Penile skin and glans care - abrasion, edema, blister, open wounds remedies and skin health


Age in PE is just a number
Staff member
Most of us will come to a point in the train and face penile issues due to excessive forces, accidental handling, or just plain ignorance or excitement in our PE journeys. Most common issues are abrasion, blister (including bloody one), edema (because of pumping hot spots or just due to bad pressure handling, and in cases where we have open wounds. These are not the worst cases, but they are still bad since they slow our PE progression down. Let's take this on. Let's start with the common not-so-bad issue to the ooo-that's-bad issue.

Dry/frayed skin:
If you're using any traction device and pump, you will know how much tension the skin is placed under. Moisture is being rung out of the skin layers. When you use manual stretches without any lubrication for high traction purposes, the friction will do a crazy number on you. When you pump with high moist air or warm water, your penile oil generated by your skin is as good as gone. You can restore the loss of the natural oil layer that protect your skin by using liquid Vit E, coconut/olive/castor oil known for restoration and antibacterial-anti-fungal properties, or a holistic mix containing quite a bit of good wholesome mixture. That will be at the very end.

But, if you want faster accelleration of healing, use red light therapy with bare washed and dried skin first, then use the oil/hollistic mixes.

There are may levels of edema. It ranges from a slight water retention that looks like a light ballooned skin to a golf ball or whipped size welts. Not a fun thing to look at. There are general fluid retention to blood fluid retention. What worries you more is the bloody ones. Regular edemas will go away in a few hours to a few days, based on how large of the edema, how many layers the fluid built up under, and how bad the internal skin layers (fascias) have ruptured. If you have that many layers ruptured, you will see bloody fluid.

Most edema can also be forced to drain by doing reverse jelqs, where you use an OK grip to hold onto the glans with the foreskin retracted, add a bit of lubrication on the foreskin, squeeze tightly, and jelq from the base of the glans to the base of the penis. Keep repeating for a few minutes. You'll notice the edema reduces in due time.

Another method is to use both of your hands, and just literally choke the living daylight of the penis. Look up at Home choking Bart's neck. Yep. Just squeeze from the base of the glans back to the base of the penis. This forces the fluid to disperse from the skin layers and back into the drainage pathways.

You can continue on with PE after the edema is reduced or completely gone.

It doesn't matter if you use your hands or use a device, rough handling using high friction surface(s) will cause abrasion. It's not about if it can and may happen, it does and will happen. If that's the case, since it's an open wound, you can use bacitracin, antibacterial ointment or oils (castrol, coconut, olive, or hollistic mixes), and a bit of warm heat compress to get the blood rolling into the penis to promote immuno-defense. If you plan on using hollistic mixes, it'll be at the end.

Do not use hydrocortisone on open wounds. Do no bandage tightly, but use loose and airy bandage if you must when using ointment. Don't use water tight false skin or non-breathable bandage. Keep the skin moist when using the ointment and breathable bandage to accellerate your healing. You can use red light therapy first and pair up with the ointment/hollistic mix and bandage to push for even faster healing. It should take around 48 to 72 hours. Longest should be around 96 hours. Of course, if you're having very bad case of abrasion, that's a whole different story. Bandage to keep the penis elongated in promoting blood flow to the penis to cover up ointment or hollistic remedies.

If you want faster accelleration of healing, use red light therapy with bare washed and dried skin first, then use the oil/hollistic mixes.

If the abrasion is light, you can continue on with PE, but do be mindful to go easy until the abrasion is healed.

Open wound:
Essentially, it's one step up to abrasion. Use bacitracin and bandage up. No more PE until you get some healing. This can be a few days up to a week based on the wound you caused. If you use reuseable bandages, make sure to wash one after every 12 hours with warm water and antibacterial soap.

This is where you want faster accelleration of healing, use red light therapy with bare washed and dried skin first, then use ointment to protect your skin with bandage to keep the penis elongated to force blood flow to deliver repair and building blocks to your penis.

This is going to be a controversial topic on many different levels, but this is based on my opinions alone. Others can chime in. Blisters can be as small as a tiny spot the size of a pencil lead's head, or as big as a the entire penile glans. Yep. I saw one that big. Mine was 1/3 the size. That was not fun. What happed? Pumping while being drunk. The stupidiest thing you can do to yourself in a dare during a drinking game.
  • To pop or not to pop, that is the question: First recommendation, DON'T! The skin is protecting your the lower tissues from exposing to the bacterial, viral, and fungal world out there. Allow the body to reabsorb the fluid back into the body and allow a bit of time for the lower layer to create a new layer of skin. It will take a few days for the new fresh later of skin to form below the blister, Even when it bursts, DO NOT REMOVE the skin layer. Allow the upper skin layer to protect the tender tissue and young skin. To help things along, use bacitracin 2 to 3 times a day to safeguard the skin.
  • Be mindful when popping a blister: Yes, you can also pop the blister. I don't like calling it "popping". It's actually "lancing". The key is to do it quickly the moment you see it, but do not use a needle or a sharp point that's too large. If you have access to a micro needle around 32 guage (32g) or 34 gauge (34g), use it. Wipe down or soak the needle with 70% alcohol, and the surround area of lancing. You can use iodine as well. Your call on this. Puncture only a single hole and drain using the sterile cotton ball, cotton pad, fresh toilet tissue paper, until the fluid is fully out of the blister. Don't use too much force, It ony need a light amount of force. Too much force will force the skin separate around the blister's edge to grow bigger. Use bacitracin to keep the blistering skin moist.
  • NO PE!! until the skin heals. Give a few additional days so the skin can fully be toughen through natural processes.
  • When starting up PE again, start slowly like you start your PE journey, be of manual stretching, traction devices, or pump. Start up very slowly.
Since blister is considered as open wound, wash the wound with warm and gentle antibacterial soap, use red light therapy, then use the bacitracin to keep that skin layer moist. No need to bandage the area up unless you want to, especially if it's on the penile shaft or on the circumcised glans.

Hollistic mixes:
You have natural oils you can use:
  • Coconut oil, virgin cold press, no refinement (odorless). It's both antibacterial and antifungal, contains great vitamins and works great with non-open wounds. Perfect for skin restoration for dryness. Since it's virgin and cold press without extreme filtration, there may be micro sediment that can cause a bit of abrasion. You can perform extra filtration using micro meshes or micro filters using porous cotton pads in multi-layers through a cylinder.
  • Castor oil, practically coconut oil.
  • Olive oil just like castor and coconut oil. Avocado oil is something you may think twice.
  • Liquid vitamin E.
But then, there are unique formulation you can combine to have extreme synergistic effects. You can find them everywhere on the open market that blended for your needs, and of course, those blends required specific added chemical and processes that either add too much bad ingredients for long preservation or application processes to prevent seperation (emulsifiers). It's best to make your own version in small batches at a time. It doesn't take long.

Brother @TCDreamer mixes:​
  • Use 1 to 1 ratio for all ingredients. All certified ORGANIC oils when possible: jojoba, coconut, black seed, castor, and rosehip oils. If you have a glass cooking ware, use it to prevent any interaction during heating. If not, use stainless steel but make sure the pot/pan you're using is nice and clean, free of the old residues. Make sure to very slowly and gently heat the mix up to prevent the loss of essential vitamins from denaturing, and prevent the natural oil from burning. Some may argue that the oil already went through partial refinement and the oil lost most of its essential vitamins and beneficial compounds. That's true. But what's left over, we don't want to lose them too. Do know that the organic jojoba is like a butter brick. Do take time with very low heat to melt it slowly. Once everything is melted and mixed well, pour the mixture into a dark glass bottle or jar. NO PLASTIC! Apply the mixture twice daily after a shower and massage accordingly, such as deep tissue (shiatus) style or similar to gentle downward jelq, or even double handed rolling. TCDreamer indicated it’s a life saver for him, and it provides incredibly smooth penile skin as well the dilation properties for PE.
  • DMSO 99% pure can be used to deliver both the organic black seed oil and organic virgin coconut oil directly into your penis. Use a glass container. The mixture is 97% volume of 1-to-1 ratio of black seed and coconut oil, with 3% volume of DMSO. If 5mL of the solution is used, that's 0.15mL (3 drops) of DMSO, 2.43ml (~44 drops) of coconut oil, and 2.24mL (~44 drop) of black seed oil. Remember the certified ORGANIC oils, it's because it's going to be direcly delivered into your lower skin layers. Application of the solution can be done on a sterile cotton ball or glass applicator. Don't use any plastic.
    • When using DMSO, DO NOT wear polyester undies or anything until the solution on the penis is complete dry. Some of the oil residue will remain behind, but do give it at least 30 to 45 minutes to work and then dress accordingly. Better yet, whip off any residual leftover using a warm damp cotton towel.
Brother @Haursen mixes:​
  • Same as brother TCDreamer, he uses aloe vera (100% juice) + DMSO, castor oil + DMSO, black seed + DMSO, shea butter + DMSO, HMB + DMSO, and of course, brother's TCDreamer's mix. It's literally an alpabet soup DMSO. You already know who reinititated the DMSO trend right?
Brothers from all walks of life:​
  • Shea butter. Good for skin protection and restoration from extreme PE routines.
  • Liquid Vit E + DMSO
  • Magnesium oil + DMSO
  • Unfiltered apple cider vinegar + DMSO (you know, I still can figure out the resulting interaction with this one since there's a chemical exchange).
  • PABA + DMSO and PABA TB500 (synthetic) + DMSO (for cellular regeneration and restoration)
  • Potassium iodine + DMSO (skin restoration and upkeep malleability)
  • Ascorbic acid + DMSO (also used for discoloration control)
  • Vit C + DMSO (also use for discoloration control)
  • 30% volume of 100% pure aloe juice + 70% volume DMSO
This is just a short list. I'm updating the recipes and instruction as I can find the recipes in my media servers

Things to understand:
  • Carrier oil: oil used for mixing that can deliver components onto and into your skin. Make sure the oil is cold pressed, virgin (1st extraction only) with minimal heat as possible during the processes. This is to retain the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants without denaturing and damaging the components your cell's needs. Carrier oil is always the bulk of the volume compared to other oils or components. The lowest volume is around 90%, while other components make the remaining 10%. The highest volume is 97%, while the remaining components are 3%. You can mix and match the carrier oil to see which match best without oil-oil and oil-water separation.
  • Emulsifier: it's a component to prevent oil and water from separating, if needed. It also helps to increase shelf life.
  • Preservative: to extend shelf life using natural mixes, but at the same time, it's rarely used.
Before you start gathering the ingredients, make sure to review your history of allergies and see if any compounds in the mix causes skin irritation or health issues. Do a patch test as well. If you're using it on the penis, apply only a cotton swab head size onto the hidden area of the penile skin and use a waterproof bandaid to cover the area for reaction base. 95%, each ingredient doesn't offer any reaction. But when you combine ingredients, unique reaction will occur. Not all oil extraction processes are the same.

Carrier oil combos:
Coconut oil + jojoba
Sweet almond oil + jojoba
Apricot oil + almond oil
Evening primrose oil + rosehip oil
Olive oil + argan oil
Olive oil + rosehip oil
Olive oil + avocado oil
Olive oil + grape seed oil
Olive oil + sunflower oil
Black seed oil + jojoba oil
Black seed oil + shea butter
Jojoba oil + shea butter
Black cumin seed oil + black seed oil

There are so many more combo, but I'll stop here for now. You get the idea. The ones above contain the highest concentration of essential components to keep your skin very healthy the the least amount of reaction.

  • Any combination of the carrier oils, and mix with pure aloe gel. Why aloe gel only 10%? The interaction between fresh aloe jel is fast, and the shelf life of aloe on the kin is mere hours. You need 90% carrier oil to slow down the oxidization process. Best combo is coconut + jojoba + aloe. Second is jojoba + black seed + aloe.
  • There's a unique culture that uses the carrier oils with calendula oil. Make sure the oil is pure and no added alcohol or preservation component. The best combo is rosehip oil + jojoba + calendula. The other is almond oil + rosehip + calendula.
  • The Asian countries like to use either cold concentrated green tea mixed with olive oil + rosehip oil, or ginger extract with coconut oil + black seed oil (do be careful with ginger if you have open wounds or abrasion). The other is lemongrass extract + ginger + coconut oil.
  • Quite a few older generations like to use tea tree oil + ginger + olive oil or avocado oil, or mix of olive + avocado oil. The antioxidants keep the tea tree oil and ginger from oxidizing too fast. Ginger is fresh extraction, while tea tree oil can be used as extracted oil. Careful not to use the one containing too much alcohol.
  • In India, Thailand, and Malaysia, tumeric oil is widely used with black seed oil + jojoba oil, or to be cheaper, coconut oil + olive oil.
  • Those in the Europe region tends to use chamoile + rosehip oil + avocado oil more than the others mentioned.
  • There are more reports coming in that sage oil + rosehip + jojoba (for thickness) are used for even open wounds for faster healing. However, common sense dictates that trapping bacteria with thick oil can hurt you more than harm you. Best to use liquid vitamin E + sage oil in a warm application of 1:1 ratio for best results.
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Most of us will come to a point in the train and face penile issues due to excessive forces, accidental handling, or just plain ignorance or excitement in our PE journeys. Most common issues are abrasion, blister (including bloody one), edema (because of pumping hot spots or just due to bad pressure handling, and in cases where we have open wounds. These are not the worst cases, but they are still bad since they slow our PE progression down. Let's take this on. Let's start with the common not-so-bad issue to the ooo-that's-bad issue.

Dry/frayed skin:
If you're using any traction device and pump, you will know how much tension the skin is placed under. Moisture is being rung out of the skin layers. When you use manual stretches without any lubrication for high traction purposes, the friction will do a crazy number on you. When you pump with high moist air or warm water, your penile oil generated by your skin is as good as gone. You can restore the loss of the natural oil layer that protect your skin by using liquid Vit E, coconut/olive/castor oil known for restoration and antibacterial-anti-fungal properties, or a holistic mix containing quite a bit of good wholesome mixture. That will be at the very end.

But, if you want faster accelleration of healing, use red light therapy with bare washed and dried skin first, then use the oil/hollistic mixes.

There are may levels of edema. It ranges from a slight water retention that looks like a light ballooned skin to a golf ball or whipped size welts. Not a fun thing to look at. There are general fluid retention to blood fluid retention. What worries you more is the bloody ones. Regular edemas will go away in a few hours to a few days, based on how large of the edema, how many layers the fluid built up under, and how bad the internal skin layers (fascias) have ruptured. If you have that many layers ruptured, you will see bloody fluid.

Most edema can also be forced to drain by doing reverse jelqs, where you use an OK grip to hold onto the glans with the foreskin retracted, add a bit of lubrication on the foreskin, squeeze tightly, and jelq from the base of the glans to the base of the penis. Keep repeating for a few minutes. You'll notice the edema reduces in due time.

Another method is to use both of your hands, and just literally choke the living daylight of the penis. Look up at Home choking Bart's neck. Yep. Just squeeze from the base of the glans back to the base of the penis. This forces the fluid to disperse from the skin layers and back into the drainage pathways.

You can continue on with PE after the edema is reduced or completely gone.

It doesn't matter if you use your hands or use a device, rough handling using high friction surface(s) will cause abrasion. It's not about if it can and may happen, it does and will happen. If that's the case, since it's an open wound, you can use bacitracin, antibacterial ointment or oils (castrol, coconut, olive, or hollistic mixes), and a bit of warm heat compress to get the blood rolling into the penis to promote immuno-defense. If you plan on using hollistic mixes, it'll be at the end.

Do not use hydrocortisone on open wounds. Do no bandage tightly, but use loose and airy bandage if you must when using ointment. Don't use water tight false skin or non-breathable bandage. Keep the skin moist when using the ointment and breathable bandage to accellerate your healing. You can use red light therapy first and pair up with the ointment/hollistic mix and bandage to push for even faster healing. It should take around 48 to 72 hours. Longest should be around 96 hours. Of course, if you're having very bad case of abrasion, that's a whole different story. Bandage to keep the penis elongated in promoting blood flow to the penis to cover up ointment or hollistic remedies.

If you want faster accelleration of healing, use red light therapy with bare washed and dried skin first, then use the oil/hollistic mixes.

If the abrasion is light, you can continue on with PE, but do be mindful to go easy until the abrasion is healed.

Open wound:
Essentially, it's one step up to abrasion. Use bacitracin and bandage up. No more PE until you get some healing. This can be a few days up to a week based on the wound you caused. If you use reuseable bandages, make sure to wash one after every 12 hours with warm water and antibacterial soap.

This is where you want faster accelleration of healing, use red light therapy with bare washed and dried skin first, then use ointment to protect your skin with bandage to keep the penis elongated to force blood flow to deliver repair and building blocks to your penis.

This is going to be a controversial topic on many different levels, but this is based on my opinions alone. Others can chime in. Blisters can be as small as a tiny spot the size of a pencil lead's head, or as big as a the entire penile glans. Yep. I saw one that big. Mine was 1/3 the size. That was not fun. What happed? Pumping while being drunk. The stupidiest thing you can do to yourself in a dare during a drinking game.
  • To pop or not to pop, that is the question: First recommendation, DON'T! The skin is protecting your the lower tissues from exposing to the bacterial, viral, and fungal world out there. Allow the body to reabsorb the fluid back into the body and allow a bit of time for the lower layer to create a new layer of skin. It will take a few days for the new fresh later of skin to form below the blister, Even when it bursts, DO NOT REMOVE the skin layer. Allow the upper skin layer to protect the tender tissue and young skin. To help things along, use bacitracin 2 to 3 times a day to safeguard the skin.
  • Be mindful when popping a blister: Yes, you can also pop the blister. I don't like calling it "popping". It's actually "lancing". The key is to do it quickly the moment you see it, but do not use a needle or a sharp point that's too large. If you have access to a micro needle around 32 guage (32g) or 34 gauge (34g), use it. Wipe down or soak the needle with 70% alcohol, and the surround area of lancing. You can use iodine as well. Your call on this. Puncture only a single hole and drain using the sterile cotton ball, cotton pad, fresh toilet tissue paper, until the fluid is fully out of the blister. Don't use too much force, It ony need a light amount of force. Too much force will force the skin separate around the blister's edge to grow bigger. Use bacitracin to keep the blistering skin moist.
  • NO PE!! until the skin heals. Give a few additional days so the skin can fully be toughen through natural processes.
  • When starting up PE again, start slowly like you start your PE journey, be of manual stretching, traction devices, or pump. Start up very slowly.
Since blister is considered as open wound, wash the wound with warm and gentle antibacterial soap, use red light therapy, then use the bacitracin to keep that skin layer moist. No need to bandage the area up unless you want to, especially if it's on the penile shaft or on the circumcised glans.

Hollistic mixes:
You have natural oils you can use:
  • Coconut oil, virgin cold press, no refinement (odorless). It's both antibacterial and antifungal, contains great vitamins and works great with non-open wounds. Perfect for skin restoration for dryness. Since it's virgin and cold press without extreme filtration, there may be micro sediment that can cause a bit of abrasion. You can perform extra filtration using micro meshes or micro filters using porous cotton pads in multi-layers through a cylinder.
  • Castor oil, practically coconut oil.
  • Olive oil just like castor and coconut oil. Avocado oil is something you may think twice.
  • Liquid vitamin E.
But then, there are unique formulation you can combine to have extreme synergistic effects. You can find them everywhere on the open market that blended for your needs, and of course, those blends required specific added chemical and processes that either add too much bad ingredients for long preservation or application processes to prevent seperation (emulsifiers). It's best to make your own version in small batches at a time. It doesn't take long.

Brother @TCDreamer mixes:​
  • Use 1 to 1 ratio for all ingredients. All certified ORGANIC oils when possible: jojoba, coconut, black seed, castor, and rosehip oils. If you have a glass cooking ware, use it to prevent any interaction during heating. If not, use stainless steel but make sure the pot/pan you're using is nice and clean, free of the old residues. Make sure to very slowly and gently heat the mix up to prevent the loss of essential vitamins from denaturing, and prevent the natural oil from burning. Some may argue that the oil already went through partial refinement and the oil lost most of its essential vitamins and beneficial compounds. That's true. But what's left over, we don't want to lose them too. Do know that the organic jojoba is like a butter brick. Do take time with very low heat to melt it slowly. Once everything is melted and mixed well, pour the mixture into a dark glass bottle or jar. NO PLASTIC! Apply the mixture twice daily after a shower and massage accordingly, such as deep tissue (shiatus) style or similar to gentle downward jelq, or even double handed rolling. TCDreamer indicated it’s a life saver for him, and it provides incredibly smooth penile skin as well the dilation properties for PE.
  • DMSO 99% pure can be used to deliver both the organic black seed oil and organic virgin coconut oil directly into your penis. Use a glass container. The mixture is 97% volume of 1-to-1 ratio of black seed and coconut oil, with 3% volume of DMSO. If 5mL of the solution is used, that's 0.15mL (3 drops) of DMSO, 2.43ml (~44 drops) of coconut oil, and 2.24mL (~44 drop) of black seed oil. Remember the certified ORGANIC oils, it's because it's going to be direcly delivered into your lower skin layers. Application of the solution can be done on a sterile cotton ball or glass applicator. Don't use any plastic.
    • When using DMSO, DO NOT wear polyester undies or anything until the solution on the penis is complete dry. Some of the oil residue will remain behind, but do give it at least 30 to 45 minutes to work and then dress accordingly. Better yet, whip off any residual leftover using a warm damp cotton towel.
Brother @Haursen mixes:​
  • Same as brother TCDreamer, he uses aloe vera (100% juice) + DMSO, castor oil + DMSO, black seed + DMSO, shea butter + DMSO, HMB + DMSO, and of course, brother's TCDreamer's mix. It's literally an alpabet soup DMSO. You already know who reinititated the DMSO trend right?
Brothers from all walks of life:​
  • Shea butter. Good for skin protection and restoration from extreme PE routines.
  • Liquid Vit E + DMSO
  • Magnesium oil + DMSO
  • Unfiltered apple cider vinegar + DMSO (you know, I still can figure out the resulting interaction with this one since there's a chemical exchange).
  • PABA + DMSO and PABA TB500 (synthetic) + DMSO (for cellular regeneration and restoration)
  • Potassium iodine + DMSO (skin restoration and upkeep malleability)
  • Ascorbic acid + DMSO (also used for discoloration control)
  • Vit C + DMSO (also use for discoloration control)
  • 30% volume of 100% pure aloe juice + 70% volume DMSO
This is just a short list. Let me pull my old hollistic recipes out from the media server and I'll update this post in a bit.
Great list to start. Looking forward to your updates
Thank you for the mention @oldandlively

You stated: "Same as brother TCDreamer, he uses aloe vera (100% juice) + DMSO, castor oil + DMSO, black seed + DMSO, shea butter + DMSO, HMB + DMSO, and of course, brother's TCDreamer's mix. It's literally an alpabet soup DMSO. You already know who reinititated the DMSO trend right?"

Correction: One can purchase DMSO already combined with aloe vera. This is sold as a creme on Amazon. I haven't used DMSO with HMB.

The current mix I use is organic castor oil combined with organic jojoba oil. I take organic black seed oil internally (very hit or miss on my internal intake of this supplement).
Correction: One can purchase DMSO already combined with aloe vera. This is sold as a creme on Amazon. I haven't used DMSO with HMB.
That's odd. I may be getting old. I thought I saw a post you plan on using DMSO with HMB. Guess that didn't take off the planning phase.

The current mix I use is organic castor oil combined with organic jojoba oil. I take organic black seed oil internally (very hit or miss on my internal intake of this supplement).
By the way, are you using DMSO 3% by volume or 30% by volume based on the mix ratio?
@oldandlively "By the way, are you using DMSO 3% by volume or 30% by volume based on the mix ratio?"

Neither...I use the DMSO that is already in the aloe vera creme. I do have liquid DMSO which I transferred to a glass bottle and I have poured more into the DMSO aloe vera creme thus I did not measure.
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@oldandlively "By the way, are you using DMSO 3% by volume or 30% by volume based on the mix ratio?"

Neither...I use the DMSO that is already in the aloe vera creme. I do have liquid DMSO which I transferred to a glass bottle and I have poured more into the DMSO aloe vera creme thus I did not measure.
Ah, I see. Adding extra DMSO as a leeching agent to the cream combo. Cream commonly has 5% by volume, so you may have boosted to 15%.
All I know is the warming effect increased when applied so definitely a possibility.
That's very smart! Heat is so important to growth. It pre conditions the tissue to become more maleable and easier growth
Most of us will come to a point in the train and face penile issues due to excessive forces, accidental handling, or just plain ignorance or excitement in our PE journeys. Most common issues are abrasion, blister (including bloody one), edema (because of pumping hot spots or just due to bad pressure handling, and in cases where we have open wounds. These are not the worst cases, but they are still bad since they slow our PE progression down. Let's take this on. Let's start with the common not-so-bad issue to the ooo-that's-bad issue.

Dry/frayed skin:
If you're using any traction device and pump, you will know how much tension the skin is placed under. Moisture is being rung out of the skin layers. When you use manual stretches without any lubrication for high traction purposes, the friction will do a crazy number on you. When you pump with high moist air or warm water, your penile oil generated by your skin is as good as gone. You can restore the loss of the natural oil layer that protect your skin by using liquid Vit E, coconut/olive/castor oil known for restoration and antibacterial-anti-fungal properties, or a holistic mix containing quite a bit of good wholesome mixture. That will be at the very end.

But, if you want faster accelleration of healing, use red light therapy with bare washed and dried skin first, then use the oil/hollistic mixes.

There are may levels of edema. It ranges from a slight water retention that looks like a light ballooned skin to a golf ball or whipped size welts. Not a fun thing to look at. There are general fluid retention to blood fluid retention. What worries you more is the bloody ones. Regular edemas will go away in a few hours to a few days, based on how large of the edema, how many layers the fluid built up under, and how bad the internal skin layers (fascias) have ruptured. If you have that many layers ruptured, you will see bloody fluid.

Most edema can also be forced to drain by doing reverse jelqs, where you use an OK grip to hold onto the glans with the foreskin retracted, add a bit of lubrication on the foreskin, squeeze tightly, and jelq from the base of the glans to the base of the penis. Keep repeating for a few minutes. You'll notice the edema reduces in due time.

Another method is to use both of your hands, and just literally choke the living daylight of the penis. Look up at Home choking Bart's neck. Yep. Just squeeze from the base of the glans back to the base of the penis. This forces the fluid to disperse from the skin layers and back into the drainage pathways.

You can continue on with PE after the edema is reduced or completely gone.

It doesn't matter if you use your hands or use a device, rough handling using high friction surface(s) will cause abrasion. It's not about if it can and may happen, it does and will happen. If that's the case, since it's an open wound, you can use bacitracin, antibacterial ointment or oils (castrol, coconut, olive, or hollistic mixes), and a bit of warm heat compress to get the blood rolling into the penis to promote immuno-defense. If you plan on using hollistic mixes, it'll be at the end.

Do not use hydrocortisone on open wounds. Do no bandage tightly, but use loose and airy bandage if you must when using ointment. Don't use water tight false skin or non-breathable bandage. Keep the skin moist when using the ointment and breathable bandage to accellerate your healing. You can use red light therapy first and pair up with the ointment/hollistic mix and bandage to push for even faster healing. It should take around 48 to 72 hours. Longest should be around 96 hours. Of course, if you're having very bad case of abrasion, that's a whole different story. Bandage to keep the penis elongated in promoting blood flow to the penis to cover up ointment or hollistic remedies.

If you want faster accelleration of healing, use red light therapy with bare washed and dried skin first, then use the oil/hollistic mixes.

If the abrasion is light, you can continue on with PE, but do be mindful to go easy until the abrasion is healed.

Open wound:
Essentially, it's one step up to abrasion. Use bacitracin and bandage up. No more PE until you get some healing. This can be a few days up to a week based on the wound you caused. If you use reuseable bandages, make sure to wash one after every 12 hours with warm water and antibacterial soap.

This is where you want faster accelleration of healing, use red light therapy with bare washed and dried skin first, then use ointment to protect your skin with bandage to keep the penis elongated to force blood flow to deliver repair and building blocks to your penis.

This is going to be a controversial topic on many different levels, but this is based on my opinions alone. Others can chime in. Blisters can be as small as a tiny spot the size of a pencil lead's head, or as big as a the entire penile glans. Yep. I saw one that big. Mine was 1/3 the size. That was not fun. What happed? Pumping while being drunk. The stupidiest thing you can do to yourself in a dare during a drinking game.
  • To pop or not to pop, that is the question: First recommendation, DON'T! The skin is protecting your the lower tissues from exposing to the bacterial, viral, and fungal world out there. Allow the body to reabsorb the fluid back into the body and allow a bit of time for the lower layer to create a new layer of skin. It will take a few days for the new fresh later of skin to form below the blister, Even when it bursts, DO NOT REMOVE the skin layer. Allow the upper skin layer to protect the tender tissue and young skin. To help things along, use bacitracin 2 to 3 times a day to safeguard the skin.
  • Be mindful when popping a blister: Yes, you can also pop the blister. I don't like calling it "popping". It's actually "lancing". The key is to do it quickly the moment you see it, but do not use a needle or a sharp point that's too large. If you have access to a micro needle around 32 guage (32g) or 34 gauge (34g), use it. Wipe down or soak the needle with 70% alcohol, and the surround area of lancing. You can use iodine as well. Your call on this. Puncture only a single hole and drain using the sterile cotton ball, cotton pad, fresh toilet tissue paper, until the fluid is fully out of the blister. Don't use too much force, It ony need a light amount of force. Too much force will force the skin separate around the blister's edge to grow bigger. Use bacitracin to keep the blistering skin moist.
  • NO PE!! until the skin heals. Give a few additional days so the skin can fully be toughen through natural processes.
  • When starting up PE again, start slowly like you start your PE journey, be of manual stretching, traction devices, or pump. Start up very slowly.
Since blister is considered as open wound, wash the wound with warm and gentle antibacterial soap, use red light therapy, then use the bacitracin to keep that skin layer moist. No need to bandage the area up unless you want to, especially if it's on the penile shaft or on the circumcised glans.

Hollistic mixes:
You have natural oils you can use:
  • Coconut oil, virgin cold press, no refinement (odorless). It's both antibacterial and antifungal, contains great vitamins and works great with non-open wounds. Perfect for skin restoration for dryness. Since it's virgin and cold press without extreme filtration, there may be micro sediment that can cause a bit of abrasion. You can perform extra filtration using micro meshes or micro filters using porous cotton pads in multi-layers through a cylinder.
  • Castor oil, practically coconut oil.
  • Olive oil just like castor and coconut oil. Avocado oil is something you may think twice.
  • Liquid vitamin E.
But then, there are unique formulation you can combine to have extreme synergistic effects. You can find them everywhere on the open market that blended for your needs, and of course, those blends required specific added chemical and processes that either add too much bad ingredients for long preservation or application processes to prevent seperation (emulsifiers). It's best to make your own version in small batches at a time. It doesn't take long.

Brother @TCDreamer mixes:​
  • Use 1 to 1 ratio for all ingredients. All certified ORGANIC oils when possible: jojoba, coconut, black seed, castor, and rosehip oils. If you have a glass cooking ware, use it to prevent any interaction during heating. If not, use stainless steel but make sure the pot/pan you're using is nice and clean, free of the old residues. Make sure to very slowly and gently heat the mix up to prevent the loss of essential vitamins from denaturing, and prevent the natural oil from burning. Some may argue that the oil already went through partial refinement and the oil lost most of its essential vitamins and beneficial compounds. That's true. But what's left over, we don't want to lose them too. Do know that the organic jojoba is like a butter brick. Do take time with very low heat to melt it slowly. Once everything is melted and mixed well, pour the mixture into a dark glass bottle or jar. NO PLASTIC! Apply the mixture twice daily after a shower and massage accordingly, such as deep tissue (shiatus) style or similar to gentle downward jelq, or even double handed rolling. TCDreamer indicated it’s a life saver for him, and it provides incredibly smooth penile skin as well the dilation properties for PE.
  • DMSO 99% pure can be used to deliver both the organic black seed oil and organic virgin coconut oil directly into your penis. Use a glass container. The mixture is 97% volume of 1-to-1 ratio of black seed and coconut oil, with 3% volume of DMSO. If 5mL of the solution is used, that's 0.15mL (3 drops) of DMSO, 2.43ml (~44 drops) of coconut oil, and 2.24mL (~44 drop) of black seed oil. Remember the certified ORGANIC oils, it's because it's going to be direcly delivered into your lower skin layers. Application of the solution can be done on a sterile cotton ball or glass applicator. Don't use any plastic.
    • When using DMSO, DO NOT wear polyester undies or anything until the solution on the penis is complete dry. Some of the oil residue will remain behind, but do give it at least 30 to 45 minutes to work and then dress accordingly. Better yet, whip off any residual leftover using a warm damp cotton towel.
Brother @Haursen mixes:​
  • Same as brother TCDreamer, he uses aloe vera (100% juice) + DMSO, castor oil + DMSO, black seed + DMSO, shea butter + DMSO, HMB + DMSO, and of course, brother's TCDreamer's mix. It's literally an alpabet soup DMSO. You already know who reinititated the DMSO trend right?
Brothers from all walks of life:​
  • Shea butter. Good for skin protection and restoration from extreme PE routines.
  • Liquid Vit E + DMSO
  • Magnesium oil + DMSO
  • Unfiltered apple cider vinegar + DMSO (you know, I still can figure out the resulting interaction with this one since there's a chemical exchange).
  • PABA + DMSO and PABA TB500 (synthetic) + DMSO (for cellular regeneration and restoration)
  • Potassium iodine + DMSO (skin restoration and upkeep malleability)
  • Ascorbic acid + DMSO (also used for discoloration control)
  • Vit C + DMSO (also use for discoloration control)
  • 30% volume of 100% pure aloe juice + 70% volume DMSO
This is just a short list. I'm updating the recipes and instruction as I can find the recipes in my media servers

Things to understand:
  • Carrier oil: oil used for mixing that can deliver components onto and into your skin. Make sure the oil is cold pressed, virgin (1st extraction only) with minimal heat as possible during the processes. This is to retain the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants without denaturing and damaging the components your cell's needs. Carrier oil is always the bulk of the volume compared to other oils or components. The lowest volume is around 90%, while other components make the remaining 10%. The highest volume is 97%, while the remaining components are 3%. You can mix and match the carrier oil to see which match best without oil-oil and oil-water separation.
  • Emulsifier: it's a component to prevent oil and water from separating, if needed. It also helps to increase shelf life.
  • Preservative: to extend shelf life using natural mixes, but at the same time, it's rarely used.
Before you start gathering the ingredients, make sure to review your history of allergies and see if any compounds in the mix causes skin irritation or health issues. Do a patch test as well. If you're using it on the penis, apply only a cotton swab head size onto the hidden area of the penile skin and use a waterproof bandaid to cover the area for reaction base. 95%, each ingredient doesn't offer any reaction. But when you combine ingredients, unique reaction will occur. Not all oil extraction processes are the same.

Carrier oil combos:
Coconut oil + jojoba
Sweet almond oil + jojoba
Apricot oil + almond oil
Evening primrose oil + rosehip oil
Olive oil + argan oil
Olive oil + rosehip oil
Olive oil + avocado oil
Olive oil + grape seed oil
Olive oil + sunflower oil
Black seed oil + jojoba oil
Black seed oil + shea butter
Jojoba oil + shea butter
Black cumin seed oil + black seed oil

There are so many more combo, but I'll stop here for now. You get the idea. The ones above contain the highest concentration of essential components to keep your skin very healthy the the least amount of reaction.

  • Any combination of the carrier oils, and mix with pure aloe gel. Why aloe gel only 10%? The interaction between fresh aloe jel is fast, and the shelf life of aloe on the kin is mere hours. You need 90% carrier oil to slow down the oxidization process. Best combo is coconut + jojoba + aloe. Second is jojoba + black seed + aloe.
  • There's a unique culture that uses the carrier oils with calendula oil. Make sure the oil is pure and no added alcohol or preservation component. The best combo is rosehip oil + jojoba + calendula. The other is almond oil + rosehip + calendula.
  • The Asian countries like to use either cold concentrated green tea mixed with olive oil + rosehip oil, or ginger extract with coconut oil + black seed oil (do be careful with ginger if you have open wounds or abrasion). The other is lemongrass extract + ginger + coconut oil.
  • Quite a few older generations like to use tea tree oil + ginger + olive oil or avocado oil, or mix of olive + avocado oil. The antioxidants keep the tea tree oil and ginger from oxidizing too fast. Ginger is fresh extraction, while tea tree oil can be used as extracted oil. Careful not to use the one containing too much alcohol.
  • In India, Thailand, and Malaysia, tumeric oil is widely used with black seed oil + jojoba oil, or to be cheaper, coconut oil + olive oil.
  • Those in the Europe region tends to use chamoile + rosehip oil + avocado oil more than the others mentioned.
  • There are more reports coming in that sage oil + rosehip + jojoba (for thickness) are used for even open wounds for faster healing. However, common sense dictates that trapping bacteria with thick oil can hurt you more than harm you. Best to use liquid vitamin E + sage oil in a warm application of 1:1 ratio for best results.
Appreciated this, especially the edema info like reverse jelqs and the choke..
Pumping when drunk you idiot lol, I have done this too but lucky avoided the blister lol.
Thanks I always appreciate your knowledge and advice 😊
Most of us will come to a point in the train and face penile issues due to excessive forces, accidental handling, or just plain ignorance or excitement in our PE journeys. Most common issues are abrasion, blister (including bloody one), edema (because of pumping hot spots or just due to bad pressure handling, and in cases where we have open wounds. These are not the worst cases, but they are still bad since they slow our PE progression down. Let's take this on. Let's start with the common not-so-bad issue to the ooo-that's-bad issue.

Dry/frayed skin:
If you're using any traction device and pump, you will know how much tension the skin is placed under. Moisture is being rung out of the skin layers. When you use manual stretches without any lubrication for high traction purposes, the friction will do a crazy number on you. When you pump with high moist air or warm water, your penile oil generated by your skin is as good as gone. You can restore the loss of the natural oil layer that protect your skin by using liquid Vit E, coconut/olive/castor oil known for restoration and antibacterial-anti-fungal properties, or a holistic mix containing quite a bit of good wholesome mixture. That will be at the very end.

But, if you want faster accelleration of healing, use red light therapy with bare washed and dried skin first, then use the oil/hollistic mixes.

There are may levels of edema. It ranges from a slight water retention that looks like a light ballooned skin to a golf ball or whipped size welts. Not a fun thing to look at. There are general fluid retention to blood fluid retention. What worries you more is the bloody ones. Regular edemas will go away in a few hours to a few days, based on how large of the edema, how many layers the fluid built up under, and how bad the internal skin layers (fascias) have ruptured. If you have that many layers ruptured, you will see bloody fluid.

Most edema can also be forced to drain by doing reverse jelqs, where you use an OK grip to hold onto the glans with the foreskin retracted, add a bit of lubrication on the foreskin, squeeze tightly, and jelq from the base of the glans to the base of the penis. Keep repeating for a few minutes. You'll notice the edema reduces in due time.

Another method is to use both of your hands, and just literally choke the living daylight of the penis. Look up at Home choking Bart's neck. Yep. Just squeeze from the base of the glans back to the base of the penis. This forces the fluid to disperse from the skin layers and back into the drainage pathways.

You can continue on with PE after the edema is reduced or completely gone.

It doesn't matter if you use your hands or use a device, rough handling using high friction surface(s) will cause abrasion. It's not about if it can and may happen, it does and will happen. If that's the case, since it's an open wound, you can use bacitracin, antibacterial ointment or oils (castrol, coconut, olive, or hollistic mixes), and a bit of warm heat compress to get the blood rolling into the penis to promote immuno-defense. If you plan on using hollistic mixes, it'll be at the end.

Do not use hydrocortisone on open wounds. Do no bandage tightly, but use loose and airy bandage if you must when using ointment. Don't use water tight false skin or non-breathable bandage. Keep the skin moist when using the ointment and breathable bandage to accellerate your healing. You can use red light therapy first and pair up with the ointment/hollistic mix and bandage to push for even faster healing. It should take around 48 to 72 hours. Longest should be around 96 hours. Of course, if you're having very bad case of abrasion, that's a whole different story. Bandage to keep the penis elongated in promoting blood flow to the penis to cover up ointment or hollistic remedies.

If you want faster accelleration of healing, use red light therapy with bare washed and dried skin first, then use the oil/hollistic mixes.

If the abrasion is light, you can continue on with PE, but do be mindful to go easy until the abrasion is healed.

Open wound:
Essentially, it's one step up to abrasion. Use bacitracin and bandage up. No more PE until you get some healing. This can be a few days up to a week based on the wound you caused. If you use reuseable bandages, make sure to wash one after every 12 hours with warm water and antibacterial soap.

This is where you want faster accelleration of healing, use red light therapy with bare washed and dried skin first, then use ointment to protect your skin with bandage to keep the penis elongated to force blood flow to deliver repair and building blocks to your penis.

This is going to be a controversial topic on many different levels, but this is based on my opinions alone. Others can chime in. Blisters can be as small as a tiny spot the size of a pencil lead's head, or as big as a the entire penile glans. Yep. I saw one that big. Mine was 1/3 the size. That was not fun. What happed? Pumping while being drunk. The stupidiest thing you can do to yourself in a dare during a drinking game.
  • To pop or not to pop, that is the question: First recommendation, DON'T! The skin is protecting your the lower tissues from exposing to the bacterial, viral, and fungal world out there. Allow the body to reabsorb the fluid back into the body and allow a bit of time for the lower layer to create a new layer of skin. It will take a few days for the new fresh later of skin to form below the blister, Even when it bursts, DO NOT REMOVE the skin layer. Allow the upper skin layer to protect the tender tissue and young skin. To help things along, use bacitracin 2 to 3 times a day to safeguard the skin.
  • Be mindful when popping a blister: Yes, you can also pop the blister. I don't like calling it "popping". It's actually "lancing". The key is to do it quickly the moment you see it, but do not use a needle or a sharp point that's too large. If you have access to a micro needle around 32 guage (32g) or 34 gauge (34g), use it. Wipe down or soak the needle with 70% alcohol, and the surround area of lancing. You can use iodine as well. Your call on this. Puncture only a single hole and drain using the sterile cotton ball, cotton pad, fresh toilet tissue paper, until the fluid is fully out of the blister. Don't use too much force, It ony need a light amount of force. Too much force will force the skin separate around the blister's edge to grow bigger. Use bacitracin to keep the blistering skin moist.
  • NO PE!! until the skin heals. Give a few additional days so the skin can fully be toughen through natural processes.
  • When starting up PE again, start slowly like you start your PE journey, be of manual stretching, traction devices, or pump. Start up very slowly.
Since blister is considered as open wound, wash the wound with warm and gentle antibacterial soap, use red light therapy, then use the bacitracin to keep that skin layer moist. No need to bandage the area up unless you want to, especially if it's on the penile shaft or on the circumcised glans.

Hollistic mixes:
You have natural oils you can use:
  • Coconut oil, virgin cold press, no refinement (odorless). It's both antibacterial and antifungal, contains great vitamins and works great with non-open wounds. Perfect for skin restoration for dryness. Since it's virgin and cold press without extreme filtration, there may be micro sediment that can cause a bit of abrasion. You can perform extra filtration using micro meshes or micro filters using porous cotton pads in multi-layers through a cylinder.
  • Castor oil, practically coconut oil.
  • Olive oil just like castor and coconut oil. Avocado oil is something you may think twice.
  • Liquid vitamin E.
But then, there are unique formulation you can combine to have extreme synergistic effects. You can find them everywhere on the open market that blended for your needs, and of course, those blends required specific added chemical and processes that either add too much bad ingredients for long preservation or application processes to prevent seperation (emulsifiers). It's best to make your own version in small batches at a time. It doesn't take long.

Brother @TCDreamer mixes:​
  • Use 1 to 1 ratio for all ingredients. All certified ORGANIC oils when possible: jojoba, coconut, black seed, castor, and rosehip oils. If you have a glass cooking ware, use it to prevent any interaction during heating. If not, use stainless steel but make sure the pot/pan you're using is nice and clean, free of the old residues. Make sure to very slowly and gently heat the mix up to prevent the loss of essential vitamins from denaturing, and prevent the natural oil from burning. Some may argue that the oil already went through partial refinement and the oil lost most of its essential vitamins and beneficial compounds. That's true. But what's left over, we don't want to lose them too. Do know that the organic jojoba is like a butter brick. Do take time with very low heat to melt it slowly. Once everything is melted and mixed well, pour the mixture into a dark glass bottle or jar. NO PLASTIC! Apply the mixture twice daily after a shower and massage accordingly, such as deep tissue (shiatus) style or similar to gentle downward jelq, or even double handed rolling. TCDreamer indicated it’s a life saver for him, and it provides incredibly smooth penile skin as well the dilation properties for PE.
  • DMSO 99% pure can be used to deliver both the organic black seed oil and organic virgin coconut oil directly into your penis. Use a glass container. The mixture is 97% volume of 1-to-1 ratio of black seed and coconut oil, with 3% volume of DMSO. If 5mL of the solution is used, that's 0.15mL (3 drops) of DMSO, 2.43ml (~44 drops) of coconut oil, and 2.24mL (~44 drop) of black seed oil. Remember the certified ORGANIC oils, it's because it's going to be direcly delivered into your lower skin layers. Application of the solution can be done on a sterile cotton ball or glass applicator. Don't use any plastic.
    • When using DMSO, DO NOT wear polyester undies or anything until the solution on the penis is complete dry. Some of the oil residue will remain behind, but do give it at least 30 to 45 minutes to work and then dress accordingly. Better yet, whip off any residual leftover using a warm damp cotton towel.
Brother @Haursen mixes:​
  • Same as brother TCDreamer, he uses aloe vera (100% juice) + DMSO, castor oil + DMSO, black seed + DMSO, shea butter + DMSO, HMB + DMSO, and of course, brother's TCDreamer's mix. It's literally an alpabet soup DMSO. You already know who reinititated the DMSO trend right?
Brothers from all walks of life:​
  • Shea butter. Good for skin protection and restoration from extreme PE routines.
  • Liquid Vit E + DMSO
  • Magnesium oil + DMSO
  • Unfiltered apple cider vinegar + DMSO (you know, I still can figure out the resulting interaction with this one since there's a chemical exchange).
  • PABA + DMSO and PABA TB500 (synthetic) + DMSO (for cellular regeneration and restoration)
  • Potassium iodine + DMSO (skin restoration and upkeep malleability)
  • Ascorbic acid + DMSO (also used for discoloration control)
  • Vit C + DMSO (also use for discoloration control)
  • 30% volume of 100% pure aloe juice + 70% volume DMSO
This is just a short list. I'm updating the recipes and instruction as I can find the recipes in my media servers

Things to understand:
  • Carrier oil: oil used for mixing that can deliver components onto and into your skin. Make sure the oil is cold pressed, virgin (1st extraction only) with minimal heat as possible during the processes. This is to retain the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants without denaturing and damaging the components your cell's needs. Carrier oil is always the bulk of the volume compared to other oils or components. The lowest volume is around 90%, while other components make the remaining 10%. The highest volume is 97%, while the remaining components are 3%. You can mix and match the carrier oil to see which match best without oil-oil and oil-water separation.
  • Emulsifier: it's a component to prevent oil and water from separating, if needed. It also helps to increase shelf life.
  • Preservative: to extend shelf life using natural mixes, but at the same time, it's rarely used.
Before you start gathering the ingredients, make sure to review your history of allergies and see if any compounds in the mix causes skin irritation or health issues. Do a patch test as well. If you're using it on the penis, apply only a cotton swab head size onto the hidden area of the penile skin and use a waterproof bandaid to cover the area for reaction base. 95%, each ingredient doesn't offer any reaction. But when you combine ingredients, unique reaction will occur. Not all oil extraction processes are the same.

Carrier oil combos:
Coconut oil + jojoba
Sweet almond oil + jojoba
Apricot oil + almond oil
Evening primrose oil + rosehip oil
Olive oil + argan oil
Olive oil + rosehip oil
Olive oil + avocado oil
Olive oil + grape seed oil
Olive oil + sunflower oil
Black seed oil + jojoba oil
Black seed oil + shea butter
Jojoba oil + shea butter
Black cumin seed oil + black seed oil

There are so many more combo, but I'll stop here for now. You get the idea. The ones above contain the highest concentration of essential components to keep your skin very healthy the the least amount of reaction.

  • Any combination of the carrier oils, and mix with pure aloe gel. Why aloe gel only 10%? The interaction between fresh aloe jel is fast, and the shelf life of aloe on the kin is mere hours. You need 90% carrier oil to slow down the oxidization process. Best combo is coconut + jojoba + aloe. Second is jojoba + black seed + aloe.
  • There's a unique culture that uses the carrier oils with calendula oil. Make sure the oil is pure and no added alcohol or preservation component. The best combo is rosehip oil + jojoba + calendula. The other is almond oil + rosehip + calendula.
  • The Asian countries like to use either cold concentrated green tea mixed with olive oil + rosehip oil, or ginger extract with coconut oil + black seed oil (do be careful with ginger if you have open wounds or abrasion). The other is lemongrass extract + ginger + coconut oil.
  • Quite a few older generations like to use tea tree oil + ginger + olive oil or avocado oil, or mix of olive + avocado oil. The antioxidants keep the tea tree oil and ginger from oxidizing too fast. Ginger is fresh extraction, while tea tree oil can be used as extracted oil. Careful not to use the one containing too much alcohol.
  • In India, Thailand, and Malaysia, tumeric oil is widely used with black seed oil + jojoba oil, or to be cheaper, coconut oil + olive oil.
  • Those in the Europe region tends to use chamoile + rosehip oil + avocado oil more than the others mentioned.
  • There are more reports coming in that sage oil + rosehip + jojoba (for thickness) are used for even open wounds for faster healing. However, common sense dictates that trapping bacteria with thick oil can hurt you more than harm you. Best to use liquid vitamin E + sage oil in a warm application of 1:1 ratio for best results.
In your opinion would water pumping with Luke warm water instead of hot water reduce the edema lymphatic system response?
I heard someone else say this and just thought I’d ask yourself as I really trust your opinion.
Thank you!

Also I think I have some very minor scar tissue Peyronie's disease, is there another Manuel girth exercise I can do instead of the ssj when I do my 5x5x3? I know ssj are effective but very intense maybe, something a bit lighter and safer so I don’t case more scar tissue.
Thank you 🙏
Stick with 5x5x3 you can cut routine by going with something like a 3x3x3 or a 2x2x2.
In your opinion would water pumping with Luke warm water instead of hot water reduce the edema lymphatic system response?
It does increase lymphatic responses. Edema is a whole different beast. Edema is due to fluid being forced into the tissues by either negative pressure, or through forcing the fluid from the lymphatic drainage back into the tissues. This is why C-jelqs and SSJ is important to collect the fluid into one location and direct the built up fluid pressure to the drainage points. Reverse jelq or choke squeeze to induce additional assistance to the drainage.

I heard someone else say this and just thought I’d ask yourself as I really trust your opinion.
Thank you!
Always ask for second and third opinions to verify. Everyone can provide suggestions, but facts are facts.

Also I think I have some very minor scar tissue Peyronie's disease, is there another Manuel girth exercise I can do instead of the ssj when I do my 5x5x3? I know ssj are effective but very intense maybe, something a bit lighter and safer so I don’t case more scar tissue.
Thank you 🙏
Breaking down scarring tissues requires stressing the scar tissues through force follows by stressing the tissues to prep them for repair and regrowth, and isolate the tissues in a straight line under tension so it can take the full benefit. So, 5x5x3 is one of the three. You may, and this is my suggestion only, is an extender to be worn for 4 to 6 hours just to keep the tissues straight during healing phases.
How long does edema last? I rested for about a week and the next pump it came back. At least that's what I believe it is. It's a swollen are that bulges out the shaft right behind the glan.
How long does edema last? I rested for about a week and the next pump it came back. At least that's what I believe it is. It's a swollen are that bulges out the shaft right behind the glan.
That is normal. I would not take a break from it. If you want to disperse the swelling you can do penile massage while flaccid
How long does edema last? I rested for about a week and the next pump it came back. At least that's what I believe it is. It's a swollen are that bulges out the shaft right behind the glan.
Edema is a common issue during pumping, but, it happens much more often during too high of a pressure, going too fast, and definitely, for too long. If edema occurs, reevaluate what you've done.

Mind provides us your routine so we can break things down to the possible issues?
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Reactions: DLD
I use the beard oil my woman makes for me after my sessions to prevent dryness and promote healing. It has jojoba oil, argan oil, tea tree oil, rose oil and some other stuff I can't think of at the moment.

Smells and fees great.
I use the beard oil my woman makes for me after my sessions to prevent dryness and promote healing. It has jojoba oil, argan oil, tea tree oil, rose oil and some other stuff I can't think of at the moment.

Smells and fees great.
Funny how to you mentioned the 3 ingredients of the 4. My son was asking for the same thing for his hair care last night. 1 liter of each aways on stand by.
Funny how to you mentioned the 3 ingredients of the 4. My son was asking for the same thing for his hair care last night. 1 liter of each aways on stand by.
She knows a lot about essential oils. My beard used to get really irritated and in the winter before she started making my beard oil. I can't live without it, now.
Edema is a common issue during pumping, but, it happens much more often during too high of a pressure, going too fast, and definitely, for too long. If edema occurs, reevaluate what you've done.

Mind provides us your routine so we can break things down to the possible issues?
So I have been still doing the routine you told me on my other thread but changed the pressure some. I can set a full 5 minute at 10 with no discomfort so I have been doing

3 Minutes 5 hg
2 minutes 10 hg
SSJ for 5 minutes
5 minutes at 10
3 minutes 10
2 minutes 7
Cortisone and C ring for usually an hour sometimes more after.
So I have been still doing the routine you told me on my other thread but changed the pressure some. I can set a full 5 minute at 10 with no discomfort so I have been doing

3 Minutes 5 hg
2 minutes 10 hg
SSJ for 5 minutes
5 minutes at 10
3 minutes 10
2 minutes 7
Cortisone and C ring for usually an hour sometimes more after.
Let's create a quick adjustment to observe. The 2 minutes at 10inHg may be the cause. Let's do a dynamic pressuring to see if it works.

2 min at 5inHg
1 min at 8inHg
2 min at 6inHg
SSJ for 7 mins to increase internal size

1 min at 5inHg
1 min at 7inHg
1 min at 10inHg (this creates a dynamic pressure expansion without pushing at edema zone)
1 min at 7inHg
1 min at 10inHg
SSJ up 10 mins (around 7 min mark is good as well) to maintain internal size and remove excess fluid build up.

1 min at 6inHg
1 min at 7inHg
1 min at 8inHg (this creates a dynamic pressure expansion without pushing at edema zone)
1 min at 7inHg
1 min at 6inHg (cool down pressurizing)
SSJ up 10 mins (around 6 min mark is good as well) remove excess fluid build up.

Report back on this after 2 sessions. We'll come up with additional methods of approach. By the way, why not create a Progress and Routine log page for yourself so we can keep all this info together?.
Let's create a quick adjustment to observe. The 2 minutes at 10inHg may be the cause. Let's do a dynamic pressuring to see if it works.

2 min at 5inHg
1 min at 8inHg
2 min at 6inHg
SSJ for 7 mins to increase internal size

1 min at 5inHg
1 min at 7inHg
1 min at 10inHg (this creates a dynamic pressure expansion without pushing at edema zone)
1 min at 7inHg
1 min at 10inHg
SSJ up 10 mins (around 7 min mark is good as well) to maintain internal size and remove excess fluid build up.

1 min at 6inHg
1 min at 7inHg
1 min at 8inHg (this creates a dynamic pressure expansion without pushing at edema zone)
1 min at 7inHg
1 min at 6inHg (cool down pressurizing)
SSJ up 10 mins (around 6 min mark is good as well) remove excess fluid build up.

Report back on this after 2 sessions. We'll come up with additional methods of approach. By the way, why not create a Progress and Routine log page for yourself so we can keep all this info together?.
Sounds like a great routine!
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
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    Hi. Good to be here.
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    Which forum? How do I get there?
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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