Thank you for this


New member
Hello brothers,
I rarely write anything at all on the internet, but I have a story that you might find interesting.
I found out about Matters of Size around 15 years ago... I downloaded a torrent which happened to be the MOS DVD. I tried some of the exercises but I lived in a very weird and very modest house and I did not have an actual room, I was too young, I shared bathrooms with my family members it was really complicated to do anything at all without a lot of preparation for having some privacy. Finally when I started stacking a week or a week and a half I wonder how I would be able to sustain the rhythm or even get in the mood to have an erection because the skin would bother me with the scratches and such. I did not know about hydrocortisone ointment back then, and even if I knew I probably wouldn't use it because of prejudge.
I've struggled with sex addiction for a little less than 8 years now and the reason I started with PE wasn't connected with that. I was attracted to PE for a long time and it became obvious to me at some point that it should work even that I never tried it before. The evidence presented by @DLD was simply too extreme to be false.
Well, I think I might have been doing my first serious PE work for something like a month now. I still haven't noticed much of a gain in anything, also I was very late to the measuring part, I think I just measured a week ago, I still have a lot to learn. But here's the kicker: For some reason PE is really helping me to cope with my sex addiction, probably my sex addiction is a little bit more related to being a frequent incel (rarely have relationships, it's mostly paid encounters) and thus I've spent all my life without being able to really satisfy my sexual needs. For some interesting reason, probably the intensity of the stimulation, PE is reducing my addiction episodes (paid encounters, movies of naked people, etc) to a point I had never been able to get, even after therapy and other strategies that I've tried.
I would love to see some research on this one day... I hope that someday PE is known by more people, either struggling with sex addiction or not, as a healthy way to cope with our sexual needs and invest sexually in ourselves. Thank you @DLD for investing more than a decade in researching the art and science of PE and spreading this information so generously.
Any suggestions are most welcome.
Thank you for reading!
The evidence presented by @DLD was simply too extreme to be false.
Yep. @DLD changed my sexual game plan as well. Since this site established back in 2001 or 2002 I think, I've been connected to the site ever since. Other forums have some relevant data, but MOS has been the main brotherhood I've stuck to. Since I'm resuming my PE to increase again, I'm more active with the brotherhood. You should be too and share your experience through your routines and progresses. One more statistical evidence to provide to the world.

Well, I think I might have been doing my first serious PE work for something like a month now. I still haven't noticed much of a gain in anything, also I was very late to the measuring part, I think I just measured a week ago, I still have a lot to learn.
Normally, it takes a month to program your body to prep for the gains. Some actually only need a week or two. Some can go as long as 3 months before seeing any sign of initial gains. When you pursue PE, don't expect to gain immediately. Allow it to progress as PE is a life long journey. Slow and steady.

But here's the kicker: For some reason PE is really helping me to cope with my sex addiction, probably my sex addiction is a little bit more related to being a frequent incel (rarely have relationships, it's mostly paid encounters) and thus I've spent all my life without being able to really satisfy my sexual needs. For some interesting reason, probably the intensity of the stimulation, PE is reducing my addiction episodes (paid encounters, movies of naked people, etc) to a point I had never been able to get, even after therapy and other strategies that I've tried.
Looks like you've discovered the hidden Easter Egg. There are evidence of PE helping those with sex addiction. The researches already been studied for over two decades now. It's about refocusing from one form of metal focus (sexual needs) to another (PE improvements). Both do satisfy the sexual stimulation to satisfy the urges, BUT, one allows you to increase your penis while satisfying the urges at the same time. If you remove yourself from the naked people entertainment while doing your PE, you'll see a more unique hidden Easter Egg that will reveal itself in due time. I'll save that as a surprise when you see it.

I would love to see some research on this one day... I hope that someday PE is known by more people, either struggling with sex addiction or not, as a healthy way to cope with our sexual needs and invest sexually in ourselves.
Medical publications are still limited, but they are slowly emerging. Psychological and sexual publications, although not as extensive, are being released like a flood gate.

Thank you @DLD for investing more than a decade in researching the art and science of PE and spreading this information so generously.
We have much to owe to DLD and the brothers that led the charges in the PE evolution since 2+ decades ago. Many have involved in the PE world, but only a few manage to remain public and provide guidances. Those who owed him much returned to provide supports to the brothers that are currently pursuing.

Any suggestions are most welcome.
Let's do this. Create your own routine and progress log, tell us what you're doing, your needs for growth, and any medical, mental, and physical challenge(s) and we'll asssit you. We are here as one brother helping another as a single brotherhood.
Yep. @DLD changed my sexual game plan as well. Since this site established back in 2001 or 2002 I think, I've been connected to the site ever since. Other forums have some relevant data, but MOS has been the main brotherhood I've stuck to. Since I'm resuming my PE to increase again, I'm more active with the brotherhood. You should be too and share your experience through your routines and progresses. One more statistical evidence to provide to the world.

Normally, it takes a month to program your body to prep for the gains. Some actually only need a week or two. Some can go as long as 3 months before seeing any sign of initial gains. When you pursue PE, don't expect to gain immediately. Allow it to progress as PE is a life long journey. Slow and steady.

Looks like you've discovered the hidden Easter Egg. There are evidence of PE helping those with sex addiction. The researches already been studied for over two decades now. It's about refocusing from one form of metal focus (sexual needs) to another (PE improvements). Both do satisfy the sexual stimulation to satisfy the urges, BUT, one allows you to increase your penis while satisfying the urges at the same time. If you remove yourself from the naked people entertainment while doing your PE, you'll see a more unique hidden Easter Egg that will reveal itself in due time. I'll save that as a surprise when you see it.

Medical publications are still limited, but they are slowly emerging. Psychological and sexual publications, although not as extensive, are being released like a flood gate.

We have much to owe to DLD and the brothers that led the charges in the PE evolution since 2+ decades ago. Many have involved in the PE world, but only a few manage to remain public and provide guidances. Those who owed him much returned to provide supports to the brothers that are currently pursuing.

Let's do this. Create your own routine and progress log, tell us what you're doing, your needs for growth, and any medical, mental, and physical challenge(s) and we'll asssit you. We are here as one brother helping another as a single brotherhood.
Thank you my brother 💖
You should be too and share your experience through your routines and progresses. One more statistical evidence to provide to the world.
First of all, thank you for your message. It took me by surprise to receive such a detailed and kind response so quickly. I think I've already discovered a couple of interesting things. At some point in my life I took 4 hours of deep tissue massage therapy per week for several years (I have a chronic condition that often results in RSI (repetitive strain injuries) and other related myalgia). Surprisingly it is my experience that receiving massage can help to develop some sort of massage savviness and even some intuition on how to massage others and oneself. There is one particular technique I like for deep tissue massage that is called rolfing, it roughly consists in applying pressure with one hand in a muscle/fascia 'trigger point' and mobilizing or going through some of the range of motion of such muscle/fascia/connective tissue either on your own contracting such muscles, or by assisted mobilization. I believe this technique has great potential in PE, specifically in the stretching exercises. I've found for instance that applying some pressure on the ischiocavernosus muscle and even in the superficial transverse perineal muscle while doing the stretches, specifically angled stretches can increase the stretch effectiveness. I do require someone experienced to try it out and verify if this is something interesting or not. There are many rolfing massage technique videos on youtube or such. I'll try to make a video of my technique too, and I'll share my progresses too on the corresponding forum section. I also suspect that this technique can prevent injuries to some extent.
When you pursue PE, don't expect to gain immediately. Allow it to progress as PE is a life long journey. Slow and steady.
Got it. I'll approach it that way. Thank you.
It's about refocusing from one form of metal focus (sexual needs) to another (PE improvements). Both do satisfy the sexual stimulation to satisfy the urges, BUT, one allows you to increase your penis while satisfying the urges at the same time.
This is fascinating. It matches my experience so far in trying to overcome sexual addiction. Addiction is very much an 'economical' behavioral problem because it really has to do with some sort of craving/need/effort 'demand' vs 'what-i'm-able-to-get' offer, I don't know if this makes any sense to you as I'm trying to portray it. For instance, one of the things that really helped me is to think about all the wonderful things I could do with my time and money that I used to spend on my addiction but on something that would really help me to become a better person, and ideally that would make my sexual life get better over the long run. I started with exercise and weight loss and I've been relatively successful with that. This gets even more dramatic when you factor in the negative value of the risks associated with having sex with strangers. For me it really just took increasing the value of my life and health in my equation, but the sexual needs were still unsatisfied and that hindered my progress greatly. PE fills that gap and allows me to accumulate my energy, time and money on something that will truly and objectively increase my sexual well-being over the long run guaranteed. This is a game changer for me. In that regard it's pretty similar to getting in shape.
If you remove yourself from the naked people entertainment while doing your PE, you'll see a more unique hidden Easter Egg that will reveal itself in due time.
I think I get what you mean. I've already removed the naked people entertainment while doing PE and already seen some progress. I'll post my updates a few months from now.
We have much to owe to DLD and the brothers that led the charges in the PE evolution since 2+ decades ago. Many have involved in the PE world, but only a few manage to remain public and provide guidances. Those who owed him much returned to provide supports to the brothers that are currently pursuing.
Let's do this. Create your own routine and progress log, tell us what you're doing, your needs for growth, and any medical, mental, and physical challenge(s) and we'll asssit you. We are here as one brother helping another as a single brotherhood.
Thank you very much! :) I will!
I think I've already discovered a couple of interesting things. At some point in my life I took 4 hours of deep tissue massage therapy per week for several years (I have a chronic condition that often results in RSI (repetitive strain injuries) and other related myalgia).
I used to get deep tissues myself due to various injuries and only those massages help, in additional to TENS and accu-pressure therapy. Medications only masked the symptoms for a few hours. Focused massages, TENS, and accu-pressure alleviates the symptoms for days if not weeks. Good to see you are finding better alternatives than simple masking with the big pharmas' drugs.

There is one particular technique I like for deep tissue massage that is called rolfing, it roughly consists in applying pressure with one hand in a muscle/fascia 'trigger point' and mobilizing or going through some of the range of motion of such muscle/fascia/connective tissue either on your own contracting such muscles, or by assisted mobilization. I believe this technique has great potential in PE, specifically in the stretching exercises. I've found for instance that applying some pressure on the ischiocavernosus muscle and even in the superficial transverse perineal muscle while doing the stretches, specifically angled stretches can increase the stretch effectiveness. I do require someone experienced to try it out and verify if this is something interesting or not. There are many rolfing massage technique videos on youtube or such. I'll try to make a video of my technique too, and I'll share my progresses too on the corresponding forum section. I also suspect that this technique can prevent injuries to some extent.
Actually, we did investigate massages and pressure point triggering in PE and continuing to do so. It's part of the PE routines for individuals and customized points of attack. Shiatsu massage is the common method for blood circulation and we also experiment with gua sha scraping and shallow tissue triggers as well. When those with dense tissues or tight tissues, we suggest specific massage method as part of the probable solutions. If you haven't noticed yet, a few brothers here also incorporate the normalize routine using specific grips to smooth and trigger the tissues during jelqing sets to promote fluid retraction/drainage as well.

Welcome to the world of evolved PE ;)

This is fascinating. It matches my experience so far in trying to overcome sexual addiction. Addiction is very much an 'economical' behavioral problem because it really has to do with some sort of craving/need/effort 'demand' vs 'what-i'm-able-to-get' offer, I don't know if this makes any sense to you as I'm trying to portray it.
Perfectly. Very well depicted in a sentence.

For instance, one of the things that really helped me is to think about all the wonderful things I could do with my time and money that I used to spend on my addiction but on something that would really help me to become a better person, and ideally that would make my sexual life get better over the long run. I started with exercise and weight loss and I've been relatively successful with that.
This is what PE is about in this brotherhood. We focus on improving ourselves first before chasing after pipe dreams. We set objective goals to achieve, refocus our mindsets to chase after it, practically on a level of an addiction, and only look back to see how far we've traveled on the PE journeys. The benefits came out of what we've patiently put time in, but our focuses are always the objectives we set our eyes on. The funny thing is, once we get close to our objectives, or our objectives seem too low, we change them and set the bars much higher. Moving PE objectives you may say. Never lower, and always higher.

This gets even more dramatic when you factor in the negative value of the risks associated with having sex with strangers. For me it really just took increasing the value of my life and health in my equation, but the sexual needs were still unsatisfied and that hindered my progress greatly. PE fills that gap and allows me to accumulate my energy, time and money on something that will truly and objectively increase my sexual well-being over the long run guaranteed. This is a game changer for me. In that regard it's pretty similar to getting in shape.
This is where we all are. Fulfill our needs in a holistic ways, place the energy to improve on what we truly need, and ultimately gain more at the end in terms of finance, patience, relational, and emotional because we reached our set objectives and dropped the bad habits. In PE, and through PE, we develop discipline.

I think I get what you mean. I've already removed the naked people entertainment while doing PE and already seen some progress. I'll post my updates a few months from now.
Excellent. Keep us informed with your developments and progression. We are here for you.
I used to get deep tissues myself due to various injuries and only those massages help, in additional to TENS and accu-pressure therapy. Medications only masked the symptoms for a few hours. Focused massages, TENS, and accu-pressure alleviates the symptoms for days if not weeks. Good to see you are finding better alternatives than simple masking with the big pharmas' drugs.

Actually, we did investigate massages and pressure point triggering in PE and continuing to do so. It's part of the PE routines for individuals and customized points of attack. Shiatsu massage is the common method for blood circulation and we also experiment with gua sha scraping and shallow tissue triggers as well. When those with dense tissues or tight tissues, we suggest specific massage method as part of the probable solutions. If you haven't noticed yet, a few brothers here also incorporate the normalize routine using specific grips to smooth and trigger the tissues during jelqing sets to promote fluid retraction/drainage as well.

Welcome to the world of evolved PE ;)

Perfectly. Very well depicted in a sentence.

This is what PE is about in this brotherhood. We focus on improving ourselves first before chasing after pipe dreams. We set objective goals to achieve, refocus our mindsets to chase after it, practically on a level of an addiction, and only look back to see how far we've traveled on the PE journeys. The benefits came out of what we've patiently put time in, but our focuses are always the objectives we set our eyes on. The funny thing is, once we get close to our objectives, or our objectives seem too low, we change them and set the bars much higher. Moving PE objectives you may say. Never lower, and always higher.

This is where we all are. Fulfill our needs in a holistic ways, place the energy to improve on what we truly need, and ultimately gain more at the end in terms of finance, patience, relational, and emotional because we reached our set objectives and dropped the bad habits. In PE, and through PE, we develop discipline.

Excellent. Keep us informed with your developments and progression. We are here for you.
Indeed we are here for you. Ask any and all questions and brothers will be ready to help
a few brothers here also incorporate the normalize routine using specific grips to smooth and trigger the tissues during jelqing sets to promote fluid retraction/drainage as well.

Welcome to the world of evolved PE ;)
This sounds very interesting. I did a quick search on the forum but couldn't found much. Would you please suggest me something to read about this?
place the energy to improve on what we truly need, and ultimately gain more at the end in terms of finance, patience, relational, and emotional because we reached our set objectives and dropped the bad habits. In PE, and through PE, we develop discipline.
We are here for you.
Indeed we are here for you. Ask any and all questions and brothers will be ready to help
I'm thrilled and proud to form part of this great brotherhood. Thank you for all! I'll report soon.
This sounds very interesting. I did a quick search on the forum but couldn't found much. Would you please suggest me something to read about this?
Definitely. @squirt_inducer_man used C-grip to prevent pinching and bruising the dorsal nerve and blood vessels and the circumflex dorsal nerves and blood vessels. Use the search for C-grip, or C grip for more info.

In addition, we discuss the Angion methods. However, I'm not encouraging it on any level. One can try, but Angion methods is too aggressive on the dorsal nerves and blood vessels. Scraping is also very aggressive. Also look up gua sha. This is more gentle approaches, simply to perform gentle shallow tissue triggers and blood flow encouragement. Because the epidermal is being scraped, the body sends signal for repairs and induce high blood flow. It's comparative to facial scraping that has been done for more than 2 millennia by the Asian communities.

If you want to discuss any scientific background and essences of techniques, we can dive very deep. What you provided is barely hitting the surface level. There are more than you know. Ever use triggered nerves at the bottom of your feet or using TENS at low electric impulses to stimulate harder erections or blood flow while doing PE? Ooooo..this subject will bring about some crazy hardcore do-or-diers out there. I'm afraid in providing the info because it may be incorporated without proper control measures.
This sounds very interesting. I did a quick search on the forum but couldn't found much. Would you please suggest me something to read about this?

I'm thrilled and proud to form part of this great brotherhood. Thank you for all! I'll report soon.
We are so happy to have you
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    @sam hi, good to see you brother. Post in the forum and we'll chat more.
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
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    Hi. Good to be here.
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    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
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    Which forum? How do I get there?
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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