What happened to Malehanger guy?

deadwood187;701851 said:
He's been MIA for a while now. Did he die?

He's probably downloading podcasts or maybe he didn't survived when he got a sex change. Statistically more than half the people who got sex change ultimately offed themselves because they weren't happy but I know he would be happy
deadwood187;701851 said:
He's been MIA for a while now. Did he die?

Most likely just taking the weekend off. I will shoot him a message to be sure he is OK.
stillwantmore2;701993 said:
I'm here. Just busy like every....well most people. ;)

What did they set bail at? And how did you escape the internet no use clause they usually put in for those crimes?
Actually, most prisons are pretty cush these days. Got a smart phone, WiFi, weights (I hang after lights out), three hot meals a day and Turnover, er I mean Temp gets to make conjugal visits every week.
But you don't receive the hot meals they gave you in the male facility. I guess you think it sucks they moved you to the tranny unit in the female section after your operation. Dont worry doe, temp will make sure you get your warm milk and banana, conjugally
stillwantmore2;702032 said:
Numbers really burning a hole in your hand, eh Skylar?

No one puts their hand in your hole, except temp. Skylar is a character of my little pony, you're a brony but also a furry
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templnite;702083 said:
No one puts their hand in your hole, except temp. Skylar is a character of my little pony, you're a brony but also a furry

Skylar was a fucking freak. Very disturbed in many ways. I pray for him as he was putting him/herself through hell.