Progress thread Question about girth training and length training.

Infected Mushroom

Well-known member
Should girth and length training be done in separate days? Lets say that I am doing 5x5x3 for girth and I would like to do extender after for several hours, but there is a big chance of getting blisters. Would you recommend doing them in separate days? I can tell you that 5x5x3 is working like charmi, and gf started calling my penis a "dragon". 🤣

If I do training like this:
1. Day: 5x5x3 Pump and Squash Jelq.
2. Day: Extender for 3-4 hours.

3. Day: rest or normal jelq for getting blood flowing.

4. Day: Start cycle from beginning.

I got blisters and I let them heal, but did some normal jelqs. EQ got really good 10/10 as tissue got healed nicely. I could say that 5x5x3 is like magic. I will try to get progressive increase on vacuum while pumping. It may effect my vac extender usage so, that glans will be able to take more beating. Atleast 5x5x3 seems to effect so, that using pump with higher vacuum becomes possible quite fast.
That sounds smart. Blisters are a major set back so stay in a safe area
Should girth and length training be done in separate days? Lets say that I am doing 5x5x3 for girth and I would like to do extender after for several hours, but there is a big chance of getting blisters. Would you recommend doing them in separate days? I can tell you that 5x5x3 is working like charmi, and gf started calling my penis a "dragon". 🤣

If I do training like this:
1. Day: 5x5x3 Pump and Squash Jelq.
2. Day: Extender for 3-4 hours.

3. Day: rest or normal jelq for getting blood flowing.

4. Day: Start cycle from beginning.

I got blisters and I let them heal, but did some normal jelqs. EQ got really good 10/10 as tissue got healed nicely. I could say that 5x5x3 is like magic. I will try to get progressive increase on vacuum while pumping. It may effect my vac extender usage so, that glans will be able to take more beating. Atleast 5x5x3 seems to effect so, that using pump with higher vacuum becomes possible quite fast.

Another way to avoid injury is to use the mityvac instead of the bathmate. The mityvac has a gauge so you won't use excessive pressure.
Should girth and length training be done in separate days? Lets say that I am doing 5x5x3 for girth and I would like to do extender after for several hours, but there is a big chance of getting blisters. Would you recommend doing them in separate days? I can tell you that 5x5x3 is working like charmi, and gf started calling my penis a "dragon". 🤣

If I do training like this:
1. Day: 5x5x3 Pump and Squash Jelq.
2. Day: Extender for 3-4 hours.

3. Day: rest or normal jelq for getting blood flowing.

4. Day: Start cycle from beginning.

I got blisters and I let them heal, but did some normal jelqs. EQ got really good 10/10 as tissue got healed nicely. I could say that 5x5x3 is like magic. I will try to get progressive increase on vacuum while pumping. It may effect my vac extender usage so, that glans will be able to take more beating. Atleast 5x5x3 seems to effect so, that using pump with higher vacuum becomes possible quite fast.
You need to work your way up slowly using an extender, or you will have problems, such as blisters, edema, bruising, etc.
For extenders to work, you really have to use them at least 4 hours a day, every single day. You cannot do 1 day on, 2 days off for length, and expect to see results. If what you are proposing worked, everyone on this forum would be packing 12 inches.
At best, your routine will give you some girth gains.
If you want to make significant length gains, you will have to do better than that.
Why not scrap the extender, and try the lengthmaster? More intensity, less time, and something you can use every single day to attack the target tissues -- which is key.
Do not waste your time with 1 day on, 2 days off. I promise you, it will not work.
You need to work your way up slowly using an extender, or you will have problems, such as blisters, edema, bruising, etc.
For extenders to work, you really have to use them at least 4 hours a day, every single day. You cannot do 1 day on, 2 days off for length, and expect to see results. If what you are proposing worked, everyone on this forum would be packing 12 inches.
At best, your routine will give you some girth gains.
If you want to make significant length gains, you will have to do better than that.
Why not scrap the extender, and try the lengthmaster? More intensity, less time, and something you can use every single day to attack the target tissues -- which is key.
Do not waste your time with 1 day on, 2 days off. I promise you, it will not work.

You are correct.
You need to work your way up slowly using an extender, or you will have problems, such as blisters, edema, bruising, etc.
For extenders to work, you really have to use them at least 4 hours a day, every single day. You cannot do 1 day on, 2 days off for length, and expect to see results. If what you are proposing worked, everyone on this forum would be packing 12 inches.
At best, your routine will give you some girth gains.
If you want to make significant length gains, you will have to do better than that.
Why not scrap the extender, and try the lengthmaster? More intensity, less time, and something you can use every single day to attack the target tissues -- which is key.
Do not waste your time with 1 day on, 2 days off. I promise you, it will not work.
Thanks for answering my question. I was actually going to buy Length master, but it seems to be out of stock atm. I'm gonna heed your advice on the matter and see if it gives me results that I'm after.
Another question on the subject: If I do my routine, but I add some manual stretching (while waiting for Length master), would that work as substitute?

1. Day: 5x5x3 routine and manual stretching for about 20min or so.
2. Day: Extender 4+ hours.
3.Day: Rest if needed. If not resting, then doing cycle from start.
Should girth and length training be done in separate days? Lets say that I am doing 5x5x3 for girth and I would like to do extender after for several hours, but there is a big chance of getting blisters. Would you recommend doing them in separate days? I can tell you that 5x5x3 is working like charmi, and gf started calling my penis a "dragon". 🤣

If I do training like this:
1. Day: 5x5x3 Pump and Squash Jelq.
2. Day: Extender for 3-4 hours.

3. Day: rest or normal jelq for getting blood flowing.

4. Day: Start cycle from beginning.

I got blisters and I let them heal, but did some normal jelqs. EQ got really good 10/10 as tissue got healed nicely. I could say that 5x5x3 is like magic. I will try to get progressive increase on vacuum while pumping. It may effect my vac extender usage so, that glans will be able to take more beating. Atleast 5x5x3 seems to effect so, that using pump with higher vacuum becomes possible quite fast.

@Infected Mushroom, if you make your goals extremely clear, and precise. I'm sorry if I have missed this if you previously have posted this.
Then it's easier to set up a plan to get to your goals. It's also easier for brothers here on MOS to help you in the process to get to them.

For example: I was recommended to only work on my length until I got to 7.5" in BPEL. This was a good tip for me, since I have limited time to do penis enlargement every day. I only have like 1 hour every day for PE. Preferably I would like to do 2 hours per day, but there is simply put not time for that.

What are your messurment right now brother?
I'm thinking most on these 2 messurments:
• BPEL (Bone Pressed Erected Length)
• EG (Erected Girth = Circumference of your penis, at base and midshaft).

Here is a list of all the abbreviations in the world of penis enlargement:
🔗 Penis Enlargement Related Abbreviations

Take some messurment of your erected penis (maximum erection). You should probably stay of the pump and girthwork for some time to get accurate EG measurement as well. You can use manual stretching in the meantime. No bundle stretches since you want a value of your true EG, and bundled stretches can interfere with that I think. Otherwise are bundled stretches superior in developing your penis length.

Do hand stretches to just make your penis accustomed to lengthwork, during the time you stop girthwork to do a "clean" messurment. I think starting messurments are really important. I have personally regrets, that I do not know my starting EG value, I just know my penis is permanently much thicker now, I just don't know how much I have grown in thickness.

Here is a thread/post that is discussing why BPEL is an important messurment, and why you need to push the ruler into your "fat pad"/pubis (pubic bone).
🔗 Ok, John Holmes real size is ...

Keep pushing brother you will get there 👌💪
Stay on the path to greatness, and most importantly make being on the forum a daily task, since this will keep your motivation and discipline up. We are a brotherhood and we help each other to reach our goals.
Another question on the subject: If I do my routine, but I add some manual stretching (while waiting for Length master), would that work as substitute?

1. Day: 5x5x3 routine and manual stretching for about 20min or so.
2. Day: Extender 4+ hours.
3.Day: Rest if needed. If not resting, then doing cycle from start.
You should be doing length every single day. If you need a day off every now and then, like once or twice a month, then fine. But no more than that. When it comes to length, you have to be relentless.

If you are waiting for the lengthmaster, I would suggest you do the newbie routine every day. There is no point in using an extender until your LM arrives. At least with the newbie routine, you can get your tissues used to what you will be doing with the LM.

Are you planning on using both the extender and the lengthmaster for length, as outlined in SRT? If so, I suggest you work up in stress levels and time very slowly. If you try to do everything at once, you are very likely to have issues.

Also, I would suggest that you are consistent with your length routine. It is not best to do 4 hours one day, and 20 minutes the next. Try to do the same amount every day. Consistency.
Measured BPEL 17cm = 6,69 inches. Measured EG 13cm = 5,18 inches. It wasn't the best time to measure, as I was quite tired after work. I am going to make new measurments when I am fully recovered and horny as hell. But these numbers give good estimate where I need to go: atleast 3 cm more for length, and 2,23cm for girth. So then I would measure 8x6.but lets be realistic: this is way too addictive to stop when you go across the "finish line". 😁🍄👈
Measured BPEL 17cm = 6,69 inches. Measured EG 13cm = 5,18 inches. It wasn't the best time to measure, as I was quite tired after work. I am going to make new measurments when I am fully recovered and horny as hell. But these numbers give good estimate where I need to go: atleast 3 cm more for length, and 2,23cm for girth. So then I would measure 8x6.but lets be realistic: this is way too addictive to stop when you go across the "finish line". 😁🍄👈
You will get there in time. Just keep going every day.
Measured BPEL 17cm = 6,69 inches. Measured EG 13cm = 5,18 inches. It wasn't the best time to measure, as I was quite tired after work. I am going to make new measurments when I am fully recovered and horny as hell. But these numbers give good estimate where I need to go: atleast 3 cm more for length, and 2,23cm for girth. So then I would measure 8x6.but lets be realistic: this is way too addictive to stop when you go across the "finish line". 😁🍄👈
Man, looking back at all those times I got discouraged and quit. I would lose motivation after a month if I didn't measure any gains. I was very impatient, and did not understand the process of PE the way I do today.
I think it really messes with a guy's mind when he makes easy newbie gains in the beginning, and then all of a sudden, he reaches a plateau, and the real work begins. Newbie gains are like easy money. Then, you have to get a job and bust your fucking ass off. It is quite the transition.
I wish I had had the discipline and knowledge back then to not quit. I wasted so much time for nothing. I would have reached my goals a long time ago, and walked away from the game, feeling a great sense of accomplishment. Now, I feel like I am being held back a couple of grades, and sometimes it sucks.
But I have the right mindset now, and I know exactly what is required. I will reach my goals in 2 years, which is alright.
I just wish I had done it sooner.
Man, looking back at all those times I got discouraged and quit. I would lose motivation after a month if I didn't measure any gains. I was very impatient, and did not understand the process of PE the way I do today.
I think it really messes with a guy's mind when he makes easy newbie gains in the beginning, and then all of a sudden, he reaches a plateau, and the real work begins. Newbie gains are like easy money. Then, you have to get a job and bust your fucking ass off. It is quite the transition.
I wish I had had the discipline and knowledge back then to not quit. I wasted so much time for nothing. I would have reached my goals a long time ago, and walked away from the game, feeling a great sense of accomplishment. Now, I feel like I am being held back a couple of grades, and sometimes it sucks.
But I have the right mindset now, and I know exactly what is required. I will reach my goals in 2 years, which is alright.
I just wish I had done it sooner.

Just like you, I also wasted many years in PE doing it for only 1 month and stopping for months or years. Now I understand how it works and I'm giving myself till January 2025 to get a permanent 7 inches mid shaft girth.
Yesterday I did 5x5x3 and extender for 4 hours. I had to do some thinking. I May have used way too much tension with extender. I am able to stretch my flaccid to 20cm, but Phallosan plus Bell is gonna cause blisters if I am over doing it. So I had to come back a little, so stretch is felt, not over done, and so that Bell is always full. I am using protection cap. If I had awesome pumping and squash jelging session, right after I am using XL Bell, but if I feel that I have done lot for week, I will use Large Bell. I am going to test how this goes.
Question is: Would you rather use higher tension with extender or medium? Turtling will be issue, if over done, but what are your experiences on the matter? Btw, I am grower, not shower, but I guess it is good indicator of progressio when I have lower hang?
Yesterday I did 5x5x3 and extender for 4 hours. I had to do some thinking. I May have used way too much tension with extender. I am able to stretch my flaccid to 20cm, but Phallosan plus Bell is gonna cause blisters if I am over doing it. So I had to come back a little, so stretch is felt, not over done, and so that Bell is always full. I am using protection cap. If I had awesome pumping and squash jelging session, right after I am using XL Bell, but if I feel that I have done lot for week, I will use Large Bell. I am going to test how this goes.
Question is: Would you rather use higher tension with extender or medium? Turtling will be issue, if over done, but what are your experiences on the matter? Btw, I am grower, not shower, but I guess it is good indicator of progressio when I have lower hang?
Extenders are tricky. Time under traction is what matters most. Of course, the amount of tension plays its part, but you have to remember that the longer you use it per day, the greater the overall intensity becomes.
Intensity is a function of how much tension you are using at any point in time, but realize that it is also cumulative. So, for example, you would get a better workout stretching at 900 grams for 6 hours (5400 gram hours) as opposed to 1200 grams for 4 hours (4800 gram hours).
There is a concept in stretching called "creep," which I learned about from a former member. I also read scientific articles about it. Basically, you want your tissues to ease into the stretch gradually for best results. Some guys will put the extender on and crank up the intensity to maximum on their first set, but this is the wrong approach. The tunica will not relax into the stretch like it should, when given too much stress from the get go. It may want to retract as a defense mechanism, which can cause discomfort, making your sessions less efficient.
You are much better off starting at slightly lower tension on the first set, and work your way up to your current maximum over the first hour or so, depending on how your body is adjusting to the stress. Some days are tougher than others. It is up to you to make that call, based on feel.

You should work your way up in tension and time under traction to avoid complications, such as pain, blisters, etc, all of which can lead to setbacks.
Using maximum tension is only best once your tissues have adapted to those stress levels over time.

Maybe I am the only one on this forum who cannot do an intense girth routine and also extend for several hours. For me, the breaking down of tissues through girth work can amplify the intensity felt when doing length work, to the point of being extremely painful. I do not know how the hell you guys can do both, and not suffer any consequences. Even if I do girth after length, my length routine the following day will suffer, as I won't be able to put in the full amount of time.
I just did 5x5x3 and I am wearing extender atm. The "creep" you mentioned, I also have noticed that starting with bit lower tension seems to let tissue loosen up. After 30 mins I add one small piece of bar. But now I am testing XL Bell, so I took two pieces of so it compensates with the bell. (tiny ones). I am propably going to order Length master when I get my pay. I was wondering that I could use Phallosan forte ADS at work, but I gotta get more loose trousers, and one problem is that my work is quite physical (atleast 1400+ kcal burned per day) with lots of kneeling down etc, so I creates bit of problem. I would use it during night, but I mainly eat plant based, so I have frequent erections during night. I end up taking it off in my sleep.
By using XL bell I am hoping to gain more of mushroom glans. Slow squash jelqs seem to be really good for getting good bloat on your glans. I am doing them so, that I cup my hand and press down. It really feels awesome and seems to work Well for me.
The "creep" you mentioned, I also have noticed that starting with bit lower tension seems to let tissue loosen up. After 30 mins I add one small piece of bar.

Sometimes pulling out the adhesions from the previous day can be painful, especially if you are moving up in intensity.
Creep happens slowly, while maintaining a constant tension for a period of time. Eventually the tissues ease into the stretch, and give in. Going too hard too quickly can be counterproductive with extenders. The tunica is very tough tissue, and needs more time under traction to grow.
I am consistently gaining 1/16" per month in BPFSL, doing 4 hours per day. I really want that next inch, so I am not going to stop until I get it. And, I am not even at max tension on the extender yet. I slowly worked my way up, and have been gaining. Once I get used to full tension, I would expect gains to come slightly quicker, but we'll see how it goes. No matter what it takes, I will get that next inch. Nothing can stop me.
So, after work 5x5x3 training done. Just put extender on, and continuing with "let tissue loosen" approach. This is now 3 day without rest. I had to train right after work, so work exhaustion hasn't yet kicked in and it worked nicely. I was thinking that this thread could be my so called journal of my Journey to atleast 8x6 penis. It actually is quite liberating and motivating to write on the Forum with people who have this hobby, or life style. When I was at work, I started thinking about the "why" do I want 8x6 penis. There actually are many reasons for it. Mainly, because I want my partner to come like fountain. Then I started thinking about somethings that Iearned about oxitosin while I was reading some literature while back. Good Love making raises oxitosin levels alot if sex is really good. This is really important. If you have a good big penis, and you can use it properly, there is low chance for your partner to find better sex outsider the relationship. I don't have any issues with my self-esteem, as there hasn't ever been a problem with sex in my relationship. My relationships have always been long. One reason that got into my mind was the reality on strength training and bodybuilding. When I was young, I trained alot. These days I don't take it too seriously, but that is going to change. But there is no point in training muscle, if you are not going to train penis also. Atleast in my mind. I always trained naturally, without any drugs. I changed my nutrition to full plant based. I recommend book Michael Greger - How not to die on the subject. There is quite strong dicotomy revolving around nutrition, so I won't go deeper in the subject.
Question for today: Doing 5x5x3 + Length master training and after extender. Is it doable, or does it just raise injury risk and cause over training problems?

What could be the best approach training this way for both girth and length?
Today I'm going to test something. I skipped 5x5x3. I did 4 hours on extender, and after that I put Phallosan forte ADS on. My goal is to keep penis elongated, so it can heal without too much stretch. Gonna try to keep it on the whole night. So far so good with this system. I am certain that some healing days are necessary to avoid injuries.
Today I'm going to test something. I skipped 5x5x3. I did 4 hours on extender, and after that I put Phallosan forte ADS on. My goal is to keep penis elongated, so it can heal without too much stretch. Gonna try to keep it on the whole night. So far so good with this system. I am certain that some healing days are necessary to avoid injuries.

Be careful and pay attention to your body
Got home from work, and I put extender on. Yesterdays extending and ADS use for healing went really nice. Got nice sex, and damn one thing is certain... When you train like this, pussy feels so much better. GF wants me fully inside and do it slowly, because I get nicely to her cervix area. Orgasms are way more intense. I come bit more faster, propably because I am always so "full". But none the less we come usually at the same time. I am now incorporating kegels and reverse kegels which I can easily do at work.

Question: Which set x reps area I should perform my kegels?

And how long should I try to hold my kegels repetion?

Should I just marathon them during workday and pray to become not Cumming marathon tantra Love machine?

The thing is, that with my GF, I come much faster than with anyone else ever. But that is mental thing mostly.
Todays training was absolutely awesome. First I did 4 hours of extender, gradually increasing pieces of bars every hour. Got to 20cm stretched. This is much better approach, because it seems to prevent blisters.
After extender use I did 5x5x3 using gauged airpump. 10hq that is definitely my sweetspot for growth. On last set I had difficulty to get penis in tube, but managed. Squash jelqs with pump are really effective. I have bathmate Hercules and X40. I don't use them yet with this routine, because of lack of gauge. At 10hq the EQ stays well for squash jelqs.
Using ADS for rest of the day and night time for healing in elongated state. Using XL Bell because of nice glans bloat that I got from 5x5x3. Can't fit in large Bell.
Got home from work, and I put extender on. Yesterdays extending and ADS use for healing went really nice. Got nice sex, and damn one thing is certain... When you train like this, pussy feels so much better. GF wants me fully inside and do it slowly, because I get nicely to her cervix area. Orgasms are way more intense. I come bit more faster, propably because I am always so "full". But none the less we come usually at the same time. I am now incorporating kegels and reverse kegels which I can easily do at work.

Question: Which set x reps area I should perform my kegels?

And how long should I try to hold my kegels repetion?

Should I just marathon them during workday and pray to become not Cumming marathon tantra Love machine?

The thing is, that with my GF, I come much faster than with anyone else ever. But that is mental thing mostly.

Awesome to hear. Kegels can not be over done. Go as much as you can and add more as able.
Yesterday I tool break, as I just lost my conciousness after hard workday. Slept like baby. Today I did 4 hours extender. I have small blister, that is annoying me. Tomorrow I am going to do basic streching and jelqing that helps with EQ, and give some time to let the blister heal. Propably I am gonna do some edging also. Damn blisters are annoying. Need to buy Length master asp.
Yesterday I tool break, as I just lost my conciousness after hard workday. Slept like baby. Today I did 4 hours extender. I have small blister, that is annoying me. Tomorrow I am going to do basic streching and jelqing that helps with EQ, and give some time to let the blister heal. Propably I am gonna do some edging also. Damn blisters are annoying. Need to buy Length master asp.

Get that length master let me be your coach
Get that length master let me be your coach
When I get Length master, I will be posting here about it. I'm gonna try keeping up with my post here aswell, so we will be in contact mean while here.
Plant based diet seems to be working nicely. Lost about 5kg of weight in two weeks. Of course some of it is fluid, and also muscle, but at this point I don't care, as I have muscle memory that takes care of it when I start training with weights again. Work burns about 1400+ calories per day. Losing fatpad is going to add atleast 0,5-1 cm to length, if my estimate is right. Time will tell.
When I get Length master, I will be posting here about it. I'm gonna try keeping up with my post here aswell, so we will be in contact mean while here.
Plant based diet seems to be working nicely. Lost about 5kg of weight in two weeks. Of course some of it is fluid, and also muscle, but at this point I don't care, as I have muscle memory that takes care of it when I start training with weights again. Work burns about 1400+ calories per day. Losing fatpad is going to add atleast 0,5-1 cm to length, if my estimate is right. Time will tell.

How big is your fat pad?
How big is your fat pad?
I'd say about 0,5-1 cm if I press my fingers down towards base. Getting rid of it wont be problem if I just stay on my plant based diet, because high fiber content and lower calories content takes care of it. Just takes bit time, sweat and tears.
I'd say about 0,5-1 cm if I press my fingers down towards base. Getting rid of it wont be problem if I just stay on my plant based diet, because high fiber content and lower calories content takes care of it. Just takes bit time, sweat and tears.

Mine is up to 2 inches when I press a ruler beneath it.
There is really good book about whole plant based diet: Dr. Michael Greger - How not to die. You can find his channel on youtube: Nutritionalfacts. He goes through studyjournals about Nutritional science.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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