I'll break things down. I have both
SiliStretcher and
Forte mimicks from ages past.
Forte is a
cap type, whole
SiliStretcher is
cylinder type. Both uses pressure to seal.
Cap type is simple, slip on on the glans, slide down the penis
sleeve, pressurize, and done.
Cylinder type is the same, but the
cylinder designed to have higher vacuum pressure as it's designed to seal the glans and the corona even tighter.
Cap system is looser and tends to loose vac pressure within an hour, while
cylinder type maintains pressures for hours and hours. The pressure loss is good in a sense since prolong of too much vac pressure, by accident, can create blister. However, good long sealed pressure prevent accidental slips during aggressive movements. So, you got both the good and bad from both systems.
Forte uses a soft foam rubber to
strap around the penis. This foam rubber breaks very easily after a few weeks of uses. The
SiliStretcher uses straps around the legs or neck/shoulders. You can get higher intensity stretches without the fear of breaking parts. However, ADS must not exceed 2.5lbs for long wearing.
Forte has a tension marker to quickly identify this.
SiliStretcher don't. However, you can tell by sensation alone. Once you wear either, all boils down to is feeling the tension to prevent the exceedance of 2.5lbs of tension. Anything beyond 2.5lbs, you get a diminishing of return on healing and stretching beyond 2 hours.
This is why
Length Master has a hard limit on how many minutes you should focus on, follows by wraps or ADS wears. The bundle stretches are between 30 to 90 minutes, all depending on if you're going Hulk mode or baby mode. ADS is pure baby mode. I use the
SiliStretcher to preprogram my penis similar to the
Length Master's bundle stretches while I do other things, with 5 to 7.5lbs of
hanging weights for a total of 60 minutes. I follow up with ADS wearing up to 16 hours to solidify the stretch gains from the
hanging and stretching. When your ADS and
hanging/manual stretches don't work any more due to a growth wall, you have to be aggressive using
Length Master or similar methods. Just like physical muscle building, your PE will hit a growth wall, both length and girth. I actually hit that growth wall once with girth and use a higher vacuum pressure to do my expansion. Lots of pains. Same with my length. 5lbs hang with 2.5lbs sustain intensity didn't cut it. I switched to 7 and 10lbs for 15 minutes to start, then lower intensity to maintain. Broke that wall for more growth. If I sense the pattern, I will the growth wall again when I hit 7.5in from my starting point of 6.5in.
Length Master will be used to break my wall at that time.
Hope that's enough nitty gritty. There is more if you need it.