Newbie with questions


New member
Hi guys. I'm new here. A little about me. I'm 39yo, avg build, non smoker. I've been dealing with general/health anxiety for about 5 years now. I've also struggled with ED on and off for the last few years. I believe the ED is from my anxiety as sometimes I can get super hard, but can lose it fast if my mind gets in the way. Last year my wife basically told me she wished I was bigger as she couldn't feel me as much anymore. I think part of that is her having 2 kids and my anxiety makes it not as hard sometimes. Anyways, I'm trying to increase my girth. I am currently 6.5" pressed to my bone and 5" around in the middle of my shaft when erect. I bought a couple different pumps last fall and have tried them on and off. I actually feel like they've weakened my erections some so I've been scared to keep using them. My wife bought me some rings which felt like they worked at least during sex. What is the best and safest way to increase my girth permanently? Or are my tools the right ones but I'm using them wrong? Thanks for any help.
Hi guys. I'm new here. A little about me. I'm 39yo, avg build, non smoker. I've been dealing with general/health anxiety for about 5 years now. I've also struggled with ED on and off for the last few years. I believe the ED is from my anxiety as sometimes I can get super hard, but can lose it fast if my mind gets in the way. Last year my wife basically told me she wished I was bigger as she couldn't feel me as much anymore. I think part of that is her having 2 kids and my anxiety makes it not as hard sometimes. Anyways, I'm trying to increase my girth. I am currently 6.5" pressed to my bone and 5" around in the middle of my shaft when erect. I bought a couple different pumps last fall and have tried them on and off. I actually feel like they've weakened my erections some so I've been scared to keep using them. My wife bought me some rings which felt like they worked at least during sex. What is the best and safest way to increase my girth permanently? Or are my tools the right ones but I'm using them wrong? Thanks for any help.
Girth Program: 5x5x3
5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq (video below)
5 Minutes in the Bathmate or MityVac at full intensity

5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq (video below)
5 Minutes in the Bathmate or MityVac at full intensity

5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq (video below)
5 Minutes in the Bathmate or MityVac at full intensity

Attach SilliRing to retain girth
Thanks SIM. I did see that while browsing last night. A couple questions. Are my dimensions solid to start with? I mentally feel small especially in my girth. Is getting to 6" in girth a realistic goal? Also what can I do to try and get and keep a better erection to do the 5x5x3? I seem to lose mine really quick which would make this technique hard to do. I tried the pumps but I wasn't sure if those were causing my weak feeling erections or if it is all mental.
Thanks SIM. I did see that while browsing last night. A couple questions. Are my dimensions solid to start with? I mentally feel small especially in my girth. Is getting to 6" in girth a realistic goal? Also what can I do to try and get and keep a better erection to do the 5x5x3? I seem to lose mine really quick which would make this technique hard to do. I tried the pumps but I wasn't sure if those were causing my weak feeling erections or if it is all mental.
I don't know. Maybe take KSM-66, I believe that give us men a boost, that works for me. I like to watch naked women masturbate...that drive my erection up.

Hard girth work can make your erections less powerful (going hare multiple days in the row). Then just take 1-2 days rest and continue. Strategic planned rest are as important as active penis enlargement. Without any rest it's hard to grow. But there needs to be a balance.

What kind of pumps did you buy?

But one thing you must realize is that you will always feel small, if you do not fix the underlying "problems". You must find a way to feel enough as you are.

Last year my wife basically told me she wished I was bigger as she couldn't feel me as much anymore.
Maybe this are messing with you mentally.

Do not believe in realistic goals. If you want it you will get it.
Thanks again for all the info. First pump I bought was the Tracey cox edge automatic with no pressure gauge. Then I bought the leluv manual pump with a gauge on it. The auto one has a more comfortable silicone base on it that does a better job of keeping my nuts from getting sucked up, but I like knowing what my pressure is too. What is the right hg to be going up to?

Yes what my wife said to me has been a boner killer. We've been working on that part so it's been slowly better. Part of my other problem was thinking I was doing damage to my penis by pumping and making my erections worse. I have noticed though that when I take a break the firmness comes back. So that is normal for it to be less hard after using the pump?
I guess I'm not sure what going hard is. Was using it for about 10-15 min per day for a while. Had it pumped up pretty high, just before it would be uncomfortable. Maybe I would miss a day or 2. I still think the mental part has the most effect.
I guess I'm not sure what going hard is. Was using it for about 10-15 min per day for a while. Had it pumped up pretty high, just before it would be uncomfortable. Maybe I would miss a day or 2. I still think the mental part has the most effect.
But were you using the SRT program is program to do this work? SRT Needs to be implemented in one way or another.Even if you have to reduce the amount of work the exercises themselves will bring you to any size you desire
But were you using the SRT program is program to do this work? SRT Needs to be implemented in one way or another.Even if you have to reduce the amount of work the exercises themselves will bring you to any size you desire
What is the SRT program? Is there a link?
I was not following any program. That is why I came here to see if what I have been doing is incorrect and to learn better ways.
I was not following any program. That is why I came here to see if what I have been doing is incorrect and to learn better ways.
I hope you understand and love the program.I posted because it's just the most powerful way to get to where you want to go.There's nothing faster
I’m still pretty new to this too. It’s a deep rabbit hole, so take your time and try no to get overwhelmed. From what I can tell 6.5x5 is above average, so head up and chest out!
Unsolicited Advice:
-the 5x5x3 referenced above is the way to go for girth. Again it take a little time to get used to the process/dynamic of getting in/out of the pump and finding your SSJ technique.
-the MOS store sells a replacement base for the pumps that worked great for me in preventing my sack from getting sucked up. Love it, changed my attitude towards pumping.
-maybe try a duro ring to hold the erection, that’s what I do. Not sure if others would think this is a good idea. Works really great for me.
- I also cut a silisleeve (about an inch and a quarter) and use to strap my balls into place, like a more comfortable ring for the scrotum.
-I needed to read SRT multiple times over the course of a few months for it to completely sink in. Like I said there is a lot to consider.
-How would your wife feel if you insinuated that her vag isn’t as tight as it used to be?

Good luck DD85.
I’m still pretty new to this too. It’s a deep rabbit hole, so take your time and try no to get overwhelmed. From what I can tell 6.5x5 is above average, so head up and chest out!
Unsolicited Advice:
-the 5x5x3 referenced above is the way to go for girth. Again it take a little time to get used to the process/dynamic of getting in/out of the pump and finding your SSJ technique.
-the MOS store sells a replacement base for the pumps that worked great for me in preventing my sack from getting sucked up. Love it, changed my attitude towards pumping.
-maybe try a duro ring to hold the erection, that’s what I do. Not sure if others would think this is a good idea. Works really great for me.
- I also cut a silisleeve (about an inch and a quarter) and use to strap my balls into place, like a more comfortable ring for the scrotum.
-I needed to read SRT multiple times over the course of a few months for it to completely sink in. Like I said there is a lot to consider.
-How would your wife feel if you insinuated that her vag isn’t as tight as it used to be?

Good luck DD85.
One more thing. Start doing a kegels regimen. This will help everything and very well could be a source of any issues you may be having.
Thanks a lot 7o9. My wife and I have talked about all of these issues. I did mention to her kindly that she didn't feel the same either. I will check out the other tools as well.

In regards to kegel, I saw something about doing reverse kegels. I think that might actually be what I need as I sit all day for my job and I am usually tensed up from my anxiety.
Hi @DD85

Welcome to the forums.

Thank you for sharing what your current challenges are.

I would like to ask what is your food consumption like, water intake, and how are you sleeping?

Are you currently taking any supplements and if you are what are those?

In addition, when you and your wife have intimacy is it in the morning or in the evenings or afternoons and do you feel rushed?
Hi Haursen.

My food is a mix of everything. We try to buy all organic food. I eat oatmeal with berries every morning, sometimes a small salad for lunch, and dinner can be anything. We mostly cook our own and don't go out much. I try to stay away from processed food as much as possible.

Water is almost all I drink all day. 2 to 3 glasses in the morning, I bring 2 large bottles to work and 2-3 glasses in the evening.

I have bad allergies that have been made worse by my anxiety. My new allergist has me on a multivitamin from seeking health. I take 10000iu of d3 and k2 each morning. I also am taking a methylated folate.

I am on a daily dose of xyzal (antihistamine) for my allergies. I do know this makes my anxiety worse and contributes to some of my erection/ pelvic floor issues.

Sleep is OK, sometimes my anxiety will keep me awake.

Our intimate time is almost always in the evening as we both get up early for work and have 2 younger kids at home. Yes sometimes I feel rushed.
Hi Haursen.

My food is a mix of everything. We try to buy all organic food. I eat oatmeal with berries every morning, sometimes a small salad for lunch, and dinner can be anything. We mostly cook our own and don't go out much. I try to stay away from processed food as much as possible.

Water is almost all I drink all day. 2 to 3 glasses in the morning, I bring 2 large bottles to work and 2-3 glasses in the evening.

I have bad allergies that have been made worse by my anxiety. My new allergist has me on a multivitamin from seeking health. I take 10000iu of d3 and k2 each morning. I also am taking a methylated folate.

I am on a daily dose of xyzal (antihistamine) for my allergies. I do know this makes my anxiety worse and contributes to some of my erection/ pelvic floor issues.

Sleep is OK, sometimes my anxiety will keep me awake.

Our intimate time is almost always in the evening as we both get up early for work and have 2 younger kids at home. Yes sometimes I feel rushed.
I think you should use the pumps that you are using regularly and consistently regardless of erection level. The pump will allow angiogenesis to take place, more blood will be able to enter your penis and your erections will improve with time.
And with even more time you will see an increase in penis girth.

I hope your intimate life with your wife improves from PE and I hope you get the results you want.
I think you should use the pumps that you are using regularly and consistently regardless of erection level. The pump will allow angiogenesis to take place, more blood will be able to enter your penis and your erections will improve with time.
And with even more time you will see an increase in penis girth.

I hope your intimate life with your wife improves from PE and I hope you get the results you want.
Thanks colossaltitan. I am using them again tonight along with a ring to keep the size up for a while. I appreciate your feedback.
Thanks a lot 7o9. My wife and I have talked about all of these issues. I did mention to her kindly that she didn't feel the same either. I will check out the other tools as well.

In regards to kegel, I saw something about doing reverse kegels. I think that might actually be what I need as I sit all day for my job and I am usually tensed up from my anxiety.
I’m going to stick to the recommendation of Kegels as a priority. Not to beat it down your throat, but I think the forum might find a longer explanation interesting.

I may be new to P.E., but prior life experience has given me a really good understanding of the relationship between the general core/pelvis/lower back (and sacrum)(muscles and bone movement). Sitting all day will lead to something called Lower Cross Syndrome. This will sound familiar to anyone who sits at a desk. Tight lower back, hamstrings and hip flexors accompanied by weaker abs and glute muscles.

You end up spending a lot of time in a position of anterior pelvic tilt (APT). An increased arch in the lumbar area, hip bones shifted back (posterior) and down and the sacrum shifts back and up (think wedgie). The pelvic floor is going to be weak here too. In a way you are spending the day in a state of reverse kegel. As far as P.E. is concerned, it’s a great tool for relaxing and stretching while doing length work.

Try a simple test. Do a reverse kegel and pay close attention to the muscle groups mentioned above. You should notice, depending on your muscle control, a stretching of the abs and glutes as well as the tendency to increase the arch in the lower back and a slight tension in the hams and hip flexors. That’s APT. Doing a regular kegel should elicit the opposite reaction. Tension in the abs and glutes, as well as the urge to flatten the lower back. The sacrum shifts down and forward (think front wedgie). This is Posterior Pelvic Tilt (PPT).

Most of us fight weak abs, glutes and pelvic floor muscles, as well as tight lower backs, hamstrings and hip flexors and it causes havoc down there. It’s surprising anyone can get a boner after sitting at a desk for 20 years. Strengthen what needs to be strengthened and stretch what needs to be stretched. Do your kegels!

As a side note, APT and PPT are in relation to a neutral position which is of course preferable when in a bilateral position. Squatting, standing, etc… The trick is to be able to move form APT to PPT and vis verse in a smooth and comfortable manner.
I guess I'm not sure what going hard is. Was using it for about 10-15 min per day for a while. Had it pumped up pretty high, just before it would be uncomfortable. Maybe I would miss a day or 2. I still think the mental part has the most effect.
SRT implementation are essential for fast growth, and to get rid of any plateaus.
Good Morning @DD85,

Thank you for sharing.

Here are suggestions that may help you. Please bear in mind the importance of the word "bio-individuality" which means that God has created us all unique so what works for one person may not work for you. This is your journey so mileage may vary.

  1. For anxiety, have you considered mastering breathing techniques? I would recommend Dr. Andrew Hubermann's Psychological Sigh. Here is the WHY and here is the HOW.
  2. I had struggled with erections being in my 50's. The pumping helped tremendously to increase my erections. I also use supplements to target circulation like NOW Foods hawthorn. Since you are sitting all day (I can relate because I work as a truck driver), you can take nattokinase which can break up blood clots. In addition, I take borax with magnesium. Borax is a fairly amazing substance.
  3. Speaking of sitting, did you know sitting is as bad as smoking? You can set a loop timer on your phone to go off every 16m 40 s and get up to stretch or walk around.
Regarding your wife, what is she doing to improve her sexual health? She stated she doesn't feel anything...this makes me think of pelvic floor issues possibility. Dr. Bri is an expert on pelvic floor and she may find value from her YouTube channel.

Lastly, I HIGHLY recommend reading or listening to the audiobook "Come As You Are" by Emily Nagoski. Now the book is geared for women however you will learn a lot about how we all have been taught about sex wrongly. She may be interested in reading or listening to it too.
So many great things here! I don't know what to add! One thing to start, don't feel that ED might be an issue unless a doctor has measured you before and after being 39, your natural body may have changed and that is life, no worries, the above comments and below will get you being the new biggest and strongest lion ever that will live with you now for the rest of your life! I'm 43 and never had this strong EQ in my life even in my prime of early 20's.

1. C-Rings, try the large C-ring over cock and ball after a water pump. I have gotten wifey to tell me she doesn't even feel it, and I get that girth. That is the most comfortable with longevity and girth. But keep buying more C-rings and see which works. Don't get any of the ones that add clit stimulation for now. Focus on what get's you that thick cock.
2. Water pumping for me is the only way to go and increased my EQ from 85% to 99% the hardest EQ ever in my life.
3. Be a multi-orgasmic man (search google for the book) to get that great stamina and give wifey that D many more times a week
4. Try this vitamin combo, you should feel a lot more cum which will get you feeling like a Lion in the sack, my Wife loves the extra cum. Your wife sounds like she will love it too!

Start with 1 & 2 (3 if needed) then add 4 and then 5 a few weeks and weeks after and see what combo works for you. #5 is tricky with some saying it helps, some not, and some depending on dosage, hurts the stomach when taken.

(1) Zinc, 20-50mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 20-50mg (with food) (some vets recommend 20 mg strength depending on your diet, many have tried 50mg with success, it depends on your diet and how much Zinc you are getting)
(2) Lecithin, 1200mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 1200mg (with food)
(3) Bromelain, 500mg, Taken 1 time daily =500mg (This is for men who are unsure if they taste good. This is Wifey approved and verified, she is shocked that I don’t taste like anything or that it is no longer salty. (with or without food) (not a substitute for eating junk or not working out- only after you are on your A-game but nothing else works)

(4) L-Arginine, 1000mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 1000mg (no food)
(5) Pygeum & Saw Palmetto, 160/50 mg Strength, Taken 2 times daily = 200mg (I could not take Pygeum in large doses, my stomach would hurt, so I am doing the mix of these with food) (some vets say this does not work for them, others love it- you must test on your self)
Good Morning @DD85,

Thank you for sharing.

Here are suggestions that may help you. Please bear in mind the importance of the word "bio-individuality" which means that God has created us all unique so what works for one person may not work for you. This is your journey so mileage may vary.

  1. For anxiety, have you considered mastering breathing techniques? I would recommend Dr. Andrew Hubermann's Psychological Sigh. Here is the WHY and here is the HOW.
  2. I had struggled with erections being in my 50's. The pumping helped tremendously to increase my erections. I also use supplements to target circulation like NOW Foods hawthorn. Since you are sitting all day (I can relate because I work as a truck driver), you can take nattokinase which can break up blood clots. In addition, I take borax with magnesium. Borax is a fairly amazing substance.
  3. Speaking of sitting, did you know sitting is as bad as smoking? You can set a loop timer on your phone to go off every 16m 40 s and get up to stretch or walk around.
Regarding your wife, what is she doing to improve her sexual health? She stated she doesn't feel anything...this makes me think of pelvic floor issues possibility. Dr. Bri is an expert on pelvic floor and she may find value from her YouTube channel.

Lastly, I HIGHLY recommend reading or listening to the audiobook "Come As You Are" by Emily Nagoski. Now the book is geared for women however you will learn a lot about how we all have been taught about sex wrongly. She may be interested in reading or listening to it too.
Wow! Thank you for this reply.

My new allergist has me doing breath work. I wouldn't say ive mastered it, but it is part of my daily routine. I've been learning a lot and trying to implement as much as possible.

I too am a truck driver. I do local Work, so I'm in and out of the truck all day, but still obviously sit a lot.

Regarding my wife, we did almost a year of couples therapy which is when I learned she wasnt getting what she wanted out of sex. I had always thought I had the higher drive and would always ask her what I can do for her, but she was always hesitant to tell me. She finally opened up about what she wanted and now I always take care of her first! However she also deals with a lot of work stress and everyday stress which hurts her libido. She was on birth control and an anti anxiety.ed herself for a while which didn't help. She has since gotten off of all of those and is back to working out and doing well I must say! Her biggest thing is she doesn't like to talk about sex and I do. That creates a lot of anxiety in me as there are other things I want to do with her but she's sometimes not willing to give me time to talk.

I did buy her a kegel machine thing which she used for a while but hasn't now in a couple months. She currently states her needs are now being met which I guess is good, but her fire kind of died off a little again.

Communication has been our biggest downfall as a couple. We also were not taught about sex in the correct way and are learning our way through it more. Things are definitely better than they used to be, but there are still struggles.
So many great things here! I don't know what to add! One thing to start, don't feel that ED might be an issue unless a doctor has measured you before and after being 39, your natural body may have changed and that is life, no worries, the above comments and below will get you being the new biggest and strongest lion ever that will live with you now for the rest of your life! I'm 43 and never had this strong EQ in my life even in my prime of early 20's.

1. C-Rings, try the large C-ring over cock and ball after a water pump. I have gotten wifey to tell me she doesn't even feel it, and I get that girth. That is the most comfortable with longevity and girth. But keep buying more C-rings and see which works. Don't get any of the ones that add clit stimulation for now. Focus on what get's you that thick cock.
2. Water pumping for me is the only way to go and increased my EQ from 85% to 99% the hardest EQ ever in my life.
3. Be a multi-orgasmic man (search google for the book) to get that great stamina and give wifey that D many more times a week
4. Try this vitamin combo, you should feel a lot more cum which will get you feeling like a Lion in the sack, my Wife loves the extra cum. Your wife sounds like she will love it too!

Start with 1 & 2 (3 if needed) then add 4 and then 5 a few weeks and weeks after and see what combo works for you. #5 is tricky with some saying it helps, some not, and some depending on dosage, hurts the stomach when taken.

(1) Zinc, 20-50mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 20-50mg (with food) (some vets recommend 20 mg strength depending on your diet, many have tried 50mg with success, it depends on your diet and how much Zinc you are getting)
(2) Lecithin, 1200mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 1200mg (with food)
(3) Bromelain, 500mg, Taken 1 time daily =500mg (This is for men who are unsure if they taste good. This is Wifey approved and verified, she is shocked that I don’t taste like anything or that it is no longer salty. (with or without food) (not a substitute for eating junk or not working out- only after you are on your A-game but nothing else works)

(4) L-Arginine, 1000mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 1000mg (no food)
(5) Pygeum & Saw Palmetto, 160/50 mg Strength, Taken 2 times daily = 200mg (I could not take Pygeum in large doses, my stomach would hurt, so I am doing the mix of these with food) (some vets say this does not work for them, others love it- you must test on your self)
This is all great info! I am currently taking a men's multivitamin from seeking health. I'll have to see if any of these ingredients are in it already so I don't over do anything. I know it has ashwaganda in it which helps desire. I also can have vitamins upset my stomach so I'll do what I can to incorporate your suggestions.

I will also invest into some more rings as I've noticed the ones I have do help. Thanks for all the info!
I also forgot to ask, but is water pumping that much better than a regular pump? One thing I dont like about the regular pumps is that the water based lube seems to dry out quick and then my johnson sticks to the inside of the tube.
I also forgot to ask, but is water pumping that much better than a regular pump? One thing I dont like about the regular pumps is that the water based lube seems to dry out quick and then my johnson sticks to the inside of the tube.

I would like to do water however time and clean-up is a factor. With dry pumping, little to clean up.
Wow! Thank you for this reply.

My new allergist has me doing breath work. I wouldn't say ive mastered it, but it is part of my daily routine. I've been learning a lot and trying to implement as much as possible.

I too am a truck driver. I do local Work, so I'm in and out of the truck all day, but still obviously sit a lot.

Regarding my wife, we did almost a year of couples therapy which is when I learned she wasnt getting what she wanted out of sex. I had always thought I had the higher drive and would always ask her what I can do for her, but she was always hesitant to tell me. She finally opened up about what she wanted and now I always take care of her first! However she also deals with a lot of work stress and everyday stress which hurts her libido. She was on birth control and an anti anxiety.ed herself for a while which didn't help. She has since gotten off of all of those and is back to working out and doing well I must say! Her biggest thing is she doesn't like to talk about sex and I do. That creates a lot of anxiety in me as there are other things I want to do with her but she's sometimes not willing to give me time to talk.

I did buy her a kegel machine thing which she used for a while but hasn't now in a couple months. She currently states her needs are now being met which I guess is good, but her fire kind of died off a little again.

Communication has been our biggest downfall as a couple. We also were not taught about sex in the correct way and are learning our way through it more. Things are definitely better than they used to be, but there are still struggles.

My pleasure!

She may need to have her hormones tested too. T-test for you may bring insights on your current levels, too.
At 6.5" x 5", you're already a great size, my friend (the average is 5.2" x 4.6"). Also, if you Google "ideal penis size", in a survey done amongst sexually active women - their average ideal penis size was 6.4" x 5". So if your wife says she can't feel you as much, it would seem to be her problem rather than yours 😉.
Well I guess like some guys, it looks small to me and smaller from the top down. Plus I'm a grower, so if Im not super turned on, it might be a little less. My wife has said some conflicting things to me in the past, so not sure what her deal is. She used to hate being on top because she said I was poking her and it hurt. That was before 2 kids. Can't win
Well honestly, watching p**n over many years hasnt helped my self esteem. I know we shouldn't be comparing to those guys, but it's hard to feel like you're above average compared to most videos. That is why I've tried to stay away from it in resent years. It doesn't offer anything good.
Well honestly, watching p**n over many years hasnt helped my self esteem. I know we shouldn't be comparing to those guys, but it's hard to feel like you're above average compared to most videos. That is why I've tried to stay away from it in resent years. It doesn't offer anything good.
Entertainment videos, or even amateur voyerism, are from the selected fews who are confident about their sizes. However, the outlook always should focus on what your aims are and the intended size you want to use for. As many PE gainers here would say, 6.5x5 is considered as top of the game for most. If your partners along the way before marriage want more, use that as a reference that the ones in your region want something more satisfaction. Don't compare to other males, but listen to the companions' needs. Once you have that permanent partner, she will want more soon enough. That 6.5x5 won't cut it. Even 7x5.5 won't cut it. 8x6 may be the new golden beginning.
Well honestly, watching p**n over many years hasnt helped my self esteem. I know we shouldn't be comparing to those guys, but it's hard to feel like you're above average compared to most videos. That is why I've tried to stay away from it in resent years. It doesn't offer anything good.
It goes against out belief in God which brings so many negative issues we need not engage in
@DD with P*RN we just need to put it in it's proper place. Understanding that actors are chosen with 7in min is already one-sided. If this were real life we would see all types of D's in those, but we don't. Then it would be like less than 2-5% of that would be with men over 7in too.

So wifey used to not be good on top, a mix-up on both her and I. Her because she wasn't in the zone and she didn't know how to ride. Me because when she is on top I was just tapping the cervix, and as an inexperienced man I would say to myself I'm going deep... ATTACK! Wow was I wrong!! When you are at the Cervix you have to reposition, not try and jam it, that I know is the problem with most men when starting to go deep. Technically if she said you hurt you could have repositioned and hit the A-spot and both you and her would be in heaven. Instead of avoiding her on top, I would double down on it.

I say this because this is what happened to me. At 5.75 NBPEL I was there and a few times her on top was the most epic sex we ever had, but with just a little, 6 NBPEL I was there, and then when I repositioned she was like WOW! Talk about real life P*RN in front of you!!!

I'm a grower too, so I hear you bro! Trust the process don't give up. I am at one year of my third newbie routine. I am in Cloud 9, but just like you 2 months, 4 months, 8 months not until 9 months did everything start coming together, and then now at a year...OMG! it's a whole new world with Wifey!!! I want you to read my other post about things I did to spice things up after 14 years of marriage.
This is all great stuff! It is awesome to have a place to talk about this stuff. Even more than just how to get a bigger dick, but how to better your life and relationship. I will go over to your other thread as I have some more insight on there that my wife and I have learned.
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Well I guess like some guys, it looks small to me and smaller from the top down.
Don't worry, mate... I think all (or most!) guys feel like that. I know for a fact (looking at the ruler, lol) that I'm considered "very large", but I often don't feel it when I look in the mirror 🥴.

Plus, with the p**n thing, you have to remember that most of the guys in the videos are only (or mainly) there because of their large size - they are VERY much the minority though when it comes to penis size... in reality/every day life, you're FAR more likely to find guys under 6" than over 7" or 8". Not to mention, the camera angles and close-ups make the penis look much bigger too(!).
Well I guess like some guys, it looks small to me and smaller from the top down. Plus I'm a grower, so if Im not super turned on, it might be a little less. My wife has said some conflicting things to me in the past, so not sure what her deal is. She used to hate being on top because she said I was poking her and it hurt. That was before 2 kids. Can't win
LOL I think it's 99.5% of the men out there look smaller from the top down. The base is always wider than the tip. I worked hard in the past few years to get the glans to expand, and refocus harder this year to get it even larger. This is why, for me, I attempt to focus on the glans expansion over the rest of the penile body. I noticed the larger glans helps my wife to enjoy the deep penetration moment without the "owwie!" while stimulating her spots. Lots of work.
Don't worry, mate... I think all (or most!) guys feel like that. I know for a fact (looking at the ruler, lol) that I'm considered "very large", but I often don't feel it when I look in the mirror 🥴.

Plus, with the p**n thing, you have to remember that most of the guys in the videos are only (or mainly) there because of their large size - they are VERY much the minority though when it comes to penis size... in reality/every day life, you're FAR more likely to find guys under 6" than over 7" or 8". Not to mention, the camera angles and close-ups make the penis look much bigger too(!).
We get used to our own penis that is why we do not feel big even when we are.
If your erected length are over 5 Inch length or you are approaching 6 you are big enough to make a woman squirt and feel wonderful squirting orgasms.

As you say, most men in those movies have their penis appear bigger then it is. This will warp your sens of reality, and you will start to believe that every man walking around in reality, are walking around with a 10 Inch long penis. They can make a 7 Inch long penis appear as if it was 10 Inch and a 5.5 Inch penis appear as if that was 7 in those movies. They can even edit videos in post production and use CGI (Computer-generated imagery) to increase the size of the penises (I don't know it they are doing that?).

These videos can destroy your brain.
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