Soft Clamping - A New Style of Clamping

What's up guys. I mentioned Soft Clamping over in my Picture Proof thread, and was asked to make a post here about the technique. I have been using this for a few months and greatly prefer it to traditional, "hard" clamping using a cable clamp.

To clarify off the bat, "Soft Clamping" is done while you are erect -- the "soft" refers to the clamp, which is flexible, rather than hard and inflexible.

This technique seems to be created by a guy over at R3dd1t, so I will just quote his guide.

soft clamping and my older pictorial. The fabric base is not needed, the clear works better.

There is a condition known as priapism, where the outflow of blood from the penis clamps shut, causing a painful erections (viagra commercial). One common cause of this condition is sickle cell anemia, where the sickle cells are the problem. This condition can result in the penis permanently being enlarged. The first penis reduction surgery was to correct a 10 inch girth!!!! This is one reason for many of the biggest bbc.

Clamping has been around a while. The clamp blocks the return veins, causing a condition similar to priapism. A cable cuff was a common method, which I had no luck with.

I found toe shields on ebay when I was looking for comfort shields for extending. I use a lot of wierd stuff, like eyebrow film and phone lanyards, because they are products built for extended skin contact. The silicone toe shields are amazing, they could stretch from 1/2" in girth to 15", so one size fits all.

All of the shields are folded in half. For clamping, one shield, is put on first. I put it just below the fur line on the shaft, then pushed as low on the shaft as it can go (balls deep). With a little stimulation, you get an erection faster than normal. Once erect, a second one is put on and the timer starts. The second one starts taking the erection over normal. again push i back. always push back, because as the erection rises, they tend to want slide down the shaft.

after about a minute. I put on a third one, again pushing back. In about another minute, the wanting to slide.

For a beginner, go ahead and just go 8 minutes, then take the 2 shields off, do it a couple times and be done for the day, then take the next day off. For the erect time, feel free to masturbate. After clamping with more than 2 shields I've dropped back to 2 and finished.

The second time, go for 3. After you get the second one on and a minute into it, put on the third and let that go for the 10 minutes. Again, watch some adult entertainment and edge. take a day off and do 3 again.

Now the technique is down, once the 3rd one goes down and everything is settled, put on the remaining shields.

How many shield in total, for me was limited by bruising. If you add one shield a week, at some point there will be bruising. Rolling the penis like playdough between the hands semi vigorously will help prevent minimize bruising.

Bruising is obvious, as there is a hard line where the shields were is unbruised. This i one of the reason you want the shields below the fur line, it is a more natural look, than a white strip ON the shaft.

If still bruised after the rest day, skip another day. If you are not fully healed on the outside, you are not healed on the inside. Consider dropping back 1 shield on the next session.

Shields loose stretch, so buy 20 shields and replace as they become worn. I've have yet to see one snap.

Set a goal and stop when you hit it. Younger women 5.5 is a lot. Women who are older, especially those who have given birth, 6 might is nice. Bigger isn't always better. Get over 6 and a large number of women and men will just say "hell no!!!"

After 5 months, I'm done.

The Toe Shields he recommends are available on eBay here. I sometimes will use a few of these Magnum-fit Duragauge Rings as a base, and then add Toe Shields over them. Bear in mind that I've been practicing PE for a decade and this is a very advanced technique and puts a lot of pressure on.

Sticking to the 8 minute time limit is very important! You need to allow normal bloodflow to return to your cock.

With that said, I have gone beyond that time limit, but only because I have a ton of clamping experience and know how to gauge when I have gone too far. Even still, I haven't gone beyond a 20-minute set.

One of the things I love about soft clamping is the ability to comfortably add clamps below the head. I had seen this technique discussed with regular hard clamping, but I could never do it--maybe because of the shape of my cock, IDK.

Another cool thing is that you can use an unfolded toe shield to compress areas that are getting too thick, relatively. For me, this is my base, so I will sometimes use this technique (after my initial set up) to keep things more uniform.

Here's a pic of me with the complete setup--Duragauge rings as the base, then folded toe shields on top, with one unfolded toe shield over the base to prevent it from overexpanding, and a few folded toe shields under my head for counter-pressure. Again, this is advanced stuff--be careful.
Brilliant work buddy! :) so pleased this has evolved from what it was when I started. Best method to gain girth.

Thanks Red. Still so thankful for your original work on clamping all those years ago--can't imagine life without it!

Any interest in trying this style of clamping? Would be cool to hear what the OG thinks.
I'll try it out sometime soon, you can bet your money on it. Clamping has died down allot, due to the fact money cant be made from it in the PE world [cable and sea clamps], so its classed as dangerous. Its no more dangerous then pumping.
Well.... Money can be made from it ;) it's more so that most men want length first.

So these really provide good pressure? Hard to imagine they could provide more pressure than a hard clamp. Are they difficult to remove?
Well.... Money can be made from it ;) it's more so that most men want length first.

So these really provide good pressure? Hard to imagine they could provide more pressure than a hard clamp. Are they difficult to remove?

There’s no money to be made of many of the things we do here. I never really looked at clamping as a moneymaking thing I just looked at it as something that needs precaution before you progress just like any other advanced exercise.
I'll try it out sometime soon, you can bet your money on it. Clamping has died down allot, due to the fact money cant be made from it in the PE world [cable and sea clamps], so its classed as dangerous. Its no more dangerous then pumping.
I use a silicone cockring sometimes instead of a clamp and it works really well. I think it's probably similar to what the OP is talking about.

Hey Red, and whoever else has a lot of experience, have you ever had your tip get all messed up, like red and crusty with black dots all around the opening? Because I have had this issue for a long time now and I used to just back off every few days and it would clear up but lately that hasn't happened. I quit hanging, quit wearing my phallosan, and quit clamping super hard. I only click it like 1 time now where I used to click it all the way closed. I also manually stretch a little throughout the day but not very hard or for very long. Maybe 45 minutes total.

I put neosporin on it but it's not getting any better. I'm kinda starting to freak out. It doesn't hurt when I pee or have sex so I don't know what the hell is wrong . Before I go to a urologist I wanted to ask if anyone else has experienced this before. Please let me know. Thanks.
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Sometimes I use a silicone cockring instead of a clamp and it works really well. I think it's probably similar to what the OP is talking about.

Hey Red, and whoever else has a lot of experience, have you ever had your tip get all messed up, like red with black dots all around the opening? Kinda crusty? Because I have had this issue for a long time now and I used to just back off every few days and it would clear up but lately that hasn't happened. I quit hanging, quit wearing my phallosan, and quit clamping super hard. I only click it like 1 time now where I used to click it all the way closed. I also manually stretch a little throughout the day but not very hard or for very long. Maybe 45 minutes total.

I put neosporin on it and everything but it's not getting any better. I'm kinda starting to freak out. Before I go to a urologist I wanted to ask if anyone else has experienced this before. Please let me know. Thanks.

Neosporin or bacitracin both are very good with cuts, scratches and open wounds. What type of sleeve are you using the phalosan sleeve or one of our silisleeves? This can mean all the difference in the world for some users because of the higher quality of our sleeves. Without seeing a picture and from your description I would take a few days off keep using the bacitracin or Neosporin until all cuts have been mended and all bruises have faded to yellow. How long have you had this issue?
I've only occasionally had red dots on my glans from clamping. I found that clamping and squeezing my glans during my sets not only increased the shaft pressure, but also reduced the spotting.
Neosporin or bacitracin both are very good with cuts, scratches and open wounds. What type of sleeve are you using the phalosan sleeve or one of our silisleeves? This can mean all the difference in the world for some users because of the higher quality of our sleeves. Without seeing a picture and from your description I would take a few days off keep using the bacitracin or Neosporin until all cuts have been mended and all bruises have faded to yellow. How long have you had this issue?
I use LG sleeves. I was starting to think it might be the silicone toe caps I was using for glans caps but I don't think it's that. But this sucks. I haven't hung weights in like 2 weeks and I was sure that would help but it hasn't. I don't know if I should see a urologist or a dermatologist. Or just wait a couple more days. But it doesn't seem to be getting better.
I use LG sleeves. I was starting to think it might be the silicone toe caps I was using for glans caps but I don't think it's that. But this sucks. I haven't hung weights in like 2 weeks and I was sure that would help but it hasn't. I don't know if I should see a urologist or a dermatologist. Or just wait a couple more days. But it doesn't seem to be getting better.

Don’t waste the money everything will clear up in a few days. What I would do is order a set of our silisleeves so you can try our caps and sleeves in comparison, everyone is raving about the quality and the changes the silisleeves have made. Don’t get discouraged, order the sleeves and as you wait for them to come in your penis will heal.
I've only occasionally had red dots on my glans from clamping. I found that clamping and squeezing my glans during my sets not only increased the shaft pressure, but also reduced the spotting.
The dots I have are black, not red. I've had those red dot petechiae things on my shaft plenty of times but these are right around my urethral opening. I don't know if they're blood blisters or what. Can you mess yourself up from clamping too hard? Besides getting a thrombosed vein. I know it's not that. But I think the main cause of this was clamping too tight for too long. But like I said, nothing hurts. No abdominal pain, no urethral blockage or anything. It just looks like shit.
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The dots I have are black, not red. I've had those red dot petechiae things on my shaft plenty of times but these are right around my urethral opening. I don't know if they're blood blisters or what. Can you mess yourself up from clamping too hard? Besides a thrombosed vein. I know it's not that. But I think the main cause of this was clamping too tight for too long. But like I said, nothing hurts. No abdominal pain, no urethral blockage or anything. It just looks like shit.

Yes this could’ve happened from clamping, there are definite risks involved with clamping so it’s important to take every precaution possible. Before even starting I would talk to either stillwantmore or Red for advice.

The black spotting is actually blood that has coagulated. Keep using the Neosporin and they will eventually peal off. You definitely do not have thrombosis as that is a hard wirey vein that causes pain.

Wash with warm water three times a day and then put on your Neosporin afterwards. And no time they will peel off and you’ll be back to normal. But in the meantime definitely order those silisleeves.
Yes this could’ve happened from clamping, there are definite risks involved with clamping so it’s important to take every precaution possible. Before even starting I would talk to either stillwantmore or Red for advice.

The black spotting is actually blood that has coagulated. Keep using the Neosporin and they will eventually peal off. You definitely do not have thrombosis as that is a hard wirey vein that causes pain.

Wash with warm water three times a day and then put on your Neosporin afterwards. And no time they will peel off and you’ll be back to normal. But in the meantime definitely order those silisleeves.
When I run out of my current sleeves I'll buy some silisleeves next. And thanks for the advice. I feel a tiny bit better. But I'm telling you, I have already taken plenty of days off (basically) and it still hasn't cleared up. Do you think I should stop everything? Even the little stretches throughout the day and the light clamping with 1 notch clicked or wearing a cockring?

I tried literally doing nothing and I just couldn't do it. I can't not pull on my penis a bit every time I pee or when I'm watching tv. I'm addicted I guess. That's why this really sucks because I want to get back to hanging. And having sex without worrying about how dark the room is.
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When I run out of my current sleeves I'll buy some silisleeves next. And thanks for the advice. I feel a tiny bit better. But I'm telling you, I have already taken plenty of days off (basically) and it still hasn't cleared up. Do you think I should stop everything? Even the little stretches throughout the day and the light clamping with 1 notch clicked or wearing a cockring?

I tried literally doing nothing and I just couldn't do it. I can't not pull on my penis a bit every time I pee or when I'm watching tv. I'm addicted I guess. That's why this really sucks because I want to get back to hanging. And having sex without worrying about how dark the room is.

Good news is you can continue to manually stretch as long as you are flaccid and not gripping at the origin of injury. I know it sucks to have to wait but in a way it teaches us self discipline. That self discipline will be so valuable when you are able to go full out gaining and we come to plateaus. This is where it will be so important, look at all as a lesson in life and in learning, all things will feel like blessings. ❤️

So sorry on the sex front but again, patience is a virtue. The frustration you must feel having to deal with this must be pretty tough and believe me I’ve gone through injuries where I could not train at all.

My biggest injury was I ripped my frenulum off with the razor side of a ruler. It was the most painful thing I ever experienced. I never thought I would be out able to train again. With some patience and a lot of bacitracin ?eventually I did heal.

But there was a HUGE BLESSING in this injury because I spent the time or mind experims and during that period is when I invented the DLD Blasters. So if I never got that injury, I never would have developed DLD Blasters so I never would have made the gains I made which means Matters of Size would not exist. All things happen for a reason and discipline and patience are our best friends during these times. ❤️
Anything can be overdone, pumping is a prime example.

I have had some red spots appear, but it was all in the early days when I stated out with all this.
Now, nothing ... I just get great expansion, guess my penis became used to that.

Regarding money in it, sure you can make a device replaces the clamp, but it will never take off and sell big time. Guys can simply buy equipment to do this, even a shoelace tied in a loop or slip knot will help, with padding down otherwise the lace can hurt [experience]. The results in my experience are just as good.

If someone maks a device, great ... go for it. I just dont see it making big money, or being popular like the pumps, hangers, extenders out there.

This is much simpler in what it needs, no specific-made devices needed here.
Your erection, and a constriction is all.
Hope this makes sense.

I've also felt clamping is seen as fire, and some people try to smother it, dont like it being discussed anymore, and claim its oh so dangerous ... it is no more dangerous then using pressure on your penis in a pump, or hanging weight from your penis.

You just need to have precautions in place first. With clamping, things can go wrong quickly versus some other methods due to the amount of blood being used, as you are fully erect.

For example you would not do extreme bends while clamped, anybend would be very slight. If you were to bend abruptly, then obviously you will damage the penis. When guys hang, they need to pay attention to the glans, circulation, and not hang too long. If they do, they can cause damage. In a pump, using too much pressure too soon will fuck you up, also long sessions at high pressusre.

Its good to see that folk still like it, and like tweaking with it.

All the posts thus far here, show its still capturing the interest :)
Well.... Money can be made from it ;) it's more so that most men want length first.

So these really provide good pressure? Hard to imagine they could provide more pressure than a hard clamp. Are they difficult to remove?

Yes, they can provide very intense pressure. The soft clamps are made for toes, so they are always trying to return back to that size, and when you fold them in half and then stack multiple, the pressure can easily surpass a hard clamp.

They aren't hard to remove, but it takes slightly longer than a cable clamp because there's no easy release and you have to remove a few.
Yes this could’ve happened from clamping, there are definite risks involved with clamping so it’s important to take every precaution possible. Before even starting I would talk to either stillwantmore or Red for advice.

The black spotting is actually blood that has coagulated. Keep using the Neosporin and they will eventually peal off. You definitely do not have thrombosis as that is a hard wirey vein that causes pain.

Wash with warm water three times a day and then put on your Neosporin afterwards. And no time they will peel off and you’ll be back to normal. But in the meantime definitely order those silisleeves.
I gotta say, good call on that. As soon as I started washing it three times a day and putting neosporin on it more often it started to peel off the next day. It's almost gone now. I was about to go to a doctor and spend hundreds of dollars that I really don't have for that.

The depressing thing is though, I had to basically stop doing everything, including manual stretches. I noticed that manual stretches really irritate my opening. I guess the way I stretch causes the urethra to kind of rub against itself or pinch or something because I've gotten blood at the tip numerous times or at least some form of irritation. It gets all red and inflamed looking all around the opening and sometimes even causes a scabby blockage right at the opening. I don't know why. I grip behind the head like you're supposed to.

Anyway, I started wearing my phallosan again and I did girth earlier with a cockring but I really want to start hanging again. But now I'm kinda freaked out about using my lengthmaster because that was a big part of the problem too. I need to switch to a vac hanger. I've been reading more about them and they seem like a step up from compression hangers in a few big ways- more comfortable, easier/quicker set up, they won't cause coagulated blood to build up around my glans, and you can wear them longer without taking breaks. That's huge for me because those little breaks add up and turn an hour and a half session into two hours or more.

Anyway, I'm happy to be back on the horse again. Thanks for the advice.
I’m so happy I saved you the money! From now on just take extra precaution and if you’re going to continue clamping be extra vigilant to make sure this never happens again.
Great thread. I definitely want to try this!

Definitely a great thread because I'm the creator of every thread and it is wonderful because I'm on them. Things only get better and better every day because I exist here!
This has happened to me in a few different scenarios in PE. Bundled stretching and Expressive stretching were both created by another situation that had nothing to do with PE. Very cool way to see this?
I'm convinced that using Silirings, that are made with silicone will be similar to how the soft clamping works. Correct me if wrong please.

Also MOS has full package Silicone rings. Right down my street.

I agree only because it will bring me more money to buy another Range Rover.
Hi there Zack, I don't understand the theory, do you keep adding the shields on top of the other or do you add them over the shaft against each other? I guess it's the first, but I am a complete noob at clamping and my English is not that great (picture link isn't working on my phone too). Thanks and good work!
What's up guys. I mentioned Soft Clamping over in my Picture Proof thread, and was asked to make a post here about the technique. I have been using this for a few months and greatly prefer it to traditional, "hard" clamping using a cable clamp.

To clarify off the bat, "Soft Clamping" is done while you are erect -- the "soft" refers to the clamp, which is flexible, rather than hard and inflexible.

This technique seems to be created by a guy over at R3dd1t, so I will just quote his guide.

The Toe Shields he recommends are available on eBay here. I sometimes will use a few of these Magnum-fit Duragauge Rings as a base, and then add Toe Shields over them. Bear in mind that I've been practicing PE for a decade and this is a very advanced technique and puts a lot of pressure on.

Sticking to the 8 minute time limit is very important! You need to allow normal bloodflow to return to your cock.

With that said, I have gone beyond that time limit, but only because I have a ton of clamping experience and know how to gauge when I have gone too far. Even still, I haven't gone beyond a 20-minute set.

One of the things I love about soft clamping is the ability to comfortably add clamps below the head. I had seen this technique discussed with regular hard clamping, but I could never do it--maybe because of the shape of my cock, IDK.

Another cool thing is that you can use an unfolded toe shield to compress areas that are getting too thick, relatively. For me, this is my base, so I will sometimes use this technique (after my initial set up) to keep things more uniform.

Here's a pic of me with the complete setup--Duragauge rings as the base, then folded toe shields on top, with one unfolded toe shield over the base to prevent it from overexpanding, and a few folded toe shields under my head for counter-pressure. Again, this is advanced stuff--be careful.
Can you make a video showing this? Even if you have to use a prop. Picture is not available.
Hi there Zack, I don't understand the theory, do you keep adding the shields on top of the other or do you add them over the shaft against each other? I guess it's the first, but I am a complete noob at clamping and my English is not that great (picture link isn't working on my phone too). Thanks and good work!

Yeah, you stack them on top of each other to increase the pressure.

Can you make a video showing this? Even if you have to use a prop. Picture is not available.

Yeah, I can give that a shot if I can get some privacy!
Yeah, you stack them on top of each other to increase the pressure.

Yeah, I can give that a shot if I can get some privacy!

What’s up Zack I haven’t seen you in a minute! I hope all is going well I’m so happy to see you posting again.
Yeah, you stack them on top of each other to increase the pressure.

Yeah, I can give that a shot if I can get some privacy!

Hi Zack, thanks for the reply. I had them in the other day and tried to stack them. Went really well, really intense. For me it works better then regular clamping because of a big painful vein when I try it with fixed clamps. So good stuff!
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