Infected Mushroom
Well-known member
Should girth and length training be done in separate days? Lets say that I am doing 5x5x3 for girth and I would like to do extender after for several hours, but there is a big chance of getting blisters. Would you recommend doing them in separate days? I can tell you that 5x5x3 is working like charmi, and gf started calling my penis a "dragon". 
If I do training like this:
1. Day: 5x5x3 Pump and Squash Jelq.
2. Day: Extender for 3-4 hours.
3. Day: rest or normal jelq for getting blood flowing.
4. Day: Start cycle from beginning.
I got blisters and I let them heal, but did some normal jelqs. EQ got really good 10/10 as tissue got healed nicely. I could say that 5x5x3 is like magic. I will try to get progressive increase on vacuum while pumping. It may effect my vac extender usage so, that glans will be able to take more beating. Atleast 5x5x3 seems to effect so, that using pump with higher vacuum becomes possible quite fast.

If I do training like this:
1. Day: 5x5x3 Pump and Squash Jelq.
2. Day: Extender for 3-4 hours.
3. Day: rest or normal jelq for getting blood flowing.
4. Day: Start cycle from beginning.
I got blisters and I let them heal, but did some normal jelqs. EQ got really good 10/10 as tissue got healed nicely. I could say that 5x5x3 is like magic. I will try to get progressive increase on vacuum while pumping. It may effect my vac extender usage so, that glans will be able to take more beating. Atleast 5x5x3 seems to effect so, that using pump with higher vacuum becomes possible quite fast.