Progress thread My quest for a ruler dick

If you put the lengthmaster towards the base of your penis you get less rotation.
Yep. True. Tried that a few times and only achieved at 1.75 rotations at best. Nearly cried blood hell trying to pull hard downwad at that rotation. I want full crank rotations all along the top to the bottom. Get more collagen breakage for the length of time needed. Slap on the pump afterwards and get even more length. Can't have too much of these types of sessions before the body over adapt the stress loads and slow down the progresses.

Talked to two specialists doing PE with soundwaves. They plateaued long ago, so they switched to isolated lateral soundwave applications to break collagen under traction force of 5lbs. Works really well on one as he gain 0.75in in 3 months. I nearly dropped my burger listening to him. The other one does get that kind of gain length wise, but did gain 0.5in in girth in a month. The machine they have is $3K. Yeah, not too keen on investing that kind of money.
Yep. True. Tried that a few times and only achieved at 1.75 rotations at best. Nearly cried blood hell trying to pull hard downwad at that rotation. I want full crank rotations all along the top to the bottom. Get more collagen breakage for the length of time needed. Slap on the pump afterwards and get even more length. Can't have too much of these types of sessions before the body over adapt the stress loads and slow down the progresses.

Talked to two specialists doing PE with soundwaves. They plateaued long ago, so they switched to isolated lateral soundwave applications to break collagen under traction force of 5lbs. Works really well on one as he gain 0.75in in 3 months. I nearly dropped my burger listening to him. The other one does get that kind of gain length wise, but did gain 0.5in in girth in a month. The machine they have is $3K. Yeah, not too keen on investing that kind of money.
Never heard of isolated lateral soundwave application.
Never heard of isolated lateral soundwave application.
The soundwave technology has been around for quite a while. Nowadays it's called LIST (low intensity soundwave or shockwave therapy). They're applying to perform scar tissues and ED correction. Side benefits are collagen breakdown during a 20 minutes application during a side by side traction force for penile elongation.

There are many kind of machines with various bells and whistles. Something like these.


They used for non-invasive fat removal in the past. Now, it's scarring and tissue plague. Some used as lower intensity tissue therapy to induce growth within the deeper areas to reduce chances of surgery.
So this will be done at a urology clinic?
They colleagues use them at home with their personal machines. You can look for clinics that will perform the processes for you, but it will be pricy. Very pricy. However, they won't have the PE tools to assist you with as the PE tools are not part of the medical practices. They will do the plague and scarring tissue procedure.
Wow. 25lbs!? That is one tough and trained penile tissues. You are no longer a Spartan spear shaft. You're freaking Sparton cannon shaft. I can barely push my tension force past 12lbs to test under the Length Master to break some collagen bonds when I strap the hanger near the base of the glans.

Did you strap the hanger near the penis base before the weight pull?
Yea my ligs are tough to break I have to hang heavy I am a hard gainer.The thicker your penis the harder it is to stretch.
@oldandlively, go back in this thread and look at the vaccum pressure @9.5inchpro are using in the MityVac. You will be astonished!!!
I did. At times, I wonder which part of the penile shaft he strapped on. There were mid, then base, then base of glans. It's crazy tissue breakage.

Yea my ligs are tough to break I have to hang heavy I am a hard gainer.The thicker your penis the harder it is to stretch.
Try not to break your ligs, but to soften the dense penile tissues. You may have reached the point where your penile tissues along the shaft reach crazy density, so, focus on collagen breakage for the dense tissues rather than forcing your tissues at the base to give in. Ligamentary damage will cause more harm than good in the long run. Shaft tissues reformation, not as much harm. Look into the low intensity shockwave therapy (LIST) for home usages. It may be a worthy investment. I'm looking into that myself as I hound and harrass two of my colleagues that are currently using them.
Can you break ligs? Now I'm scared.
Yes, you can. You defintely can. I'll provide insights on the lig separation from tissues based on the info I've received. Since I'm not entitled to provide the sources, I can provided the summaries instead.

Ligs snapping:
  • The ligs are very tough. So tough that it requires a sudden introduction of 30lbs of traction force to snap it. 5 minutes of 20lbs downward force can indeed snap it as well. This happened multiple times during reports of sexual partners gone a bit too wild in their positions.
  • Your ligs are attached to the pelvic bone, unlike tendons. If you slowly stretches the ligaments over time, safely, then your ligs will stretch further out. Too much stretching, your ligs thin out. Too long and too thin, your ligs can snap.
  • Healing of the damaged ligs are very, very, very long. When the lig is broken completely into segments, only surgery can fix it.
Ligs displacement:
  • Just like above, your ligs are attached to the pelvic bone, unlike tendons. Too much traction force, your lig fibrous connections start to pull away from the attachment points. Your muscles tissues act as a secondary connection points as your lig fibrous connection tear away. Keep going, and you have no lig connection left between the bone surface or muscle tissues. You'll have a hard dangling penis.
  • Sudden snap of the connection from the lig connection point does the same thing. Only surgery at this point will place the ligs back into place.

Just something to be aware about.
Yes, you can. You defintely can. I'll provide insights on the lig separation from tissues based on the info I've received. Since I'm not entitled to provide the sources, I can provided the summaries instead.

Ligs snapping:
  • The ligs are very tough. So tough that it requires a sudden introduction of 30lbs of traction force to snap it. 5 minutes of 20lbs downward force can indeed snap it as well. This happened multiple times during reports of sexual partners gone a bit too wild in their positions.
  • Your ligs are attached to the pelvic bone, unlike tendons. If you slowly stretches the ligaments over time, safely, then your ligs will stretch further out. Too much stretching, your ligs thin out. Too long and too thin, your ligs can snap.
  • Healing of the damaged ligs are very, very, very long. When the lig is broken completely into segments, only surgery can fix it.
Ligs displacement:
  • Just like above, your ligs are attached to the pelvic bone, unlike tendons. Too much traction force, your lig fibrous connections start to pull away from the attachment points. Your muscles tissues act as a secondary connection points as your lig fibrous connection tear away. Keep going, and you have no lig connection left between the bone surface or muscle tissues. You'll have a hard dangling penis.
  • Sudden snap of the connection from the lig connection point does the same thing. Only surgery at this point will place the ligs back into place.

Just something to be aware about.

Okay they can, read something about this before. They can be stretched to a point, in order to be able to retract. But stretched to far they will not be able to retract fully.

I was pretty rough (stretching hard) with my ligs, but I believe I did it in a safe way. But can't help to feel anxious about my ligs. But they feel solid and tight. Feels normal.

This happened multiple times during reports of sexual partners gone a bit too wild in their positions.
I don't understand how this is possible.

So you should be able to grow your penis without stretching ligs? I always did full relaxation into the stretch/reverse Kegel, but there where other ways as well? I wish I knew this beforehand.
I don't think they can break.Dld is prime example he use to hang 70 pounds and was fine.Theres a hanger who used to be on the forum his name is extreme,he use to hang hundreds pounds.
I hung 70 pounds with no issue. I'm not convinced of breaking a ligament
I don't understand how this is possible.
Oooo..Let's share some fun facts. Ever heard of the wall hangers where you mount the ladies up on straps and ropes? Well, that can also be done for men as well. Imagine the ladies doing the yanking and pulling on the male-slaves in the S&M plays while the men are being hung. It's not about just snapping or breaking your penis along the shaft. It's breaking all the way at the base of the penis, ligs and muscles tearing on top of just snapping.

Positions like reserve cowgirls while raising the partner in midair, against the walls, shower/bathroom stalls, or going wild over the sink areas and suddenly slipped. *SNAP* and *BREAK*

Yeah, I dropped my coffee mugs or screens filled with my coffee so many time reading the reports from these intense sessions. Ladies came into emergency clinics with the similar injuries. We have to come up with various methods to treat and repair these oddballs results.

So you should be able to grow your penis without stretching ligs? I always did full relaxation into the stretch/reverse Kegel, but there where other ways as well? I wish I knew this beforehand.
Your penis grows because you're forcing the tissues to grow. Just like how our brother @9.5inchpro stated. It's about breaking down the collagen bonds, the cell walls, and spreading the tissues apart to make the micro gaps. When breaking the collagen bonds, new bonds are created within seconds. When breaking down cell walls, resilient cells create new walls. When weak cells cannot create new cell walls, resilient cells merge with dead cells and grab onto the extra cellular components to make larger cells. When micro gaps are created, existing cells are told to duplicate within the first 2 to 4 hours. Sometimes, 24 hours. This is where the growth for your penis lies. Breaking and damaging your ligs down help with the growth. It helps to lengthen your penis a bit because of the relaxed ligs. Total missing length is around 1 inch. But you're risking breaking the ligs if you're being too overzealous.

Trick for length is what you're doing. Stretch like crazy to create gaps, break down the cells, and pry open more gaps for growth. Our brother @9.5inchpro tissues are way too dense because of his prior growth. His tissues contains more dense tissues than most. The only way he can grow longer and larger is to break down as many of his dense tissues and allow his cells to become larger by merging. Larger cells have more rooms to squeeze more micro gaps in between like large air balloons. Shockwave therapy may be his golden ticket.
I hung 70 pounds with no issue. I'm not convinced of breaking a ligament
I'm not surprised since you've conditioned yourself so much that your tissues and lig fibrous connections are beyond the normal. You two been doing this for so many years, your tissues from the base of the penis and along the shaft become so dense that any possible dislodgement is being held on by recoverying tissues. It's like Hulk teams of muscle tissues in there.
I'm not surprised since you've conditioned yourself so much that your tissues and lig fibrous connections are beyond the normal. You two been doing this for so many years, your tissues from the base of the penis and along the shaft become so dense that any possible dislodgement is being held on by recoverying tissues. It's like Hulk teams of muscle tissues in there.
yea I been pumping since my 20s and I am now 45 using a 2.25 penis pump.
Thanks for explaining @oldandlively, really appreciate it. I understand now.

This I have never heard about before. 🤔
Well, that can also be done for men as well. Imagine the ladies doing the yanking and pulling on the male-slaves in the S&M plays while the men are being hung. It's not about just snapping or breaking your penis along the shaft. It's breaking all the way at the base of the penis, ligs and muscles tearing on top of just snapping.

Positions like reserve cowgirls while raising the partner in midair, against the walls, shower/bathroom stalls, or going wild over the sink areas and suddenly slipped. *SNAP* and *BREAK*

Yeah, I dropped my coffee mugs or screens filled with my coffee so many time reading the reports from these intense sessions. Ladies came into emergency clinics with the similar injuries. We have to come up with various methods to treat and repair these oddballs results.
You will get there brother. Positive mindset. Because your tissues is so strong now, and using the $20k machine is out of the question, let's use the existing tools you have while your tissues are still primed. Cut back on kegels. This reinforced the internal tissues from releasing and relaxing. No more hanging too much heavy weights in a static (stand still). This forces the soft tissues to become stronger and more dense because of the constant tension and traction at high gravity pull.

These are just suggestions from me after understanding tissues management from so many years of researches.

Dynamic tissue stressor:
In the old days, we called it weight swing. When we hang weights, we swing it wildly back and forth and side to side. We were trying to see what works. To our surprises, we were close to the truth without knowing. Aggressive micro tears form during this phase. However, it doesn't need to have weights. You can use any method, be the $20k machine, a pump system that can deliver up to 20in-lbs of suction force with cycles of 10 seconds, Length Master, or pipe tightener to tie to bungee lines that can offer the same tugging energy potential. I'm just suggesting at this high energy level because you've been pushing your weight usages that high for so long. However, starter low to feel the needs first before going up.

Like the LM routines, we twist and pull, stretch and tug in a slow and intensifed session every set. But, in a dynamic stressor, we go slightly faster. This causes instant tissue and collagen bonding breaking traumas. You are yanking and tugging with intensity every 5 to 7 seconds rather than holding for 30 seconds. Using a rope, a band, or system you come up with for leverage and start yanking and tugging in all directions. This includes twists on your penile shaft to break the tissues even more.

Isolation extension:
Just like an injured body part, you need to isolate the penile shaft after the routine. But the trick is to add minimum traction. The ADS, the traction device, or even basic wraps but with supports. You can use a cheapy PVC pipe cutout if you like. I did that in the past and it worked. Just make sure to smooth things up. Silicone dip is cheap too. A nice quick comfort layer dip will do the trick. However, a minimum traction force is needed. Yours may be at 2.25lbs, or even 2.5lbs. You may need more, but don't go too high at the moment.

Massages for blood flow:
We talked about gua sha and shiatsu to bring blood into the penis. We even talked about angion methods. All these methods are to constant promote blood flow into the penis every moment of the day. Gua sha is an age old proven method. Angion is not new, but newly added as application method for blood flow. Give each a try.
Dld I am feeling a little depressed I have put in so much hard work and not gaining.
You are huge but the bigger we get the harder to gain. I suggest you turn up intensity to you limits.
hey brothers,I want to do pe so bad but I have to wait until I heal,I think I have to go back to the hospital one of my surgical scars open with the dissolve stitches.
Be patient brother. Don't want to hurt that precious baby maker. It'll be a few months before that million plus swimmer counts return.
I hope I can take up LengthMaster 3 stretches in the future.

I really miss the wonderful feeling of stretching out my entire shaft and my inner penis.

It's a wonderful feeling. Don't lie and say you experience pain. It's just wonderful.
I hope I can take up LengthMaster 3 stretches in the future.

I really miss the wonderful feeling of stretching out my entire shaft and my inner penis.

It's a wonderful feeling. Don't lie and say you experience pain. It's just wonderful.
You will never stop you already seen the success of your work. Pe gives us a great sense of massive growth. Go for the 10 x 6 and you will conquer all
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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