Seeking input from experienced PElers


New member
Hey everybody, this is my first post here.
Ive been doing PE for around 15 years. Some years i did more, some less, some none. A lot of life happens in 15 years obviously.
Ive been at 8.5" bpel but im back at 8 now (when i dont use Hydromax or make love for some time)
I would greatly appreciate opinions from people that have PE experience, but mostly i would want DLDs response if you have the time to answer me.
I got the PE information by a very good friend of mine, and i think most of it was taken from DLD because when i read his beginners instructions its pretty much exactly what ive been doing.
My program consists of basic stretches and half an hour basic ok jelqing. Somtimes when i have time i use hydromax on top of that for 20minutes.
Nowadays i just use my hand for stretching. Before i used talcum powder to get a better grip but now that we know that that stuff is toxic i keep my hands off it and use a papertowel when im too sweaty. I also used the bathmate for a long time which was great, but then i bought the hydromax, and then the hydromax x40 extreme which is of course so much better. Now, because i dont have so much free time anymore i just do the stretches and jelqs, and use hydro only when i know im gonna make love.
Obviously i am not completely happy with the results, but i can only blame myself for not having enough consistency. Im happy with my girth compared to my length, i feel it has been growing harmoniously with the length and i like the proportions.

My question is, particularly to DLD, but also other experienced practitioners, could you recommend me an addition to my program, something that i could try to increase intensity to some extent?

Another question that came to mind when i looked at some of your videos is, do you feel its important to hold the base of the penis when stretching? i never thought about that and never held it, and i feel by pulling the whole penis i have made the base extremely strong and feel there is some resistance to stretching.

Right now im pretty aware of what my penis can take and whats too much. I guess any good PEler has had injuries and needed to recover and learn lessons. Its a process for sure. I want to thank you DLD for doing so much for PE and for keeping this community together. Without you the PE world would not be what it is. Im sorry to hear that you were/are fighting with illness and i hope you feel better. Christ is with you brother.

If you dont have at least a few years of PE experience id appreciate if you dont answer, but enjoy reading.
A few other questions if someone is willing to give input
What is the famous stretch invented? by BlueWhale?
When comparing silistretch and LengthMaster, is there one thats clearly superior or are they different in their aim?
How important are SlowSquashJelqs?
What are DLD-Blasters and why are they important?
What is the best warm-up method? I prefer the shower nowadays as its the easiest and it does the job, but requires me to heat the room to 27 degrees celsius (80 Fahrenheit) to not loose the heat during the program.
How important do you feel is measuring?
How important do you feel is visualization?
Nowadays i watch movies during stretching and browse the spankbank during jelqs as adult entertainment tends to be too arousing and i might loose it.

Im sorry for the many questions but there are so many threads here its all a bit overwhelming with the amount of must-read threads.
Welcome back to the journey brother.

Hey everybody, this is my first post here.
Ive been doing PE for around 15 years. Some years i did more, some less, some none. A lot of life happens in 15 years obviously.
Ive been at 8.5" bpel but im back at 8 now (when i dont use Hydromax or make love for some time)
Looks like you got hit with the regression case before fully cementing. It's quite common when you only use the pump without the other manual routines to cement the gains.

I would greatly appreciate opinions from people that have PE experience, but mostly i would want DLDs response if you have the time to answer me.
I got the PE information by a very good friend of mine, and i think most of it was taken from DLD because when i read his beginners instructions its pretty much exactly what ive been doing.
I believe most of us veterans here started out with DLD's SRT routines, while a number of us also switch to DLD's routines somewhere along the way. I'm one of his fans going back from the start around 2004. His SRT is now a fact and not a theory.

My program consists of basic stretches and half an hour basic ok jelqing. Somtimes when i have time i use hydromax on top of that for 20minutes.
Nowadays i just use my hand for stretching.
I can truly say that after so many years of manual stretching unless you can tug and pull consistently for 20 minutes straight, you won't achieve the necessary tissue breakdown without proper leverage. I thought I could do the same thing using only my hands only. That's a false perception, especially when you have very thick residual tissues from long period of PE. This is where the Length Master comes in, and the MityVac to follow right behind it.

Before i used talcum powder to get a better grip but now that we know that that stuff is toxic i keep my hands off it and use a papertowel when im too sweaty.
Rather than using talcum, you can used potassium manganese. MOS Shop the package you're looking for, and formulate with the right amount of extra tackiness for your needs.

I also used the bathmate for a long time which was great, but then i bought the hydromax, and then the hydromax x40 extreme which is of course so much better. Now, because i dont have so much free time anymore i just do the stretches and jelqs, and use hydro only when i know im gonna make love.
Obviously i am not completely happy with the results, but i can only blame myself for not having enough consistency. Im happy with my girth compared to my length, i feel it has been growing harmoniously with the length and i like the proportions.
Jelq alone will definitely not be enough. Jelqing will expand the internal tissues temporarily, but you also need external vacuum presusre to force that extra internal pressure to rise beyond 125% level. Jelqing alone cannot deliver. Bathmate is great, but not knowing the proper pressure during pumping is like walking around in the dark using "feeling". I've modded my Bathmate HydroXtreme with a pressure gauge as well, but it ended up sitting in the closet collecting dust, while I switch to the MityVac system. Bathmate is great on the go, but not so much when it comes to creating the proper equalization of pressure. This is the compilation of info for the Bathmate vs MityVac:

My question is, particularly to DLD, but also other experienced practitioners, could you recommend me an addition to my program, something that i could try to increase intensity to some extent?
Yes. Length Master bundled routines to break out of the old residual dense tissues for maximizing elongation process, and hit the weakened tissues with pumping right after for optimal expansion. Our brother SIM provided videos on the Terminator pose for his Behind The Cheek (BTC) 5DS (5 minutes Dynamic Stretches). This mirrors DLD's SRT routines with higher intensity. VERY HIGH INTENSITY. My penis feels like it hit the gym for 2 hours of pure workout and end up with fatigues around 20 minutes later. 30 minutes of routines later, you call it a day. That's only based on 3 steps bundled routines.

Another question that came to mind when i looked at some of your videos is, do you feel its important to hold the base of the penis when stretching? i never thought about that and never held it, and i feel by pulling the whole penis i have made the base extremely strong and feel there is some resistance to stretching.
This is partially correct. Three positions to hold base on the focus:
  1. At the base of the glans: To maximize the stretches between the area below the grip point of the penis towards the base of the penis.
  2. Around the corona (the rim of the glans) and partially on the glans: To maximize stretches from the base of the glans to the base of the penis.
  3. Near the base of the penis (from 0in to 2in above the base): to maximize the weaken state of the ligaments and muscle tissues binding to the penile shaft below the base and allow the appearance of the hidden portion of the existing shaft to surface. Call it a bamboo shoot if you must. This can be anywhere from 0.5 into 1.5in of the hidden shaft due to the curvature and ligamentary hold of the hidden shaft.

Right now im pretty aware of what my penis can take and whats too much. I guess any good PEler has had injuries and needed to recover and learn lessons. Its a process for sure. I want to thank you DLD for doing so much for PE and for keeping this community together. Without you the PE world would not be what it is. Im sorry to hear that you were/are fighting with illness and i hope you feel better. Christ is with you brother.
We are here to assist to further determine amount of abilty your penis can handle and push it further.

If you dont have at least a few years of PE experience id appreciate if you dont answer, but enjoy reading.
Hope my 2+ decades of PE is enough :)
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Welcome back to the journey brother.

Looks like you got hit with the regression case before fully cementing. It's quite common when you only use the pump without the other manual routines to cement the gains.

I believe most of us veterans here started out with DLD's SRT routines, while a number of us also switch to DLD's routines somewhere along the way. I'm one of his fans going back from the start around 2004. His SRT is now a fact and not a theory.

I can truly say that after so many years of manual stretching unless you can tug and pull consistently for 20 minutes straight, you won't achieve the necessary tissue breakdown without proper leverage. I thought I could do the same thing using only my hands only. That's a false perception, especially when you have very thick residual tissues from long period of PE. This is where the LengthMaster comes in, and the MityVac to follow right behind it.

Rather than using talcum, you can used potassium manganese. MoS Shop the package you're looking for, and formulate with the right amount of extra tackiness for your needs.

Jelq alone will definitely not be enough. Jelqing will expand the internal tissues temporarily, but you also need external vacuum presusre to force that extra internal pressure to rise beyond 125% level. Jelqing alone cannot deliver. Bathmate is great, but not knowing the proper pressure during pumping is like walking around in the dark using "feeling". I've modded my Bathmate HydroXtreme with a pressure gauge as well, but it ended up sitting in the closet collecting dust, while I switch to the MityVac system. Bathmate is great on the go, but not so much when it comes to creating the proper equalization of pressure. This is the compilation of info for the Bathmate vs MityVac:

Yes. LengthMaster bundled routines to break out of the old residual dense tissues for maximizing elongation process, and hit the weakened tissues with pumping right after for optimal expansion. Our brother SIM provided videos on the Terminator pose for his Behind The Cheek (BTC) 5DS (5 minutes Dynamic Stretches). This mirrors DLD's SRT routines with higher intensity. VERY HIGH INTENSITY. My penis feels like it hit the gym for 2 hours of pure workout and end up with fatigues around 20 minutes later. 30 minutes of routines later, you call it a day. That's only based on 3 steps bundled routines.

This is partially correct. Three positions to hold base on the focus:
  1. At the base of the glans: To maximize the stretches between the area below the grip point of the penis towards the base of the penis.
  2. Around the corona (the rim of the glans) and partially on the glans: To maximize stretches from the base of the glans to the base of the penis.
  3. Near the base of the penis (from 0in to 2in above the base): to maximize the weaken state of the ligaments and muscle tissues binding to the penile shaft below the base and allow the appearance of the hidden portion of the existing shaft to surface. Call it a bamboo shoot if you must. This can be anywhere from 0.5 into 1.5in of the hidden shaft due to the curvature and ligamentary hold of the hidden shaft.

We are here to assist to further determine amount of abilty your penis can handle and push it further.

Hope my 2+ decades of PE is enough :)
Over 2 decades here
Welcome back to the journey brother.

Looks like you got hit with the regression case before fully cementing. It's quite common when you only use the pump without the other manual routines to cement the gains.

I believe most of us veterans here started out with DLD's SRT routines, while a number of us also switch to DLD's routines somewhere along the way. I'm one of his fans going back from the start around 2004. His SRT is now a fact and not a theory.

I can truly say that after so many years of manual stretching unless you can tug and pull consistently for 20 minutes straight, you won't achieve the necessary tissue breakdown without proper leverage. I thought I could do the same thing using only my hands only. That's a false perception, especially when you have very thick residual tissues from long period of PE. This is where the LengthMaster comes in, and the MityVac to follow right behind it.

Rather than using talcum, you can used potassium manganese. MoS Shop the package you're looking for, and formulate with the right amount of extra tackiness for your needs.

Jelq alone will definitely not be enough. Jelqing will expand the internal tissues temporarily, but you also need external vacuum presusre to force that extra internal pressure to rise beyond 125% level. Jelqing alone cannot deliver. Bathmate is great, but not knowing the proper pressure during pumping is like walking around in the dark using "feeling". I've modded my Bathmate HydroXtreme with a pressure gauge as well, but it ended up sitting in the closet collecting dust, while I switch to the MityVac system. Bathmate is great on the go, but not so much when it comes to creating the proper equalization of pressure. This is the compilation of info for the Bathmate vs MityVac:

Yes. LengthMaster bundled routines to break out of the old residual dense tissues for maximizing elongation process, and hit the weakened tissues with pumping right after for optimal expansion. Our brother SIM provided videos on the Terminator pose for his Behind The Cheek (BTC) 5DS (5 minutes Dynamic Stretches). This mirrors DLD's SRT routines with higher intensity. VERY HIGH INTENSITY. My penis feels like it hit the gym for 2 hours of pure workout and end up with fatigues around 20 minutes later. 30 minutes of routines later, you call it a day. That's only based on 3 steps bundled routines.

This is partially correct. Three positions to hold base on the focus:
  1. At the base of the glans: To maximize the stretches between the area below the grip point of the penis towards the base of the penis.
  2. Around the corona (the rim of the glans) and partially on the glans: To maximize stretches from the base of the glans to the base of the penis.
  3. Near the base of the penis (from 0in to 2in above the base): to maximize the weaken state of the ligaments and muscle tissues binding to the penile shaft below the base and allow the appearance of the hidden portion of the existing shaft to surface. Call it a bamboo shoot if you must. This can be anywhere from 0.5 into 1.5in of the hidden shaft due to the curvature and ligamentary hold of the hidden shaft.

We are here to assist to further determine amount of abilty your penis can handle and push it further.

Hope my 2+ decades of PE is enough :)
Terminator pose(cwl)(cwl)
First of all, thank you OldAndLively for taking the time to answer extensively.
Thank you for your warm welcome. I didnt say that i left the journey, but now when i read this forum i realize i had left the path a long time ago with my lazy approach. Thank you for this revealing comment!
I actually do not use only the pump, i use the pump only on the days i know theres gonna be sexytime (because it gives that extra length and width for around 8-24hours).
I guess I will continue from here by starting to implement the SRT program. It seems that combining the manual handwork with vacuum pressure has become a consensus among oldschool PElers. But before that can you please elaborate what you meant by:
"unless you can tug and pull consistently for 20 minutes straight, you won't achieve the necessary tissue breakdown without proper leverage"
are you saying that at some point the tissue is too strong and the penis cant grow anymore without mechanical tools like the LengMastR? havent some people achieved quite big penises even without tools like that? The tool certainly seems intriguing from what ive read by DLD, most probably my next buy. Im not arguing your point, i have felt for some years that my hands cannot create adequate pull anymore.

Thanks for the Jelq input:
you also need external vacuum presusre to force that extra internal pressure to rise beyond 125% level. Jelqing alone cannot deliver.
I believe you, but atm buying a mitvak is not in my budget and I feel the hydro40extr can still give me a good oomph every time and i think i could not take any more negative pressure for the moment. But i understand you, saying that its not enough to gain adequate growth. Im also reading your other threads about pressure to understand the subject better. DLD do you have anything to say to this or do you agree 100% with what OaL says?

OaL, you also said in another thread that
It normally takes up to a year to cement the gains, and you need to keep up with the PE ever so often to prevent the regression.
Is this from your experience only or is there other material that supports this? A year is so much, but it would make sense to me, i feel like i lost 0.8 in a year when i didnt do almost anything.
I'll explain in the 20 minutes tissues breakdown. Think of the penile shaft like a tree trunk. Most of the tree trunk contains fibrous body and the volume in side is water. Just like the tree, the penis has cellular composition similar to the tree, where most of the penis comprises of water and the thick cells are built, rebuild, and duplicated like a tree layers over the years to hold more volume of water to make itself bigger. However, unlike a tree, as the penis expands and elongates, it reaches a point where the internal tissues becomes so rigid from the dense tissues that normal manual works using the hands has diminishing return. Why? The initial lateral force requires for expansion internally is higher, and the longitudinal force to elongate is twice to thrice greater. This is true as the tissues are way to thick. It may require up to 8 times the required force, be lateral or longitudinal.

To help reduce the amount of force required by pure hand manual works, we use mechanical force with contortion (twisting) while elongating (tugging/pulling). This stresses the cells with minimal efforts and during the pull, the contortion snap the tissue fibers for immediate maximized workout efforts. Rather than going to unsafe pressure past 15inHg to get the initial tissue breakdown for expansion, contortion to break down the tissues follows by lower pressure pumping achieve the same results. Instead of pulling at 25lbs to 45lbs of raw strength, contortion and tugging/pulling only requires 10lbs.

The 20 minutes of contortion using Length Master provides this optimal threshold for the routine. We can't do this without the long arms of the Length Master in a precise leverage angle for the contortion and tugging/pulling/pushing. Our hands are not strong enough and our arms are too short to actually perform such tasks. You can be the Hulk and will not achieve the consistent leverage required because of the odd angles.

are you saying that at some point the tissue is too strong and the penis cant grow anymore without mechanical tools like the LengMastR?
Correct. Brothers across the world are reporting in and they use different approaches to overcome manual hand works. 90% is employed with mechanic assistant where 10% is the energy from your own body.

havent some people achieved quite big penises even without tools like that?
No. If you haven't research the madness behind the growth, the extreme growth follows with semi passive wraps and mechanic assist routines after aggressive manual works. Most manual works need mechanical grip assist. Length Master adds the leverage system on top of mechnic grip assist.

The tool certainly seems intriguing from what ive read by DLD, most probably my next buy. Im not arguing your point, i have felt for some years that my hands cannot create adequate pull anymore.

i believe you, but atm buying a mitvak is not in my budget and I feel the hydro40extr can still give me a good oomph every time and i think i could not take any more negative pressure for the moment. But i understand you, saying that its not enough to gain adequate growth. Im also reading your other threads about pressure to understand the subject better. DLD do you have anything to say to this or do you agree 100% with what OaL says?
As long as you can bring your negative pressure up to the level where you can feel that dull pain sensation for expansion. Remember, the dull pain must be for the entire penis and not the compression pain from the base of the penis. That compression pain at the base is a bad kind of pain. Do make sure to hold onto the cylinder and pull it away from the base to ease the pressure when possible.

this from your experience only or is there other material that supports this? A year is so much, but it would make sense to me, i feel like i lost 0.8 in a year when i didnt do almost anything.
Yes. I compiled data going as far back as the ancient days from Asia, Middle East, Egypt, and Byzantine Empire. You be surpise what you find from the record info of ancient PE-ers. This is to compare to my journey as well. My own personal data is quite extensive since I track my entire family health records like a hawk on preys. It's goes beyond medical and biological experiment logging.

When we gain, we can gain very fast. When we lose, we can lose just as fast. There are so many physiological phenomena that cause our penis to lose in the same responses to gain. This is why my colleagues and I observe the brothers and perform detailed evaluations from their routine and progress reports to comprehend the unique cellular response from PE routines. In return, we provide insights to what we've discovered.
I'll explain in the 20 minutes tissues breakdown. Think of the penile shaft like a tree trunk. Most of the tree trunk contains fibrous body and the volume in side is water. Just like the tree, the penis has cellular composition similar to the tree, where most of the penis comprises of water and the thick cells are built, rebuild, and duplicated like a tree layers over the years to hold more volume of water to make itself bigger. However, unlike a tree, as the penis expands and elongates, it reaches a point where the internal tissues becomes so rigid from the dense tissues that normal manual works using the hands has diminishing return. Why? The initial lateral force requires for expansion internally is higher, and the longitudinal force to elongate is twice to thrice greater. This is true as the tissues are way to thick. It may require up to 8 times the required force, be lateral or longitudinal.

To help reduce the amount of force required by pure hand manual works, we use mechanical force with contortion (twisting) while elongating (tugging/pulling). This stresses the cells with minimal efforts and during the pull, the contortion snap the tissue fibers for immediate maximized workout efforts. Rather than going to unsafe pressure past 15inHg to get the initial tissue breakdown for expansion, contortion to break down the tissues follows by lower pressure pumping achieve the same results. Instead of pulling at 25lbs to 45lbs of raw strength, contortion and tugging/pulling only requires 10lbs.

The 20 minutes of contortion using LengthMaster provides this optimal threshold for the routine. We can't do this without the long arms of the LengthMaster in a precise leverage angle for the contortion and tugging/pulling/pushing. Our hands are not strong enough and our arms are too short to actually perform such tasks. You can be the Hulk and will not achieve the consistent leverage required because of the odd angles.

Correct. Brothers across the world are reporting in and they use different approaches to overcome manual hand works. 90% is employed with mechanic assistant where 10% is the energy from your own body.

No. If you haven't research the madness behind the growth, the extreme growth follows with semi passive wraps and mechanic assist routines after aggressive manual works. Most manual works need mechanical grip assist. LengthMaster adds the leverage system on top of mechnic grip assist.

As long as you can bring your negative pressure up to the level where you can feel that dull pain sensation for expansion. Remember, the dull pain must be for the entire penis and not the compression pain from the base of the penis. That compression pain at the base is a bad kind of pain. Do make sure to hold onto the cylinder and pull it away from the base to ease the pressure when possible.

Yes. I compiled data going as far back as the ancient days from Asia, Middle East, Egypt, and Byzantine Empire. You be surpise what you find from the record info of ancient PE-ers. This is to compare to my journey as well. My own personal data is quite extensive since I track my entire family health records like a hawk on preys. It's goes beyond medical and biological experiment logging.

When we gain, we can gain very fast. When we lose, we can lose just as fast. There are so many physiological phenomena that cause our penis to lose in the same responses to gain. This is why my colleagues and I observe the brothers and perform detailed evaluations from their routine and progress reports to comprehend the unique cellular response from PE routines. In return, we provide insights to what we've discovered.
Keeping a solid log is important so you can see what is working or not. Also keep a note book to write down quickly things you think of.
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