Yet the only imprisonment I see here is the captives of intelectualism and those who follow along with the thought of religion as control... My point is that if you remove all of man's ideas and thoughts from the different doctirnes on Christianity you would most undeniably have a more clear picture of what I am discussing. What I am trying to show is that Christ did not set up a religion, He did not say do this and this and this and then you can enter into my father's kingdom... "I am the way the truth and the life, no one cometh to the father but by me", "If you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that I am Lord then you shall be saved".... Where is the religious practices... the rituals, the saints, and all other things that we elevate to importance above a relationship with Christ...
From a historical point of view it is noted that Luke was a historian of the first degree and is accepted as such in the academic world... He states very clearly that to write about Christ's entire life would fill volumes... At the same time there was not an importance, according to Jewish standards of biography, placed on writing about a person's entire life, but what they did most significantly... While at the same time the original texts of Greek and Hebrew can be read and translated, somewhere around 25,000 complete copies and over 100,000 total (fragments of texts and complete texts)... The Dead Sea Scrolls do not uphold anything that one would say demonstrates Christ as a falicy... More than anything the Scrolls support the prophecies about Christ and his coming... Josephus the first century historian writes of the Saducees, Pharisees, and the Essenes, while he also wrote about John the Baptist and mentions his contact with a Man named Jesus who is believed to be the Christ... So from this the conclusion can be made that Judaism and first century Christianity share a common thread is not at all surprising... Christ was a Jewish carpenter... During this time Judaic practices in the temples were upheld and the laws were kept... Yet Christ came to abolish the Law and speaks to such things in depth throughout the Gospels...
There are many cults/sects that date back to Joshua if not before... The worship of Baal has gone on for centuires, and it did not end with Christ's death... In fact such worship is mentioned in revelations and also mentioned by Christ throughtout the Gospels... Wroship of money,<a onMouseOver="window.status='' ; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status='';" oncontextmenu="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="location.href='';return false;" href="" TITLE="More Info..."> love </a>of oneself, idolatry of any kind would fall into Baal worship... so yes there are other practices that go on, and indeed predate Christianity but this does not change the reality of Christ's death on the cross nor discredit it in any form... I have searched for the information that you are talking about specifically finding information about the Great Pyramid and the stories scrolled onto the walls... Yet this structure is written about in Isiah 19:19, and again is actually written about in egypts history that a shepherd had close contact during a 30 year period when the great pyramid was built, and also during this period the temples of the gods were shutdown... It must be noted that this is written in scripture as well as having outside verification...
I would like to ask why is it so offensive for a group of people to stand up for what they believe, and actually attempt to reach people... The attacks that I've read in this thread in regards to this group are absolutely the reason why they should continue in their persuit... If you believe that these groups should be stopped then what about the groups who seek to end hunger, or to help those in need... why should we allow the anti-war groups to dominate, or the homosexual community to dominate the land scape and gain control... Don't you see the hypocrisy of your own statements??? If you remove one, you must remove the other... neither would have a place if it weren't for the attempts at balance... Funny story... The ACLU said it was illegal to have a pro-life sticker on your license plate, that you had to represent both sides of the arguement... Yet if you were to do such a thing you would have no position at all... There would be no use for a sticker... How can we let an organization as hypocritical as the ACLU determine what is and what is not a violation of our civil liberties... HOW??? If you chose to point fingers please point them where they should go... Stand for what you believe and don't simply be led to the slaughter, that's ultimately what they are working towards, is for everyone and no one to be equal... these are the groups that should be eleminated... opposing views always create a balance, because there's always someone to oppose the other...