�naked people movies� stars ACTUAL penis sizes(NSFW)


Mar 18, 2015
I'm quite "old" in the forum, had read a lot here, but never registered for pure laziness, so I think I'll start my progress log, as I'm doing right now in other PE forum(GLL, if you're wondering).
I love that everyone here has tons of knowledge about everything, and I still think that I'm learning new stuff everyday here, even though I know a lot trough reading.
But, in the other hand, I only started PEing this year, because I finally lost my fear, skepticism and had the courage to buy a PF + BM x30 and I'm still gonna buy the Stealth, and maybe the LengthMaster. So I started with actual PE 02/21 of this year, 3rd week for my PF and 2nd for my BM.

So back to actual thread, I don't really know if someone posted here before, but since I know that �naked people movies� has affected my self-steem so badly, this link is to some guys out there, that are skeptical about PE and think they don't have chance to ever have a big dick like they want.

Here's the actually link(NSFW):
�naked people movies�star measurements
(and no, __________ is not that big like EVERYONE thinks so)

And I'd like some feedback from you guys if you think that I should start a log here, and paste the log I started in the other forum here.
Thank you for your time,

Keep it hung!:cool:
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