Penis Professor


Well-known member
Does any body have any idea about and the exercises related to it?
Came to know about this when I first started PE
As crazy as it sounds... the majority of guys have no idea of the information on these forums... so when they do a Google search, people know it can be easy money.
PP offers basic information, shit loads less info then the Newbie program found right here, and false promises to the unknowing for a price.

Since you are already here, you have access to more and better information then offered by PP... and if you really need to send someone $40 then I can forward you my PayPal info.... LOL! (jk)

Take your time and start getting information here. Go through the Newbie routine and ask some questions, we are all here to help.

Good luck and I look forward to following your progress,
Does any body have any idea about and the exercises related to it?
Came to know about this when I first started PE

The site looks like its been thrown up tbh, and in all likely hood they are just nighthawks in it for the quick money, with hardly any real genuine knowledge, or experience.
There is only one PE site in the world MOS.

I disagree.....
There is Thunder's Palace( and PEGym(
However...... MOS is the best.....
There isn't any other place like MOS where people help each other to make gains......

I have seen people posting in quora that penis enlargement is bullshit and you have to deal with your regular sized penis for the rest of the life......

One guy even said that there is no such thing as PE and you must find a girl with low self esteem if you do not want to feel insecure about your penis length......

I disagree.....
There is ?'s Palace(https://www.?.org/en/) and ?(https://www.?.com/)
However...... MOS is the best.....
There isn't any other place like MOS where people help each other to make gains......

I have seen people posting in quora that penis enlargement is bullshit and you have to deal with your regular sized penis for the rest of the life......

One guy even said that there is no such thing as PE and you must find a girl with low self esteem if you do not want to feel insecure about your penis length......


There’s no place like MOS!