New penis size research !!

Dal vasto campione emerge che la lunghezza media del pene maschile è - come accennato - di 9,16 cm di lunghezza, e 9,13 di circonferenza, quando l'organo è flaccido, e 13,12 cm di lunghezza, per 11,66 di circonferenza, in erezione. Le eccezioni alla media sono piuttosto rare: solo 5 uomini su 100 hanno genitali più lunghi di 16 cm, e solo 5 su 100 hanno un pene più corto di 10 cm..

13.12x11,66 we are a bit bigger than that....:)
From the large sample shows that the average length of the male penis is - as mentioned - of 9,16 cm long, and 9.13 in circumference, when the organ is flaccid, and 13,12 cm in length, for 11,66 in circumference, in erection. The exceptions to the media are quite rare: only 5 out of 100 men have genital longer than 16 cm, and only 5 out of 100 have a penis shorter than 10 cm.
well its not about bragging but i love PE, being 7 bpel its a success id say, now cant wait until im 7 NBPEL march13 measuring day cant skip one single day!!;)
well its not about bragging but i love PE, being 7 bpel its a success id say, now cant wait until im 7 NBPEL march13 measuring day cant skip one single day!!;)

You must drop this habit of setting short terms goals that never yields any result. You've been doing this for more than a decade.
The first measurement will be in 3 months.n I'll measure again by the end of the year..n so on👍

You still haven't learnt your lesson. Newbies measure in 3 months. You are not a newbie. I doubt you can even train consistently for 3 months. You always fall off.