are so many experts out there that have come out with crazier explanations to support the official story.


This is a good site and is the best one I've found that disproves the pancake theory of how the buildings came down the way they did in such little time. That is the element of that day I never understood. It just didn't make sense.
My problem is noone seems to know history and makes it seem as if this would be the first time a government attacked itself to crack down on society. Of course if a person thought like that they would believe it to be anything but TPTB.
Duppi_Krizzle said:
My problem is noone seems to know history and makes it seem as if this would be the first time a government attacked itself to crack down on society. Of course if a person thought like that they would believe it to be anything but TPTB.

I agree 100%. As they say, those who don't learn from their history are doomed to repeat it. At end of the day the American people have no one to blame but themselves for their ignorance and the price they will have to pay for it.
nobody said:
I agree 100%. As they say, those who don't learn from their history are doomed to repeat it. At end of the day the American people have no one to blame but themselves for their ignorance and the price they will have to pay for it.

There is no question but what I agree with that, no matter what I think of the 9/11 theories. I don't like many things about where I see America going.
nobody said:
Keep up the effort VP. The shit never ends, trust me it just gets deeper and deeper. I highly recommend "The Lincoln Cover Up". That will give you a peek at how truly evil and sick these fucks are. The book will show that it doesn't matter what you prove, these fucks are networked like nobody's business and they clearly operate outside of the law. There are no laws, not to these scum. The only way for us to take our country back is open revolt and it has to be on a major scale across the board. Personally I don't have faith in the American people to ever do this. I pray that I will be proven wrong.

Sorry guys. I just realized I really fucked up here, brain lapse. The correct title is, "The Franklin Cover-up", not "Lincoln". I apologize if I sent anyone on a wild goose chase with that mistake. IF YOU HAVE KIDS IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILTY TO READ THIS BOOK! For all you doubters out there, here's a prime example of hard evidence and it's complete and immediate dismissal by the government and law enforcement. Any members of law enforcement reading this out there? Sure would like you answers/opinions on this matter. People were killed over this and are still dying today. Wake the fuck up.
penguinsfan said:
There is no question but what I agree with that, no matter what I think of the 9/11 theories. I don't like many things about where I see America going.

Thanks man. It's nice to know that even if we may disagree with the level of conspiracy at work here, at least we still smell the same foul stench. Where there's smoke there's fire.
Thinking about all this now, its sick and twisted to think the US planned the 9/11 attack. What bullshit. People think they were planned explosions ... this is sick. All because they think that the smoke shooting out from the sides is a sign of this, well a documentary was out approx one year ago with engineers talking and explaining exactly what that was and indeed wasnt anything to do with planned explosives. Osama Bin Laden planned it and had it executed, he is hideing somewhere or is dead and the enemy will not disclose this. Bush was a bad leader but not evil enough to have his own people killed, I will never buy into it.
samzman;217393 said:
i think the fucker planned it. well whoever does the thinking for him. he needed the country to gather together and look for the guidance of one high and mighty leader to go find the assholes responcible. he pointed out Osama,and then in a blink of an eye we're hunting down Sadam and over in Iraq with our thumbs up our asses looking for bombs that aren't even there. he wanted to have us back him up so we can get over there and hunt him down..plain and simple. at least that's one part of it, i'm sure that there are finances involved..oil, money, buisnesses...all joined together. but i think bush got what he wanted out of the deal, the gov. he made his daddy proud

It's all about money and world domination, not only is the US dollar becomming weaker, but Iraq stopped trading oil in the US dollar and started trading it in the Euro, this means USA had to sell or trade products for Euro's to purchase oil instead of Iraq trading oil for US dollars.

It's all about money and how to control everything with money, the world is run by money and what brings the most amount of money in? OIL.. OIL is a very valuable resource, the most valuable resource we have on this planet, OIL makes synthetic textiles,(Nylon, Rayon, PVC,Viny) plastics, fertilizers, bubblegum, car gasoline (car petrol), diesel, jet fuel, heating oil, tar for roads, Paint, ink

Ammonia, Anesthetics, Antihistamines, Artificial limbs, Artificial Turf, Antiseptics, Aspirin, Auto Parts, Awnings, Balloons, Ballpoint pens, Bandages, Beach Umbrellas, Boats, Cameras, Candles, Car Battery Cases, Carpets, Caulking, Combs, Cortisones, Cosmetics, Crayons, Credit Cards, Curtains, Deodorants, Detergents, Dice, Disposable Diapers, Dolls, Dyes, Eye Glasses, Electrical Wiring Insulation, Faucet Washers, Fishing Rods, Fishing Line, Fishing Lures, Food Preservatives, Food Packaging, Garden Hose, Glue, Hair Coloring, Hair Curlers, Hand Lotion, Hearing Aids, Heart Valves, Ink, Insect Repellant, Insecticides, Linoleum, Lip Stick, Milk Jugs, Nail Polish, Oil Filters, Panty Hose, Perfume, Petroleum Jelly, Rubber Cement, Rubbing Alcohol, Shampoo, Shaving Cream, Shoes, Toothpaste, Trash Bags, Upholstery, Vitamin Capsules, Water Pipes, Yarn

Almost everything is made from or made with the use of oil.

So you can see why it's a major major major resource worth blowing up an entire country and killing thousands of innocent people in a fake terrorist attack
REDZULU2003;334886 said:
Thinking about all this now, its sick and twisted to think the US planned the 9/11 attack. What bullshit. People think they were planned explosions ... this is sick. All because they think that the smoke shooting out from the sides is a sign of this, well a documentary was out approx one year ago with engineers talking and explaining exactly what that was and indeed wasnt anything to do with planned explosives. Osama Bin Laden planned it and had it executed, he is hideing somewhere or is dead and the enemy will not disclose this. Bush was a bad leader but not evil enough to have his own people killed, I will never buy into it.

REDZULU2003, what many people fail to acknowledge is the US president does not actually make any r eal decisions, once again people are getting Hollywood movies confused with reality. Being president of the USA is a job, there is always someone else higher above you no matter what, the people who control the world are the people who control money, if you control the financial system you control everything.

It's how society was created, it's been like this for thousands and thousands of years, the wealthy control the poor and the wealthy need people to work for them and take responsibility for their actions so they create a system to govern their actions, it's like a business but on a national level, very, very, very corrupt but at the same time, they do a lot of good things, they just do a lot of things behind the scenes.

Obama is no different that Bush was, Obama listens to orders and he signs papers just like he is told, all he is, is a face to take responsibility and to take credit when it goes well.. That is all a President is.

The political system is created to give us the illusion we have a choice, we have freedom, we have a say, when in fact we don't, that is why it's almost impossible to create any change, that is why nothing ever improves and things only deteriorate.
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You have hit the nail on the head brother. As a world traveler and having previously worked as a contractor for many defense companies, I can tell you with out a doubt that the financial elites are clearly in charge of most all major governments of earth. This is not a new thing as they have been dominating imperialistically for many, many centuries. The united states of america has been the biggest modern threat to this establisHydromaxent and, when the american revolution took place, soon after the elites vowed to once again control the land. If you will research the history of central banks around the world you will see that they attempted to infiltrate the american system with central banks in two periods prior to the current federal reserve installment of 1913. Believe me, these people are in charge and have proven over history that death of the commoner is of no real concern to them except when it might significantly harm their flow of money. They are not about money except to use it to control. They are really about control of masses of people.

Now do I believe they flew planes into the twin towers? Well, I believe and have seen proof that these elites funded and supported those who did this terrible act. Did the government of the US know of the plot and allow it to continue. Certain ones in the government did know. If you go back through history you will see that on many occasions events have been staged or even fabricated to convince the masses to believe one way or another. Having willing participants to go die in military actions is a big part of control. To name a few: The Gulf of Tonkin incident that led to Vietnam action was fabricated, Weapons of mass destruction were said to be in IRAQ and this was fabricated, In the 1931 Mukden incident, Japanese officers fabricated a pretext for annexing Manchuria by blowing up a section of railway. Six years later they falsely claimed the kidnapping of one of their soldiers in the Marco Polo Bridge Incident as an excuse to invade China proper.

In the Gleiwitz incident in August 1939, Reinhard Heydrich made use of fabricated evidence of a Polish attack against Germany to mobilize German public opinion and to fabricate a false justification for a war with Poland. This, along with other false flag operations in Operation Himmler, would be used to mobilize support from the German population for the start of World War II in Europe.

On November 26, 1939 the Soviet Union shelled the Russian village of Mainila near the Finnish border. The Soviet Union attacked Finland four days after the Shelling of Mainila. Russia has agreed that the attack was initiated by the Soviets.[4] Also, the nearest Finnish artillery pieces were well out of range of Mainila.

In 1953, the U.S. and British-orchestrated Operation Ajax used "false-flag" and propaganda operations against the formerly democratically elected leader of Iran, Mohammed Mosaddeq. Information regarding the CIA-sponsored coup d'etat has been largely declassified and is available in the CIA archives.

In 1954, Israel sponsored bombings against US and UK interests in Cairo aiming to cause trouble between Egypt and the West.[7] This operation, later dubbed the Lavon Affair, cost Israeli defense minister Pinhas Lavon his job. The state of Israel (where it is known as "The Unfortunate Affair") finally admitted responsibility in 2005.

The planned, but never executed, 1962 Operation Northwoods plot by the U.S. Department of Defense for a war with Cuba involved scenarios such as hijacking a passenger plane, sinking a U.S. ship, burning crops and blaming such actions on Cuba. It was authored by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, nixed by John F. Kennedy, came to light through the Freedom of Information Act and was publicized by James Bamford. Of course Kennedy did not play along with those in charge of pushing this operation and Kennedy also, through executive order 11110, authorized the US Government to begin printing commodity backed real dollars again thereby bypassing elite's federal reserve notes......these actions led to Kennedy's death of course. Take the time to also research and find for yourself that a federal reserve bank president was one of the warren commission members (now why do you think he was selected to be on the commission, DUHHH!)

Former GRU officer Aleksey Galkin,[9] former FSB officer Alexander Litvinenko[10] and other whistleblowers from the Russian government and security services have asserted that the 1999 Russian apartment bombings that precipitated the Second Chechen War were false flag operations perpetrated by the FSB, the successor organization to the KGB. Galkin has since recanted his accusations, which were made while he was a prisoner of Chechen rebels. However, there are other theories that the FSB engineered this incident.

These are just a few of the more recent false flag operations and there have been many more over many years that are less publicly reported. Remember too that the major media outlets around the world are also majority owned by the elites and they effectively have control of what is being published to the masses. He who wins wars writes history. Old man Mayer Rothschild himeself said "Give me the power of the money and it will not matter
any more who is commanding." Open your eyes up people, absolutely nothing happens around the world in politics that is not intended to happen and will planned. Period.

Want_that_gain;364066 said:
REDZULU2003, what many people fail to acknowledge is the US president does not actually make any r eal decisions, once again people are getting Hollywood movies confused with reality. Being president of the USA is a job, there is always someone else higher above you no matter what, the people who control the world are the people who control money, if you control the financial system you control everything.

It's how society was created, it's been like this for thousands and thousands of years, the wealthy control the poor and the wealthy need people to work for them and take responsibility for their actions so they create a system to govern their actions, it's like a business but on a national level, very, very, very corrupt but at the same time, they do a lot of good things, they just do a lot of things behind the scenes.

Obama is no different that Bush was, Obama listens to orders and he signs papers just like he is told, all he is, is a face to take responsibility and to take credit when it goes well.. That is all a President is.

The political system is created to give us the illusion we have a choice, we have freedom, we have a say, when in fact we don't, that is why it's almost impossible to create any change, that is why nothing ever improves and things only deteriorate.
Well see it may be a lot more complicated than we can ever imagine. Look at the government as an employer, they work for an agency, or a company, bank or group of people, now the government may or may not even know what decisions the "boss" is making just like you don't know what decisions your boss is making while you work for him, you just do what you're told and you don't ask questions.

"He who wins wars writes history"

You are so true there, but with such power with the media and global propaganda due to alliances you don't even need to win a war to change history or the present, you just make it up as you go along and feed it to the drones who sit in front of the TV and soak up every drop of crap and think they're getting more intelligent for believing what"s going on.

See what do you think the government and politicians do all day and night? They sit around and discuss how and when they're going to fake, plan, attack or discredit another nation so they can gain more in the world, its like a psychological war with the citizens and a military war with the so called enemy.

It's just a game, that is all it is to them, a game so they can cantrol the wealth of the world, this way we can be slaves for them whilst we think we are getting something in return
Yep, the governments are beholding to the wealthy elite bankers of the world. This is undisputed and one has to look no further than the US Federal reserve that is no more federal than federal express. They have the US at their mercy as we speak. Look at the history and terrible dealings of the Rothschild family, the Rockefeller family, the Leob family..... the list of these central bankers is long but known and defined. Many countries have been dominated by these jokers and the US is just the latest. Look at the last 400-500 years of Scotland history and see who clearly dominates the land of one half of my ancestors. Do your research guys and get the facts for yourself!!

Want_that_gain;364089 said:
Well see it may be a lot more complicated than we can ever imagine. Look at the government as an employer, they work for an agency, or a company, bank or group of people, now the government may or may not even know what decisions the "boss" is making just like you don't know what decisions your boss is making while you work for him, you just do what you're told and you don't ask questions.

"He who wins wars writes history"

You are so true there, but with such power with the media and global propaganda due to alliances you don't even need to win a war to change history or the present, you just make it up as you go along and feed it to the drones who sit in front of the TV and soak up every drop of crap and think they're getting more intelligent for believing what"s going on.

See what do you think the government and politicians do all day and night? They sit around and discuss how and when they're going to fake, plan, attack or discredit another nation so they can gain more in the world, its like a psychological war with the citizens and a military war with the so called enemy.

It's just a game, that is all it is to them, a game so they can cantrol the wealth of the world, this way we can be slaves for them whilst we think we are getting something in return
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