Playing Games or Just Avoidance

Well, I've found myself in a situation that I want out of but it would seem that I'm either getting no cooperation, I'm being ignored, or this chick is just off. I called this girl yesterday to let her know that I wanted to arrange for us to exchange our stuff that we have. I haven't actually had a conversation with this girl in almost a month. Up until a few weeks ago we talked 1-2 times before for about an hour and a half and everything seemed fine. Then I give her plenty of time in between to either call me or something just to check in. Nothing, so at the 3 week mark I called and left a simple message saying hey and just checking in. NOTHING, not a simple call back or anything. How did we go from speaking as friends and getting along to not speaking at all. I called yesterday and I have not heard anything and for some reason I don't think I will. The messed up part about getting the stuff back is that we've discussed it before, but she never followed through. This chick has a ton of shit going on between her ears, and it was me who decided that we needed to take some time and be away from each other. I haven't pestered her for ANYTHING, and have continued to move forward in my pursuits.

What's even so messed up is how she was the one to come out and say she loved me and that she wanted to have a family with me etc. I can't understand what in the hell is going on with this girl. We've had very limited contact, on both sides, in the last 2 months so now that I want to officially sever all ties with her she doesn't get back to me. I understand being busy and what not, but this isn't the first time that I'm left wondering what the hell is this chick's deal. I'm not trying to do anything but get my shit back. Could someone please offer me some clue as to what to do in this situation?
Well, I found out today that she wasn't going to talk to me anymore. All I was after was some closure, and well I got that. I guess for me it's hard differentiating between an individual's potential and their current reality. This chick had baggage when we met, and I bought into my own BS about things getting better as we moved forward. The only problem is things only got worse. We took a trip together and after that weekend it seemed to spiral out of control. I never really did anything outside of being a very genuine and honest guy. I really enjoyed being with her as person and things moved on from there. I never in my wildest dreams thought things could sour to this point, at least for me. I'll just say that I'm glad that it happened and I've learned from this experience and I'm just going to keep on keeping on. The issue of getting the stuff back was more to try to get some closure, but after this morning everything was "suddenly clear" (LOL) and I just stopped worrying about it. The things aren't that important and I'm not worried about getting it back, or giving her what she left behind. It's all good where I'm at right now.
Well, after deciding that I was just going to just pick it up and move on down the road, the chick called me today. Well, actually she's called me twice. I have really no clue why all of a sudden she's trying to get a hold of me, unless she was lying about wanting her shit back, at the same time I really don't give a shit until she leaves a freakin' voice message and states her purpose. For me to even consider calling her back for ANYTHING it would involve some sort of apology or what she's wanting with me. At this rate I'm sick of this shit and am done with it. Now, to be fair would anyone send a text message to her saying something along the lines of, "leave me a voice message and I'll consider getting back to you." Anyway, my thing with this is I'm not putting up with anymore bullshit coming from this girl and until the intentions are clear I'm not doing another damn thing.
millionman said:
Well, after deciding that I was just going to just pick it up and move on down the road, the chick called me today. Well, actually she's called me twice. I have really no clue why all of a sudden she's trying to get a hold of me, unless she was lying about wanting her shit back, at the same time I really don't give a shit until she leaves a freakin' voice message and states her purpose. For me to even consider calling her back for ANYTHING it would involve some sort of apology or what she's wanting with me. At this rate I'm sick of this shit and am done with it. Now, to be fair would anyone send a text message to her saying something along the lines of, "leave me a voice message and I'll consider getting back to you." Anyway, my thing with this is I'm not putting up with anymore bullshit coming from this girl and until the intentions are clear I'm not doing another damn thing.

Don't send any text message lol Jeeze lol
As usual Pandora, quick and to the point. Anyway, this shit is over with and I appreciate the helpful words.

Pandora, You got any tips for picking up women?
millionman said:
As usual Pandora, quick and to the point. Anyway, this shit is over with and I appreciate the helpful words.

Pandora, You got any tips for picking up women?

I nice Fat bulge in your pants, I was gonna ask you the same thing lol.

An eye can threaten like a loaded and levelled gun, or it can insult like hissing or kicking; or, in its altered mood, by beams of kindness, it can make the heart dance for joy. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart. - Saint Jerome

Let's talk a little bit about the eyes.

The eyes are quite amazing! Very few things surpass the importance of our eyes when engaged in social interaction... especially with those gorgeous women we love to feast them upon.

I'm not talking about eye contact in this article. Or the way we use our eyes to connect and disconnect, with others. I'm talking about the eyes themselves... specifically the pupils of your eyes.

Three EXTREMELY IMPORTANT things to understand right up front:


The pupils of our eyes dilate and grow larger when we see someone we're attracted to.

Larger, dilated pupils are seen as more attractive than smaller, contracted pupils.

We like those who like us.


Whenever we see someone we like, the pupils of our eyes dilate and grow larger. It's almost as if our eyes are trying to see as much of this person as possible. This is an involuntary and uncontrollable physiological response.

Thus, you can often tell if a woman is attracted to you by observing her pupils, and noting whether they expand or contract (or maybe do nothing) when she looks at you.

(Note: contracting would not be good for you... as it likely means she not only is not attracted to you, but actively dislikes you. Sorry about that.)

I say, "often tell," because sometimes the environment can interfere with the "psychological" responses of our pupils. If you're outside on a bright sunny day, it may be difficult for even your magnificence to dilate her pupils. Similarly, if you're together in a dimly lit room, her pupils are probably going to be dilated no matter how much she despises you.

One other thing to keep in mind is her base level, or natural pupil size. This varies somewhat from person to person. Some people have larger pupils and some have smaller pupils. So to effectively judge "your" effect on her, you're going to have to keep in mind her base level and judge the "change" when she gazes longingly (you hope) in your direction.

Please try to be inconspicuous about this. Do NOT tell her what you're doing. If she had any idea it would make her very uncomfortable.

On the other hand, keep in mind that if gorgeous girl you've been checking out knows her pupil physiology, she already "knows" you're attracted to her. She can see it in your eyes. And, short of wearing sunglasses or avoiding all eye contact, there's not much you can do about it.

But I wouldn't worry about this too much. There's very little chance that your average lady is going to understand this particular psycho-physiological response.

The second thing to keep in mind is that larger, dilated pupils are considered more physically attractive (and more friendly) than are smaller, contracted pupils.

For example, studies with photographs have shown that attractiveness increases as pupil size increases. Likewise, if the researchers altered the pupil sizes in the photographs to make them smaller, they could decrease the attractiveness of the individuals in the photos.

We're talking about the SAME target photos here. Increasing or decreasing the pupil sizes of the same photos and noting the perceived level of attractiveness as rated by the subjects. We're not comparing different people with different pupil sizes and concluding that those with larger pupils are seen as more attractive than those with smaller pupils. Obviously, there are a lot of other variables to consider when comparing different individuals.

Ever heard of the Belladonna plant?

Belladonna is Italian for "beautiful lady" and was frequently used by 16th century women to give their eyes a sexy and dreamy look (by dilating the pupils).

An important point to keep in mind is that these pupil attractiveness effects operate in a "subconscious" fashion. The people in the experiments know they like the photos with the dilated pupils better, but they don't know exactly why. The person just seems "more handsome" or "prettier" or "friendlier" somehow. They do not realize the pupils have been altered physically by the researchers.

Thus, ideally, you would like for your pupils to be as large as possible when gazing at women you're attracted to (making you more attractive). And luckily, as mentioned in the first part of this article, that is exactly what happens. (Cool, huh?)

You see a beautiful girl. Your pupils dilate. The large pupils cause her to see you as more attractive than she otherwise might. Your responses are automatic. Her responses are subconscious. Works out pretty well doesn't it?

Keep in mind that it works the other way as well. If a girl is attracted to you her pupils will dilate when she's looking at you. As a result, you will see her as being more attractive than you might otherwise think her to be. Again, both reactions are automatic and usually subconscious.

The third major point discussed in this article is that we like those who like us.

We are almost always attracted to those who are attracted to us. Why? Could be many possible reasons for this. But probably the main reason is because when another person likes us, it makes us feel good about ourselves. It gives us an ego boost and increases our self-esteem and self-confidence.

Like it or not, we often judge ourselves by other people's reactions to us. If others seem to like us, then we feel good about ourselves. If others don't seem to like us, then we may feel bad about ourselves. Not always, but much of the time.

Given this principle of reciprocal liking, we now have a logical explanation to explain the attractiveness effects described above.

When you look at a girl you're attracted to, your pupils dilate. Subconsciously, she notices your dilated pupils and concludes that you like her and are attracted to her. Since people who like her give her an ego boost and make her feel good about herself, she becomes more attracted to you than she might be otherwise. Does this make sense?

So remember...

"If you want someone to like you, then like them."

This simple principle has been known for ages. Yet it's amazing how few people really understand it or practice it. And how dearly this lack of understanding costs them.

Now that we understand the three points discussed above, the question becomes, "How can we use this information to enrich our lives by making ourselves more attractive to women?"

I'll go over a few possible scenarios, but use your imagination. There are dozens of ways to use the knowledge you now possess to add love, romance, and excitement to your life.

Ever wonder why a candlelit dinner with wine is considered so romantic? Think about it. The dim light dilates the pupils of both individuals, making them both more attractive to one another than they usually are (not to mention hiding minor physical flaws). And the alcohol in the wine accentuates the pupil dilation even more.

Yes, alcohol dilates the pupils. It also promotes relaxation and reduces inhibitions. It's definitely your friend on a date. But be careful not to abuse the alcohol. A little is romantic. A lot becomes unpredictable and can wind up ruining the evening.

Another tip you may find helpful: remember to gaze into the eyes of that beautiful lady you're interested in. You're attracted to her. Your pupils dilate. She subconsciously recognizes your attraction. She likes those wise individuals who like her. She feels good. She starts to like you.

And all you've done is look into her beautiful eyes. You haven't really said or "risked" anything. Seems pretty simple doesn't it?

(Don't be surprised if she tells her girlfriends "what beautiful eyes" you have.)

I know. I know. You're shy. You usually go to extremes in order to avoid eye contact... especially with women you're attracted to. You look down. You look away. You look anywhere but into "the eyes."

You'd rather die than let her know you're attracted to her. You want her to be attracted to you first. Once you're sure she's attracted to you, then maybe you'll let on a little that you're attracted to her as well.


Remember, if you want someone to like you, like them. And let them know you like them. Look into her eyes and smile. Force yourself to... just for a couple seconds every now and then.

I'm not talking about staring into her eyes until the sweat starts popping from her brow. Staring will simply make her feel uncomfortable.

Just add a little casual eye contact into your conversations with her. And smile. Remember, she will come to like you BECAUSE you like her.

Another example...

Ever go to bars? Ever notice how beautiful the women in bars look?

Yes, the women definitely dress to impress. But also, bars are usually dimly lit with alcohol consumption the norm. Dilated pupils and reduced inhibitions everywhere you look.

And do these beautiful ladies get even more beautiful at closing time? Ever heard that? It could be, of course, that you're more desperate at closing time (or too drunk to tell the difference).

It's also very likely that as the evening winds along and the women drink more and more, that they actually do get more beautiful. Their pupils become more and more dilated giving their eyes that sexy, dreamy look (remember Belladonna?).

Think about the *secrets* I've just revealed to you. And be sure to ACT upon what you now KNOW.
Hmmm....I think I've got it now. Go to a dimly lit bar, enjoy a nice evening with more than a few drinks, and when it gets to be about that time I will land that beautiful flower. It's all about the dilated pupils and lowered inhibitions.

LOL, actually I've found that eye contact is extremely important. I really enjoy "interptetting" body language as well.

On a serious note I really do think that picking up women is as simple as talking to them. It could just be me, but a good conversation can take you to so many different places with a woman that there's always a solid chance that you'll get somewhere if you can be sincere in your efforts to actually make a connection. There is definitely a difference between the sincere conversation and the "pickup artist" approach. It does seem to be a bit of a crap shoot sometimes because maturity in people is very difficult to gauge. Maturity is one of the reasons I date women 3-4 years older than me, but as I've found this idea can back fire in a mighty way. Maybe, I should just hang out and see what falls into my lap in the next few months. I'm not looking to get married anytime soon, so there's really no hurry.
millionman said:
Hmmm....I think I've got it now. Go to a dimly lit bar, enjoy a nice evening with more than a few drinks, and when it gets to be about that time I will land that beautiful flower. It's all about the dilated pupils and lowered inhibitions.

LOL, actually I've found that eye contact is extremely important. I really enjoy "interptetting" body language as well.

On a serious note I really do think that picking up women is as simple as talking to them. It could just be me, but a good conversation can take you to so many different places with a woman that there's always a solid chance that you'll get somewhere if you can be sincere in your efforts to actually make a connection. There is definitely a difference between the sincere conversation and the "pickup artist" approach. It does seem to be a bit of a crap shoot sometimes because maturity in people is very difficult to gauge. Maturity is one of the reasons I date women 3-4 years older than me, but as I've found this idea can back fire in a mighty way. Maybe, I should just hang out and see what falls into my lap in the next few months. I'm not looking to get married anytime soon, so there's really no hurry.

My last pick up line got me this, "If you don't leave me alone I'm gonna hit you with my shoe" lol
Wow!!! What did you say?

I was at a club one night and started to move towards a couple of girls dancing together, and as I was stepping up to them the taller of the two girls takes the other one by the hand, throws her purse over her shoulder and they walk right out of the club hand in hand. I was regaled with a chorus of "oooohhhhhhssss" by the entire club. I was laughing so hard at myself and I stood and took a bow for my awesomely fantastic flame out. One of my buddies said "don't worry about it man. They're probably lesbians anyway." I looked at him and I thanked him for the attempt but assured him that was not the case.
millionman said:
Wow!!! What did you say?

I was at a club one night and started to move towards a couple of girls dancing together, and as I was stepping up to them the taller of the two girls takes the other one by the hand, throws her purse over her shoulder and they walk right out of the club hand in hand. I was regaled with a chorus of "oooohhhhhhssss" by the entire club. I was laughing so hard at myself and I stood and took a bow for my awesomely fantastic flame out. One of my buddies said "don't worry about it man. They're probably lesbians anyway." I looked at him and I thanked him for the attempt but assured him that was not the case.

It was kinda fucked up, cause she was winding up on me and I was getting them vibes:D she needed to get fucked.

But I came up with lol dont I know you from college, and I said the wrong college that she went too. Conversation over, her mates says nice try:) So they are walking off and I say hey wait up, you don't get away that easy, and she says's stop following me before I hit you with my shoe lol
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA.....Wow, that's pretty awesome.

I've never had a girl threaten me, but I met this law student a few weeks ago. I opened with hey your name isn't? She said, "no". I said then you have a twin, and I said she looked like a friend of mine's little sister. I got nowhere with that one, and the worst part about it I pretended to know one of the "old" law professors and asked her about it. To which I received a long sigh and was rebuffed again. Hey, I can't help it that she was wearing pants so tight they had to have been air brushed on.

I ran into an ex-gf tonight. It's been 4 years since we were together, but she's a huge reason for why I am where I'm at currently. I was able to walk over to her and speak and I got a pretty good grasp of where she is in life, and above all else I found that I could handle it. I went over to her to do a comparison of where she is and where I'm at. I found that I'm on the better side of things and have changed greatly in the 4 years since we were together, while it seems that she's changed but into something a lot different and in my view a bit for the worse. She was drinking, and smoking, and was acting really ditzy and more than a bit slutty. It really didn't matter to me that she was with some old bartender, but to see her like that just magnified the reality that we're not together for a REASON. I can put away all of the what ifs and the doubts and now I know that she has nothing to offer me and I don't have to wonder about anything from now on.
millionman said:
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA.....Wow, that's pretty awesome.

I've never had a girl threaten me, but I met this law student a few weeks ago. I opened with hey your name isn't? She said, "no". I said then you have a twin, and I said she looked like a friend of mine's little sister. I got nowhere with that one, and the worst part about it I pretended to know one of the "old" law professors and asked her about it. To which I received a long sigh and was rebuffed again. Hey, I can't help it that she was wearing pants so tight they had to have been air brushed on.

I ran into an ex-gf tonight. It's been 4 years since we were together, but she's a huge reason for why I am where I'm at currently. I was able to walk over to her and speak and I got a pretty good grasp of where she is in life, and above all else I found that I could handle it. I went over to her to do a comparison of where she is and where I'm at. I found that I'm on the better side of things and have changed greatly in the 4 years since we were together, while it seems that she's changed but into something a lot different and in my view a bit for the worse. She was drinking, and smoking, and was acting really ditzy and more than a bit slutty. It really didn't matter to me that she was with some old bartender, but to see her like that just magnified the reality that we're not together for a REASON. I can put away all of the what ifs and the doubts and now I know that she has nothing to offer me and I don't have to wonder about anything from now on.

We are definitely a special breed of men that practice Penis Enlargement anyway, that or extremely obsessed men, or what ever I'm glad I'm apart of it ehehhe:D
I guess that fits fairly well. I'm not necessarily obsessed but I am a bit anal retentive about some things. For me Penis Enlargement started about being bigger for the girl I mentioned in my above post, nearly four years ago, and since then it has become something else. It's become something for me and to elevate my personal view of my own penis. I've done that and am going to continue to pursue this goal until I have achieved what I set forth for so long ago.
Hehehehehhe, I'm gonna achieve something, I'm gonna conquer all thy pussy and make their pussy tremble in my presents. It's King Dick Kong arhhhh!!!! hahahhaha

I'm just messing, women are such a drive tho lol when I see all them Butts titties oooowwww!!! put me in a trance.
I'm just going to pretend that I understand the last sentence. Are you playing mad libs?

Women are definitely a driving force for us men, but it's not necessarily because of them but for most of us I think it's more about the reaction to the larger equipment as well as the ego boost that comes with it.
millionman said:
I'm just going to pretend that I understand the last sentence. Are you playing mad libs?

Women are definitely a driving force for us men, but it's not necessarily because of them but for most of us I think it's more about the reaction to the larger equipment as well as the ego boost that comes with it.

That's the shit walk in the room and you know you can lay all 10 of them on the table and fuck them one after the other, I always play mad libs!

I guess it is the reaction and the swing lol, it's funny how I can feel my penis all the time, am I supposed to feel that, don't really remember it like now, not sure tho maybe, maybe not. Maybe it's the same but bigger lol
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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