
The Legendary Mistress with the Whips
Staff member
Inside your SiliStretcher2 package you will find the following contents:
  • SiliStretcher2(s) of choice

  • Blue SiliPad and gel pads

  • Two DuroSleevs
  • Two SiliSleev2s
  • One SiliCap2
  • ADS (All Day Stretcher) Belt with clip
  • SiliStrap Shoulder Strap
  • Hanging arbor and spring clip
  • Weight plates (2.5lbs included)
  • Micro-porous tape (for foreskin users)
  • MOSGrip gripping powder

  • Discrete carry bag
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Know your SiliStretcher2

Setting the Piston

We designed the SiliStretcher2 so that the piston does not fully extract from the vacuum bell. You should not extract the piston any further than the half-way point inside the vacuum bell. This new feature prevents users from over vacuuming their penis and provides better grip and control to the penis by allowing the penis to insert into the SiliStretcher2 vacuum bell.

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Retracting the Vacuum Piston
The piston should sit at the half way point (like in photo above) when not in use.

In the rare event that you over extract the piston and it no longer retracts when turning the vacuum knob, simply depress the piston with your finger (or preferably a small pipe) as you turn the vacuum knob until the piston retracts. This requires a little force and you may find it easier to use a small pipe or something hard so you can press the piston with leverage against a wall or table instead of your finger.

Remember to not over extract the piston to avoid this.

Starting Notes
Before using the SiliStretcher, make sure your penis shaft is free of hair, oil, cream, clean, dried and powdered with the supplied MOSGrip gripping powder. Hairs will create loss of suction with the Blue SiliSleevs and the SiliStretcher

The Blue Silipads are interchangeable and provide an extra level of comfort and help reduce fluid retention by contouring to the shape of your penis. When you receive you SiliStretcher, the blue contoured silicone SiliPad is pre-installed. You can start with this one and/or exchange with one of the other two jel pads provided. Each user has different preferences based on penis shape, size and method used.

We now include two SiliSleev2s for beginners along with the DuroSleevs to get accustom to vacuum stretching. The SiliSleev2 is a softer sleeve that is easier to apply and wear long term until your penis gets conditioned for the DuroSleev.
There are two different diameter DuroSleevs included. Find the size that fits you best without slippage or causing your penis to get cold after long hours of use. They are both interchangable with the SiliStretcher2.

For people that are new to vacuum pumping or using a vacuum system similar to the SiliStretcher2, you may find fluid build up in the tip of your penis after excessive tension/weight or long periods of use. This is normal and can be massaged out after use of the SiliStretcher.2
The SiliCap2 helps reduce fluid retention (edema) in the head (glans) of your penis. Use both the SiliCap2 with the SiliPad in the beginning. Once your penis gets accustomed to vacuum pressure, you may find that you can eliminate the SiliCap2 and just use the SiliPads to prevent fluid retention.

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The DuroBand is the short transparent band included with your SiliStretcher2. You apply this band as a top layer of protection over the DuroSleev and SiliStretcher around the vacuum bell flange. The DuroBand will increase the life of your SIliSleevs and DuroSleevs when used under your pants as an all day stretcher.

Using the SiliStretcher
Carefully attach the semi-transparent DuroSleev that was included inside the velvet bag with the SiliStretcher2. Make sure the thick-band end of the DuroSleev is attached above the flange the SiliStretcher bell and is straight on.

Put the Blue SiliCap on the head of your penis to prevent fluid retention, blistering, bruising and reduce sensitivity.​
Roll the DuroSleev back over the SiliStretcher2
Put the head of your penis into the SiliStretcher2
Unroll the DuroSleeve over the shaft of your penis​

Turn the SiliStretcher2 vacuum piston knob a half twist counter-clockwise. One half turn of the vacuum piston knob is 5 in.-Hg of vacuum. Your penis will be safely pulled and secured into the SiliStretcher2. Give the SiliStretcher2 a tug to test if you are properly secured inside the SiliStretcher2 before applying tension or weight.

Apply the DuroBand over the DuroSleev around the SiliStretcher2 vacuum bell flange for an extra layer of protection.

Do not use excessive vacuum to the point the SiliStretcher2 starts pulling the SiliSleev inside the SiliStretcher. This will eventually cause micro pin holes in the DuroSleevs and cause loss of vacuum.

Attach the ADS belt or hanger clip to the end of the SiliStretcher.

Adjust tension or weight and begin session.

To release vacuum, turn the SiliStretcher vacuum piston knob a twist in the opposite direction.

Maximize the life of your SiliSleevs
To maximize the life of your DuroSleeves, remove them from the SiliStretcher2 when not in use. Do not keep them rolled up for any period of time as this will likely stretch and deform them. Keep them clean, dried, powdered with MOSGrip and store in a ziplock bag away from direct sun or heat.

How long to use? How much tension? How much weight?
Start off light and slow, listen to your body. There is no rush, and from what we learned over the course of 20 years, that heavy tension/weights for short period sessions is not the way to gain penis length. You want moderate tension and weight for long periods of time. This allows your penis tissue to expand and then build collagen in the extended state.

For the first three days, start with an hour or two of use at moderate tension and let your penis get accustomed to stretching. Then gradually work up to six hours or more per day as you slowly increase tension.

More Info
For further information, videos and routines on the SiliStretcher, please visit our support forum at: SiliStretcher Vacuum Penis Stretcher Forum

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Awesome post lightning I was just gonna ask if you were going to make a separate thread. I can’t believe how far were coming with this! You make me very proud!
Not sure if this is the place for it, but I’m almost at 1,000 hours of wearing the Silistretcher!

Wow! That is crazy amount of time. How much growth have you seen over this thousand hours?
Last time I checked. I’ve gained about 3/4 of an inch. Putting me at 10 1/4”

? I am overjoyed and so proud of you! You have beat me and that’s a very big thing to say. Use that club with responsibility LOL keep up the good work my brother as I love watching you grow
Now that I’ve officially passed the 1000 hour mark today, I’ve realized that I may actually need to upgrade the silistretcher vacuum bell/chamber. I’m currently using the medium one. But I should probably go ahead and get the large one soon. Any idea how much it would be to just get a large bell by itself?

I’m gonna keep wearing this thing every single day. One: because It helps me hide my member while I’m at work and Two:.... because why not right?


I was actually gonna get the stealth stretcher large bell by itself. I don’t use the twist valve anymore on the silistretcher bell. It’s useless to me.

but apparently the stealth one only comes as a kit with the applicator ball and some sleeves. I only need the bell itself; not the things it comes with. I was gonna get this one so it would look more better under my shirt (I stretch upwards and to the left around my side).

Is there any way at all I can get just the bell by itself? I don’t need the sleeves and the vacuum ball thing.
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Now that I’ve officially passed the 1000 hour mark today, I’ve realized that I may actually need to upgrade the silistretcher vacuum bell/chamber. I’m currently using the medium one. But I should probably go ahead and get the large one soon. Any idea how much it would be to just get a large bell by itself?

I’m gonna keep wearing this thing every single day. One: because It helps me hide my member while I’m at work and Two:.... because why not right?


I was actually gonna get the stealth stretcher large bell by itself. I don’t use the twist valve anymore on the silistretcher bell. It’s useless to me.

but apparently the stealth one only comes as a kit with the applicator ball and some sleeves. I only need the bell itself; not the things it comes with. I was gonna get this one so it would look more better under my shirt (I stretch upwards and to the left around my side).

Is there any way at all I can get just the bell by itself? I don’t need the sleeves and the vacuum ball thing.

Indeed you can my brother. Send an email to and they will instruct you on how to get spare parts
I’ve asked them about getting only the bell for the stealth stretcher, but they said it’s only available as a kit (including the sleeves, adapter, and sleeves).

I’m so sorry I thought they sold spare parts. I wish I would’ve checked before I told you. Please accept my apologies

I actually got this a year ago and have yet to even attempt to use it and I'm finally going to try it out. I am quite confused about some of the items included in the package I received. The blue silisleeves in the videos look different from the ones inserted in the stretcher in the ones I received. the ones I received do not stretch or open in order to go over the Penis. was wondering if I could attach some photos I could get a bit of an explanation of how to use the parts I was unsure about.
Appreciate it! I think I know what the long white tubes are but I'm unsure what they are to be used for. The soft blue gel that is shown with the silistretcher is what came inside of it so I'm unsure what to do with that as it's not like the stretching ones I've seen. I am going to be using this uncut so I just want to make sure I do everything correctly. thanks!
Thanks so much for all those details. Can I just confirm, Is the DuroSleev the thing that I don't have? do I put the Silicap on first. then stick the head of the penis with the silicap on into the blue silipad shown in photo with the stretcher?
When you say Roll the sleeve back over the silistretcher, do you mean the white ones in the last photo attached? then after that's on do I put the duroband shown in first photo over that? Sorry for literally needing it spelt out to me lol. Basically does every item shown in the photos go onto the actual stretcher?

P.S yes. that's the Nvidia logo. I have the ASUS (GeForce gtx) gaming model. I'm not a PC gamer, I enjoy editing so that's reason why I got a gaming model.
Editing videos? Pictures? You can express freely in the section outside P.E, if you make photos of nature or whatever you can share them there ;)

just short videos I used to edit years ago, like those fanmade ones people made for TV shows over music, using Sony Vegas. Don't do it much now though.

So the item you have numbered "3" above, is the thing that I don't seem to have, unless mine looks different and I haven't realised. I get that the Duroband goes on last. As a newbie to the stetcher, am I not using the white silisleeves. is the item marked "3" the thing that the penis goes into? Or the version I have (the silipad).

So, put the transparent silicap on first, then with that on the head, put it into the blue silipad then put it into the stretcher and then put the white duroband over that and then twist the piston and start? I know I'm needing it explained so much but my head is scrambled trying to understand it haha. I do really appreciate this though!
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I actually got this a year ago and have yet to even attempt to use it and I'm finally going to try it out. I am quite confused about some of the items included in the package I received. The blue silisleeves in the videos look different from the ones inserted in the stretcher in the ones I received. the ones I received do not stretch or open in order to go over the Penis. was wondering if I could attach some photos I could get a bit of an explanation of how to use the parts I was unsure about.

Cleareyes I am in a very similar position to you! I got the silistretcher2 about a year ago but unexpectedly had my gf move in for most of these lockdowns. Had to put these plans on the backburner.

Interestingly the sleeves I got are also different to the ones in the pictures. I can't see the videos because I don't google/youtube and you have to log in and verify to view them.

This is all I got and one of the sleeves is deformed and cracked. Not sure what happened as the package was hidden somewhere cool. Either way I don't have any blue sleeves and the thick white ones don't really stretch over the bell...

Any advice anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated
Cleareyes I am in a very similar position to you! I got the silistretcher2 about a year ago but unexpectedly had my gf move in for most of these lockdowns. Had to put these plans on the backburner.

Interestingly the sleeves I got are also different to the ones in the pictures. I can't see the videos because I don't google/youtube and you have to log in and verify to view them.

This is all I got and one of the sleeves is deformed and cracked. Not sure what happened as the package was hidden somewhere cool. Either way I don't have any blue sleeves and the thick white ones don't really stretch over the bell...

Any advice anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated

are you saying they did not come with your order? If you did not receive something in your order immediately send an email to the sales department so they can fix it for you send your email to
are you saying they did not come with your order? If you did not receive something in your order immediately send an email to the sales department so they can fix it for you send your email to

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly! Am I definitely missing some parts or are the sleeves just a different colour? That photo is everything that came with it.

(It was an international order so I had to get the weights myself)
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Thanks for getting back to me so quickly! Am I definitely missing some parts or are the sleeves just a different colour? That photo is everything that came with it.

(It was an international order so I had to get the weights myself)

What parts are missing? Let me know so I can have the sales department send you whatever did not come. I am truly sorry this happened but we will rectify this for you.
Mine was also an international order to UK, so I was unsure if the blue items already inserted inside the silistretcher were a different version of the Silisleeve. i don't see the blue silipads that I showed in the pictures above in the videos, so that's whats confused me. I'm unsure if the stretchy silisleeve i received are just white instead of blue and that's where I'm getting mixed up. Any confirmation will be great, as then I'll get started with using mine
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Mine was also an international order to UK, so I was unsure if the blue items already inserted inside the silistretcher were a different version of the Silisleeve. i don't see the blue silipads that I showed in the pictures above in the videos, so that's whats confused me. I'm unsure if the stretchy silisleeve i received are just white instead of blue and that's where I'm getting mixed up. Any confirmation will be great, as then I'll get started with using mine

It would be best to send a photo of everything that you’ve got with your kit and send it to the sales department so they can see if anything is missing and if something is missing they will send it. Send your email to
Hi guys Am I the only uncircumcised guy struggling with the silisleeve.

My foreskin keeps pushing the sleeeve forward and off.

Only way to keep it on is by forcing blood onto my gland and constricted it there. Which obviously beats the purpose by turning cold and having to take it off.

I’m still trying to figure this tool out, very few hours working with it, any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks


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Ok so think I found a better way for now. Still cutting flow but less.

I let my foreskin come forward, and then place way down, covering way less than my full extension size.

Also had to go with a wider silisleeve
Glad I purchased a bigger size just in case.
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I will check skin coldness every 10 mins, and will push the blood from glans back down, also open the silos levee without taking it off
It’s cold but alive, nothing hurting so far.

pretty much clamping if I want to, just need to get erect.

when taken off my NBPFSL definitely looks more extended towards the base (maybe like 0.3 inches extra)


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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
      P (Guest) pedguin: ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master...