Stretching seriously

SO, I have used a bathmate, air pump, extender, wrapping and a slew of manual work to get from 5.5-5.75 EL to 7.25-7.5. Currently just post bathmate session I hit 8 barely with a bone pressed measurement. Was considering starting a stretching routine as it sounds to be the most productive method. Going to start DLD's newbie routine on Monday. Coupled with the mityvac and the bathmate hydro7, I hope to see a solid 8 inches soon. After lurking many threads I have gleaned a good amount of information on what stretches should be integrated but, wanted to start a discussion of what manual work was the most productive for the brothers. Would love to hear some thoughts!

You have made impressive gains, congratulations brother. Have you been able to get to the magical 8?
I started at 6.5 x 4.75 and my first measurement was 8.5 x 5

One thing I've come to realize is that, I always fall off my routine whenever I measure my gains. Something in my head is telling me to stay clear off the ruler for a solid 12 months.
One thing I've come to realize is that, I always fall off my routine whenever I measure my gains. Something in my head is telling me to stay clear off the ruler for a solid 12 months.

I go for 6 if no gains I adjust my routine