Sequence of LengthMaster Set


New member
Hey Guys,

Can I clarify something regarding the sequence of my set?

All this while I've been doing it in this sequence :

1. 6min Bundles & Rolls
2. LM Newbie Directional Stretches
3. PowerAssist Stretches

However, I was reading SRT and realized that I may have been doing the sequence wrong. I should be doing expressive stretching before doing the LM stretches, so it should be in this sequence :

1. PowerAssist Stretches - Expressive Stretching
2. 6min Bundles & Rolls - Shaft/Tunica
3. LM Newbie Directional Stretches - Ligament/Inner Penis (Use bundles along with this)

Is this correct in terms of following the SRT system?
Hey Guys,

Can I clarify something regarding the sequence of my set?

All this while I've been doing it in this sequence :

1. 6min Bundles & Rolls
2. LM Newbie Directional Stretches
3. PowerAssist Stretches

However, I was reading SRT and realized that I may have been doing the sequence wrong. I should be doing expressive stretching before doing the LM stretches, so it should be in this sequence :

1. PowerAssist Stretches - Expressive Stretching
2. 6min Bundles & Rolls - Shaft/Tunica
3. LM Newbie Directional Stretches - Ligament/Inner Penis (Use bundles along with this)

Is this correct in terms of following the SRT system?

Pick a single length master exercise and do it for 20 minutes twice daily. Do that for 3 to 4 months before switching to another length master exercise.

With your current training pattern, you are not maxing out the potential of any length master exercise. You are only having a taste of everything at same time.

Why will you be doing power assist stretches? I don't see the need for that. It made me laugh so hard hahahaha
Hey Guys,

Can I clarify something regarding the sequence of my set?

All this while I've been doing it in this sequence :

1. 6min Bundles & Rolls
2. LM Newbie Directional Stretches
3. PowerAssist Stretches

However, I was reading SRT and realized that I may have been doing the sequence wrong. I should be doing expressive stretching before doing the LM stretches, so it should be in this sequence :

1. PowerAssist Stretches - Expressive Stretching
2. 6min Bundles & Rolls - Shaft/Tunica
3. LM Newbie Directional Stretches - Ligament/Inner Penis (Use bundles along with this)

Is this correct in terms of following the SRT system?
How long have you been using the LM?
Just do the newbie for a short while to get yourself some good LM practice and conditioning, then hit the bundled between the cheeks 40 minutes a day! 💪
Just do this progression:

Abbreviations down below:
DBS (Downward Bundled Stretches).
BTC-BS (Behind The Cheeks-Bundled Stretches).

I recommend this progression:
Start with lengthwork only. If you have time you can do girthwork with SRT 5X5X3 as well. Always do length work before girthwork. Not the other way around. It's hard to stretch when you have, temporary expansion in girth of your penis.

Here are the progression steps:
  1. Newbie routine (watch the: MOS DVD).
  2. Newbie routine, with only bundled stretches.
  3. Newbie routine doing bundled stretches with a fulcrum device (broomstick, Power Assist 2). Transition as fast as you can to these kind of stretches. Here is an example: Broomstick routine. You could also follow the Phases in the MOS DVD.
  4. When newbie gains of ~ 1 Inch have been reached, start using LENGTHMASTER 3. I recommend this device in order for you to, increase the intensity exponentially, in order to not get stuck in plateaus.
  5. If you prefer you can get the LENGTHMASTER 3 immediately, and skip step 1 through 4.
  6. If bundled stretches are mastered in the Newbie routine, progress to DBS with LENGTHMASTER 3. If not bundled stretches are mastered in the Newbie routine, you need to do the newbie routine with LENGTHMASTER 3, before you proceed. Do this newbie bundled routine for ~ 1 month before going to step 7.
  7. Do DBS, and when they are fully exhausted, transition to BTC-BS. Don't transition to fast. Stay on BTC-BS until you have reached your end goal in length. There are many ways to increase the intensity exponentially in BTC-BS. This exercise is the one that will increase your length the fastest, if you have the correct amount of intensity.
This progression above is optimized to increase your length the fastest. There is no other device then LENGTHMASTER 3 that can facilitate these kind of fast gains. Everything has to do with bundled stretches. They are superior to everything else.

Also remember to always apply the healing part of the; SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory.

If you follow this progression you will gain big.
Kind regards

Thanks for the reply guys. I got my routine from DLD in 2022, was doing it on and off inconsistently, and gained about 1.5" of BPFSL with it. Recently got back with PE and am determined to be more consistent with it this time around.

@huge-girth the reason for the PowerAssist is for expressive stretching as per mentioned in the SRT post. Also, before this, I ran through the routine with DLD and he approved it as being a good routine. Am abit confused, don't you guys use the PowerAssist stretches at all?

Here's exactly how my routine looks like:

  1. Heating Pad Warm Up
5 Mins of Heat When Heating Pad

  1. Bundle & Rolls Warm Up
2 x 30 Secs Bundles (1 Left, 1 Right) : 3 Sets

2 x 30 Secs Rolls (1 Up, 1 Down) : 3 Sets

  1. Basic Stretches With Lengthmaster
2 Sets of the Below Sequence :

Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds

Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Out Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

  1. PowerAssist Exercises
1 Min of Each Stretch Below :
  1. A - Stretch
  2. Base Twist Stretch - Left & Right
  3. Body Rock Stretch
  4. Bow & Arrow Stretch - Left & Right
  5. Double Handed A-Stretch
  6. Down and Out Stretch
  7. Rocking Stretch
  8. Side Fulcrum Stretch - Left & Right
  9. Sling Shot Stretch - Left & Right
  10. Tunica Fulcrum Stretch

The ones I have canceled are to be added on as I progress. I am currently unable to bundle much as well so am slowly working towards the bundles with the exercises.

So you guys are saying this is ridiculous?! I need to do just 1 exercise for 10 minutes x 2 sets, 2 times a day, and it's better?!
hey @squirt_inducer_man, thanks for the reply. I have a Lengthmaster 2 that I use with the beginner routine.

Am just a little abit confused here, so what exactly would a daily routine look like? The set I mentioned above I do twice a day with 2hrs of ADS after. So every day it is a total of 2 sets of exercises I mentioned above and 4hrs minimum of ADS. How should I switch this up?

Also what about the PowerAssist exercises? They seem to be similar to the broomstick exercises which are expressive stretches. @huge-girth says he doesn't see a need for that?
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hey @squirt_inducer_man, thanks for the reply. I have a Lengthmaster 2 that I use with the beginner routine.

Am just a little abit confused here, so what exactly would a daily routine look like? The set I mentioned above I do twice a day with 2hrs of ADS after. So every day it is a total of 2 sets of exercises I mentioned above and 4hrs minimum of ADS. How should I switch this up?
You are welcome!

What I did gave me over 3 Inch BPEL increase within 1 year. So I know what I'm talking about.
The key is to increase the intensity in an exponential way and stretch hard (you need to build up to it).

You will gain then most in: Behind The Cheeks Bundled Stretches (5D-BTC-BS). But you can't start here.

My suggestion is to disregard the complicated program you are doing now and make it simple but more powerful.
I recommend you do:
PE sessions with 3 days on, and 1 day rest, and repeat until I'm at my final goal. I call this the; 3:1 program structure.
Time: 04:30 AM (GMT +1).
(Or: Another time during the MORNING).
1. Ball & Lig Stretch, 10 minutes, in front of a car interior heater.
2. LENGTHMASTER 3 bundled stretches BTC (Beind The Cheeks) <=> LM b.ASS.
Set 1:
Before starting: Warm up in the chamber (3 minutes), by rotating the LENGTHMASTER 3 back and forth.
• 10 minutes of LM b.ASS.
• Rest for 10 minutes (Detach from the chamber and un-wrap).
Set 2:
• 10 minutes of LM b.ASS
3. MOS-RED, 15 minutes.
Time: When it fit during the day (plan ahead).
1. Ball & Lig Stretch, 10 minutes, in front of a car interior heater.
2. LENGTHMASTER 3 bundled stretches BTC (Beind The Cheeks) <=> LM b.ASS
Set 1:
Before starting: Warm up in the chamber (3 minutes), by rotating the LENGTHMASTER 3 back and forth.
• 10 minutes of LM b.ASS.
• Rest (Detach from the chamber and un-wrap).
Set 2:
• 10 minutes of LM b.ASS
3. MOS-RED, 15 minutes.

You do this program for each exercises I posted in post #6 in this thread.

I also have video instructions (text) for each exercise in these threads:
🔗 SIM's videos and instructions.
🔗 All LengthMaster 3 exercises from me (@squirt_inducer_man).

But make sure you maximize each exercise before proceeding to the next.
When DBS (Downward Bundled Stretches) do not take (you do not feel the stretch in your inner penis and ligaments as much), it's time to progress into BTC - Behind The Cheeks Bundled Stretches.

When you get to full intensity you can some days get away with only one session, but to get to this full intensity will take many months. If you will get here depends on how good you optimize this program and how hard you can stretch. Holding each stretch for 5 minutes holds are superior (But not in the beginner routine). It all depends on how fast you want to gain.

I also recommend you that when you get to Downward Bundled Stretches that you hold each stretch for 5 minutes.
Also always keep your tissue warm before and during session.
All this will maximize your elongation after session.

Keeping your penis elongated only for 4 hours are to little. When you are awake always keep your penis elongated. When you sleep remove everything on your penis. Let your body and your penis fully rest when you are sleeping.

I say all this because I have verified that this progression/process are working.
@TWIST&PULL are also gaining a lot with this type of approach.

Kind regards
Hey Guys,

Thank you so much for all of this, I truly appreciate it. I appreciate the effort you guys have put into this site as well, things look organized.

Would you mind helping me clarify some questions that I have?

1. I'm still only able to comfortably do half to three-quarters of a full bundle. So, for now, I'll continue with the Beginner Lengthmaster routine using half bundles until I can comfortably handle a full bundle, and then I'll progress to DBS and eventually to BTC Bundled.

As per your Beginner Lengthmaster routine in the video, the sequence is :

- Up
- Down
- Diagonal Right Down
- Diagonal Left Down
- Diagonal Right Up
- Diagonal Left Up
Each of these with left & right rotations of the bundle.

I understand this set should equate to 10 minutes in total, so how long should I hold each direction in total? There are in total 12 directions.

2. In regards to the weekly schedule, I would prefer 5 days on and 2 days off, will this be okay?

3. I put on an ADS for a minimum of 2hrs after every set (4hrs Total). The remainder of the time I would maintain elongation with an Ace Wrap including sleep, this equates to a total of 14 hours of elongation a day. I am okay with Ace Wrapping to sleep, been doing this for a while and am okay with it, do you strongly discourage this or is it okay?
how long should I hold each direction in total?
Start with 1 minute.

1. I'm still only able to comfortably do half to three-quarters of a full bundle. So, for now, I'll continue with the Beginner Lengthmaster routine using half bundles until I can comfortably handle a full bundle, and then I'll progress to DBS and eventually to BTC Bundled.
Just push at your limit and you will within 1 year be able to maximize the intensity and the amount of bundles/rotations.
That is why I recommend 5 minute stretches later on, it's easier to progress and maximize your bundles if your stretch is longer.

2. In regards to the weekly schedule, I would prefer 5 days on and 2 days off, will this be okay?
You can do that! It all depends on the intensity and to be able to recover. You want to keep it consistent with a planned schedule, and as few forced rest days as possible. In my opinion it's better if the rest is planned.

With the intensity I had I could never do 5 days in the row, my penis would bleed if I tried to go more then 3 days in a row.

Do what works for you. But the important thing is to increase the intensity in a progressive and exponential way. In this way you will not have any plateaus, you will gain throughout 1 year as if you have newbie gains all the time. 😁

Don't be afraid to stretch hard, your penis is really tough. Remember that heat and keeping your tissue warm throughout your session is really important, also on the rest between sets. I used a heating fan for this. The rest between the sets I recommend. Remove the entire wrap for 10 minutes so you restore blood flow, in this way you will be able stretch intense when you are stretching, also you will reduce discoloration in the glans with this approach. If I stay to long in the chamber I would experience fluid retention and pain. Do what works for you.

If you follow this, you can gain really fast.
3. I put on an ADS for a minimum of 2hrs after every set (4hrs Total). The remainder of the time I would maintain elongation with an Ace Wrap including sleep, this equates to a total of 14 hours of elongation a day. I am okay with Ace Wrapping to sleep, been doing this for a while and am okay with it, do you strongly discourage this or is it okay?
It's okay if it's safe. But I stopped doing it because I would wake up when I got an erection during sleep, also if I didn't wake up I would in the morning have bad fluid retention. You can't monitor your penis when you sleep, so in my opinion it's not safe.

If you can find a way to stay elongated throughout the day instead that would be more beneficial because your penis will hang down by the gravity as well.
Hey @DLD ! How are you, man? Yes, I got the Lengthmaster and a bunch of other stuff from you back in 2021. You took a break from the site due to mental health during that time, and we stopped communicating. I'm glad that you are back and doing well, brother. I got inconsistent and stopped training in PE, but I'm back now with a more focused approach. I'm happy to see guys like @squirt_inducer_man and @TWIST&PULL helping you out here; they have brought new life to this place and are giving really good assistance.

@squirt_inducer_man , Thanks, man, you're giving some really good advice bro.

1. Yes I agree with the planned rest days, it makes a huge difference but gotta be careful to stay consistent with it. Can I ask what exactly caused the bleeding when you went more than 3 days in a row?

2. I've been wearing the Ace wrap to sleep and it's been fine, yes I do get fluid retention in the mornings but this goes away by the time I start my first set. If I do not wear the Ace Wrap to sleep, I would be able to keep my penis elongated for a total of about 8-9Hrs a day, I can't afford to keep elongation all day due to work commitments, etc, so what is a good number of hours of elongation to clock throughout the day?
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1. Yes I agree with the planned rest days, it makes a huge difference but gotta be careful to stay consistent with it.
This one always gets me 😂 rest days if your training like an absolute beast!!! Find your own balance between intensity and rest.

2. I've been wearing the Ace wrap to sleep and it's been fine, yes I do get fluid retention in the mornings but this goes away by the time I start my first set. If I do not wear the Ace Wrap to sleep, I would be able to keep my penis elongated for a total of about 8-9Hrs a day, I can't afford to keep elongation all day due to work commitments, etc, so what is a good number of hours of elongation to clock throughout the day?
I would not be able to wrap while sleeping and it’s not worth the risk.
My rule is if I’m awake I’m wrapped, simple!!

Welcome back BTW @Rafacore
Can I ask what exactly caused the bleeding when you went more than 3 days in a row?
Bundled stretches create friction and soreness in the skin, there was no bleeding. Use the optimal effective dose for growth.

But if you end up stretching as hard and intense as I did (also bundled to the max), I can promise you that you need strategic implemented rest days.
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Bundled stretches create friction and soreness in the skin, there was no bleeding. Use the optimal effective dose for growth.

But if you end up stretching as hard and intense as I did (also bundled to the max), I can promise you that you need strategic implemented rest days.
Rest days are vital to those who need them. Overtraing for some can do more bad than good. I was able to go hard and long with no days off but I worked up to this in time
Hey, can I ask you guys a question?

What is the minimum number of hours of keeping the penis elongated between sets a day for it to be a well-efficient routine?
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Hey, can I ask you guys a question?

What is the minimum number of hours of keeping the penis elongated between sets a day for it to be a well-efficient routine?
4 to 6 hours for beginners to promote growth. 8 to 10 hours for those who have gone through PE for at least a year as the penis will fight back harder. Those who gone more than 3 years, we go as long as we can.
Hey, can I ask you guys a question?

What is the minimum number of hours of keeping the penis elongated between sets a day for it to be a well-efficient routine?
6 to 8 hours is best
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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