Hi There! Thank you for having me and I really appreciate being part of this group!
After reading some DLD posts I wanted to clarify a few things for my own knowledge before starting a routine.
1. Can someone give me a general daily breakdown of what should be done each day to achieve size and girth?
2. Currently, I am using a bathmate during a shower and a “still on” all day stretcher for majority of my day. I drink 1/2 gallon of water per day with creatine/L Arginine/L Citrulline/celtic salt/tongkat Ali being added in.
I’d like to start my morning with the stretches DLD said in one of his posts( 30secs left right center) and then after that wear my still on ADS for the day. Later on at night, perform the 5min bathmate/5 min slow squash routine and then put back on the ADS until bedtime to cement the gains.
I’d love to hear feedback from anyone who can suggest better/more/different/etc. I’m the guy who can easily follow a plan to the T I just need to know the plan first.
I think I’m like most guys here who are apprehensive about taking the time to fully commit to a plan because they don’t know if 6 months down the road of doing the same plan they get no results. We all don’t want to go blindly into this so that’s why we are here to seek help from professionals and seasoned veterans with real results.
Thank you all for reading my ramble and I hope to make friends and be a positive supportive attribute to this community! As many of you, it’s been my dream to have an impressive looking penis as I’m only 6x3.5 currently. Let’s help each other get to where we want in our journey
After reading some DLD posts I wanted to clarify a few things for my own knowledge before starting a routine.
1. Can someone give me a general daily breakdown of what should be done each day to achieve size and girth?
2. Currently, I am using a bathmate during a shower and a “still on” all day stretcher for majority of my day. I drink 1/2 gallon of water per day with creatine/L Arginine/L Citrulline/celtic salt/tongkat Ali being added in.
I’d like to start my morning with the stretches DLD said in one of his posts( 30secs left right center) and then after that wear my still on ADS for the day. Later on at night, perform the 5min bathmate/5 min slow squash routine and then put back on the ADS until bedtime to cement the gains.
I’d love to hear feedback from anyone who can suggest better/more/different/etc. I’m the guy who can easily follow a plan to the T I just need to know the plan first.
I think I’m like most guys here who are apprehensive about taking the time to fully commit to a plan because they don’t know if 6 months down the road of doing the same plan they get no results. We all don’t want to go blindly into this so that’s why we are here to seek help from professionals and seasoned veterans with real results.
Thank you all for reading my ramble and I hope to make friends and be a positive supportive attribute to this community! As many of you, it’s been my dream to have an impressive looking penis as I’m only 6x3.5 currently. Let’s help each other get to where we want in our journey