Newbie to Hair Removal

I have a bit of a forrest down there and I want to get rid of it. I tried shaving with some bloody results so that is out of the question for getting close anyway. What about Nair or something like that? I tried a low cost off brand hair removal foam but it burned badly so I never used it again. Is there any way to remove pubic hair without shaving relatively inexpensively? I don't care if it is permanent or not, I just want to be able to maintain it without it looking like a forrest.
Hi, do a search for hair removal threads. I know that there has been quite a few. I am similar to you but what I am considering doing is getting laser hair removal. Someone said a while back that it isn't permanent, well it is it just takes a few sessions because the hairs have different growing phases. It will take about 4 to 5 sessions depending on the type of skin you have and/or the laser you use. The cost varies probably between $50-$100 for the first session and the amount goes down for subsequent session as there will be less hair.
really shaving is the easiest I Think. Once you have your hair consistently short you can do nair but shaving is the cheapest. If your cutting yourself yoru pushing too hard with a dull knife man. It's hard when you have a lot of hair but after that first week of trimming it stops itching.
I have a bit of a forrest down there and I want to get rid of it. I tried shaving with some bloody results so that is out of the question for getting close anyway. What about Nair or something like that? I tried a low cost off brand hair removal foam but it burned badly so I never used it again. Is there any way to remove pubic hair without shaving relatively inexpensively? I don't care if it is permanent or not, I just want to be able to maintain it without it looking like a forrest.

Have you tried using clippers first to get the hair down to say 1/2" or shorter? Then try shaving the area. This works for me anyway.

i would use some type of electric buzzer to get down close first (such as a beard trimmer) and then shave. The razor you use, the type of shave cream, and the amount of time you spend warming the area all have huge effects on the outcome (bloody vs not bloody, bumps, etc.) There was a thread by DLD called 'shaving tips from the hair monster' or something like that which would be a good read..
yea try clippers,If u tryin to be baby clean i dont know.Plus if u use a razor its gonna be a lot thicker when it grows back and u will have to shave constantly.
i dont like the bald eagle look - so i just trim them with a beard shaver
your skin will toughen up and not burn , If you keep on shaving

Its torture in the beggining!
goldmember said:
i would use some type of electric buzzer to get down close first (such as a beard trimmer) and then shave. The razor you use, the type of shave cream, and the amount of time you spend warming the area all have huge effects on the outcome (bloody vs not bloody, bumps, etc.) There was a thread by DLD called 'shaving tips from the hair monster' or something like that which would be a good read..

lol dld was a fucken ape before man, he looks like a chic magnet now
Yeah, best bet is to just cut the hair short either with a trimmer or just a regular pair of scissors. Then you'd probably want to use a sharp razor for the best results depending on what kinda look you want.

I tried carving a J into my pubic hair out of boredom.. Don't do that. :)
