Progress thread Pumping for sensitivity and EQ


New member begins. Newly retired and otherwise healthy, but man, the erectile quality dropped off a cliff in the past 18 months.

Doctor prescribed Cialis (Tadalafil) 5mg daily in late 2023. Immediate positive EQ gains, no issue getting or maintaining a high quality erection. The new problem was that penile sensitivity and overall erection fullness isn't there anymore, not getting that "throbbing" erection. This past month I ordered liquid Tadalafil online (MA Research, no financial connection, just a satisfied customer). If I dose up to 20 mg, I can get pretty intense erections compared to 5mg daily, but still not quite at the level from 5 years ago. Will stay on this med even when pumping, the med makes me hang plump at all times and it feels really good when I'm on it daily. Tried a week off and my sex drive dropped off.

The MOS forum is chock full of gainers, but I'm hopeful this post finds a kindred soul who's focused on EQ and sensitivity to help guide/support my pumping journey.

I've ordered a Bathmate HydroExtreme 7. Hope it's the right tool for this job, I've done my homework and want a reliable, safe and effective pump.

I take my self help projects seriously. So I will periodically update folks here on my experience.
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Welcome to MOS brother. Your journey will bring some girth gains even though you have said it here clearly that you don't need girth gains.

I want you to do the 5x5x3 pumping routine. This will help with erection issues and will also bring girth gains.

Try to abstain from masturbation too.
Thank you brother for your kind reply.

Yes, thanks on the 5x5x3, I've read a few hundred posts here this week and see that routine listed a lot.
Given my goal is absolutely not to gain too much and focus on EQ, does the penis stretching part of the 5x5x3 still apply?
Why would masturbation be an issue if I am only focused on EQ and not gains?
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Thank you brother for your kind reply.

Yes, thanks on the 5x5x3, I've read a few hundred posts here this week and see that routine listed a lot.
Given my goal is absolutely not to gain too much and focus on EQ, does the penis stretching part of the 5x5x3 still apply?

Regarding masturbation, we shall see, I'm a regular 5x per week solo, plus 2x wife weekly kind of guy.
Why would masturbation be an issue if I am only focused on EQ and not gains?

You are only doing the 5x5z3 routine for girth. No need for stretching. But there is bound to be a little girth gains from all of the pumping though.
The penis needs time to recover from masturbation especially if you intend pumping in few hours time. If I masturbate, I some times feel slight pains on the penis shaft when I pump.

So best thing for you, is to masturbate at the end of the day probably night time and then, do your PE the following day at about 4pm

You want to have up to 6 hours apart from the time you masturbated to the time you will be pumping.
there is bound to be a little girth gains from all of the pumping though.

A little is fine, more than a little isn't the plan.
Glad to hear the stretching isn't necessary for my EQ goal, truly appreciate any feedback!
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A little is fine, more than a little isn't the plan (don't want to "shock and awe" the mrs too much).
Glad to hear the stretching isn't necessary for my EQ goal, truly appreciate any feedback!

You will gain up to half inch of length too. So keep that in mind as well.
Yes, thanks on the 5x5x3, I've read a few hundred posts here this week and see that routine listed a lot.
Given my goal is absolutely not to gain too much and focus on EQ, does the penis stretching part of the 5x5x3 still apply?

@Electric if you don't want to gain anything with the pump, and only increase and optimize your EQ (Erection Quality). Then you should only pump, and not do any manual work (Jelq's) with your hands.

If you do manual work, alongside with pumping (SRT 5X5X3), then you will most likely gain permanent girth.

I say this to help, becouse of what you have written above. We all want gains in this brotherhood. But if you absolutely do not want it, you should not do manual work with your hands.

Only pump lightly, to not change the permanent volume (expand the tunica albigunea further) of your expanded penis.
If using a pump I highly suggest you consider the mityvac. It is more powerful than any pump out there and you can use it with water or air

Yes, saw the posts on that product, thank you for your expertise and knowledge.

I'm awaiting the Bathmate in the mail, due next week. I chose it based on thorough research and will give it a try before considering alternatives.

Money is no object.. Heck, the medications I was prescribed would easily exceed cost of the pump I bought in 2 months, whereas the pump hopefully will mean I don't need to continue meds long term...but the effect on Tadalafil on my body is super impressive and if the combo of pump and meds works well, I'd be thrilled.

Re: power, I'm going to take things slow and won't be using the hand pump option on the HydroXtreme 7 I ordered unless needed in the future. I just ordered the maximum product that matched my current dimensions, even if it's overkill at this time.

Re: air vs water, the reviews of water tell me it's more effective to spread the pressure across the entirety of the penile structure, which is my goal, to rejuvenate my penis back to pre-ED days (less than 2 years ago).

Re: potential inconvenience of water, I've got a quiet time/place to do the pumping at home and expect to be perfectly comfortable with the requirement for a location where water spills aren't an issue.
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Received Bathmate HydroXtreme 7 today.
Unboxed, everything shipshape.

Did 3 pumps of 3, 4 and 5 minutes with comfort insert, all successful, no issues, good suction using the included ball attachment, penis engorged to fill full diameter of insert and tube, was constricted on length due to aforementioned girth resistance (felt like it wanted to extend, but was stopped by friction). The only discomfort was the first pump initially. Second and third pumps were all trouble free and comfortable.

Tried one final 2 minute pump without comfort insert, this time the length was starting to extend until suction got lost. If I had to rate with and without insert, the comfort insert absolutely restricts my penis from growing lengthwise in the tube, but the suction was perfect. The next session I will try without comfort insert and use some vaseline to ensure better suction, as I'm curious if that will provide a lower friction environment and allow more length extension.

10/10 !
It's 45 minutes later and zero penile issues, very normal feelings. Normal color. All's good in dickland. Cheers mates!
Good for you i'm glad you've realized that these modifications can make such a difference
First morning update:

INTENSE morning wood, main vein was popping out. Like, BAM, hard as ever, like a pole is pushing it from underneath. Shocking, as the Tadalafil had positive effects on morning wood, but this post pump morning wood is a big big increase over pure meds alone.

Color is good, red not purple or anything like that, no discoloration or spots.

Afternoon update:

The feeling in my pants is akin to taking a full 15mg Tadalafil dose, plump flacid and it's "there" at all times. Haven't taken any Tadalafil for 24 hours as I wanted to see what pump would do with lower dose of meds in my system.
Made some progress in second pump session today without the insert, but still having trouble with suction without the insert. Work in progress. No issues with post pump, just getting used to the feelings and what my body is telling me. Slow and steady. Damn though, with the insert, I max out the tube volume but stubby, not getting any stretch, at least it feels good and there are no after effects so far.
Made some progress in second pump session today without the insert, but still having trouble with suction without the insert. Work in progress. No issues with post pump, just getting used to the feelings and what my body is telling me. Slow and steady. Damn though, with the insert, I max out the tube volume but stubby, not getting any stretch, at least it feels good and there are no after effects so far.

If the comfortinsert gives you better expansion, I highly recommend you use it. 4, do not use it and try to improve the vacuum through different Adjustments that will definitely worth finding what year grooves is
THIRD time is the charm!

Switched it up a bit, got a hard on and then let it subside to 80% or so and then pumped 4 minutes with comfort insert.
This was better, compared to entering completely flacid as I have been doing.

Took off the insert and worked the blood flow a bit before reinserting and this time pumped until shortly in to this 5 minute period my penis lengthened out to it's normal maximum length according to the gauge. I've seen notes "don't trust the gauge", but in my case, the reading was at 7" and that's what I measure erect. Success!

The gators were not quite maxed out, and the pressure was comfortable if a bit on the "whoa, that's doing something" side. Squeezed a bit more water out for final minute, discomfort was minimal.

Did another 5 minute pump, head got lodged on side wall so this limited expansion. Head was purple in the area where it was stuck on the side of the pump tube. No issues, again, worked things out.

Final 2 minute pump was max pressure and then pulled out and worked to erect state, wow, never ever been that big in my life. EQ is very good even straight out of the pump. Not sure if that's what others see, but for me, my EQ was really strong after this session, no issues or discomfort so far.

Cannot thank the brothers here enough for the excellent information available, the comfort insert is now consigned to the first initial pump, and long term I may not even use it.
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THIRD time is the charm!

Switched it up a bit, got a hard on and then let it subside to 80% or so and then pumped 4 minutes with comfort insert.
This was better, compared to entering completely flacid as I have been doing.

Took off the insert and worked the blood flow a bit before reinserting and this time pumped until shortly in to this 5 minute period my penis lengthened out to it's normal maximum length according to the gauge. I've seen notes "don't trust the gauge", but in my case, the reading was at 7" and that's what I measure erect. Success!

The gators were not quite maxed out, and the pressure was comfortable if a bit on the "whoa, that's doing something" side. Squeezed a bit more water out for final minute, discomfort was minimal.

Did another 5 minute pump, head got lodged on side wall so this limited expansion. Head was purple in the area where it was stuck on the side of the pump tube. No issues, again, worked things out.

Final 2 minute pump was max pressure and then pulled out and worked to erect state, wow, never ever been that big in my life. EQ is very good even straight out of the pump. Not sure if that's what others see, but for me, my EQ was really strong after this session, no issues or discomfort so far.

Cannot thank the brothers here for the excellent information available, the comfort insert is now consigned to the first initial pump, and long term I may not even use it.
Going to take a day off and let things recover down below.

My mental state is extremely positive, so I'd like to revel in this and see if I'm feeling like pumping every other day or more than that works for me for the first week or two.

I've read about addiction to pumping and given that I am very much focused on EQ, I'll slow down for a bit before I increase my pace.

As for EQ, valentines morning was very solid indeed, I had pumped at 5PM yesterday, and the EQ was better than a full dose of Cialis/Tadalafil could provide.
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Pumped same routine, 3 mins with insert, 4 minutes without insert and with semi from first pump, 5 minutes more pressure and stretched out (not quite the max I got in previous session, but within 1/3").
An hour later, the blood flow and sensitivity are way up and I'm feeling fantastic. The day off was good, I noticed slight amount of red spots on the skin which I hadn't seen previously post-pump. Will monitor.
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Two week update.
Pump 3 days and then day off, repeat.
Doing 3 minute with comfort insert, 4 mins medium pressure no insert, 5 minutes increasing pressure, 2 final minutes high pressure.
Massaging between sets. Nothing fancy, just getting the blood to flow out and cool things down.
Result is morning wood like I've not had in years, solid girth gain (not going to measure) and no noticeable issues.
Slight edema when I pumped for 7 minutes high pressure, so keeping to 5 at max or less.
Two week update.
Pump 3 days and then day off, repeat.
Doing 3 minute with comfort insert, 4 mins medium pressure no insert, 5 minutes increasing pressure, 2 final minutes high pressure.
Massaging between sets. Nothing fancy, just getting the blood to flow out and cool things down.
Result is morning wood like I've not had in years, solid girth gain (not going to measure) and no noticeable issues.
Slight edema when I pumped for 7 minutes high pressure, so keeping to 5 at max or less.
I suggest that you use the ball and ligament stretch in between your sets. This will loosen up everything and allow you to make much greater length
One month update:

1. keeping a 3 days on 2 off for sessions recently
2. EQ is substantially better the morning after a session previous night
3. no issues with the pump, high quality product, not using comfort insert at all anymore
4. using slightly lower pressure than maximum, reaching larger dimensions in the pump each week
5. total session time reducing from 40 minutes to 25, with generally <15 mins under pressure (4 mins, 5 mins, 5 mins)
6. everything figured out, smooth sessions, just continuing on now

Remember my goal is EQ, which has been showing improvements, so I'll continue for the next 5 months and if there are any notes to be made, I'll leave them here. But for now, A-OK.

If a new user comes across this thread, note that I am not focused on gains, just getting back to my "initial specification" from my younger years.

1. tried a few high pressure pumps a few weeks ago, didn't like the results physically, now I'm staying under the maximum the product is capable of achieving
2. discoloration is more intense when pressure is higher, fades in a few days
3. using hot tap water, filling in sink, not showering per se just emptying in the shower area, very convenient
4. cleaning cylinder and hand pump attachment every 3rd session with soap
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