slipping out of the silistretcher? try this!

with my limited experience using the silistretcher2, i have discovered a few tricks that have helped me with slippage. this post will contain one, next post some others. i will try to be as brief as i can... (skip to "my solution" if you don't want the background story)

i started to hang with the silistretcher2 at 5lbs with no issues. the following week, i went up to 7.5lbs with no issues. the week following that, i went up to 10lbs (i may be moving up fast with the weights, but 2.5lbs is the lowest weight that i have). at 10lbs, i noticed that sometimes i would slip out of the bell. at other times, i would get gnarly fluid retention ( the tip of my glans would look like the baby alien bursting out of the stomach in the movie "aliens" LOL). since this didn't happen every time, i was wondering what could be the cause of this.

all my hanging sets had been btc (lately, i have switched to straight down because i feel a better "pull"). one day,at the beginning of a set, i happened to look down and saw the weights spin. i watched as the weights spun slowly around and noticed the the vacuum knob spin, as well. i know the eye hook spins 360, but i believe the weight at 10lbs pulling down is preventing the eye hook to spin properly causing the vacuum knob to spin with the weights.

it's not like the weights are in a freefall spin, going round' and round' and round'. sometimes it spins clockwise, sometimes counter clockwise... this is where i believe the slipping or more pressure occurs. when the weights spin and causes the vacuum knob to spin, it loosens or tightens the pressure. also, sometimes i can feel a "pop" from the vacuum knob when it spins. (this "pop" occurs when i use the silistetcher2 as an ads, as well).

i thought to myself... how can i stop it from spinning? i tried to sit in different positions, but it always kept spinning... i tried to center the weights better on the arbor, but it always kept spinning...

my solution: auskit bearing swivel triangular shape

the thought of a bearing swivel came to me because i like to fish. if any of you fish, then you must have, at one point or another, used a swivel to prevent line twist or to change lures quickly. for those that don't fish, a swivel connects two separate fishing lines and prevents the main line from twisting, while the secondary line can twist all it wants. now, obviously, we can't use a tiny bearing swivel on equipment holding heavy weights, so i researched, found and bought a swivel that is used for rock climbing / tire swings. i use the auskit swivel with a triangular shape, found on amazon, and now i have no more spinning weights and no slippage caused by the spinning weights. i think the triangular shape is preventing the weights from spinning because the weight is focused and centered at the bottom of the triangle. *the round shape of the carabiner, hooking onto another round object can cause the weights to go off-center. (this is my unprofessional opinion, but it works for me).*

yes, this is adding to the amount spent on p.e. gear. for me, though, it has made my sets less time consuming and more convenient. i spend less time troubleshooting issues with slippage. i am now at 12.5lbs with no slippage or no alien looking glans LOL. i still have normal looking fluid retention, but it doesn't prevent me from doing sets. i have no clue what it will be like when i go higher in weights.

pros and cons:

- keeps weights from spinning. weights spinning could lessen the pressure or increase pressure in the vacuum bell
- saves time from troubleshooting
- 2,000 lb working load. for those with extreme hanging weight goals. good luck hanging a small car from your penis

- big profile. the size of the swivel is 4.79". when i was hanging btc with this, i almost had to lie on my back, in my chair, to barely keep the weights off the ground
- may not start spinning on its own at first. at the beginning of the set, the weights may spin a little bit, which causes the vacuum knob to turn. the weights may initially spin at first, by momentum. i offset this by holding the vacuum knob until there is no movement with the weight.

my experience so far is that the bearing swivel is working for me at the moment. as i have said, i have not been doing this for a long time, so take my solution with a grain of salt and look into it before investing into this swivel. YMMV.

i know this was long, but i wanted to be as detailed as i could.

my setup from top to bottom:

- silistretcher2
- carabiner* - rated at 25lbs. i removed the clip for convenience. safety?? yeah, personally, i don't plan to run sprints with 12.5lbs hanging from my penis
- (carabiner* - the narrow end goes to the eye hook and wider end to the swivel)
- auskit swivel triangular
- carabiner - rated at 25lbs. i have not removed the clips yet. i will, though, for convenience
- weight arbor from silistretcher2 package
* it is red theraband to keep the weights from sliding around, just in case you were wondering*
* it is tape on both ends of the swivel to keep the carabiners from scratching the insides of the swivel. i'm weird like that*

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more tips:
(sorry, in advance, if any of these were mentioned by someone else. please let me know to delete or give credit)

#1 when rolling the sleeve onto your penis, make sure no air is trapped

- without full sleeve to skin contact, there could be a chance for it to slip. personally, i roll the sleeve from below the glans to the base. i noticed that most of the time i would see a "white" area below the sleeve that looks like air. i am not sure whether or not this is air, per se, but after rolling all the way down, i would lift the sleeve and press down with my thumb as i lay the sleeve back onto the shaft. basically, squeezing the "air" out. after i do this, the color below the sleeve is the color of my skin. i do this on all four sides of the penis; top, bottom, left side, right side. i also do this when i use the silisleeve as an ads

#2 i do not use soap for cleaning the sleeve

- sounds gross, i know... it may be the type of soap i'm using (unscented hand soap) but it seems to leave a film on the sleeve after drying. this causes slippage for me. instead, i use 91% isopropyl alcohol to clean the sleeve. i also use it to clean my shaft before i put on the sleeve. if there is a lot of lint on the sleeve, then i wash using soap and follow up with the isopropyl alcohol. i am unsure how cleaning with 91% isopropyl alcohol, daily, will affect the integrity of the sleeve in the longterm

#3 "puttin' on the sleeves"

- i have tried to use the original silistretcher2 directions and it did not really work for me.
- my technique is: blue silicap, silisleeve overlapping the bottom of the blue silicap, insert penis into the vacuum bell, then secure the vacuum bell to the penis with a duroband; 1/2 the duroband on the vacuum bell and 1/2 on the silisleeve. my first duroband stretched out and started to slip, so i cut a 2" piece of a durosleeve (1" diameter), which seems to be better at gripping because it is longer than the duroband. this setup works better for me. also, don't be scared to try out different ideas that you come up with

#4 secure the band

- if the sleeve is starting to stretch and lose grip on the vacuum bell, cut a 1" piece of durosleeve and use it to overlap the sleeve that is on the vacuum bell. the duroband that comes with the silistretcher2 package is used to protect the sleeve rubbing the insides of your pants. however, it adds additional support/grip when hanging. if you don't have an extra sleeve to cut, try to use a wide band, rubber band to hold it in place

#5 blister prevention: i'll have the combo, please
( thank you @Rollie_Boy for this solution )

- i have seen many members, myself included, use one type of technique for blister prevention. it's either put on a silicap, or put on some type of tape, or put on new skin, etc... why not try a combo of different methods? new skin is great as it is, but it can "wear off" from the pressure or rubbing against the sleeve. after applying new skin, put tape on top of the product. this will not only reinforce the product, but there is no tape that sticks to your skin. i've had the beautiful experience of removing micropore tape from my glans... yikes!!!

please, see post #23 for a thorough explanation for this solution

#6 when you gotta go, you gotta go: peeing with the sleeve on

- members in the silisleeve forum have asked about peeing while in the sleeve. this applies here, too. some members suggested taking off the sleeve, but i keep mine on. having to deal with a ss2 and sleeves just makes it easier to keep on. i've copied and pasted my comments from the thread:

i don't take off the sleeve and i don't dribble ( as far as i know :) )
this is how i do it after peeing

1. i do 3 hard kegels
2. btb jelq until the base of the penis ( i personally start in the middle of the perinium )
3. at the base of the penis, squeeze the penis shaft in finger width increments moving towards the glans
4. when you get to your glans, squeeze the glans until you get to the tip ( you may get a little dribble on your finger this way,,, but you wash your hands, right?? hehe)
5. do this 2x

#7 sore frenulum? use corn... gel corn pads that is...

the product i'm using to protect the frenulum is called gel corn pads 2pk by cvs. these pads are a little different from other gel corn pads that i've used previously. normally, gel corn pads have a thin gel insert going around the circumference of the band. the ones i'm using from cvs has a single gel pad that is thicker and only has 1/3 of a circumference in the band. the thicker part helps cushion the frenulum better and is more comfortable for me. however, it is a tight fit until the band stretches out. for me, when it was new, it got uncomfortable after 30 minutes. now, i can leave it on for about 5 hours, sometimes longer, before taking a break. i don't sleep with it on because i will wake up from it tightening up during erections. also, there is an annoyance with the band. after it gets stretched out, it folds inwards and starts digging into the skin. i counter this by flipping the inward curve to the top of the band. i'm now hanging 15lbs for 30min with little FR on the frenulum; the glans is a different story lol

edit: added more tips, bolded each tip title
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Wow! You have done a lot of work here and I am so appreciative of the time you’ve put into this. This is an amazing thread and I hope everybody gets to read through it. Let’s see how traffic goes and I will probably make this a sticky. Again excellent work and a beautiful gift to the brotherhood
So I’ve had the Silistretcher for a month. But I’ve only been able to start wearing it recently because I had to wait 4 weeks for my glans to heal.
I’ve worn it for a few days now and I’ve noticed a few things

1) when I wear the silicap, my glans will slowly slip out. This happened today and unfortunately caused a few small blisters on the glans. I’m not sure how to remedy this. When I don’t wear the silicap, I get no blisters, however, without the cap, my glans is very very red and sensitive to the touch. And now ,due to previous damage from another device, wheneverI use the vacuum bell without a silicap, the skin on the top of my glans eventually heals and scabs over, then peels off after a week or two. During that time I can’t use the device.

is there anything I can do to prevent that?

I’ve tried wearing a silicap, but every time, my glans slowly slips out and causes blisters.

if I don’t wear the cap, it’s fine and dandy, however the glans becomes inflamed, puffy, and very sensitive to the slightest touch (in a painful way).
As it heals, the skin on top becomes hard and peels off after about two weeks.

this is really hurting my gains. I’ve spent $450 on two devices so far and can’t use either of them due to this.

Ive considered getting just a vacuum bell from the stealth stretcher and trying that instead of the one from my silistretcher. But I fear that my skin and glans will only react the same way.

I want to get a lengthmaster so I can at least try to get some gains without my glans constantly hurting. But I’ve already spent so much cash.

does anyone have any advice on what I can do? Even after today, I have three little blisters on my glans because it slipped out of the silicap. Not entirely, but enough to cause blisters and pain.

I could continue to use it without a silicap, but due to a previous injury from a Penimaster Pro, the top of my glans bruises very easily, and this is the area that the skin heals and scabs over.

if you need me to elaborate further, I will.
So I’ve had the Silistretcher for a month. But I’ve only been able to start wearing it recently because I had to wait 4 weeks for my glans to heal.
I’ve worn it for a few days now and I’ve noticed a few things

1) when I wear the silicap, my glans will slowly slip out. This happened today and unfortunately caused a few small blisters on the glans. I’m not sure how to remedy this. When I don’t wear the silicap, I get no blisters, however, without the cap, my glans is very very red and sensitive to the touch. And now ,due to previous damage from another device, wheneverI use the vacuum bell without a silicap, the skin on the top of my glans eventually heals and scabs over, then peels off after a week or two. During that time I can’t use the device.

is there anything I can do to prevent that?

I’ve tried wearing a silicap, but every time, my glans slowly slips out and causes blisters.

if I don’t wear the cap, it’s fine and dandy, however the glans becomes inflamed, puffy, and very sensitive to the slightest touch (in a painful way).
As it heals, the skin on top becomes hard and peels off after about two weeks.

this is really hurting my gains. I’ve spent $450 on two devices so far and can’t use either of them due to this.

Ive considered getting just a vacuum bell from the stealth stretcher and trying that instead of the one from my silistretcher. But I fear that my skin and glans will only react the same way.

I want to get a lengthmaster so I can at least try to get some gains without my glans constantly hurting. But I’ve already spent so much cash.

does anyone have any advice on what I can do? Even after today, I have three little blisters on my glans because it slipped out of the silicap. Not entirely, but enough to cause blisters and pain.

I could continue to use it without a silicap, but due to a previous injury from a Penimaster Pro, the top of my glans bruises very easily, and this is the area that the skin heals and scabs over.

if you need me to elaborate further, I will.

let me see if I can get @Lightning to help out here.

i was going to write my experiences with the silicap, but i can get long-winded, so i'm sure you just want to hear the advice lol

the silicap will slip a little bit. just by the pressure of the vacuum bell and pulling away from your penis will cause it to move ( or the pressure will pull down skin, which pulls down the silisleeve and silicap). it happens to me, too. sometimes, i get a wrinkle in the silicap from it slipping a little. also, i believe that people who compression hang, wrap an inch higher because of the wrap slipping a little. the blisters are probably from too high of a pressure in the vacuum bell. you've been using the silistretcher2 recently, so your glans are not probably not accustomed to high pressure.

let me ask some questions so we can better assess your dilemma.

1) how much of the vacuum knob are you turning?
- as stated above, too much pressure could cause blisters because your glans are not accustomed to it

2) how long were you in the silistretcher2?
- you may need to set time limits in the device

3) are you hanging weights with the silistretcher2? if so, how much weight are you hanging?
- if you are hanging weights, it could be that you're using too much weight that's causing higher pressure in the vacuum bell

4) do you normally compression hang?
- i ask this because of the difference between the vacuum and compression. let's say you compression hang at 20lbs, you will probably have to go much lighter when vacuum hanging until your penis adjusts to the vacuum pressure; start off at 5lbs or even lighter

5) what is your sleeve setup going into the vacuum bell?
- personally, i do not use a long sleeve that goes over my shaft and onto the vacuum bell ( the example in the video ). i put on the silicap, then silisleeve ( where the top of the sleeve overlaps the bottom of the silicap)*, then insert the penis into the vacuum bell. i have a 2" durosleeve ( you can use a duroband ) that i cut and put 1/2 on the bell and 1/2 on the silisleeve. with this setup, i am able to hang comfortably at 12.5lbs. i may have to adjust when i go higher in weights.

* i do this because the top of the silisleeve "holds" the silicap in place and prevents it from slipping too much. almost everytime, though, the silisleeve slips over my 1/2 of my glans and 1/2 the silicap is off my glans. this isn't because the silisleeve is slipping down my shaft, but my skin is moving down causing the sleeve to move down with it. i hope that makes sense... i don't have issues with blisters, but the puffiness can get crazy. there were times when i actually laugh because the puffiness makes my glans look inhuman; weirdly shaped lol. i just massage it about 5-10 minutes, then i'm good to go for another set. there are factors that could cause the silicap to slip, but to be brief, make sure the glans and shaft are free of oil or debris. i use 91% isopropyl alcohol to clean, both inside and outside, of the silisleeve and silicap. i then use it to clean my shaft and glans

in your silistretcher2 package, did you get durocaps? they look like a clear "bulb" or "dome"; two in the same package. i haven't tried them yet because the silicap is working for me. try to give the durocaps a go. they will be more anatomically correct than the silicap
To answer your questions (in order)

1). I actually use very little vacuum because I use it as an ADS. I turn the valve almost all the way up before inserting my glans. After insertion, I twist it one more time. The majority of the vacuum is caused by the pull throughout the day.

2). sometimes the time varies. I usually take it off once every 3 hours to use the restroom and massage the skin.

3&4). I don’t use weights or do any form of hanging.

5). this one is tricky, because I have tried a few.
—a: I use the silicap, insert glans, and roll down the sleeve from the bell. For reference, I’m using a sleeve condom from the Phallosan Forte. It rolls a lot better in my opinion and lasts longer as well with proper care. To keep the sleeve condom from wrinkling, I cut a 2” piece from my silisleev and put that on top.
—b: the same as “a” but without a silicap.

I can try how you do it and see how it goes. But I think that due to previous damage caused by the Penimaster pro, my glans will always bruise easily and heal the way it does (hard skin that eventually peels off).

The injury happened because my glans was simply too big for the Penimaster pro and would constantly slip out. Over time this caused damage. The damage was only to the top of my glans above the crown. Now that area bruises easily when in vacuum. If I wear a silicap, it will prevent a lot of what I’m going through, but I need to figure out how to stop slipping out of it

Part of the reason why I slip out is because of moisture that builds up over time. If I try powdering with mosgrip would that help?

Oh. And unfortunately only the silicone cap was in the package, I want to try the gel cap but it was on back order and still have not received it.

any other questions, feel free to ask.
Wow thank you so much for your response, it makes my mouth water and my dick tingle.
To answer your questions (in order)

1). I actually use very little vacuum because I use it as an ADS. I turn the valve almost all the way up before inserting my glans. After insertion, I twist it one more time. The majority of the vacuum is caused by the pull throughout the day.

- let me further ask, how much of a turn are you twisting? i'm asking because you said that you give a twist one more time and i'm not sure of the exact amount of the twist. for example, after i put on the silistrether2, i turn the vacuum knob 1/8 to 1/4 turn when i tighten the strap for more tension. i don't give it a full 360 turn or a full twist. also, when i lightly ads and don't use much tension, i actually just put it on without turning the vacuum knob. as you have said, there is vacuum from the pull of the strap and there is also a small vacuum just by putting it on.

2). sometimes the time varies. I usually take it off once every 3 hours to use the restroom and massage the skin.

- if you are able to take restroom breaks often, try to go every hour. you will be able to better figure out how long you can stay in the silistretcher2 before blisters start to form. also, by doing it hourly and resetting, you are getting your glans to slowly adjust to the pressure

5). this one is tricky, because I have tried a few.
—a: I use the silicap, insert glans, and roll down the sleeve from the bell. For reference, I’m using a sleeve condom from the Phallosan Forte. It rolls a lot better in my opinion and lasts longer as well with proper care. To keep the sleeve condom from wrinkling, I cut a 2” piece from my silisleev and put that on top.
—b: the same as “a” but without a silicap.

I can try how you do it and see how it goes. But I think that due to previous damage caused by the Penimaster pro, my glans will always bruise easily and heal the way it does (hard skin that eventually peels off).

The injury happened because my glans was simply too big for the Penimaster pro and would constantly slip out. Over time this caused damage. The damage was only to the top of my glans above the crown. Now that area bruises easily when in vacuum. If I wear a silicap, it will prevent a lot of what I’m going through, but I need to figure out how to stop slipping out of it

Part of the reason why I slip out is because of moisture that builds up over time. If I try powdering with mosgrip would that help?

Oh. And unfortunately only the silicone cap was in the package, I want to try the gel cap but it was on back order and still have not received it.

any other questions, feel free to ask.

this is just a thought, but with the large size of your glans, it may not be the pressure from the vacuum bell, but it could be that the top of your glans is rubbing against the silicap. this may be why you only get blisters on the top part of your glans. do you walk around with the silistretcher2 or do you sit more often? if you walk around often, there will be constant "bouncing" of the silistretcher2 and could cause irritation on your glans.

yes, try to powder with mosgrip before you put on the silicap. i am sure this will help, to an extent, the silicap from slipping from moisture. however, do not sprinkle mosgrip on your glans. put some in your hands and rub your hands together until the fine powder is gone, then "wipe" your glans with your hands and fingers. this limits the amount of mosgrip onto the glans. also, i'm not sure how much moisture builds up over time with you, but with every restroom break, reset by lightly applying more mosgrip. i say this because too much powder will cause the silicap to lose grip until the powder starts absorbing the moisture. i do this with gym chalk before i hang weights with the silistretcher2. i don't warm up before hanging, but i do hang in front of a personal heater. this gets me hot and i know that there will be sweat and/or oil from my shaft and glans. when applying mosgrip, make sure there is enough to absorb a little moisture while keeping the silicap from slipping.
Normally everything was fine when I never used the silicap. But at the same time the glans was probably not entirely healed at the time when I started using the silistretcher. So I waited about 4 weeks for it to fully heal (as far as I can tell). I used it twice the other day and with the silicap and that’s when I got the blisters.

When I wear it, I turn the knob so the valve is 1/8 inch from the top. Then I insert my glans. And then I turn the valve the rest of the way up. But this is because I need a bit more tension than the average person would. If I can get a Length Master then I will just do stretches at home and use lighter tension with the silistretcher during the day.

I always wear the silistretcher in a upward position towards my side (so like a 45 degree position upward) my size is already quite large, so if I wear this any other direction it would be way too noticeable. The device doesn’t bounce around any as far as I know. And I stand up at my job. My glans wasn’t rubbing against the silicap because it had slowly came out of it during the 3 hours I wore it. I noticed when I took it off, there was a lot of moisture (or sweat) inside of the silicap. Which I’m assuming is what aided in it sliding out.

I’ve also tried two things:
—I’ve tried putting on the silicap but leaving extra skin inside. This helped keep the silicap on.
—I’ve also tried putting it on and removing any bunched up skin from inside. And over time, the silicap slipped off.

fortunately, with the first option, the skin had little to no fluid retention at all. But this was after I had already gotten the blisters. So I took it off and didn’t want to experiment further until it heals. I may try that again soon (when I leave extra skin inside the silicap)

I’m mostly going for length gains as my girth is already a bit too much for most people. Which is why I’ve considered getting a lengthmaster.

so far, the skin of my glans hasn’t scabbed or anything like last time. But I also didn’t have the silistretcher on for quite as long.

what else can I do to ensure that the silicap stays in place?

Also whenever my glans is sensitive, I’ll wear a silicap when I workout (I don’t wear the device). Because my penis moves around a lot when I run and workout. The silicap helps my glans from rubbing against my shorts.

Im not sure if I’m allowed to post an image of my glans. But it’s hard to explain what exactly is happening.
When I wear it, I turn the knob so the valve is 1/8 inch from the top. Then I insert my glans. And then I turn the valve the rest of the way up. But this is because I need a bit more tension than the average person would. If I can get a Length Master then I will just do stretches at home and use lighter tension with the silistretcher during the day.

it sounds like there is still high pressure in the bell. for the time being, i would manual stretch first and then use a lighter tension in the silistretcher2 until your penis gets accustomed to higher pressure.

I always wear the silistretcher in a upward position towards my side (so like a 45 degree position upward) my size is already quite large, so if I wear this any other direction it would be way too noticeable. The device doesn’t bounce around any as far as I know. And I stand up at my job. My glans wasn’t rubbing against the silicap because it had slowly came out of it during the 3 hours I wore it. I noticed when I took it off, there was a lot of moisture (or sweat) inside of the silicap. Which I’m assuming is what aided in it sliding out.

yes, it sounds like the moisture, or oil from the skin, is causing it to slip. as i said above, try to take more frequent restroom breaks to apply mosgrip. personally, i do not have moisture buildup under the silicap, but when i need to reset, i still pat down my shaft and glans with tissue.

I’ve also tried two things:
—I’ve tried putting on the silicap but leaving extra skin inside. This helped keep the silicap on.
—I’ve also tried putting it on and removing any bunched up skin from inside. And over time, the silicap slipped off.

sounds like a possible solution for after you heal! i would not go with bunching up the skin from the inside because it will cause the silicap to lose "suction" and the contact area with the silicap and glans will not be consistant.

so far, the skin of my glans hasn’t scabbed or anything like last time. But I also didn’t have the silistretcher on for quite as long.

for now, i still recommend that you take breaks instead of having it on for a long time.

what else can I do to ensure that the silicap stays in place?

before putting the silicap on, squeeze your glans of all blood, put on the silicap and squeeze your glans again of all blood. for me, sometimes just touching my glans will cause it to get aroused; it's just human nature. later, when the glans get to normal size again, it leaves a lot of space in the silicap. squeezing the blood out of the glans before you put it on will give it a tighter fit.

i just thought about this thread, as well. you may want to check it out...

i actually went out and bought this (cvs brand, though. they only had the original in aerosal, but i didn't want that), but i haven't used it yet. truth be told, i forgot that i bought it lol

my plan of use is to use the applicator along my circ scar. this should form a shell along my circ scar where the bottom of the silicap will cover. my thoughts on this is the silicap should "stick" to the shell.

if this works for me, i will include it above in the "tips" section. when i start to hang with heavier weights, i was planning to use this, as well.

Im not sure if I’m allowed to post an image of my glans. But it’s hard to explain what exactly is happening.

i've seen other members post pics with their penis. they also post pics in their progress threads. as long as it isn't adult entertainment, you will be able to post pics, as well.
It’s just odd though because I have over 600 hours of using the Penimaster Pro, so my glans should be accustomed to the use of a vacuum. I noticed this morning that the skin was starting to peel again. I only wore the silistretcher once this week and even after that, now the skin of my glans is peeling. Now I have to wait yet again for it to heal before I can test it again.
Has anyone else on here had trouble with their glans bruising easily? The bruising came from the last time I used the Penimaster Pro (which is why I stopped using it). The damage happened because my glans was too small for the chamber but I didn’t realize it. It had pushed itself out halfway and caused a severe bruise. Now I think I have it for life. It goes away. But when I used the silistretcher, obviously the bruise comes back. The skin on top of said bruise is what’s causing me issues.
I’ve made an adjustment and I love it!

So I still use 2 coats of NewSkin on my glans. I leave a hole where the urethra opening is.

Next I use micropore tape and tape up my glans on top of the new skin to prevent any access swelling. I also use tape to cover the hole on top (I make sure the other side isn’t sticky by placing a piece of tape on the underside of the strip. This prevents my urethra opening from becoming swollen (the tape covering the hole). So now my glans has newskin as well as tape on the entire thing.

Next I use the self-adhesive bandage (the one that came with the lengthmaster) and I wrap a little around my shaft just beneath the taped up glans.

Next I put on a blue durocap and then I use a 1” long segment of silisleeve just below that to hold it in place. I use the segment because when I roll down the sleeve condom over just the durocap and self adhesive bandage, air leaks in due to the porous nature of the bandage. So having a silicap, and then a segment of silisleeve all on top of the bandage prevents air leakage.

Next I have the valve of the bell 1/4” from the top. After inserting my glans assembly into the bell, I twist the knob and, at the same time, push my glans into it just to make sure it’s secure.

Next I roll down my sleeve condom (again I use a medium sized one from the Phallosan Forte). Even still. When I am stretching, the medium size is too wide for my stretched out shaft. I think my girth is 6”-6.5” when erect and even the medium is slightly too wide.
But I have to use the medium because the small won’t stretch over the silistretcher medium sized bell.

To counter this problem. After rolling down the sleeve condom, I use a 1” segment of silisleeve that I roll in half (kind of like a cock ring) and I place this just below the vacuum bell. This also helps ensure that my glans doesn’t slip from inside the assembly. Then I use another 1” segment and put that below the previous one. This prevents my sleeve condom from rolling up during the day.

And viola!

Yeah I know it’s a “lengthy” process (pun intended). But it works.

By doing this, I’m at almost 300 hours into wearing it. I’ve gained almost 3/8 of an inch. Which puts me at about 10 1/8” Now I’m using the lengthmaster as well and wearing the silistretcher at night too.


There is only one con to this (using the micropore tape on top of the newskin). If you don’t go to the bathroom or remove the device once every 3-5 hours, urine can sometimes leak and get the tape wet. Which is fine. Just put more tape over it.

Another thing is that the tape will be hard to remove sometimes. Fortunately when I apply the newskin and tape, I make sure that my glans is only half engorged with blood. I only do half because when I’m removing it at the end of the day, I can then get an erection and essentially break the newskin. Then as I pull the tape off, it pulls the newskin with it. So it’s easy to remove.
After removal (which I do before I take a shower), I rub on some of the Bacitracin ointment on my glans as well as cortisone on my shaft skin. This is important to help with your skin health.

Every time you need to go urinate, make sure to keep a roll of the tape with you. I keep mine in a little plastic bag and in my pocket. That way I can replace tape as needed as well as replace the tape strip that covers my urethra opening.
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thank you for the update. i was wondering how things were going for you. i'm glad to hear that you found a solution. i tried to use new skin, but the fumes were just too overwhelming. after i applied it, the odor of new skin would linger around for about 1 hour*. i started getting headaches from it. please be mindful when using this. i wonder what the long term effects would be inhaling the fumes on a daily basis ( even though it's for a short time applying the product )...

* i would apply it, then have a hanging session. i didn't really smell it once i strapped into the ss2 ( i tested this by walking to a different area ). the odor i'm talking about is that it sticks in the air while applying the product and it stays for about 1 hour.

the product itself works wonders; however, you're solution to apply it, then put micropore tape on top is brilliant! new skin does "wear off" from use, but i can see the micropore tape protecting it. i always hated to use the tape because it was so difficult and painful to take off. your idea to use a combination of both is something that is very creative. i've been using the tape a bit lately and stick it to my skin a few times to remove some of the adhesive ( i read this from another member ) and it's working pretty good for me this way. do you still smell a strong odor when you put the tape on top of the new skin?

also, do you mind if i put your solution in the "tips" section of this thread? i will give you credit and point viewers to your post for details. i want to try and consolidate all solutions in one area for viewers to see.
Fortunately with using the tape I no longer have a lingering odor anymore. And yes! Go ahead and put this in the tips section.

EDIT: yes the odor lingers in the room wherever I put it on. But I also turn on my bathroom vent to help vent out the smell.

I just woke up and took off the self adhesive bandage. Unfortunately the texture of it can sometimes cause skin pain after wearing it for so long. So I’m gonna try using Jim’s wrap instead of the self adhesive bandage next.
Okay so I tried using the ace bandage and after a while, the fabric caused irritation. So I’ve went back to using the self adhesive bandage
EDIT: yes the odor lingers in the room wherever I put it on. But I also turn on my bathroom vent to help vent out the smell.

i even had to turn on the ceiling fan to help dissipate the odor. i tried to apply it in the bathroom, as well, but the smell still stuck around.

I just woke up and took off the self adhesive bandage. Unfortunately the texture of it can sometimes cause skin pain after wearing it for so long. So I’m gonna try using Jim’s wrap instead of the self adhesive bandage next.

after having it on for so long, i think it would be better to remove the tape and re-apply. i have a "wrap" that i put on under my glans to protect the frenulum. my frenulum starts to get irritated when i wear my sleeves for hours. i just take off my "wrap" for a few minutes then i put it back on.
I’m trying the tape for the frenulum instead of the wrap. I have two strips stuck together on either side and I wrap it around (it’s not sticky). I do two of these. So now I’m gonna see how well that goes. Both the bandage and ace bandage was quite irritating

But so far I haven’t had any fluid retention at all in my glans or the frenulum area in the slightest. No swelling. No sensitivity. No bruising like I was getting. No skin peeling. No blisters. Nothing at all.
I’m trying the tape for the frenulum instead of the wrap. I have two strips stuck together on either side and I wrap it around (it’s not sticky). I do two of these. So now I’m gonna see how well that goes. Both the bandage and ace bandage was quite irritating

But so far I haven’t had any fluid retention at all in my glans or the frenulum area in the slightest. No swelling. No sensitivity. No bruising like I was getting. No skin peeling. No blisters. Nothing at all.

i might try more of the tape tonight. right now, i have a "wrap" over my frenulum that works for a few hours before irritation. let me get the name of what i'm using and i'll make an edit to give you an exact name for the product.

edit: the product i'm using to protect the frenulum is called gel corn pads 2pk by cvs. these pads are a little different from other gel corn pads that i've used previously. normally, gel corn pads have a thin gel insert going around the circumference of the band. the ones i'm using from cvs has a single gel pad that is thicker and only has 1/3 of a circumference in the band. the thicker part helps cushion the frenulum better and is more comfortable for me. however, it is a tight fit until the band stretches out. for me, when it was new, it got uncomfortable after 30 minutes. now, i can leave it on for about 5 hours, sometimes longer, before taking a break. i don't sleep with it on because i will wake up from it tightening up during erections. also, there is an annoyance with the band. after it gets stretched out, it folds inwards and starts digging into the skin. i counter this by flipping the inward curve to the top of the band. i'm now hanging 15lbs for 30min with little FR on the frenulum; the glans is a different story LOL
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i updated post #2 tips section with tips #'s 5, 6, 7. i will include it in this post in case you don't want to go back

#5 blister prevention: i'll have the combo, please
( thank you @Rollie_Boy for this solution )

- i have seen many members , myself included, use one type of technique for blister prevention. it's either put on a silicap , or put on some type of tape, or put on new skin, etc... why not try a combo of different methods? new skin is great as it is, but it can "wear off" from the pressure or rubbing against the sleeve . after applying new skin, put tape on top of the product. this will not only reinforce the product, but there is no tape that sticks to your skin. i've had the beautiful experience of removing micropore tape from my glans... yikes!!!

please, see post #23 for a thorough explanation for this solution

#6 when you gotta go, you gotta go: peeing with the sleeve on

- members in the silisleeve forum have asked about peeing while in the sleeve . this applies here, too. some members suggested taking off the sleeve , but i keep mine on. having to deal with a ss2 and sleeves just makes it easier to keep on. i've copied and pasted my comments from the thread:

i don't take off the sleeve and i don't dribble ( as far as i know :) )
this is how i do it after peeing

1. i do 3 hard kegels
2. btb jelq until the base of the penis ( i personally start in the middle of the perinium )
3. at the base of the penis, squeeze the penis shaft in finger width increments moving towards the glans
4. when you get to your glans, squeeze the glans until you get to the tip ( you may get a little dribble on your finger this way,,, but you wash your hands, right?? hehe)
5. do this 2x

#7 sore frenulum? use corn... gel corn pads that is...

the product i'm using to protect the frenulum is called gel corn pads 2pk by cvs. these pads are a little different from other gel corn pads that i've used previously. normally, gel corn pads have a thin gel insert going around the circumference of the band. the ones i'm using from cvs has a single gel pad that is thicker and only has 1/3 of a circumference in the band. the thicker part helps cushion the frenulum better and is more comfortable for me. however, it is a tight fit until the band stretches out. for me, when it was new, it got uncomfortable after 30 minutes. now, i can leave it on for about 5 hours, sometimes longer, before taking a break. i don't sleep with it on because i will wake up from it tightening up during erections. also, there is an annoyance with the band. after it gets stretched out, it folds inwards and starts digging into the skin. i counter this by flipping the inward curve to the top of the band. i'm now hanging 15lbs for 30min with little FR on the frenulum; the glans is a different story LOL
I would consider trying the gel corn pads. However my flaccid girth when stretched is between 4-4.5”. Would those be too tight for me?

And as an update. After reading this thread and trying the various experiments and tests. I’m now able to wear the silistretcher up to 20 hours a day. I usually underestimate by a few hours because sometimes I sit down and whatnot. But even still. This is FAR better than what I was able to do with the Penimaster Pro.
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I would consider trying the gel corn pads. However my flaccid girth when stretched is between 4-4.5”. Would those be too tight for me?

And as an update. After reading this thread and trying the various experiments and tests. I’m now able to wear the silistretcher up to 20 hours a day. I usually underestimate by a few hours because sometimes I sit down and whatnot. But even still. This is FAR better than what I was able to do with the Penimaster Pro.

the SiliStretcher is the best in the business because we make it ourselves! The brotherhood is our R and D! Only the best!
I would consider trying the gel corn pads. However my flaccid girth when stretched is between 4-4.5”. Would those be too tight for me?

And as an update. After reading this thread and trying the various experiments and tests. I’m now able to wear the silistretcher up to 20 hours a day. I usually underestimate by a few hours because sometimes I sit down and whatnot. But even still. This is FAR better than what I was able to do with the Penimaster Pro.

it will be a tight fit until it stretches out. you have a large girth, so it will be pretty uncomfortable for you, possibly even painful at first. i suppose you can put it over a cylinder to stretch it out. i can stretch the one i'm using now over the bell of the ss2, just to give you an idea about the stretchiness. i don't recommend doing this, as it was just a one time thing, but it is pretty stretchy.

it must be nice to be able to wear it up to 20 hours a day! i wish i could... i've been trying to sleep with it on to get extra hours, but take it off after about 1 hour because of soreness; no blisters or major FR. if i could at least get a full nights sleep with it on, i can get to an estimated total of 12-14 hours a day, which would be an improvement of the hours i get with it on now...
i use the silipad and have never taken it out. it worked well until i got to 10lbs hanging. the challenge for me is the bell will drag the sleeve down a little bit with the weight, so my glans loses contact with the silipad. i'm trying to think of a remedy for this and tried a couple of things without success. i still have a couple of ideas to try ?
i'm using the duropros right now. i was using the durosleeves until i got to 15lbs hanging, then made a switch to the pros. the duropros have a little stretch to them, but i think it's my skin that's loose and gets pulled down, essentially, causing the bell to be pulled down a little bit as well. i've also noticed the silipro gets pulled over my glans a little bit when everything gets pulled down. i have a feeling it's my skin stretching and not the silipro that's slipping because when i take off the ss2, the silipro is in the original place on my shaft.

this is how i strap into the ss2: i put on a 3" silipro as my wrap ( start below the glans and roll down ) and then i secure the bell onto the silipro with a duropro.

edit: grammar
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I’ve had to return to this thread. For some odd reason, I stopped using the new skin and a week later, I’m having skin issues with my glans again (skin peeling and getting firm). So I’m having to take a week off and wait for it to heal. From now on, I will use the new skin as well as cloth tape on top of the newskin like I was previously doing.
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I’ve had to return to this thread. For some odd reason, I stopped using the new skin and a week later, I’m having skin issues with my glans again (skin peeling and getting firm). So I’m having to take a week off and wait for it to heal. From now on, I will use the new skin as well as cloth tape on top of the newskin like I was previously doing.

If somethings working don’t fix it. I’m glad you’ve realize this and are going to go back to a much safer method
I was trying to see if I could get away with not using the newskin. It takes so long to do every morning.

Unfortunately this resulted in my skin not reacting properly. So once I’ve finished healing, I’ll go back to using the newskin again.
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I was trying to see if I could get away with not using the newskin. It takes so long to do every morning.

Unfortunately this resulted in my skin not reacting properly. So once I’ve finished healing, I’ll go back to using the newskin again.

You gave it a try and that’s very smart thing to do. You can continue to improve things by experimenting with different methods. But in my opinion the extra time it takes is worth it if you’re comfortable.
i know that you have a large size penis... are you having these experiences from your glans rubbing against the bell? you may want to go to the 2 inch size bell...

i just started back with p.e. i had an injury, then life happened, so i stopped for about 1month... i have been lightly training the past few days and using a new micropore tape i bought from cvs. it is called 3M Nexcare for frequent changes, 24 hours. it is still medium hold, however, it is for frequent changes so it is not as "sticky" and more forgiving when taking it off. i still stick it to the back of my hand a couple of times before applying it. i noticed it peels off easier than the other micropore tapes i have used. i have it on a few hours at a time, so maybe that is the reason why it comes off easier. i know that you have your ss2 on for many hours at a time, so ymmv... it is about $6, so it should not hurt your wallet too much if it does not work for you.

dit: about the 3M frequent change tape... nevermind. it still sticks to the glans like the other micropore tapes. on the shaft, it's not that bad.
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i know that you have a large size penis... are you having these experiences from your glans rubbing against the bell? you may want to go to the 2 inch size bell...

i just started back with p.e. i had an injury, then life happened, so i stopped for about 1month... i have been lightly training the past few days and using a new micropore tape i bought from cvs. it is called 3M Nexcare for frequent changes, 24 hours. it is still medium hold, however, it is for frequent changes so it is not as "sticky" and more forgiving when taking it off. i still stick it to the back of my hand a couple of times before applying it. i noticed it peels off easier than the other micropore tapes i have used. i have it on a few hours at a time, so maybe that is the reason why it comes off easier. i know that you have your ss2 on for many hours at a time, so ymmv... it is about $6, so it should not hurt your wallet too much if it does not work for you.

great advice!
Yes! I’m just purchased the large sized bell but for the stealth stretcher. I can still use it the same way as I’m using the silistretcher bell.

I’ve also tried using only the tape. But I still get some fluid retention. Since using the newskin again, I don’t get fluid retention. And I use the tape on top. And then a silicap. However all of this added stuff makes it hard to get the glans into the chamber. So that’s why I’m getting the large one
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Yes! I’m just purchased the large sized bell but for the stealth stretcher. I can still use it the same way as I’m using the silistretcher bell.

I’ve also tried using only the tape. But I still get some fluid retention. Since using the newskin again, I don’t get fluid retention. And I use the tape on top. And then a silicap. However all of this added stuff makes it hard to get the glans into the chamber. So that’s why I’m getting the large one

awesome update, so happy you are keeping the fluid retention at bay. What you want is tissue expansion and it sounds like you have gotten that ?
I may have to start wrapping my skin just beneath my glans. It is still exposed to some vacuum so after a 12 hour shift, it’s really puffy.
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I may have to start wrapping my skin just beneath my glans. It is still exposed to some vacuum so after a 12 hour shift, it’s really puffy.

That sounds like it may solve the issue. Try it and let us know how it goes.
Here’s what I’ve done:

—2 coats of newskin on my glans.
—micropore tape on top of the glans
—one layer of self adhesive bandage around my shaft just below the glans

— insert into chamber (still waiting on my new chamber and another sleeve condom)
— roll condom down
—self adhesive bandage wrapped around condom to prevent air entering.

The only thing about that last part is this... the added tension has caused frenulum tearing. So now I’m trying to figure out how to prevent this.
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Here’s what I’ve done:

—2 coats of newskin on my glans.
—micropore tape on top of the glans
—one layer of self adhesive bandage around my shaft just below the glans

— insert into chamber (still waiting on my new chamber and another sleeve condom)
— roll condom down
—self adhesive bandage wrapped around condom to prevent air entering.

The only thing about that last part is this... the added tension has caused frenulum tearing. So now I’m trying to figure out how to prevent this.

Do you have a very tight frenulum? There is a practice called frenulum tying If you’re brave enough LOL but if you go to the frenulum for him he will see that people are doing very incredible and professional work. I started the whole frenulum tying deal by mistake. One day I was trying to measure my penis with one of those rulers that have like a metal straight edge on one side. As I was doing a bone pressed measurement the ruler slipped and it removed my entire frenulum. The pain was insane and it took three weeks to recover. The reason people wanted to start doing this is because after I recovered I gained a half inch due to how tight my frenulum was.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
      P (Guest) pedguin: ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master...