For us old timer in the PE world for too long, we measure the intensity through
weight hanging. However, if you haven't known yet, your
LM3 has the method of measuring
weights as well. Didn't know that did you? You can literally measure your intensity based on the mount of
weights being hanged. Your
LM3 is roughly around 2lbs. Take that into consideration when you add more
weights to the unit. Standard safe practice is 2.5lbs at first to mirror the optimal initiative tissue growth for long hour of all day stretcher/tension force growth. However, during the initial first hour, you can perform a creeping tension force toward 10lbs. Some of the veteran going as high as 15lbs in the first hour, follows by the wrapping/extension at 1lb to 2.5lbs for as long as you can. Brother SIM is one of them.
So, when you are ready, time to grab some mini
weights in in the MOS Shop for the
LM3, or grab some bulkier
weights at the local stores.