Stealth Stretcher

Choice you made is a very good one and with those two pieces of equipment you can do the whole of the SRT Routine lengthwise. The Lengthmaster and the SiliStretcher are a great combination. Are you also concerned with girth?
Yes girth would be great but I have not any real ideas on how to achieve that ! So the combo of SiliStretcher2 and lengthmaster looks good to me aswell ! I will order these two items ! I hope you can further guide me on a routine ! You have given me confidence! Thank you ?
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Yes girth would be great but I have not any real ideas on how to achieve that ! So the combo of SiliStretcher2 and lengthmaster looks good to me aswell ! I will order these two items ! I hope you can further guide me on a routine ! You have given me confidence! Thank you ?

Once you have ordered your equipment let me know and I will start to put a routine together for you.
DLD I have received the lengthmaster and SiliStretcher-2 could you guide me on a program . Also I have a theraband and a gym wrap and a black wrap can you tell me in which order to put those on. Thanks
DLD I have received the lengthmaster and SiliStretcher-2 could you guide me on a program . Also I have a theraband and a gym wrap and a black wrap can you tell me in which order to put those on. Thanks

with the tools you have I suggest using the SRT routine that will utilize your equipment to the best of their abilities. There are two hanging versions of the routine in SRT. You can choose from one of those routines or you can create something based on the routines. I suggest you read through SRT to get your head around it and from there we can put a solid program together. SRT It will also teach you how to utilize your wrap and the best way.
I am a newbie so i am using lenghmaster for stretching, i am doing the bundled stretching shown by superdick. Then i am weight hanging with the lenghmaster with minimum weight for an hour and finally i put on silistretcher for an hour or two. I also have one question i am not circumsized so do i pull the foreskin back for silistretcher and lenghmaster ?
I am a newbie so i am using lenghmaster for stretching, i am doing the bundled stretching shown by superdick. Then i am weight hanging with the lenghmaster with minimum weight for an hour and finally i put on silistretcher for an hour or two. I also have one question i am not circumsized so do i pull the foreskin back for silistretcher and lenghmaster ?

sounds like you’re getting some really good work in so I’m very proud of you. You always want to retract your foreskin because if you do not you’ll only be stretching skin and not tissue. This can be extremely sensitive at first so take your time. Over a couple of weeks your skin will be able to take it much better and the sensitivity will drop considerably.
DLD for how long can I do bundle stretches and stretching in the lengthmaster as the head of my penis turned blue after 20 minutes. By the way the lengthmaster is amazing! My wife could not stop laughing at me when she saw me attempting behind the cheeks bundle stretching
DLD for how long can I do bundle stretches and stretching in the lengthmaster as the head of my penis turned blue after 20 minutes. By the way the lengthmaster is amazing! My wife could not stop laughing at me when she saw me attempting behind the cheeks bundle stretching

I would go no longer than 20 minutes at a time because you may end up getting blisters going to long. It is an odd looking device but it is the best length device ever created. I’m so happy you’re pleased and I’m even happier that your wife is pleased LOL
Finally got the SiliStretcher2 down I was having issues getting it on. DLD how do I clean the the head of the SiliStretcher2 as there is moisture build up? It’s going to be my birthday soon on May 4 so I’m getting the mityvac and hardcore belt with some SiliSleeves! Thank you for all your input
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Finally got the SiliStretcher2 down I was having issues getting it on. DLD how do I clean the the head of the SiliStretcher2 as there is moisture build up? It’s going to be my birthday soon on May 4 so I’m getting the mityvac and hardcore belt with some SiliSleeves! Thank you for all your input

That’s awesome and I wish you a very happy birthday. I’ve never heard of a condensation issue but I would love you to ask the question from @Lightning. Let me ask him to chime in.
DLD I realized that hanging with SiliStretcher2 was more comfortable than the lengthmaster. Do you suggest I stick with SiliStretcher2 as I’m not sure which one gives better results. Also if I hang with SiliStretcher-2 can I hang longer than 20 minutes?

You can hang as long is you are able to handle it and to find that out you need to test yourself. I would start with 20 minutes and then increase the time to find where your comfort zone is.

There’s a very big difference between the SiliStretcher and the Lengthmaster. The Lengthmaster is a compression hanger that allows for very heavy weight up to 50 pounds. The Lengthmaster is also a fulcrum tool as seen with the powerassist exercises. It is also a roll and bundle chamber. The LM is used for short but intense work. The SS is geared more towards long sessions with less intensity. Another big difference between the two is the SS can be used to sleep through the night allowing you to take advantage of time You otherwise would not. I think both are important tools that played equally important roles.
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DLD I ordered the hardcore belt I guess I’m going too fast and the mityvac which should arrive soon with more accessories! A lot of the sleeves were out of stock ! Well regarding my routine I’m still hanging and bundle stretching every day so now could you guide me on a routine for girth applying the mityvac
DLD I ordered the hardcore belt I guess I’m going too fast and the mityvac which should arrive soon with more accessories! A lot of the sleeves were out of stock ! Well regarding my routine I’m still hanging and bundle stretching every day so now could you guide me on a routine for girth applying the mityvac
You're getting a lot of awesome tools! I have all of them as well! As I'm sure dld would also say, it's easiest to of course work on either length or girth, one at a time. Otherwise you could do length one day or girth another. But if you do want to do girth, make sure you always do that after your length exercises. Also for girth, nothing beats the 5x5x3. That helps stop water retention, which everyone gets and tries to fight, just do SSJs for girth, and you'll be fine
You're getting a lot of awesome tools! I have all of them as well! As I'm sure dld would also say, it's easiest to of course work on either length or girth, one at a time. Otherwise you could do length one day or girth another. But if you do want to do girth, make sure you always do that after your length exercises. Also for girth, nothing beats the 5x5x3. That helps stop water retention, which everyone gets and tries to fight, just do SSJs for girth, and you'll be fine

You are correct sir. The best routine for girth work would be SRT The best routine for girls work would be SRT and the 5×5×3.
DLD I’m turning 47 tomorrow do you think age affects PE?

I hope not I just turned 53. One of my best clients is turning 74 this year. Age makes no difference. Happy birthday by the way, enjoy your 40s while they’re here.
DLD I will be receiving my mityvac today can you please advise on a routine and how to use this product as I’ve never used a pump in my life. Also I have been doing bundled stretches and hanging every day is that OK or should I take a break here and there? I also use the sillistretcher every day as well
DLD I will be receiving my mityvac today can you please advise on a routine and how to use this product as I’ve never used a pump in my life. Also I have been doing bundled stretches and hanging every day is that OK or should I take a break here and there? I also use the SiliStretcher every day as well

What exactly is your routine right now? How much time you have every day to dedicate to a routine? What size are you right now and how big do you want to be?
I do stretches in The morning with the loop of lengthmaster for 20 mins. I come home from work and do an hour of bundled stretches with lengthmaster. Then I hang with lengthmaster for 45 mins . At night I put on SiliStretcher-2. I am 5.2 erect and 5 erect girth . I also do Jelqing in shower a few hundred reps . I’m confused on mityvac if I do dry pumping do I lubricate my penis ? I have no clue how to use a pump but I’m determined to learn . I hope u can guide me
I am not sure if I should be stretching every day or one day length and the next day girth or a combo of both . I own a business so I can make time I just want more length and girth but being 5.2 erect I think I should prioritize length
I am not sure if I should be stretching every day or one day length and the next day girth or a combo of both . I own a business so I can make time I just want more length and girth but being 5.2 erect I think I should prioritize length

I would highly recommend going for length first as this will make concentration and focus so much easier. when you reach your goal you can simply switch over to girth work. I would take out the girth work now and step up the Lanks work yeah I think this will be the best for you. Please loosely write out what you want to do as far as a length workout so I can critique and help you finalize it.
I do stretches through the lengthmaster loop in morning for 20 mins. After work I bundle stretch twisting my penis left for 30 sec reps up center down and then the same on the right and left behind cheeks and then I repeat by twisting my penis on the right side and doing the same thing so both sides of my penis get equal treatment. The bundle stretching takes about an hour. after some time I do hanging for 45 mins and now can hang with 5 pounds. Then I finally use SiliStretcher-2 for a few hours . Is this routine ok as I have not taken any days off . I do it every day ! Also I do about 300 - 400 Jelqs a day! I tried the Mityvav for three 5 minute sessions on very low pressure and it felt amazing, DLD please advise am I pushing too hard should I have rest days as I know it’s important to have Micro not Macro tears. I know it’s a marathon and am willing to go whichever route you suggest! You are the PE Guru and really appreciate your feedbacks
I do stretches through the lengthmaster loop in morning for 20 mins. After work I bundle stretch twisting my penis left for 30 sec reps up center down and then the same on the right and left behind cheeks and then I repeat by twisting my penis on the right side and doing the same thing so both sides of my penis get equal treatment. The bundle stretching takes about an hour. after some time I do hanging for 45 mins and now can hang with 5 pounds. Then I finally use SiliStretcher-2 for a few hours . Is this routine ok as I have not taken any days off . I do it every day ! Also I do about 300 - 400 Jelqs a day! I tried the Mityvav for three 5 minute sessions on very low pressure and it felt amazing, DLD please advise am I pushing too hard should I have rest days as I know it’s important to have Micro not Macro tears. I know it’s a marathon and am willing to go whichever route you suggest! You are the PE Guru and really appreciate your feedbacks

I like the amount of work you’re putting in, it reminds me of myself. When I was actively training and gaining I trained through the whole day and deep into the night. Many people thought I was over training but in my opinion and by my results I knew different. Days off so I never really took as I thought it was a waste of time. And it was very early that I discovered that fatigue was actually a good thing and I created DLD Blasters. So when I had fatigue I would stretch my ass off.

I really think the only limit is the limit we put on ourselves as far as stretching goes. You really cannot overdo length work as it relies on nothing more than you stretching. Girth needs more rest than length but get in as much girth work in on any given day and wait 24 hours to do the same work out. This is using time to your best advantage.

Lastly I think you should write this out in a more organized way so it’s easier for me and other brothers to understand. ❤️
DLD as you know I have a SiliStretcher-2 I was thinking do I need a LG Hanger as it also looks great for hanging? If yes would I need a pump or could I use the one that came with my Mityvac

Why would you need an LG hanger when you have a SiliStretcher? They both are identical in many ways. The Mityvac is a great pump so you’re all set there. If you wanted to add to your equipment list I would grab a Lengthmaster as this will be a completely different way to go about getting a length. Once you try the LM is is easy to see the potential.

I would also like to help you with a routine once you decide on the equipment list. If that’s cool with you let me know.
I already have the lengthmaster master DLD It’s an awesome device I use for bundled stretches and I use the loop for manual stretching as well I am also using my lengthmaster for hanging aswell but I find the SiliStretcher-2 more comfortable for hanging. I have the mityvac it am not using it as it might hinder my length goals
You have the complete collection you can pretty much do whatever you want in the SRT thread. I would use every tool you have as this is going to bring gains so much faster than manual. Go through SRT please! This will be where we blast off from.
So it’s ok to use the mityvac! That’s awesome I was afraid it would hinder my length goals. I read the SRT it’s awesome! I was only focusing on length for the last week but now I’ll follow SRT
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So it’s ok to use the mityvac! That’s awesome I was afraid it would hinder my length goals. I read the SRT it’s awesome! I was only focusing on length for the last week but now I’ll follow SRT

Yes you can and that is awesome! You should read the article I wrote called “the penis is a balloon in a rope” I left the link below. It gives a better understanding to how the penis expands both linear and horizontally. A very good read.
The Penis is a BALLOON not a ROPE - Matters of Size | Male Enhancement, Body Modifications & Peyronies Forums
Great read ! Thank you ! I had a question about Mityvac, for the dry pumping can I just put my penis in there dry or do I need to lubricate it also the chamber do I leave it completely dry ?
I just received my hardcore belt it was abit of a pain to figure out how to use it , I still need to figure a few things out but I have it attached to the heel of my foot and man I’m getting a killer stretch! I did about 40 minutes of bundled and manually stretches today and an hour of hanging ! I might use the pump later on if I get time the problem is the wife and kids like to watch Netflix shows on weekend which is also important! Family Time! Any way you have a great weekend DLD enjoy it I know you deserve it ?
Yes the Mityvac can we use dry without any lubrication but you may have some issues with vacuum if any area is not sealed to your penis. So you may need to use a bit of Vaseline around the seal if you’re not getting a good vacuum. And at the same time it can be used just like a Bathmate and water.

The belt is awesome and once you get your head around it you’re gonna be very happy you did this. It gives so many points of stretch and angle that are just not possible without it. I’m so glad that you’re pleased and inspired.
DLD I have foreskin so I stretched it forward and then rolled the skin into my glands (pinched) and put tape over . With this method I feel no pain in SiliStretcher-2. Is this the right method or do you suggest to retract the skin?
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DLD I have foreskin so I stretched it forward and then rolled the skin into my glands (pinched) and put tape over . With this method I feel no pain in SiliStretcher-2. Is this the right method or do you suggest to retract the skin?

This is the correct method. You do not want to be stretching your foreskin do you wanna stretch the tissue below so always retract the skin as you train
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