What is Clamping


New member
Alright I've searched but I still don't understand clamping? What is it? From what I've read I need to stay away from it but I may be doing it and not know that's what it's called.
It is when you get an erection and then trap the blood in the penis using a cock ring in order to induce angiogenesis via the build-up of pressure inside the penis which causes the blood vessels to break and new ones to form following their reconstruction.
The rings stop blood from leaving but not from entering the penis.

Personally I only clamp for 10 minutes twice a week as blood flow restriction therapies have shown some nerve damage with periods longer than that.
Clamping is another way to provide intense blood constriction within the penis. The blood constricting is to prevent any backflow, or blood return, to the body and causing a ballooning effect. In the past, clamping was also used in tandem with other methods to hang while in an engorged penile state without an erection. However, due to the minimal or no protection for the skin, internal tissues, nerves, and blood vessels from the long period of intense clamping, damages occur. This is why "naked clamping", or unmodified clamps, are dangerous. If clamps are used because you arm strength is lacking, modified clamps with soft foam rubber paddings are use, but only for short period of 5 minutes intervals with 80% clamp strength. It's meant to assist you in working with your kegel and stimulation activities to get fresh blood into your penis as a blood cycling method while aiding your needs for blood restriction (slow blood from leaving the shaft) and not constriction, similar to cock rings.
Clamping is a way to introduce blood clots into your circulatory system. If these blood clots dislodge and travels into your tiny veins you are fucked.
With clamping you risk creating the perfect environment for blood clots to form. Restriction and swirling blood is the perfect environment for this.

There are people that have got damages in their foot for example, and they have later got a stroke or a heart attack due to blood clots forming in their circulatory system. It's called deep vain thrombosis and you do not want this.

Do you really want to risk this. This can happen 10 years from now. Once you have introduced blood clots into your system there is no going back.
Blood clots can get stuck in your heart, brain, lungs veins.... and so on.

Clamping is a way to introduce blood clots into your circulatory system. If these blood clots dislodge and travels into your tiny veins you are fucked.
With clamping you risk creating the perfect environment for blood clots to form. Restriction and swirling blood is the perfect environment for this.

There are people that have got damages in their foot for example, and they have later got a stroke or a heart attack due to blood clots forming in their circulatory system. It's called deep vain thrombosis and you do not want this.

Do you really want to risk this. This can happen 10 years from now. Once you have introduced blood clots into your system there is no going back.
Blood clots can get stuck in your heart, brain, lungs veins.... and so on.

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