questions about girth-work


New member
Good morning to you all,

I'm new to this forum but not in entirely new to PE. I know about the basics, like SRT.
I have two questions about the girth-workout in general.

I ordered the MityVac just yesterday, I want to upgrade from doing the SSJ only to pumping and SSJ, if my EQ allows that.
The EQ I have is shit, but that's not my bodies fault, it's my brains that's messing with me. I'm pretty sure I had adult entertainment addiction in the past and
that fucked with my brain, so adult entertainment isn't doing shit for me. I really have to work hard and find the exact right clip to even get myself excited.
It works perfectly with viagra oder Cialis after a longer break, but even that gets harder and harder the longer I keep doing girth with adult entertainment. Even Viagra only works if you are feeling sexual arousal and that's really hard for me with adult entertainment, I just watched to many videos over the years.

I'm already doing a pretty tough Kegel-routine, that front is covered pretty well.

I would love to starte the 5x5x3 routine but I already know that it's not going to work for my. The longes I can stay fully erect during a SSJ is up to 2 minutes and that only works at the beginning of the girth-workout. Right now my routine was 30-40 minutes SSJ in total, at the end of the session I can only hold the jelly for max 30 seconds, the penis is just to tired.
The expansion is fine. At the end while wearing the cocking I'm almost 3/4 inch bigger with minimal fluid built-up.

Can I reduce the 5x5x3 to maybe 5x5x2 and split that up, doing one set of each in the morning and one during the evening?
Right now I wanted to focus on girth only, my BPEL is already at 7,6, so for right now my girth is lacking behind.

The second question is about the cocking that you put on after the workout. I know that you want to heal in an extended state, that concept is pretty straight forward.
Which extended state is the one we want. Right now I'm only wearing the ring for 30 min because it gets really annoying for me to watch adult entertainment for that long while stroking my dick.
Doing this means I get the absolut maximum expansion for the healing but is that the state we want and need or is the way I do it overkill?
I could try and tighten the ring but I'm unsure about the safety of that. If the ring is so tight that you can do something else and the extended state keeps staying, that means the blood flow is completely stopped. I always thought that was considered clamping and that is very dangerous, at least that's what I read.


Welcome my new brother! You do not pawn you can use much more innocent material to accomplish you needs. With viagra you should be 💯
Welcome to the brotherhood, or rather, welcome back to the PE brotherhood.

As DLD said, best not to rely on adult entertainment to get excited. PIED (PRN induced erectile dysfunction) can be reset, but you have to cut it out. It can be a few months to a few years, based on the mental strength of a person. Visual stimulation of the opposite sex can be done simply going to gym, the beach, the clubs, whatever you like. It just take time for your brain to reset back to observation and imagination modes. Chemical-base stimuli like Viagra and Cialis can help. I can't say how long it will be beneficial to you before your body adapts to it, but our brother DLD has been using it for so long that it still works for him. Everyone is definitely different.

I would love to starte the 5x5x3 routine but I already know that it's not going to work for my. The longes I can stay fully erect during a SSJ is up to 2 minutes and that only works at the beginning of the girth-workout. Right now my routine was 30-40 minutes SSJ in total, at the end of the session I can only hold the jelly for max 30 seconds, the penis is just to tired.
The expansion is fine. At the end while wearing the cocking I'm almost 3/4 inch bigger with minimal fluid built-up.

Can I reduce the 5x5x3 to maybe 5x5x2 and split that up, doing one set of each in the morning and one during the evening?
Right now I wanted to focus on girth only, my BPEL is already at 7,6, so for right now my girth is lacking behind.

Yes, you can break it down to 5x5x2 for two sessions. 5x5x3 is to promote single continuous sessions to max out the expansion capacity. But if you're planning on keeping a passive expansion throughout the day using cock ring(s) and erections to cycling in the blood, you can truly break it down to two times a day. You can even break it down to 3x3x2 twice a day to prevent extreme fatigue if you're going this route.

If you're not doing the all day cock ring and blood cycling, twice a day for the 5x5x2 is enough, as long as you perform the post 60 to 90 minutes expansion routine. Remember, do not let your blood pool more than 10 minutes. In my book, nothing more than 5 minutes. This is blood clot territory. More new blood, the penis will receive fresh essential building blocks to get the cells to produce and fill in the gaps.

The second question is about the cocking that you put on after the workout. I know that you want to heal in an extended state, that concept is pretty straight forward.
Which extended state is the one we want. Right now I'm only wearing the ring for 30 min because it gets really annoying for me to watch ���� for that long while stroking my dick.
Doing this means I get the absolut maximum expansion for the healing but is that the state we want and need or is the way I do it overkill?
I could try and tighten the ring but I'm unsure about the safety of that. If the ring is so tight that you can do something else and the extended state keeps staying, that means the blood flow is completely stopped. I always thought that was considered clamping and that is very dangerous, at least that's what I read.
Wear the ring as long as you can. Get an erection, let it sits for 5 to 10 minutes, push the old blood out, and get new blood in. Ease up and get out of watching the videos. Get into the habit of using your mind to visualize the lady of choice that you desire to have. This is more healthy. When you stroke, why not using a toy to stimulate, either be the electronic strokers, a silicone type female anatomical model, or just warm sensational massages?

The truth behind blood trapping is you only need to be at 80% erected That is more than sufficient amount of gap maintenance for the cells to replicate and fill in the gaps. If you can get 100% to 105% erection volume (not sexual exited erection) within that 5 to 10 minutes, even better. That means you can get your blood to cycle at a phenomenal rate. I can only maintain at 100% erection volume for around 40 minutes before my penis get fatigue. I have to reduce down to 80% there after. But that's still where the magic lies. Your body already know that there are gaps to be filled and will respond accordingly within the first 45 minutes.
Good morning to you all,

I'm new to this forum but not in entirely new to PE. I know about the basics, like SRT.
I have two questions about the girth-workout in general.

I ordered the MityVac just yesterday, I want to upgrade from doing the SSJ only to pumping and SSJ, if my EQ allows that.
The EQ I have is shit, but that's not my bodies fault, it's my brains that's messing with me. I'm pretty sure I had ���� addiction in the past and
that fucked with my brain, so ���� isn't doing shit for me. I really have to work hard and find the exact right clip to even get myself excited.
It works perfectly with viagra oder Cialis after a longer break, but even that gets harder and harder the longer I keep doing girth with ����. Even Viagra only works if you are feeling sexual arousal and that's really hard for me with ����, I just watched to many videos over the years.

I'm already doing a pretty tough Kegel-routine, that front is covered pretty well.

I would love to starte the 5x5x3 routine but I already know that it's not going to work for my. The longes I can stay fully erect during a SSJ is up to 2 minutes and that only works at the beginning of the girth-workout. Right now my routine was 30-40 minutes SSJ in total, at the end of the session I can only hold the jelly for max 30 seconds, the penis is just to tired.
The expansion is fine. At the end while wearing the cocking I'm almost 3/4 inch bigger with minimal fluid built-up.

Can I reduce the 5x5x3 to maybe 5x5x2 and split that up, doing one set of each in the morning and one during the evening?
Right now I wanted to focus on girth only, my BPEL is already at 7,6, so for right now my girth is lacking behind.

The second question is about the cocking that you put on after the workout. I know that you want to heal in an extended state, that concept is pretty straight forward.
Which extended state is the one we want. Right now I'm only wearing the ring for 30 min because it gets really annoying for me to watch ���� for that long while stroking my dick.
Doing this means I get the absolut maximum expansion for the healing but is that the state we want and need or is the way I do it overkill?
I could try and tighten the ring but I'm unsure about the safety of that. If the ring is so tight that you can do something else and the extended state keeps staying, that means the blood flow is completely stopped. I always thought that was considered clamping and that is very dangerous, at least that's what I read.


my friend i am like 10 time worst than you - i cant EVEN have more than 80% erection. I cant even maintain my 80% erection more than 5 seconds!! No bullshit its true! I have my psychological problems too!! But SSJ is the trick here: The moment you erect, that moment you kegel and you do clamp-like with your hands and thats it! for me its so difficult that after each session i feel i have lost KG like going to gym LOL and trust me I am very depressed with many many psycho problems but I try my friend. I have understood here that the trick is to be consistent with your routine (which is the most difficult part)
Welcome to the brotherhood, or rather, welcome back to the PE brotherhood.

As DLD said, best not to rely on adult entertainment to get excited. PIED (PRN induced erectile dysfunction) can be reset, but you have to cut it out. It can be a few months to a few years, based on the mental strength of a person. Visual stimulation of the opposite sex can be done simply going to gym, the beach, the clubs, whatever you like. It just take time for your brain to reset back to observation and imagination modes. Chemical-base stimuli like Viagra and Cialis can help. I can't say how long it will be beneficial to you before your body adapts to it, but our brother DLD has been using it for so long that it still works for him. Everyone is definitely different.

Yes, you can break it down to 5x5x2 for two sessions. 5x5x3 is to promote single continuous sessions to max out the expansion capacity. But if you're planning on keeping a passive expansion throughout the day using cock ring(s) and erections to cycling in the blood, you can truly break it down to two times a day. You can even break it down to 3x3x2 twice a day to prevent extreme fatigue if you're going this route.

If you're not doing the all day cock ring and blood cycling, twice a day for the 5x5x2 is enough, as long as you perform the post 60 to 90 minutes expansion routine. Remember, do not let your blood pool more than 10 minutes. In my book, nothing more than 5 minutes. This is blood clot territory. More new blood, the penis will receive fresh essential building blocks to get the cells to produce and fill in the gaps.

Wear the ring as long as you can. Get an erection, let it sits for 5 to 10 minutes, push the old blood out, and get new blood in. Ease up and get out of watching the videos. Get into the habit of using your mind to visualize the lady of choice that you desire to have. This is more healthy. When you stroke, why not using a toy to stimulate, either be the electronic strokers, a silicone type female anatomical model, or just warm sensational massages?

The truth behind blood trapping is you only need to be at 80% erected That is more than sufficient amount of gap maintenance for the cells to replicate and fill in the gaps. If you can get 100% to 105% erection volume (not sexual exited erection) within that 5 to 10 minutes, even better. That means you can get your blood to cycle at a phenomenal rate. I can only maintain at 100% erection volume for around 40 minutes before my penis get fatigue. I have to reduce down to 80% there after. But that's still where the magic lies. Your body already know that there are gaps to be filled and will respond accordingly within the first 45 minutes.
So, we must put the cockring as much as we can?
So, we must put the cockring as much as we can?
Cock ring is used as a promotor for blood volume restrictive work throughout the day. Do you need it on constantly? No. Should you? Yes, to the best that you can, comfortably. If you can't handle it, limit the use time. Just like the all day stretcher, if you can do a little bit, you get little gain. If you put time into it, you get more gains. Cock ring simply the flip side of the ADS. The more you can wear to get more fresh cycled blood into the penis, the more the penis have the necessary building blocks to aid the growth. Can't have growth without the essential build blocks, and limited building blocks (from just 60 to 90 minutes post pumping) may not be enough for some. This is where your observation is needed.
Cock ring is used as a promotor for blood volume restrictive work throughout the day. Do you need it on constantly? No. Should you? Yes, to the best that you can, comfortably. If you can't handle it, limit the use time. Just like the all day stretcher, if you can do a little bit, you get little gain. If you put time into it, you get more gains. Cock ring simply the flip side of the ADS. The more you can wear to get more fresh cycled blood into the penis, the more the penis have the necessary building blocks to aid the growth. Can't have growth without the essential build blocks, and limited building blocks (from just 60 to 90 minutes post pumping) may not be enough for some. This is where your observation is needed.
How does it gets fresh cycled blood to penis? With cockring you literally almost cut the blood. At least that's what happens to me and each 30 mins I need a refresh massage before usage. The question is, wearing it more will it give gains faster ? Shall someone wear it for hours even though his penis gets numbed ?
my friend i am like 10 time worst than you - i cant EVEN have more than 80% erection. I cant even maintain my 80% erection more than 5 seconds!! No bullshit its true! I have my psychological problems too!! But SSJ is the trick here: The moment you erect, that moment you kegel and you do clamp-like with your hands and thats it! for me its so difficult that after each session i feel i have lost KG like going to gym LOL and trust me I am very depressed with many many psycho problems but I try my friend. I have understood here that the trick is to be consistent with your routine (which is the most difficult part)
Have you considered viagra or cialis? It was a game changer for me
Have you considered viagra or cialis? It was a game changer for me
It is a libido problem. I try to fix it. I am on hormone replacement therapy and on medications. It's really hard and I am afraid if this lack of erection power will make my routine to not work...really I am so afraid of that.
What is your highest erection level? Is 80% it is enough to gain girth. Why does your doctor not giving you viagra or cialis? Even with a lack in libido you will benefit.
How does it gets fresh cycled blood to penis? With cockring you literally almost cut the blood. At least that's what happens to me and each 30 mins I need a refresh massage before usage. The question is, wearing it more will it give gains faster ? Shall someone wear it for hours even though his penis gets numbed ?
Fresh blood cycling is through either removal of the cock ring, or those with normal erection, they can compress the old restricted blood and add in new blood through another erection. 5 minutes recommended, with 10 minutes safety limit warning. The 30 minutes is the total time to wear, not to let the blood pooled without new blood.

Cock ring is not meant to constrict the blood flow entirely. It only means to reduce the blood flow out. If you cut off the blood flow completely, that is a constriction and not restricting. This is where blood clotting issue happens, just exactly like clamping.
Fresh blood cycling is through either removal of the cock ring, or those with normal erection, they can compress the old restricted blood and add in new blood through another erection. 5 minutes recommended, with 10 minutes safety limit warning. The 30 minutes is the total time to wear, not to let the blood pooled without new blood.

Cock ring is not meant to constrict the blood flow entirely. It only means to reduce the blood flow out. If you cut off the blood flow completely, that is a constriction and not restricting. This is where blood clotting issue happens, just exactly like clamping.
Very good points.
This relates to other devices as well.
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What is your highest erection level? Is 80% it is enough to gain girth. Why does your doctor not giving you viagra or cialis? Even with a lack in libido you will benefit.
If I am alone - no 5x5x3 - I can reach 85%. If I do just once the ssj and pump, the maximum is 60%-70%. My doctor gave me many cialis and viagra! They are not working as they were supposed to - at least on me.
The question is, why you need to be erected when entering the pump taking into account the fact that pump makes you erect - you just use more HG
If I am alone - no 5x5x3 - I can reach 85%. If I do just once the ssj and pump, the maximum is 60%-70%. My doctor gave me many cialis and viagra! They are not working as they were supposed to - at least on me.
The question is, why you need to be erected when entering the pump taking into account the fact that pump makes you erect - you just use more HG
No. You don't have to be erected when entering into the pump. It does help more, but not needed. However, once in the pump, do your very best to get more blood into the penis through light and moderate kegel exercises. This is the purpose of the pump in training your penis to get the penis out of the ED predicament. The pump itself does not provide the necessary means to draw the blood into the penis without your assistance to get the blood in. If you don't help to get the blood into the penis, the vacuum pressure will cause a fluid buildup instead.
No. You don't have to be erected when entering into the pump. It does help more, but not needed. However, once in the pump, do your very best to get more blood into the penis through light and moderate kegel exercises. This is the purpose of the pump in training your penis to get the penis out of the ED predicament. The pump itself does not provide the necessary means to draw the blood into the penis without your assistance to get the blood in. If you don't help to get the blood into the penis, the vacuum pressure will cause a fluid buildup instead.
I think this is what I am getting. Fluid buildup. When 5x5x3, I do kegel for the whole time of the pump. 5 mins pump? Then 5 mins kegel non-stop. But While I am taking air and water out (I am using bathmate hydroextreme) I could swear that my penis is getting erected.
I need to understand the difference between expansion and fluid buildup. Do you have any photos on this?
I think this is what I am getting. Fluid buildup. When 5x5x3, I do kegel for the whole time of the pump. 5 mins pump? Then 5 mins kegel non-stop. But While I am taking air and water out (I am using bathmate hydroextreme) I could swear that my penis is getting erected.
I need to understand the difference between expansion and fluid buildup. Do you have any photos on this?

Brother @squirt_inducer_man you got some photos in the pump to share from your media for penis in the pump at full erection under pressure without fluid? I'm away from my media server right now.

Below is an example of fluid retention around the base of the glans to the very bottom of shaft. See how much the skin swells up with fluid? The glans on the other hand has good expansion. I would say it has around 15% expansion over the original normal erection. Looks like the person pumped at high pressure for over 30 minutes.

Brother @squirt_inducer_man you got some photos in the pump to share from your media for penis in the pump at full erection under pressure without fluid? I'm away from my media server right now.

Below is an example of fluid retention around the base of the glans to the very bottom of shaft. See how much the skin swells up with fluid? The glans on the other hand has good expansion. I would say it has around 15% expansion over the original normal erection. Looks like the person pumped at high pressure for over 30 minutes.

View attachment 1835722
I have no pictures, something went terribly wrong.
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Reactions: DLD's still very difficult to understand. I see the skin under the glans but I can do this to my skin even without water if I just use SSJ and put my hands on the skin of the glans. The glans then will be bigger in the pump because my SSJ used force on the skin.
About the shaft...can't see clearly.
Can we find another picture ? Shall i picture myself after ssj and pumping ?
The thing is, how to prevent fluid retention?
If you can't figure the different between a normal penis and fluid-filles penis with the attached photo, I don't know what to offer more as photo.

I hope I can capture some extreme photos of erected vs fluid filled penis from my sessions. Ooofffph..I'm going to feel this later. Take a photo before and after your pumping so we can provide evaluation as well. This way, it will be easier.

Fluid filled up under the skin of the penis tissue, just above the corpus cavernosa and spongiosum. The in-between tissue layer is your protective layer for your outer skin and your inner soft tissues. Any accidental cut or skin damages will be protected by this thick barrier where anticoagulants and antiinflammatory responses can act freely without having to send large volume of blood to the penis. Like I mentioned in many other posts, the penis is the location where the body pays the least attention to after maturity.

To prevent fluid retention, there are many ways. SSJ, reverse SSJ where you squeeze the fluid back into the body with reverse OK grip, force pressure around the penis shaft using your palms (literally choking method), or just allow the body to remove the fluid on its own by a day or two. This might be something for us brother to take photos and post as examples.'s still very difficult to understand. I see the skin under the glans but I can do this to my skin even without water if I just use SSJ and put my hands on the skin of the glans. The glans then will be bigger in the pump because my SSJ used force on the skin.
About the shaft...can't see clearly.
Can we find another picture ? Shall i picture myself after ssj and pumping ?
The thing is, how to prevent fluid retention?
Fluid retention is something you want to minimize but you will get it, do downward Jelq's between sets in order to minimize the fluid retention. You don't need to be fully erected, to minimize fluid retention with downward Jelq's.

It's not hard to understand just feel your penis. With bad fluid retention, it will feel like a water balloon.

No pictures! I don't want to give myself fluid retention just to show. For me 5 minutes inside the pump at a time, is the perfect balance between fast gains, and not to bad fluid retention

The picure @oldandlively shared here below, shows fluid retention perfectly. Look at the bloated/expanded skin under the glans.

One of us brothers must do a case of fluid retention photo and way to reduce/minimize afterward. But dealing with fluid retention is no fun. Those puffy balloon fluid hurts to do reverse SSJ with. Not so much with light fluid. Not sure how the one in the photo dealt with that crazy ballooning. Probably a post wrap using a flexible rubber wrapping like Therabands.
One of us brothers must do a case of fluid retention photo and way to reduce/minimize afterward. But dealing with fluid retention is no fun. Those puffy balloon fluid hurts to do reverse SSJ with. Not so much with light fluid. Not sure how the one in the photo dealt with that crazy ballooning. Probably a post wrap using a flexible rubber wrapping like Therabands.
I don't get much fluid retention nowadays. I do downward Jelq's with Vaseline between pumping sets of 5 minutes, and after session that's it. I suppose I could go 10 minutes in the pump, and then show the difference in fluid retention. But it will only hurt me, because I don't believe it will make me gain faster (just more fluid retention).

Mostly after session I also do ballooning/Edging to cement my gains, this will also reduce fluid retention, the key is to recirculate the blood. I don't like cock rings for this reason. I prefer to do edging instead.

Some days I do this all day long, at least a couple of hours. Some days I'm really horny and can do SSJ"s after session as well.

I let the extreme expansion in the water pumping, do the majority of the girth work. Last session I went up to 10 Hg (don't know how to define this unit of measurement, or what it means?), and I feel my penis needs some days rest now.
I'm still gaining with this metod. SSJ"s I only do sometimes.

I know the benefits with Slow Squash Jelq's but as I said, what I do works for me. I will validate this method for a longer period, so I will know it's effectiveness. I learned this method from someone calling himself Gettingbigger9. He's on 2 diffrent platforms on the internet.

I prefer to not get excess fluid retention.
I see, I understand somehow. More time isn't always better. There is a line of balance which must be found. So hard.
One of the brothers I coached pointed out that PE routines are more than gym's routines using the same amount of time. He's not wrong. You're forcing a limb that has no importance to growth after maturity (in a sense of bodily growth for benefits like skeletal and muscle structures). You're providing bioavailability that is diverted solely for growth and repairs away from critical body parts. You're reprogramming your entire body to focus on one part of the body, such as arm strength, mental strength, and even pathology (nerves, blood, and bodily drainages) refocuses. Then you have to balance forced growth with healing processes.

Can you see how complex the PE journey is? PE is not only dealing with growth for your penis, but finding ways to make your sexual side better than before. You are working on so many different directions to improve your mental and physical portions of your body that you have yet to realize. We will work with you on all sides, one step at a time. But you have to understand, we are not medical, psychological, nor mechanical professionals. We are brothers walking all professional paths of life, giving you our knowledge and wisdom. So do be patient with us as well
I hope you can find them
I have the pictures somewhere on my stotage solution. The problem is my progress thread and my picure proof thread. Many links are broken now.

I can post two pictures later. One from the start and one when I'm at my biggest (It will be past 6 Inch EG).
I have the pictures somewhere on my stotage solution. The problem is my progress thread and my picure proof thread. Many links are broken now.

I can post two pictures later. One from the start and one when I'm at my biggest (It will be past 6 Inch EG).
Just a quick question. When we do SSJ do we use lubricant like Vaseline? Is it important for the downward jelquing?
Just a quick question. When we do SSJ do we use lubricant like Vaseline? Is it important for the downward jelquing?
You don't need it for SSJ. But it can help when you push your hands together and you can slide on your shaft.
For: Downward Jelq's, Vaseline is needed or your penis will become to sore.

Have you seen my instructional video about SSJ (Slow Squash Jelq), if not you find it in the video section.
Very thanks. I have seen the videos. Even though I have seen em I bet I am doing em wrong for some reason.
Not much that can go wrong. Just don't try to explode your penis with SSJ.
It's just manual manipulation of the tissue that support cementing girth increase and also helps to see more temporary expansion after session.
Remember that temporary gains leads to permanent gains with time.

Don't overthink it. Just enjoy the process.
Not much that can go wrong. Just don't try to explode your penis with SSJ.
It's just manual manipulation of the tissue that support cementing girth increase and also helps to see more temporary expansion after session.
Remember that temporary gains leads to permanent gains with time.

Don't overthink it. Just enjoy the process.
I wish I could see it like you do. When I am doing ssj my penis of course becomes bigger but it hurts like hell and after 5x5x3 I am so sore that I might think of stopping doing PE. Do you put power like me or you just let it go?
I wish I could see it like you do. When I am doing ssj my penis of course becomes bigger but it hurts like hell and after 5x5x3 I am so sore that I might think of stopping doing PE. Do you put power like me or you just let it go?
I believe you are overdoing something. It should not hurt like hell. Maybe you are doing to much at once. Think of it like longterm. Pull back the intensity. I could only go full intensity after many months. And on most sessions I do not go full intensity for girth work. There is a thing called good enough. You should back of the intensity and look at it for a time frame of at least 1 year.

Last timed I did girth work was a couple a days ago. I though I was breaking my penis. The intensity was to high. I went up to 10 Hg in the MityVac (Water pumping) for to long, and that was way to much intensity for me. It's better to only need 1-2 days rest from time to time, then be forced to take 1 week rest because you overdid it to the extreme.
@kriskros I do not want you to hurt yourself. Be kind to yourself. You will gain if you are consistent.

By the way, @kriskros one session per day is enough if you have the correct level of intensity.
I do my girth sessions in the evening/night because I need one day to recover to the next session, especially when the intensity is very high.
@kriskros I do not want you to hurt yourself. Be kind to yourself. You will gain if you are consistent.

By the way, @kriskros one session per day is enough if you have the correct level of intensity.
I do my girth sessions in the evening/night because I need one day to recover to the next session, especially when the intensity is very high.
I am trying to do each other day because I avoid girth routine because I hate the fact that I put so much force to the point my fingers feel pain and my penis is so sore it can't have erection at all. If I was about to not put any force it would be easy gains wouldn't it.
I am trying to do each other day because I avoid girth routine because I hate the fact that I put so much force to the point my fingers feel pain and my penis is so sore it can't have erection at all. If I was about to not put any force it would be easy gains wouldn't it.
"Easy" gains is what we are looking for. But nothing is easy in penis enlargement. But it's important to listen to what the penis are telling you. Doing to intense girth work can kill the erection level temporary...then we need to rest.

Doing the other day is a good approach. Sometimes I do 2 days on 1 day rest, or; 3 days on 2 days rest, or: 1 day on and 1 day rest... but the most important is that we are consistent.

Maybe if you back off the intensity you could gain faster as well but with a better erection quality? Remember the healing part is also important. If the intensity is to high during a long time it's possible to kill the gains. I experienced this now with girth work and also previously with length work. After this longer rest period I had gowned. But this implies that you have done the correct dosage of growth promotion for a long time.

Just some thought you can keep in the back of your head.
"Easy" gains is what we are looking for. But nothing is easy in penis enlargement. But it's important to listen to what the penis are telling you. Doing to intense girth work can kill the erection level temporary...then we need to rest.

Doing the other day is a good approach. Sometimes I do 2 days on 1 day rest, or; 3 days on 2 days rest, or: 1 day on and 1 day rest... but the most important is that we are consistent.

Maybe if you back off the intensity you could gain faster as well but with a better erection quality? Remember the healing part is also important. If the intensity is to high during a long time it's possible to kill the gains. I experienced this now with girth work and also previously with length work. After this longer rest period I had gowned. But this implies that you have done the correct dosage of growth promotion for a long time.

Just some thought you can keep in the back of your head.
Very thanks for sharing me all these great info. The reason I am putting strong force is because in an ssj video I have seen @DLD He actually was putting force there. Because I am very new on this I do not know if I am doing things right.
My routine goes like this: 5 mins bundled stretches. 10 mins mosred at 4 inches away to loosen everything and 5x5x3 with bathmate at high force. Remember I can't have erection past 80% and at the last pump I might have 60-70% erection level.
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Very thanks for sharing me all these great info. The reason I am putting strong force is because in an ssj video I have seen @DLD He actually was putting force there. Because I am very new on this I do not know if I am doing things right.
My routine goes like this: 5 mins bundled stretches. 10 mins mosred at 4 inches away to loosen everything and 5x5x3 with bathmate at high force. Remember I can't have erection past 80% and at the last pump I might have 60-70% erection level.
That sounds like a wonderful session! 😀

When it comes to the force in SSJ, we need to feel it. Just going super hard force may or may not be beneficial for SSJ, it also has to do with how you pump as well. Remember that both SSJ and pumping contribute to the post temporary expansion. It's hard to explain. But in my instructional video, I didn't go as hard as @DLD did in the MOS DVD, but I did them with enough internal pressure for growth.
That sounds like a wonderful session! 😀

When it comes to the force in SSJ, we need to feel it. Just going super hard force may or may not be beneficial for SSJ, it also has to do with how you pump as well. Remember that both SSJ and pumping contribute to the post temporary expansion. It's hard to explain. But in my instructional video, I didn't go as hard as @DLD did in the MOS DVD, but I did them with enough internal pressure for growth.
Let me tell you about the workout I just finished. You will come to my position and understand why I sound so frustrated despite the fact that I fight so much to do PE.
Just did 4 SSJ's and Bathmate Pump at maximum for 5 mins
Couldn't have erections so I then did 2 SSJ's and another PUMP for another 5 mins and in this PUMP i entered pure flaccid. We no erection at all.
My libido's gone, no erections for even third set and I stopped and put my cockring.
Expansion: 0.3'
What can I do? I am fighting against all odds with this libido problem. I think that I cant have results like this.
What can I do? I am fighting against all odds with this libido problem. I think that I cant have results like this.
I understand that it's frustrating with the lack of erection hardness. But I'm sometimes struggling with this at times, so therefore I make sure I'm relaxed when I'm going to do my sessions (no work or no obligations after the session), also I do not take Viagra or anything like that. Also if I'm doing many sessions in a row (multiple days in a row) I need a break to restore my erection quality. This can also happen faster if I go extremely hard inside the pump.

If I'm stressed and worried there is no point for me to do a session. I could be wrong, I don't mean anything by asking you this. But are you stressing out during the session, stressed/worried about the erection quality and so forth? This can also impact our erection quality. I do not know why you have libido problems, but sometimes our mind can be inducing erection problems. For example: One bad experience with an non understanding woman can trigger this, and if you are not careful it can linger in our mind and expedite the problems. I'm just talking randomly at this point. But I hope this maybe can help?

Take care brother.
I understand that it's frustrating with the lack of erection hardness. But I'm sometimes struggling with this at times, so therefore I make sure I'm relaxed when I'm going to do my sessions (no work or no obligations after the session), also I do not take Viagra or anything like that. Also if I'm doing many sessions in a row (multiple days in a row) I need a break to restore my erection quality. This can also happen faster if I go extremely hard inside the pump.

If I'm stressed and worried there is no point for me to do a session. I could be wrong, I don't mean anything by asking you this. But are you stressing out during the session, stressed/worried about the erection quality and so forth? This can also impact our erection quality. I do not know why you have libido problems, but sometimes our mind can be inducing erection problems. For example: One bad experience with an non understanding woman can trigger this, and if you are not careful it can linger in our mind and expedite the problems. I'm just talking randomly at this point. But I hope this maybe can help?

Take care brother.
When you reply and all other brothers really help because What I need is the knowledge. For example, let me tell you this.
I do workout 4 times a week. Then next week, I do 3 times and then I do 2 times. And the last week, say 3 times again.
Because I do not feel "I am in a program" I believe that All the sessions I did are for nothing. I do not have the knowledge to understand if those sessions really did help.
The reason of my low libido is a combination of burnout from work and from my girlfriend where his ex had double my size which is hitting me so, so, so, hard inside. Even though she is in love and bla bla for me...its this... you understand.
I am on medication but just a thing :/
I need some kind of knowledge. for example:: Wearing cockring for 10 hours will help? If it can help then I can do it because I have no erections so I can focus on this cockring thing or on other things. Hope you understand my point on what I mean.
The reason of my low libido is a combination of burnout from work and from my girlfriend where his ex had double my size which is hitting me so, so, so, hard inside. Even though she is in love and bla bla for me...its this... you understand.
Use this as your driving force.

I need some kind of knowledge. for example:: Wearing cockring for 10 hours will help? If it can help then I can do it because I have no erections so I can focus on this cockring thing or on other things. Hope you understand my point on what I mean.
Don't wear a cock ring for 10 hours. Max 1 hour, or if you need more. As @oldandlively are saying that nobody have said before:
- You need to recirculate the blood every 5 minutes to prevent blood from pooling. Old trapped blood and there is a risk of developing Deep Vain Thrombosis. This was the reason why I recommended my pel.wrap, because with that, you will have re-circulation of blood constantly but also having your penis in an semi-expanded state all day long.

You can try wearing a cock ring for longer (not a hard one). There was a brother on hear that was wearing 2 cock rings as a penis elongation wrap and had increased his glans size with this method. But if you do this, the cock rings can't be hard. Remember the blood poling issue and the 5 minute limit.

Even if other brothers are saying you can wear a cock ring non stop for 30 minutes without recirculating the blood, we can still not disregard the medical data and medical research. Deep Vain Thrombosis is not a problem you develop instantly, but in fact the problems can appear many month and years into the future.

I do not want to scare you, only inform you. That cutting off the blood flow for 10 hours with a cock ring will in my option not help your gains.
But it all depends on how you do it. If you recirculate the blood every 5 minutes it will be 100% safe.

Sticking to SRT 5x5x3 is a safe bet. Do the session and then wear a cock ring for 30 minutes or so to cement your gains. Or you do like I do it and do a session of kegeling/edging after your session.
Use this as your driving force.

Don't wear a cock ring for 10 hours. Max 1 hour, or if you need more. As @oldandlively are saying that nobody have said before:
- You need to recirculate the blood every 5 minutes to prevent blood from pooling. Old trapped blood and there is a risk of developing Deep Vain Thrombosis. This was the reason why I recommended my pel.wrap, because with that, you will have re-circulation of blood constantly but also having your penis in an semi-expanded state all day long.

You can try wearing a cock ring for longer (not a hard one). There was a brother on hear that was wearing 2 cock rings as a penis elongation wrap and had increased his glans size with this method. But if you do this, the cock rings can't be hard. Remember the blood poling issue and the 5 minute limit.

Even if other brothers are saying you can wear a cock ring non stop for 30 minutes without recirculating the blood, we can still not disregard the medical data and medical research. Deep Vain Thrombosis is not a problem you develop imminently, but in fact the problems can appear many month and years into the future.

I do not want to scare you, only inform you. That cutting off the blood flow for 10 hours with a cock ring will in my option not help your gains.
But it all depends on how you do it. If you recirculate the blood every 5 minutes it will be 100% safe.

Sticking to SRT 5x5x3 is a safe bet. Do the session and then wear a cock ring for 30 minutes or so to cement your gains. Or you do like I do it and do a session of kegeling/edging after your session.
I read this guy here: You guys are changing my life and this is the reason I am asking.
Ok I will try my best with 5x5x3 but let me ask you. Is there any alternative that can bring same results? Like 3x3x2 or something like this. do you know.
I have the pictures somewhere on my stotage solution. The problem is my progress thread and my picure proof thread. Many links are broken now.

I can post two pictures later. One from the start and one when I'm at my biggest (It will be past 6 Inch EG).
Can't you just delete the broken link and replace with new pictures uploaded?
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
      P (Guest) pedguin: ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master...