slipping out of the silistretcher? try this!

It’s not as bad now. Although still a little irritated. But it’s not preventing me from continuing to wear it. Right now I’m putting about 10 hours a day on it.


So I meant to say, the part that was torn and irritated is considered the frenulum. But it’s the base of the frenulum on the shaft. Not the area just below the glans.

As a side note. I had tried using more tape below my glans to prevent puffy skin. Unfortunately, as the day goes by, my skin will sometimes get “pulled” upwards and over that tape; causing it to pinch and eventually tear. So now I have little cuts and irritation marks on my skin below and around my glans.

Furthermore, directly in the groove beneath my glans, I have had this same thing happen sometimes depending on how I tape my glans.
To prevent this, I’m adding newskin below my glans a little bit as well.

Trial and error is painful.
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It’s not as bad now. Although still a little irritated. But it’s not preventing me from continuing to wear it. Right now I’m putting about 10 hours a day on it.


So I meant to say, the part that was torn and irritated is considered the frenulum. But it’s the base of the frenulum on the shaft. Not the area just below the glans.

As a side note. I had tried using more tape below my glans to prevent puffy skin. Unfortunately, as the day goes by, my skin will sometimes get “pulled” upwards and over that tape; causing it to pinch and eventually tear. So now I have little cuts and irritation marks on my skin below and around my glans.

Furthermore, directly in the groove beneath my glans, I have had this same thing happen sometimes depending on how I tape my glans.
To prevent this, I’m adding newskin below my glans a little bit as well.

Trial and error is painful.

You are correct my brother I’ve gone through so many trials and errors for over 20 years now. I have created some serious exercises, routines and tools and not everyone of them was a success. Many failures but also many successes. But what I can say is it is worth the effort because when you come out with some thing that solves a problem everybody will benefit from it.
It’s not as bad now. Although still a little irritated. But it’s not preventing me from continuing to wear it. Right now I’m putting about 10 hours a day on it.


So I meant to say, the part that was torn and irritated is considered the frenulum. But it’s the base of the frenulum on the shaft. Not the area just below the glans.

As a side note. I had tried using more tape below my glans to prevent puffy skin. Unfortunately, as the day goes by, my skin will sometimes get “pulled” upwards and over that tape; causing it to pinch and eventually tear. So now I have little cuts and irritation marks on my skin below and around my glans.

Furthermore, directly in the groove beneath my glans, I have had this same thing happen sometimes depending on how I tape my glans.
To prevent this, I’m adding newskin below my glans a little bit as well.

Trial and error is painful.

when i put tape on my frenulum, i put it on so that both sides are taped. for example, 1/2 of the tape on the left side of the frenulum, 1/2 on the right side. after i tape my frenulum this way, i lay down the rest of the tape by following the grooves of the underside of the glans to the urethra. i put a piece of tissue, just big enough to cover the urethra, and cover it with the remaining part of the tape. when i'm hanging heavier weights, i put on two pieces of tape in the same manner. i have a little fluid retention still, but it is not the size of a sunflower seed anymore heheh. you may want to give this a go and see if it helps...
The only issue with this is how far down my frenulum the damage is. It’s far enough down that, when I use tape, and then roll the sleeve condom down, air leaks in while stretching. So I’ve had to stop using tape on it.
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The only issue with this is how far down my frenulum the damage is. It’s far enough down that, when I use tape, and then roll the sleeve condom down, air leaks in while stretching. So I’ve had to stop using tape on it.
You are applying bacitracin every day though right?
Yeah. Now I am haha.

Another issue I’ve had though is the tape has caused severe pinching right beneath my glans and I’ve had to stop today so I can heal.
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Yeah. Now I am haha.

Another issue I’ve had though is the tape has caused severe pinching right beneath my glans and I’ve had to stop today so I can heal.
be sure that the tape is smooth and without folds or wrinkles, even the smallest crease can cause great pinching.
I’ve tried that. But during the day it eventually gets folds. I assume it’s because the skin retracts slightly even after I’ve pulled all of it out before putting it on
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So I’m still trying to figure something out.

I’m trying to understand what causes fluid retention. I’m also trying to figure out why the skin of my glans peels whenever I have it exposed to direct vacuum (basically whenever I don’t use newskin and the tape on my glans).

Why would my skin do this? Any ideas?
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So I’m still trying to figure something out.

I’m trying to understand what causes fluid retention. I’m also trying to figure out why the skin of my glans peels whenever I have it exposed to direct vacuum (basically whenever I don’t use newskin and the tape on my glans).

Why would my skin do this? Any ideas?

perhaps your skin is too dry possibly. Are you using hydrocortisone daily? I think that if you use that daily you would not have a skin issue. As far as understanding what causes fluid retention; For the most part it is caused by either over pumping or by a device that is attached with compression. Perhaps shorter sex would help I would think. Just brainstorming my brother and I hope you keep doing the same thing so we can get this worked out perfectly
Right now I am wearing the smallest stealth stretcher bell with nothing on my glans to see if the issue persists. The peeling skin will most likely still happen. I am thinking that it’s due to the fluid retention that happens. The fluid retention causes the glans to swell (which is why I’m using the smallest bell possible). And something happens with the skin after this swelling I assume.
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Welp. So I have an update.

Good news! With no newskin and no tape anymore, I have no more pain

The bad news…
I worked today and wore it all day. We were severely understaffed at my job and I didn’t get to go to the bathroom at all. Keep in mind I was wearing the silistretcher for almost 14 hours today. Just took it off and so much urine had filled the bell. I now have three blisters on my glans unfortunately.

I may go back to using newskin but no tape and see how things go.

The tape was what was causing me pain during the day because it would pinch my skin over time slowly.

A bit unfortunate. I’ll be out of service again for a week or so. But trial and error.

What I am using is the smallest stealth stretcher bell and a large sized sleeve condom from the Phallosan Forte. To get my glans into the changer I use bacitracin as a lube and suck it in using the ball pump from the stealth stretcher. And then I roll the condom down my shaft. And then I wrap some self adhesive tape around that to prevent air from entering.
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Welp. So I have an update.

Good news! With no newskin and no tape anymore, I have no more pain

The bad news…
I worked today and wore it all day. We were severely understaffed at my job and I didn’t get to go to the bathroom at all. Keep in mind I was wearing the silistretcher for almost 14 hours today. Just took it off and so much urine had filled the bell. I now have three blisters on my glans unfortunately.

I may go back to using newskin but no tape and see how things go.

The tape was what was causing me pain during the day because it would pinch my skin over time slowly.

A bit unfortunate. I’ll be out of service again for a week or so. But trial and error.

What I am using is the smallest stealth stretcher bell and a large sized sleeve condom from the Phallosan Forte. To get my glans into the changer I use bacitracin as a lube and suck it in using the ball pump from the stealth stretcher. And then I roll the condom down my shaft. And then I wrap some self adhesive tape around that to prevent air from entering.

I’m terribly sorry that this is happened again but you’re putting yourself through some very good experimentation to find what’s going to work best. There will be ups and downs when you’re creating, I can relate to that, but if you stick with this you find exactly what works best and you’ll be contributing some very valuable information to the brotherhood
I found out today that the liquid was not urine. But it’s just some wicked fluid retention. Even with blisters there isn’t really any pain. However I may have to go back to using the tape and newskin somehow.

I had tried using only newskin today (but I only had enough time to put one layer on) and it did not work because of the bad fluid buildup. I may try again tomorrow with multiple layers of newskin and see.
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I found out today that the liquid was not urine. But it’s just some wicked fluid retention. Even with blisters there isn’t really any pain. However I may have to go back to using the tape and newskin somehow.

you’re doing a lot of experimenting and I really admire that because you’re going to come up with a solution that’s not only going to work for you but it’s going to work for every other brother who has the same issue. I love when my brothers push through hard times to get to the next level. PE is like climbing Mount Everest there’s ups and downs but you’re consistently going up
Okay. So I’ve finished healing a few days ago. The past two days I’ve used only the tape on my glans and then the silicap over top of it.

I wrap the tape as tight as I can and so far so good!
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Okay. So I’ve finished healing a few days ago. The past two days I’ve used only the tape on my glans and then the silicap over top of it.

I wrap the tape as tight as I can and so far so good!

Awesome I’m so glad this is working! It seems as though every brother will have slightly different ways of wrapping since every penis is different in some ways.
So far it’s still good.
I’m using a decent amount of tape on my glans. I also tape a little of the shaft beneath it as tight as I can to prevent pinching.

After the tape, I wrap some self adhesive bandage around the tape to secure it even more.

Then I place a silicap on top. The bandage prevents the cap from slipping off.

Then I put it all inside of the stealth stretcher bell and roll the condom down a little. I still have to push the glans into it some to get the air out.

I roll the condom the rest of the way down (and wait for any slight erection to subside.

Then at the base of the condom on my shaft, I wrap some more bandage around it to prevent any air leaking into it. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t.
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I pray that this message continues to work for you and bring you the growth you deserve
The only issue that will sometimes happen is the tape (without using any newskin) will cause some damage to the glans skin. But this is manageable.
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Today I’m trying with nothing at all to see how it goes again. I’ve only had it in for barely an hour and there’s already fluid retention ???

I wanna keep using the tape but it’s causing skin issues on my glans.

I was using newskin as well as the tape but over time during the day, the newskin would slowly become weaker and I would lose grip entirely when doing hard ads stretching all day. Which is why I stopped using newskin and was only using the tape.

But last night when taking off the tape, it was so good that it pulled off a bit of skin that was healing ? and it drew some blood.

I noticed one time that if I use nothing at all, but I use some bacitracin as a “lube” the skin was fine other than that one time I got two small blisters.

It’s a hit or miss ?
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Today I’m trying with nothing at all to see how it goes again. I’ve only had it in for barely an hour and there’s already fluid retention ???

I wanna keep using the tape but it’s causing skin issues on my glans.

I was using newskin as well as the tape but over time during the day, the newskin would slowly become weaker and I would lose grip entirely when doing hard ads stretching all day. Which is why I stopped using newskin and was only using the tape.

But last night when taking off the tape, it was so good that it pulled off a bit of skin that was healing ? and it drew some blood.

I noticed one time that if I use nothing at all, but I use some bacitracin as a “lube” the skin was fine other than that one time I got two small blisters.

It’s a hit or miss ?

This whole PE game for me is about selling my products. I'm a pioneer and inventor of PE lies Believe me I have told many lies and made numerous claims and photshopped several images so people will buy into what I have to sell for profit. Many trials and many hits and misses but in the end It’s worth every moment to have he monetary gains i had from it.
As long as I go to the bathroom once every three hours, I can manage the Fluid Retention. It’s a lot of it. But I can keep it managed.

Also. With me not using any tape or any caps or anything, my glans may also finally grow as well.
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As long as I go to the bathroom once every three hours, I can manage the Fluid Retention. It’s a lot of it. But I can keep it managed.

Also. With me not using any tape or any caps or anything, my glans may also finally grow as well.

And that’s not a big deal checking yourself every three hours, it’s smart and safe.
It’s been a while….

I had a lot of on and off time. Tried variousways of using the silistretcher. Got some blisters and whatnot each time. Had to stop for 2 weeks at a time every time it happened.

But I finally found a way that I can wear it without getting blisters and without using a silicap, tape, newskin or anything at all

basically, I use a 2” silisleeve and place it near the base of my flaccid member. Then I essentially do like a turtle does and pull my glans into it (basically shrinking it) so that all of my skin is essentially wrapped around my glans inside of the sleeve. Then I insert this 1/4” into the chamber and then I release my glans. It goes into the chamber surrounded my my shaft skin.

this does a few things:

1) it protects my glans from the vacuum pressure
2) it fills the chamber entirely
3) the silistretcher is now pulling from my shaft instead of the glans.
4) this also forces stretching of the base too!
5) you could even do some twist stretches with it without pain

keep in mind, I’m actually using the large chamber from the stealth stretcher. And I’m using some sleeves from Phallosan forte.

I’ve been doing this for two weeks and haven’t had any bad side effects.

the only thing that happens is that all of the skin inside the chamber does get fluid retention. But it can be massaged out.

I’ll continue wearing it like this and see what happens. I never have any pain anymore. The only thing I suggest is that you trim your hair. Since I’m basically wearing it closer to the base, any hair can be pulled with it causing pain.

my journey to 12” continues…
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
      P (Guest) pedguin: ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master...