More bad news about the spouse.



hey guys we just found out that my spouse has a brain annurism , so I don't know how much PE I will be able to get in, or if I will even be in the mood to do any PE.
bandit2010;713449 said:
hey guys we just found out that my spouse has a brain annurism , so I don't know how much PE I will be able to get in, or if I will even be in the mood to do any PE.

Sorry about whats going on, I wish you the best. PE should be the least of your worries as of now. It can wait.
More than likely I do some PE just because it gets my mind off things.
I'm so sorry to hear, hopefully her prognosis is positive and she can fight her way through this. Be her ROCK and make sure she knows you're there every step of the way. Handle anything that you can so she can 100% focus on her recovery. Much love and prayer to you and your family
We have to make it i havent feeling ok i had to visit the doctor a few times last month too, Life can strike us when we least expect it..

We have to keep in mind that after the storm comes the calm.:cool:
bandit2010;713449 said:
hey guys we just found out that my spouse has a brain annurism , so I don't know how much PE I will be able to get in, or if I will even be in the mood to do any PE.

I'm sorry to hear about this bro. If I were you I would take some time off, but that's just me. I hope everything turns out. We are here for you!
bandit2010;713449 said:
hey guys we just found out that my spouse has a brain annurism , so I don't know how much PE I will be able to get in, or if I will even be in the mood to do any PE.

My thoughts are with you in this difficult time, stay strong bro.
I will pray for you and your wife bandit, Jesus is very powerful and I pray He comes and ministers unto Her Himself! We are always here for you and if you need anything just let us know...anything!
Hey DLD thanks me and her both are devouted christians, thanks for your prayers brother, we are going to the brain surgeon this Tuesday coming we should know something then. also the way it is looking I will continue with PE some, as it seems to be the only thing that keeps me sain and from going nuts in this house, gives me something to get my mind off things.
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bandit2010;713682 said:
Hey DLD thanks me and her both are devouted christians, thanks for your prayers brother, we are going to the brain surgeon this Tuesday coming we should know something then. also the way it is looking I will continue with PE some, as it seems to be the only thing that keeps me sain and from going nuts in this house, gives me something to get my mind off things.

Non-stop prayers from me! I will pray until she gets well!

Oh Lord, I pray for all those who are sick and suffering, I pray that you bring them to a place of light, safety, health and happiness for themselves and their family and mostly I pray that you take down their oppressors whoever they may be. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, the great healer, to bring His Holy Spirit upon your Love and heal Her from all infirmities!

I wish you the best! I'm a nobody to advice anybody, but no disease happens overnight, the body shows signals but we dont hear!
But whats causes diseases? exterior factors!

Where do you get your vital minerals (vitamins)
How do you keep your body in form? (in use)
what do you nourish it with?

Have you ever heard a Lions or cows dying or sick annually from parkinson?,cancer?,heart attack?, schizophrenia?

Its because those animals stick to there biological DNA specific diets and habits! (what they were born to eat and do)

We sometimes forget WE ARE animals!
And we where not born to eat ourselves do death All day with anything we want to eat! We're soo spoiled!
Or taking drugs all day or sitting all day.

It's hard moment but if you and your wife want to get cured start by changing completely, don't think doctors has cures!
Don't expect change if you do exactly the same things when the problem was forming and appeared!

Eat clean, organic ,healthy and alkaline! (by the way cancer cells they just dont survive on alkaline tissue, they are not made for that)
Walk,swim,lift, dance, anything but get some exercisee DONE!

if you change what you do, changes what you are!

Wish you the best for you both, and about the PE training, do you! if you wanna, skip or not!
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